The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, January 11, 1902, Image 2

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SATURDAY MORNING, RBCSSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr... City Editor CHARLES M. TILTON Solicitor Advertising rates made known on application. Church and other char itable organization notice* published at hall the regular rates. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga.. postofflce, as second-class mall mat ter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Terms "to subscribers In the city and by mail free of charge to all part* of the United States and Can ada. Mexico, Porto Rico. Guam, Phil ippine Islands and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month ....| .60 Six Months 2.60 One Year 6.00 LEGAL NOTICES. , From and after this date the legal advertisements Of the sheriff of Glynn county, Ga., will be published In the Brunswick Daily News. W. H. BEURIE, Sheriff Glynn County. January 10, 1901. - From and after this date all legal advertisements and citations of the ordinary of Glynn county, Georgia, will be published in Brunswick Dally News. HORACE DART. Ordinary Glynn County, Ga? This January 10, 1901. The News wants you on lts subscrip tion list. With four new police Brunswick will be well protected. It looks as if 1902 will, indeed, he a prosperous year in Brunswick. Savannah Is now entertaining Ad miral Winfield Scott Schley, the real hero of the battle of Santiago. Perry Belmont made a close race for congress In New York; but ho was defeated by his republican op ponent, Montaue Dossier. Teddy hasn’t called anyone down for a day or two, says the Thomas ville Times-Enterprlse, l’or endorsing Dewey’s minority report in the Schley cose. Castro is attracting as much atten tion as any one in the world at the present time. He is a plucky Spanish American who proposes that Germany shall he given tit for tat. Mr. T. C. Platt has concluded to let Janies Allen White and McClure’s Magazine stay on earth a while lon ger. He has withdrawn his libel suit. * The mayor and council are crowded witlf business at present, but within a short while The News is sure the body will take up the matter of giving Brunswick better streets. The Gainesville, Fla.,' Daily News has been made the official organ of Alachua county. Tho Gainesville News, like the Brunswick News, is now in the field of journalism, but is fast growing in popularity. Within the next week The News will send a solicitor all over Glynn. Wayne and Camden counties to soiett subscribers. This paper now enjoys a larger circulation than any paper ever published in Brunswick. James H. Eekles, when appointed comptroller of the currency, was 35 years old. Charles u. l.awes, his republican successor, was 32 when appointed. Mr. Ridgely, the present comptroller, is a young man, the son in-law of United States Senator Cul lom. FAILURES* IN 19oT The failures last year numbered 11,002, as against 10,883 in the previ ous year. They were more in num bers, but the liabilities of the failures in 1901 were but $113,092,376. as against $174,113,236 in the previous year. The defaulted liabilities in 1901 were but 95 cents to eaeh SI,OOO of bank exchanges. The defaulted indebtedness was but $94.33 to each firm in business, a lower average than any recent year presents. The year's figures are very satisfactory when it is remembered that a drouth cut down the corn and oats crop to low figures, that a Wall street upheaval occurred, and that a president w as assassinated. In Alabama there were 173 failures in 1901 as against 114 In 1900, The assets of the former were $459,413; the liabilities, $784,746. The liabilities of the farma that failed in 1900 were $540,747. Of the failures in this state last year twelve were manufac turing concerns, 158 trading firms, , one a bank, and two were otherwise engaged. Like increases are shown in South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, but not In Louisiana, Ten nessee, Kentucky or Texas. Dun's Review attributes {he increases in some southern states to the failure of cotton on many plantations, and to the lower quotations that prevailed during the greater part of the year. GAGE Ts'rIGHT. The following rule put in force by Secretary Gage is a good one and should be Inaugurated by the head of every municipality in the country. A Washington