The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1901-1903, January 12, 1902, Image 1

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VOLUME 7, NUMBER 94. ALL THROUGH TRAINS COME TO BRUNSWICK AN IMPORTANT CHANGE IS MAGE NO MORE "SHOO FLY” TRAINS BETWEEN BRUNSWICK AND JESUP. A ISAM CBEW LOSES 001 T ;se Who lOperated Trans Ncs. 13 and 14 Have Been Temporarily Laid Off By the New Change. By anew order of things just in augurated by the Southern Hallway, Brunswick is made thwpoint of des tination of all trains of the road which heretofore ended at Jnckson- Mlle, aud, while the city gets a lit tl" better service, an entire train crew, all of whom live in Brunswick, !> ve, been temporarily laid off. This new formerly operated trains Nos. j3 and 14 between Brunswick and Jesup and is composed of Conductor f led HigginS, Engineer Tom Ford. Flagman Ueorge Temple, Express e.-'-eligur .Louis Tharin and the jlored porter, ileretorfore a short train lias been ■ aerated out of Brunswick as No. 13, i ..lining as far as Jessup, where it . muecßri with the regular train ■jund from Jacksonville to Atlanta, he Brunswick sleeper was trims .! rred at Jcsup, hut passengers In .he day coach were required to change cars. This train crew then ■ icnt the night in Jesup and waited the following morning on Train No. 44 from Atlanta. In otlicr words. It wus simply a abort train between runswick and Jesup. Under the new order, however. •,:its train, as well as all others,come through to Brunswick instead of ucki-onville and are operated to this city by the same crew leaving At lanta. Instead of dropping the "runswick sleeper at Jesup and re quiring the day coach passengers to change cars, the train continues on o this city, and the Jacksonville and rther Florida sleepers are dropped lid carried on by another train, '.'rains %is. 16 and 6 also come ',hrough to this city from Atlanta. By this change it will be seen that 'irunswick is given a better service, here now being three through trains ach way between this city and At lanta. It is understood that the crew which has been temporarily laid of* will shortly be placed on another -run. The change was probably made :n order to reduce the run of the crews on train. AtlaLtv tud Jacksonville. flMlwilf >UH isually lone nd .f tin- in Florida City, th'&F cfhta!?filg§FTshiiP t-nei considerable, ' T v£ WILUXONCLUDE SERVICE TODAY Rev. ®Kelly Will Close Meetings Here Tonight. Rev. Jno. M. Kelly concludes with two sermons today. Mr. Kelly has g~y anfk/.ably defended the o|As? of God during ; which he has and past two w-eeks ; himself and the e c '^®Pt manv friends. He at the Advent church toSJP|A Tery cor dially invites his ac quaintances and at the. services today morning service. "The ing of Jeans Christ to Judge ing and the Dead at 11 a.m. A fcraEveniug subject. "Gods ‘TLnly Opposfd l>\ H s lygnß Kelly goes turn, l'‘*PfL'.: W A Hl-'la . to encase \ '%£ FOR STEAMER LINES. §ji|jßßrleans. Jan. 11 —Appl-cation aii#:,!ver-h.p of the Adler-We.n- Steamship Company was SflfT here today by Mrs. Mathilda Bhtffman. a ttockholder. The com-, Kmy is capitalized at $1,000,000 and lowns two steamers, the Nicaragua r an< i the Venus, valued at about *150,- l ejtiO each. The Brunswick News. I MADE SEARCH FOR BODIES SENSATIONAL RESCUE FROM A BIG CONFLAGRATION IN NEW YORK. New York, Jan. U.—With the first streaks of dawn this morning scores of firemen began the task of search ing in the ruins of the Parker build ing, on Nineteenth street and Fourth avenue, for the bodies of three fire men. who were reported missing, aft er the calling of ilie roll of the com panies part in fighting the Spectacular fire that destroyed the •thirteen-..ilory -bucidiug last iyght, causing a loss variously estimated at amounts up to $6,000,000. Although accounted fireprooff, the great building burned almost Nke tinder. Sensational rescues were features of the fire. Five men who Were at work on the top floor of tie* building, were out. oIT /from rescue from below, and sought roof, where they stood silhouetted against the flames, which had broken through the roof. From the top of the adjoining building, several stories lower than the blazing one, a line was shot up from a mortar, and with this line the beluguered men drew up a si out rope, which they fastened to iho chimney, sliding down to lower roof in safety. Three firemen were caught in the sixth story when the iloor below them dropped, and they were forced upward to the eighth story of the blazing building. From below it seemed that rescue was Impossible, until their endanger ed comrades were reached and res cued. But even the rescue of these men was not complete, for the three who went up into the building disap peart,d In a mass of falling concrete and twisted steel beams. It is their bodies tiiei! comrades are searching for, among the smoking ruins this morning. In addition to the missing a score or more firemen were hurt Tire subway was closed between Fourteenth and Twenty-third streets, the Eighteenth street station being opposite the burned building. ft COMPROMISE WITH SOUTHERN ANNOUNCED THAT ONE HAS BEEN MADE BETWEEN ROASgg| AND COMMISSION. Jffijm jJßßjßbpag'ggEy - ■ 1 - 1 ' a .yFi/Inii] .