Newspaper Page Text
pparaon (tribune
B. T. ALLEN, Editor.
Member 11th District Press Associatier
of the Georgia Press Associate
: «*• .tion price, sl.vVm y»*ar In advanpe
r.jle are liberal and will >
• • known on application.
Entered at the Poßtoffice in Pearson, Georgia
A« mall matter ol the second claws.
The editorial .soliloquies on tin
adjournment of the Georgia leuis
lature this year presents an entire
]y new phase. Don’t say any
more that Georgia editors are not
Supt. White and his assistants
are still busy grading the papers
of the recent teacher’s exatnina
tion. From what the Tribune
could learn quite a number of the
large class of applicants for license
missed their spelling lesson. That
was too bad.
A “straw bfillot” last week
shows that Hon. Clifford Walker
is the popular candidate for gover
nor in Nashville and most probab
ly in Berrien county. Hardwick’s
unbridled tongue and pen continue
to drive voters from his standard.
He is between the upper and
nether stone of loquacity, abusing
people who do not agree with and
approve him, and it is forging his
defeat slowly but most assuredly.
Because old men and women
get nervous, childish, pettish, mad,
think and say bad things is no
reason why the younger set should
lose their heads, say and do things
to contrary them. Successful
leaders in any line of human activi
ty do not come from that class of
material. Better for you to have
“that charity that endureth all
things, hopetb all things," So why
worry about wbat folks may say
about you.
Official reports from the tobacco
markets of South Georgia this sea
son demonstrates that it is a good
crop. The two warehouses at
Nashville at the close of business
August 11 had made sale of about
300,000 pounds from which the
farmers realized more than £KI,OOO.
Equally as good reports come from
Blackshear, Douglas and Tiftou.
The secret of success in growing
tobacco for a mouey crop is not too
large an acreage for your labor to
manipulate properly.
It may have been the proper
thing to select Savannah as the
State Port of Entry, but the lan
guage used stamps the commission
as ruffians who have no regard for
ethics or good breeding. The
Tribune does not know who wrote
Brunswick’s reply, but it is cer
tainly a classic and in fine spirit.
If the engineer did not make a
survey of the port of Brunswick,
and it could not be done in three
days, then his report against her
was unfair and unjust.
The Georgia legislature has ad
journed and the members gone to
their respective homes wiser if
not better men. The only legisla
tion for Atkinson’ county is an
amendment to the Act creating a
Board of Commissions of Roads
and Revenues, which permits the
three militia districts of the coun
ty to elect their own member of
this Board. The electors can vote
only for the candidates in their
respective districts, and a candi
date to be eligible must be a free
Some South Georgia editors,
seeing trade drifting away from
their towns for the lack of invita
tions coming from the merchants
themselves through the medium
of their papers, have extended
such invitations themselves aud
agrees to see that the traders find
a store that will supply their
wants There are many ways to
drive away trade from a town and
there is none more effective than
indifference on the part of the
merchants themselves. We are
liviug iu a time when people don’t
have to go to auy certain town or
plaee to do their trading, aud they
prefer to go to that place and mer
chant who extends them an iuvita
tion and courteous treatment.
Mrs. W. B. Lankford spent Sun
day with relatives in Ambrose.
Mrs. Jesse Oberry is spending
some time at Blue Ridge, N. G.
Mr. Bobbie Gaskins is visiting
’hs. T. J. Oxford at Madison, Fla.
Miss Estelle Purvis is visiting
Miss Lena Corbitt at her country
Miss Jaunita .Sutton of Pearson
is the attractive guest of Mrs. C. C.
Mr. Randolph Moore of Albany
spent the week-end here with
Mr. Joe McDonald of Waycross
was a last Sunday visitor to Wilta
Miss Alice I’anlk has returned
home after a visit to friends in
Mr. Glynn Woodard of Homer
ville is spending a while with
friends here.
Mr. Joe McCraw of Tiftou spent
the week end here with friends
and relatives.
Mrs. Eugene Lee and daughter
spent the last week-end with re
latives in Tifton.
Mrs. Bradshaw and children of
Waycross is spending some time
here, with her sister, Mrs. Dennis
Miss Gladys Gaskins at her
country home, “Happy Hill,” had
Miss Thelma Murray for her week
end guest.
Messrs. Folsom, William and
Colon Gaskins have returned home
after a few days stay at White
Springs, Fla.