special says: “Secretary Gage has inaugurated one reform which will be welcomed by tradesmen in Washington and cause them to revere his memory. He has ordered treasury department employes to pay their uebts promptly nd told them that, failure to do so will be followed by dismissal. As government clerks receive twice as much as clerks in commercial life and really work only six and one-half hours a day, have thirty days annual leave and thirty days sick leave and freedom from work on every legal holiday, it is apparent that the new Gage rule is well considered. THE PASS THAT FAILED. In the renewal of passes by the Plant System, Passenger Traffic Man ager B. W. Wrenn received a few days ago a unique request. It was in the shape of a poem on "The Pass That Failed," by Mr. John L. Herring, editor of the Tilton Gazettei It reads as follows: ’Tis only a bit of paste-board now, Naught left but memory’s story; While only three fiionths old I trow Its head with age is hoary. Fleet as the blush of a maiden’s kiss, Or the bloom of the peach in June; Or the wad of the gent who is learn ing the game; When he opens the "pot" too soon. Gone like the check easned-Christmas day, Of the "X’ you loaned a frienu; Or the convict s faith In his human kind. It's "limit” has reached the end. Representing nothing in the wide world now, N But a cipher in tho whole creation; Though from Savannah's Fair to Tampa's palms 'Twas once the key to the situation. A Wife Says: "We havi fju r children. With the first fu tv I suite: td almost unbearable pains from >2 to 11 hoi rs, and had to be placed under the influent c of chloroform. I used three Dottles cf FricnJ before our last child came, will t h s a strong, I at and y * Ic.dthy boy doing 1* ny house* irk up i ~ ■owithintw hours >f birth, aid sul :V' ’ \ ered but afe v hard (\ - - tfr ‘ sains. Thfe find- / ’ V* amt is tfu $Ta-!j! Jyytr ] i ft i,y st remedy ivttV/j'. $ ii ’ .' } nude.” . y ;< Mother’s y " Fries and 1 n\ will do Lr vc: y w what it did (,r the .Vlinnesi.,a ; lo.lar who writes the above let er. f 1 t : use it uurir. - pr.-/nancy is a -nistake to 1 v pud lor in pain and suffering. Mother's 1 -Win' equips the patient with a .trong bod and clear intellect, which in urn are i- aparted to the child. It relaxes he mushn ind allows them to expand. It ■fUcvcs nu ning sickness and nervousness. .( puts a!) lie organs concerned in perfect -ondition £.r the final hour,so that the actual abor is she ! and practically painless. Dan ger of risi g or l ard breasts is afiogether l voided, a * recovery is merely a matter oi \ few d.iyi Pruv oats r!l .M.niiet 'b FritnJ for $t m bottle. ’he trad" r. gubtor Cos., Atlanta, Ga S>pr.>' 'r ■ t . ** ‘liny: : *umJ hook. Ten Dollars Reward. Dost, a large brooch pin, with pyr amid of pearls. Finder will receive $lO reward by returning to R. B. Tup rer. What is nicer for a gentleman friend than a pair of miltary brushes, safety razors, lather brushes, razor strops, etc.? They make pretty holi day gifts. You will find them at Joerger’s drug store. We lead, others follow. Hunter-Stele Drug Cos., birthplace of pure drugs. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. SPECIAL. * PRICES Onallkinds JOB IRK AT THE NEWS OFFICE. N GIVE US A TRIAL. THE ADMIRAL I*/ 1747 Rhode \ 4’ 'Tfrsdt WASHINGTON Feb. 18, 1901 A. R. Bremer Cos., Chicago. | Gentlemen: —I have used Coke Dandruff Cure for the past year and found it an excellent prepara tion. THE'PLUM BLR must visit OR 1 HE DOCTOR the house at some „me. The choice rests wltn you. Better decide upon the plumber. It will be setter and cheaper. PLUMBING work done by us promotes good health, leaves no place for entry of disease, .very jo!> is as carefully done as though a life depended upon "a. H. BAKER, Metropolitan Saloon POOL AND BILLIARDS. Only the rinest WINES, i IQUORS, A DOGAKS. Elegant Lunch Served Day anej Night. No. 248 BAY ST., BRUNSWICK, GA. G. A. NEWMV-J, MANAGER. RED TOP RYe7~ Absolutely the best whiskey In Brunswick... It is pure. For sale only by me. Aii kinds California wines 25 cents per quart. Family trade a specialty. S. D. LEVADAS, 206 M< )NK STKI .KT. _____ AND WOOD. OGNEV & BARKER, Preventive anOhure, Are both in the same bottle. Smith’s Elderine is not only a remedy for rough skin, but a preventive and beautifler. it whitens and softens the skin. Prepared from harmless sub