■ 'Cie.'d auti orlti' a and PpiiWijjßalhv.'ij Company, as f!M J Vs. and tlial official ®5fL/Tiincement (5 the fact will short : W be made. ▼Under thi- agreement, as has been stated, the Southern will maintain a straight 2 1-2 cent fare on its lines, will furnish 1,000 mile books for fam ily use at 2 1-4 cents and 2,000 mile books for commercial use at 2 cents. While the Southern gains no ad vantage in Georgia by this agree ment, it secures a uniform rate at these figures throughout its territory in North and South Carolina, Geor gia and Alabama, as the result of agreements reached In other states. It Is said announcement of this dr finite settlement so far as the Southern is concerned, may be ex pected next few days in the shape and correspondence of tie- railroad aud the state. IN LOUISIANA. ■Bd/gnant Citizens Dilligently Searcb rara ing for a Murderer. W Bougere Swamp, J-a., Jan. 11. — Bands of angry workmen are search ing for the man who on Thursday last shot and killed Mr?. Harris, wife of a railroad contractor. The shot was fired by a man in ambush near the railroad camp and as intended for Mr. Harris, passing through his hat before striking his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Harris came hers from Georgia. The slayers will probably be lynch ing if captured. BRUNSWICK, GA., SUNDAAk MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1908. CHANGE AI LOCAL' mss OFFICE AGENT HENDRICKS TRANSFER RED TO SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE AT CHATTANOOGA. I E. UIOSB SUCCEEDS HIM The New Agent Comes From Cedar town. Where He Has Been Agent of the Company for Some Time. A change occurred yesterday in tin force of the South ern express Company in this! city, by which IV \V. Hen dricks, who has been the Brunwick agent for the past two or three years, is transferred to the superintendent's office at Chattanooga, and lie will he succeeded here by R. E. Lindsay, for merly agent of the cmnpany at Ced dartowu. W Samual Knowles. superintendent at Chattanooga: M. J., Carey, route agent, at Atlanta, and L. K. Brown, route agent at Fitzgerald, were in the citv yesterday for the purpose of checking nut. Mr. Hendricks and likewise checking in Iho new agent, who assumed the duties of his new office yesterday. Mr. Hendricks, during the time that he lias been the agent here, has made an efficient and competent of ficial and has kept everything at the office in a Jam-up fashion. His many friends , will regret that, the change will necessitate his removal from the city. Mr. Lindsay,' the newly appointed ns|£nt, has been with the Southern Express Company for a number of years and is said to be a very com petent man. In tills connection, it is also cur , rently reported that the Southern Express -Company is now preparing to curtail its forces all along the line, and the rumnr says that a num ber of clerks in the different offices will soon be cut off. PROGRAM FOR CONCERT AT THE OGLETHORPE. The following program will be ren dered by the Oglethorpe Hotel or chestra on Sunday, Jan. 12 at S p.m, Music lover’s are cordially invited. 1. March, The Harlevuin, Charles R. Hirst. * 2. Overture, Testimonial, Tciiepe grellV Cupid’s Garden, Kjrene. ML. Pottisl) National Dance, Debar- RFenka. ¥ 5. Waltz, Lifter Sweetness, J. L. Nathan. 6. Love Me and the World Is Mine. E. R. Bill). (Song for cornet.) 7. Entr’ate A Garden Matinee, R. Frlml. 8. Selection from the Serenade, V. Herbert. 9. A Novelette Fan Flirtation, R. Jackson. 10. The Curassier Attague, Kilen berg. Good Ntght. DENOUNCES NIGHT RIDERS. Tobacco Houses Pledge Not to Buy From Association. Henderson, Ky., Jan. 11. —The state meeting of the American So ciety ot Equity, today adopted reso lutions declaring that the "night rid ers" are common criminals aud the wor t enemies of the association, and that the statement of Governor WlU son that the society is responsibly for reemt raids on tobacco growers, is utterly without foundation. Three baying houses of Hopkins ville, the Imperial Tobacco Company, the American Snuff Company and the Tandy and Farliegh Tobacco Company today signed an agreement not to buy any tobacco pledged to the Dark Tobacco Association or the American Society of Equity, and not