Misses Young, Ryals and China
of Poulau, Lumber City and Ludo
wiei respectively, are visiting Miss
Leola Gaskins for a few days.
Mr. Howard Vickers who has
been spending some time in Madi
son, Fla., is at borne with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. ,). J. Vickers.
The W. M. 11. of the Baptist
church met at the church Monday
afternoon, when a very interesting
program on “Education” was rend
ered. Those taking part were
Mesdames Allen, SbeJThouse, Ober
ry and Corbitt.
The Senior B. Y. P. U. held its
regular meeting Sunday evening,
with Groups one and two rendering
lhe program. Those taking part
were Misses Minnie Guldens, Lucile
Murray, Ethel Guldens, Lena
Paulk, Mr. Fred Summerlin and
Mrs. L. W. Summerlin.
Mr. George Vickers has returned
home from Canal Point, Fla.
Mr. George Davis called to see
Miss Lessie Leavens last Sunday
Miss Lillian Summerlin was all
smiles Sunday. All could see the
reason why.
A large crowd attended preach
ing services at Refuge last Satur
day and Sunday.
Miss Jannie Vickers wane a love
ly smile Sunday. Some one was
present, wonder why?
Miss Mattie Leavens looked
lonesome Sunday. What was the
matter? Cheer up, friend!
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bryant
spent last Saturday night with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Misses Lillian Summerlin and
Arlie Elanders dinert with Misses
Jannie and Lucile Vickers last
Miss Beulah Joyce was looking
good Sunday. We are sure her
best fellow must have been close
at hand.
Miss Arlie Flanders and Mr.
Warren Vickers wore pleasant
smiles last Sunday night. All can
imagine why.
A crowd of young folks are at
tending the singing school at
Sweetwater. Gee, they are having
a dandy time.
Mr. and Mrs. Mieajah Vickers
and children spent last Saturday
night and Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. William Guldens near Axsou.
Mr. Willie Summerlin spent
Sunday afternoon with Miss Lucy
Guthrie. We are patiently wait
ing for a piece of cake —we are,
sure. s
Mr. Harley Davis called to see
Miss Rosalie N ickers Sunday after
noon We are all waiting for a
nice piece of wedding cake and
baked turkey. “Wedding bells
are ringing." Cheer up.
Misses Lucy and Annie Guthrie
had for their company Sunday
afternoon Misses Lillian Summer
lin, Arlie Flanders, Jannie and
Lucile Vickers and Messrs. George
and Warren Vickers, Willie Sum
merlin and George Davis. They
I had a delightful time.
Mr. Elam Cowart was the guest
of Miss Emmie Wall last Sunday
Messrs. George and Lawrence
Gillis made a flying trip to Axson
last Saturday afternoon, and report
having a jolly time.
Mr. Charlie Wall has gone to
Reedy Branch, near Broxton to
teach a singing school. Hope he
will have a large class.
The protracted meeting at Mount
Zion begins on Saturday before
the first Sunday in September.
Everybody cordially invited to at
Mr. George Gillis was the guest
of Miss Miranda Cowart Sunday
afternoon, if he did have to swim
"Reedy.” Now, don’t get mad,
The people of this section are
having an unusual amount of rain.
The river and creeks are overflow
ing and threatening to wash away
the bridges.
Miss Christine Mizell was a guest
Monday of Miss Emmie Wall.
They had a great time eating
grapes and chatting about their
best fellows.
We are glad to announce that
I la, the little daughter of Mr. Jeff
Wall is at home from the hospital.
She is recovering from the opera
tion she underwent and it is hoped
she will continue to improve until
entirely well.
Mr. !•’, M, Cowart, candidate for
Commissioner from this section,
requests the announcement be
made that he is qualified to hold
the office if elected, even under
the new law. He owus a tract of
land near Kirkland in fee simple
and, therefore, he is a “freeholder.”
Now let the discussion about this
.matter cease. There is no reason
for disaffection among his friends
in the district.
[Editor's Note.] —Some weeks
ago the Tribune received t wo news
letters from Mi. Zion. The editor
was away and the young men in
the office, finding they did not
have space for both, consolidated
bot h into one —excluding repetition
of items —but signed only one
"nom de plume.” The consolida
tion of news-letters from the same
place are frequently made, when
space is scarce, and not with the
intention of hurting the feelings of
either of the writers. Again,
sometimes it is the case where two
or more letters come from the
same community, both or all will
contain the same item of news; and.
in that event, it is used in only
one of the letters. The editor
hopes this explanation will allay
all feeling that may have arisen
over the matter of consolidating
those two letters.]