stances. We carry a full line of toilet prep arations. Everything in drugs at bottom prices. SMITH’S PHARMACY, Corner Monk and Newcastle Streets. FAMIXiY “ ~ LIQUOR HOUSE Not every liquor dealer caters to the family trade, but I do. You must be as careful in buying liquors for family use as you are in buying med icine. We never make a mistake— best awlays. R. LEVISON, fig't. Corner Monk and Grant 6treets. ONE CENT A WORD. If you want a position, a house, a servant, or want to find anything that hat been lost, or want some thing that some on* site has, ad vertise in this column. This papat is read hy more people in one day than any other Brunswick paper, t Rates strictly one cent per word for each insertion. Nothing taken for lees than SO cents FOR RENT —Newly furnished rooms at 401 G street, corner A. FOR RENT—Furnished and unfur [ nished rooms. Enquire at No. 600 O street FOR RENT —Three furnished or un furnished rooms, with or without board.,Apply at 908 Richmond St. WANTED—To buy all kinds of soda water bottles. Call on L. Lud ! vrig, *oo Bay street ' ■ ■ | FOR SALE—Entire household fur niturs of Mrs. B Hirsh’s. Apply at ! Mrs Julius May’s, 510 Gloucester st. WANTED— -Two first-class milch cows. Will pay cash. D., care News. Coke —Coke for sale by the Bruns wick Light and Water Company. Phone No. 7. LOST—On Sunday a breast-pin be tween Episcopal church and park. Finder will please return to this office. WANTED—Young man to collect, solicit and make himself general ly useful. Salary small at first. Address L., care News. FOUNDS—A" breast-pin with tin-type picture of little girl. Small heart attached. Owner can have same by calling at this office and pay ing for this ad. W. E. DEMPSTEiI Manager. REPAIRS BICYCLES, OUN3, TYPEWRITERS AND SEWING MA, CHINES, AND GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIR SHOP. Successor to J. A. Montgomery. 503 GLOUCESTER STREET. Prompt and Thorough Attention and Price* Reasonable. MOSES DANIEL, Sanitary PlumdEr AND Gas Fitter. PRICES AC LOW AS GOOD WORK CAN BE DONE...WE GUAR ANTEE EVERY JOB. RESTAURANT. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Where you will be properly aerved with the beat the market affords, at reasonable prices. Oysters in any style. Everything new and clean. OPEN TILL 12 O’CLOCK AT NIGHT ERNEST ARNHEITER, 217 NEWCASTLE STREET. WANTED All the Deer Tongue Hides, Wool and Beeswax; Second- hand Furni ture, Stove*, Organs, etc. J. W. WATKJXS, 208 Bay Street <sti | 0 Mr. Brown expresses his feelings and has decided to use a gas range. No more coal, wood or ashes to both er with. B. L. & W. O C. MONTGOMERY & GOODYEAR, Insurance Fire, Storm, Accident. Prompt and Courteous Attention. Don’t Throw Away Any Of your old clothes, but have Jim Garter clean and repair them. If you want your bicycle repaired right bring it to an experienced work man. B. J Olewine, 505 Gloucester street JANUARY 14, 1902 SMALL PROFITS. I am offering fat chickens, choice groceries, et.c, at such low prices that a dollar spent at my store will FILLYOU* BASKET I also sell fruits, candies, nuts, rai sins, cigars and tobacco. Try me. J. S, NEWKIRK, Corner F Street and Cochran Avenue. I FEInWAY AND ' MJfiUSEK PI NOS.; [STERLING I j ORGANS. J | THE BEST PIANOS AJTDe [ORGANS ON THE MARKET FOB 1 1 1 (THE LEAST MONEY. i [ Sold on Easy Payments. * |B. 1. OLEWINE.i Agent. J UNR< DttIVLED ’LEDGES fOU S^LECKPAP. Two double-bar r<ll breech-load ing guns Less chan factory cost S. B. I\ATHAN, 312 NEWCASTLE ST- I WANTED j | TO BUY j \ Second-hand 1 1 F | [ U | ► R E N j i i i ! g | f E, ► SECOND-HAffD TYPEWRITERS, j [ ORGANS. Etc. [NEW HOME AND SINGER ► SEWING MACHINES, J W. WATKINS,] t 208 Bay St. < 90 CENTo Will Buy the Largest load of Wood In Brunswick. L. JOHNSON, Cypress Mill; Phone 45. P. DEV ARRIS. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. MONK STREET. Free ielivery. J. w. conoTy, Notary Public and Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace. Office, 307 Newcastle Street. Notice. - Plumbers and workmen of all kinds are hereby notified that no bills for repairs upon any house owned or rep resented by me will be paid, unless authorized by myself or employes. R. R. HOPKINS, Real Estate Agent. Get It Without Paying for It. If you are not satisfied with any job that you have Jim Carter do, he won’t have you pay him. He means to please his customers every time.