to receive the same if it should be unknowingly purchased DENIES REPORT OF RESTRICTION ON JAPS. Washington, Jan. >ll. —The state department issued an official state ment today denying the cable re port to the effect that Ambassador O’Brien had demanded Jhat the Japa nese government sign an agreement to restrict their immigration to Am erica. and to give the number yearly to be immigrated. The department states that the United States con templates no such demands. JUDGE REAGAN IS TO PRESIDE HE WILL HOLD SESSION OF GLYNN SUPERIOR COURT DURING THIS WEEK. LIIILEJOI ALSO COMING Americus Judge Has Been Appointed to Serve for Judge Parker Dur ipLj Second Week of the Su perior Court. I T M luiT?i E. A Reagan, of tli,■ Flint urcuji, will preside at the session lof Um Glynn superior court to be corn'll tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'cloßp lie has been appointed to serveFauriliß the first week by Gov ernor l hike Smith, upon request of Judge arker, who is unable to pre side at the session. During the second week of (he court. Judge Z. A. Americus. judge of the Southwestern circuit, will preside. Both of the jurists are well known -in Georgia. Judge Reagan lias pro hided over the . ttperior court of Glynn county before, having been asked to sm-ve for Judge Bennet several years ago. While Judge Lit tlejohn has never served here, he Is well known among the lawyers and 'others in the city. The Atlanta Constitution of yester day contained the following about the appointment by Governor Smith. - "Owing to the illness of Judge T. A. Parker, of Way-cross, judge of iho . Brunswick circuit, and the fact that his physicians have forbidden him to hold court during January. Judge E. J. Reagan, of the Flint cir cuit,, will hold court in Glynn county in Judge Parkers place next week, unde Special appointment by Uover nor ■Smith. The second week of superior court, will be held for JutMr" Darker by Judge Z. A. Little, jolin, of Am'ricus, judge of t he-smith western circuit." BROOKMAN SOCIAL NOTES. Brooknmn Jan. 11.—The Bona ven ture school resumed its session on Monday with Miss liessie Lang, of Wuveriy. ns teacher. Mrs. O. B. Meadows and her little iron, of Warren, Ga., are visiting rel atives here. Mrs. it. L. Itatclilitt spent several days with her parents in Atkinson last week. Messrs. A. O. Townshnd, of Bruns wick and Tom Liv.ngstou, of Brook man. killed 100 quail here -LlJw.o or three days last week. Mr. 11. C. Jolmson, of Atlanta, spent two or three days in Brook mau this week. The neighbors around here are subscribing to a fund to replace a now wire fence around the buriul grounds near Emanuel church. Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Dean are wel coming a little son. Mr. Alex Livingston's large lighter was caught in the heavy gale a few days ago and filled with water, part of the cargo of lumber being lost. Shot Marshal Through Hand. Tallulah Falls, Ga., Jan. 11. —A. J. Dyer shot Marshal .1. A. Lochaby, through the left hand today. Dyer escaped. JgUEIIREMENT ,;lv ME #3®HML D,N& CHINESE ME M O R Peking. Jan in e i talesmen joint in inorial to the tli roibß the i-etireinent of the Ennn-rBJ ger from the control of the tration after the next Year. This is looked upon ag timet extraordinary event in Cliftfci iflwory, but it lias wholly carry conviction among the populace and the foreign reslH The Empress Dowager has ceruH a riglit to be weary of the careLH state if ever a sovereign had, 1H there have not been any indicative of such weaEness. A ROYAL RECEPTION FOR THE BIG FLEET TO WATCH THAW JURY THE CASE WILL BE OPENED IN EARNEST TOMORROW MORN * NG. New York. Jan. 11 .—Attorneys in the Thaw trial are taking the day off and going over their testimony for the last time before the actual trial of the care begins. On Monday- the trial will be opened with a brief address by Assistant. District Attorney Garvin, and then the people’s case will fye put in. The case will he brief. The killing will be proved, and the evidence will be introduced to show that the shot which killed Stanford White was fired by Harry K. Thaw. v The jury will be, until the case is finally completed in the custody of .injiLj! l ‘ ,Jj.n hers of their own families, except in the presence of bailiffs. Their mail will be road before they are allowed to see it, and they can read the newspapers only after the head bail iff has carefully cut from them every reference to the trial. They will be even more closely guarded than will Thaw himself. . The twelve men who will decide the fate of the young Pittsburger are all beyond middle age. Ten of them are married, the other two being widowers. OS. SPIEGEL IS ORAWING CROWDS HIS BEAVER OIL SEEMS TO BE A REALLY GREAT DIS