Miss Lena Corbitt was the guest
of O'Lena aud Laura Summerlin
Paul Summerlin was the guest
of Harvey Morris Saturday and
Mrs. Sophronia Corbitt is visit
ing her brother, Mr. James Sum
merlin this week.
Rutie Flanders from Savannah
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary
Ann Neugeut, this week.
Algerine Summerlin and James
Summerlin were callers of Mis ß
Lueilia McDonald Sunday.
Mrs. NY. O. Summerlin and child
ren were the guests of her sister,
Mrs. Dixie Summerlin last Satur
Beulah Newbern and Matilda
Martin from Brunswick visited
their sister, Mrs. Reno Summerlin
last Friday. They returned home
Saturday evening.
There will be a eemetry working
at Antioch church next Tuesday,
August 22d., for the purpose of
cleaning off the graveyard. You
who are insterested in it should
go aud help do the work.
Miss Thelma Mancil spent Sun
day with Misses Ofccie and Tina
Murray. She said she had ade
lightful time.
Mr. John Carver escorted Miss
Oeeie Murray from singing school
Friday afternoon. They surd look
ed cute together. Ha! ha!
Mr. Joe Mancil escorted Miss
Ada Merritt home Friday after
noon from singing school. They
looked happy and guess they were.
Mr. .Hm Douglass called to see
Miss Dainey Simians Sunday after
noon. Guess they enjoyed each
other’s company. We are waiting
patiently for some cake.
Mr. Bailey Kirkland and Miss
Oeeie Murray were basking iu each
others smiles Sunday. Guess they
had something interesting and
amusing to talk about.
Messrs. John Carver. Joe Man
cil. Clemon aud Grady Sirmans,
Buv a Soffits
WAv-B if
j A ...
f .
No other manu
facturer in the
world has so per
sistently main
tained such high
standard of qual
ity and so deter
minedly kept
prices down.
So when you buy (
Ford Products
you will enjoy not
only the satisfac
tion of having
made the right choice
but of having saved
money besides.
Call, write or phone
for our terms.
Wm. Smith Motor Co.
Office In Malone Block
General practice In all courts, state and
Pearson. Homervllle and MUltown, Georgia
Attorney and Counselor,
Douglas. Georgia,
Office In the Union Bank building.
Practice In State and Federal courts.
Attorney and Counselor,
Pearson, Georgia.
Office tn the Pafford Building.
Prompt attention given to business In both
the State and Federal courts.
Office In the New I’alTord rtuildlm:
Pearson. Georgia
Practice In all the Courts. State and Federal
Attorney and Counselor,
Pearson, Georgia.
Will do a general practice.
Office up stairs in the Paffordbuilding.front
room on the left hand side as you go up.
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Burial Goods in Stock.
Pearson, - Georgia.
Bailey Kirkland, Henry Mancil.
Ben Corbitt, Aubrey Fender and
Clyde Register went to St. Marys
to church last Sunday. They said
they had a delightful time.
Messrs. Joe Mancil. Grady Sir
mans. John Carver and Clemon
Sirmans went to Sweetwater Fri
day afternoon. They said they had
a nice time aud were going back
next Friday.
Miss Clara Fussell looked very
lonesome Sunday. Why? Because
Mr. Clemon Sirmans did not make
his usual visit. Cheer up. Clara,
he'll not be a bad boy long. Talk
the matter over with him and he'll
come straight, never fear.
Sp«rial Solid nr Pneumatic Tired I
Wheel. Cm Be Supplied j
By a bare constitutional majori
ty vote in tln* House last Friday
the Bill creating Peach county
finished its journey through the
legislature. It was said an effort
will be made to reconsider the
vote, but as tin* motion must be
made %,v a member voting aye on
the bill it will hardly be recon
sidered. Gov. Hardwick will dare
not veto the Legislative Act. The
voters will ratify it in November.
Atkinson County lax Sales.
GEORGIA —A tk 1 iubo n Go unt y.