COVERY. The great Spiegel has attained the reputation as being a great orator and advertiser in Ins particular line of business. He has come to Bruns wick in the interest of a great dis covery. For the next week his train ed beavers will perform each even ing at the corner of Gloucester aud Newcastle streets. The sight of seeing these rare and interesting an imals is enough for the public to know that they will not be disap pointed with this part of the pro gram. The young silver tongue or . liter... has the reputation of .being the youngest orator aud advertiser the world has ever known. The people of Brunswick will have an opportun ity of judging.for themselves the abil ity of this young orator. It is said from the momng that he appears be lore an audience until his address is finished, he commands the closest and individual attention. To prove to the public the curative power of the great discovery he will give free demonstrations nightly upon thy plat form in full view of the audience. An invitation was extended last nght to all ruffering with any ache or pain, swollen or stiff joint and all weakness, and Mr, J. Henry Griffin of E street responded. He told Mr. Spiegel that he was suffering with a numbness in his arm cuused by rheumatism. The doctor said that lie would make no charge and im mediately applied his great discovery and inside of five minutes time Mr. Griffin addressed the large crowd and said that his arm never felt better. Ho carries ln bis posse sion thousands of testimonials of cure made by him in public. Judging from the vast crowd? he has held in other cities throughout the United States the comer will not be large enough to accommodate the vast Luultitude that will a semble them- Hdves there nightly. Bfrhe entertainment commences p.m. The beavers are on ex |B;tin during the daytime at E. C. Spruce's drug store where the Beaver pLi snie. He claims it will euro n i c n e s s, °NAL. w.Y..- - FRICE, FiVE CENTS. BRAZIL GREETS ADMIRAL EVANS OUR BIG FLEET WAS ESCORTED INTO RIO JENEIRO YES TERDAY. OFFICERS 10 BE FEIEB High Officials of the Brazilian City Have Arranged Many Social Affairs in Honor of the L Americans. Iti'i Janeiro, Jan. JO. -rUcoilJv; Brazilian cruise'-j^JjM^fl Ti-vnui!:.remand the • I JHHH ship fleet of Admira arrmNr in the harbor of Rio Janeiro today and was given a royal welcome by the government officials and the citi zens of the Brazilian capital. Inter est in the festivities to be given in honor of the American officers is widespread in the highest social and official circles of Rio, and the people are, anxious to return the welcome ex tended' to the Brazilian naval offi cers at Washington and Norfolk last summer. President Palma will give a notable reception in honor of Admiral Ev nns and the other admirals and 'bat tleship commanders. Ambassador .Dudley will also be a guest of honor at the affair, which will be held in the presidential palace at, Petropotis. The finance minister will give a ball in honor of the Americans on Fiscal Island. The minister ot' marine has arranged for two excursions, one to the summit o{ Corcovado, a mountain peak about two miles from Rio, where a promenade lun'chedh will be served..yvhlie the guests view tho magnificent vista presented by the city and harbor and surrounding country. The other trip will be to Tijuea Park, where the naval club will entertain A magnificent banquet, at which 600 covers will be laid, with Foreign , Minister Brancho as host and Pres ident Ruy Barbosa, of the Brazilian senate, as the principal speaker. An other banquet will also be given by the government lu the grand salo-i of the marine arsenal at Yaura. Other dinners In honor of Admiral Evans and the other officers of the , fleet will .be given by the mayor ot Rio Janeiro, by Dr. Jose Rodriguez, i proprietor of the Journal of Com-1 inerce and by Admiral Dudley. Ad- I miral Alenoar. the minister 'marina lias an especially \ tovjl wards America arid Ivar. officers and for vecMk" [ Ini- * ’' Y 1 preparations for I: - \ * hunrlr-ri V magnificent been reserved Vnn rican o!lugi . i It- and tbfj||| I be Die: I TELEGF#j| A t : If. f rl ‘ ■ or i I given 11 hi p tel - show ■ J. I iiej ll.i. I liiviK 1 j 3 'lhm “xlh 4 iff af' I 1 and reqne co^J t /' ■ o djufl effect. % The order will go into effect ten days, i .J. ~r^ rT ,~- WOMAN SELLS HER HUSBAND FOR ss.ojW| Detroit, Mich., Jan. tl.—A girl, member of a waelthy family,Vgj eently offered a' married womal $5,000 cash for her busband, ' the offer was accepted. This faefl developed in *. suit. TiilH name of the girl is suuvbssed fofl the sake of her fami The not to contestpKc case. was to receive $5,000 In cash, to fra furniaticd by the girl, whose was to folhtfl