Will be sold before the Court House door
tn said county and state, at Pearson. Georgia,
between the legal hours o i sale, on the first
Tuesday In September, next. 1922, following
described real estate: 100 acres, more or less,
of lot of land No. 165 in the 7th land district
of Atkinson county. Georgia, lying arid being
in the northeast corner of said lot and being
In the form of a sauare. levied on and to be
sold as the property of U. F. Brack to satisfy
an execution issued by Thomas Morris. Sr.,
tax collector for stat*. county and school
taxes for the year 1 1. owner notified In
writing, this the Mb day of August, 1922.
Levy made by J. W. Morris special deputy
sheriff A. c.
Also at the same time and place 9bacres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 166 In the 10th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north by lands of L K. I .ester, east
by land of A. H. Vickery, and R. Haskins,
west by lands of s. F. Guthrie, south by lands
of Lace li€*e. Levied on and to be gold as the
tion issued by Thomas Morris >r.. tax collect
or for state. county and school taxes for the
year 1921. <>wner notified In writing, this the
9th day of August. 1922. Levy made by J. \V.
Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 25 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 110 In the 6th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
same being in the northwest corner of said
lot and being In the form of a square. levi
ed on and to be sold as the property of W. O.
Bryant to satisfy an execution issued by Thom
as Morris. Sr., tax collector for state, county
and school taxes for the year 1921. Owner no
tified in writing, this the nth day of July. 1922
Levy made by J. W. Morris special deputy
sheriff a. C.
Also at the same time and place 15 acres,
more or less of lot of land No. 206 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north by an agreed line to ditch
and blazes, east by an agreed line to blazes, j
south by dowery of Mrs K. C. starling, west !
by run of branch. Levied on and to be sold
as the property of Martin Starling to >atisfy
an execution Issued by Thomas Morris, Sr..
tax collector for state, county and school
taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified in
writing, this the llth day of July, 1922. Levy J. \V. Morris special deputy sheriff
Atkinson county.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres
more or less, of lot of land No. 165 in the 6th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
lying and being tn the southwest corner of
of said lot and being in the form of a square.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of
Wm. Joyce, for wife, to satisfy an execution
Issued by Thomas Morris. Sr., tax collector
for state, county and school taxes for the year
1921. Owner notified in writing, this the llth
day of July. 1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff a. C. i
Also at the same time and place 10 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 122 iu the 6th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded on the north by lands of Dr. Joe
Corbett, east and south by lands of Erlish
McKinnon west by lands of M. D. Douthit.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of
Krlish McKinnon to satisfy an execution is
sued by Thomas Morris. Sr., tax collector for
state, county and school taxes for the year
1921. Owner notified in writing, this the 9th
day of August, 1922. Levy made by J. W.
Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 30 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 69 In the 6th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
lying and being in the northwest corner of
said lot and being In the form of a square,
levied on and to be sold as the property of
Anna Roberts to satisfy an execution Issued
by Thomas Morris. Sr., tax collector for state,
county and school taxes lor the year 1921.
Owner notified In writing, this the 9th day of
August. 1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 120 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
lying and being in the northeast corner of
said lot and being in the form of a square.
Levied on and to be sold as the property of
Sandy Johnson to satisfy an execution-issued
by Thomas Morris. Sr., tax collector for state,
county and school taxes for the year 1921.
< )wner notified in writing, this the 9th day ol
August, 1922. Levy mady by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 14 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 121 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded on the north and w est by original
lot lines, south by Daugherty McKey Comp
any. Levied on and to be sold as the property
of Abraham Johnson to satisfy an execution
issued by Thomas Morris, Sr., tax collector for
state, county and school taxes for the year
1921. (iwner notified in writing, this the 9th
day of August, 1922. Levy made by J. W. Mor
ris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres
more or less, of lot of land No. 119 In the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north by original land lot lines on
east by lands of staff Davis south and west
by lands of G. W. Gilbert. Levied on and to
be sold as the property of G. W. Gilbert to sat
isfy an execution Issued by Thomas Morris,
sr.. tax collector for state, county and school
taxes for the year 1921. Owner hot!tied In
writing, this the 9th day of August, 1922.
Levy made by J. \V. Morris special deputy
sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 10 acres,
more or les*. of lot of land No. 163 In the 6th
Land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
bounded north by original land line, east by
lands of Homer Rlcketson, south and west by
lands of Grover Rlcketson. Levied on and to
be sold as the property of Grover Rlcketson
to satisfy an execution. Issued by Thomas
Morris, Sr., tax collector for state, county and
school taxes for the year 1921. Owner notified
in writing, this the 9th day of August, 1922.
lA'vy made by J. W. Morris special deputy
sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 10 acres,
more <»r less, of lot of land No. 131 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
bounded north and east by a branch, south
and west by lands of Mrs. Lilia (Mills. Levied
• >n and to be sold as the property of Mrs. Lilia
(Mills to satisfy an execution issued by Thom
as Morris. Sr., tax collector for state, county
and school taxes for the year 1921. Owner no
! ified In writing, this the 9th day of August,
• 922. I .evy made by J. \V\ Morris special dep
uty sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place 50 acres,
more or less.* of lot of land No. 300 In the 6th
land district of Atkinson county, Georgia,
lying and being in the northeast corner of
-aid lot and being in the lorm of a square,
levied on and to be sold as the property of
Mrs. Belle Gillis to satisfy an execution issued
by Thomas Morris, sr.. tax collector for state,
county and school taxes lor the year 1921.
owner notified in writing, this the 9th day
August. 1922, Levy made by J. VV. Morris
special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place. Lot 4.
Block * A. M in Unford subdivision of the
city of Pearson, being a practical part of or
iginal lot of land In the 7th land district
Atkinson county. Georgia. Levied on and to
be sold as the property of Mr-. John \V. Crlbb
to satisfy an execution issued by Thomas
Morris, Sr., tax collector for state, county and
school taxes for tlie year 1921, » )wm*r notified
in writing, this 9th »ia\ of August, 1922. Levy
K U l Morns ’ H,> ecial deputy sheriff
Also at the panic time and place 10 acres,
more or less, of lot of land No. 9 in the 7th
land district of Atkinson county. Georgia,
tiounded on the north by lauds of Stewart
Bros., east by lands of Ada Smith, south by
lands Of Annie Arnold, west by original land
lot line. U vled on and to be sold as the
property of Ada Smith to satisfy an execution
issued by Thomas Morris. Sr., tax Collector
for state, county and school taxes for the year
:921. Owner notified 4ii writing, this the 9th
day of August, 1922. Levy made by J. \\\
Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place one-fourth
of one acre in the town of Pearson. Georgia,
bounded north by lands oi estate of Bettie
Kirkland, east by lands of \V. 1L W&ddelle,
south by lands of Mrs. J. s. Martin, west by
King street. levied on and to be sold as the
property of A. K. Birch to satisfy an execu
tion issued by Thomas Morris. Sr., tax col
lector for state, county and school taxes for
the year 1921. Owner notified In writing, this
the 9th day of August, 1922. Levy made by
J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place, one-fourth
of an acre, in the town of Pearson. Georgia,
bounded north by lands of W. R. Strickland,
<-ast by land of Mrs. Wm. Smith, south by
Austin street, west by Main street. Levied
n and to be sold as the property of B. Kirk
land, Jr., to satisfy an execution Issued by
Thomas Morris, Sr., tax collector for state,
county and school taxes for the year 1921.
< >wner notified in writing, this the 9th day of
August. 1922. Levy made by J. W. Morris
special deputy sheriff C.
Also at the same time and place one-fourth
of one acre, in the town of Pearson, Georgia,
bounded north and west by lands of Mrs. M.
A. Pafford. south by Bullard street, east by
Main street. Levied on aud to be sold as the
property of Mrs. M. A. Pafford to satisfy an
j execution issued by Thomas Moms, Sr., tax
collector for state, county and school taxes
for the year 1921. Owner notified in writing
this the 9th day of August 1922. Levy made
by J. W. Morris special deputy sheriff A. C.
Also at the same time and place, one-eighth
of one acre in Kirkland. Georgia, bounded,
north by lands of Mrs. Lilia A. Love, cast by
lands of E. L. Peterson, south by lands of
A. C. L. right-of-way. west by lands of Boone.
Kennedy A Company. Levied on and to be
sold as the property of W. C. Giddens to satis
fy an execution issued by Thomas Morris, Sr.,
tax collector for state, county and school
taxes for the ysar 1921. Owner notified in
writing, this the 9th day of August, 1922. Levy
made by J. \V. Morris special deputy sheriff
Atkinson county.
These sales will be continued from day to
day until all are Bold.
E. D. LEGGETT. Sheriff a, C.