The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 13, 1903, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK, DAILY NEWS VOLUME 2, NUMBER 194. COUNCIL WILL NAME OFFICERS —t— THE POLICE TO BE ELECTED AT THE MEETING TOMOR ROW NIGHT. IV3AMY ARE. AFTER \HE JOBS And the Solons Will Have Quite a Hard Time Naming Them—Oth interesting Routine Matters to be Handled. City council will meet in regular session tomorrow night, and t'he meet ing promises to be quite an interest ing one, as there is. considerable routine business (o be handled. Among oilier things, council will name three policemen to succeed the three who recently left the force or were discharged on account of the general police muddle. It is understood that there are about twelve applications for the places and the election will be quite au interest ing one. Just how long the men will be elected fo.r cannot be stated, as the situation is still unsettled. Two of the cases, those of T L. Lamb ur.d Lewis Gill, have been carried to the supreme court. If the high tribunal decides in favor of the officers of course they will be given their places back on the force, therefore it is not known how long a period the new officers will be named for. ASKS FOR A CHARTER. Belle River Packing Company Wants to be Incorporated. Elsewhere in The News this morn ing will be found the petition for charter oflho Belle River Packing com pany, which asks to be incorporated In this county. The incorporates, as named in the charter are li. V. Nicluoll and Howard Williams, of this county, and H. F. Niclioll, of Flo^ffia. • The object of the company is host told in the following paragraph from the petition: That the object of said corpora tion is pecuniary profit to he derived in its business; and the particular business petitioners propose to con duct is the planting and cultivation cf oysters aud other shell fish, in any and all of the sounds, bays, waters, estuaries, rivers and creeks on the coast of Georgia, and within the jur isdiction of said state or of any oth er state; and also the buying and tell ing and canning of oysters, clams, anil other shell fit;, shrimp, prong, turtle, terrapin, vegetables, fruits, and food products of ail kinds which can bo profitably sold or canned. The Belle River Packing company has been, operating an oyster factory in this city for several years, and they now enjoy a good and prosper ous business, and have just closed down for the season. The capital stock, us stated in the petition is $25,000 and it is .under stood that the company intends mak ing a cumber of improvements be fore Uie lime for opening next year. -PUT BULLET THROUGH HEART. Arthur L. Jones, Prominent Montgom ery Society Man, Suicides. Montgomery, Ala., May 12. —Arthur L. Jones, one of the most prominent young society men in this city, shot and killed himself this afternoon ai 4:30 o'clock. He was bookkeeper for the Peo ple’s, cotton factory and general man ager of ihe National Air Moistening company. 110 ahol him elf through the heart with a 38-calil>re hammerless Smith & Wesson pistol, in his room, at his father's residence. There are many rumors afioat as to wh| lie committed the deed. The coroner's verdict said it was suicide. Fie left no note and no cause is known why he should have ended his life, though melancholia is genoialiy assigned. Mr. Jones wa,-, 30 years oi age, an alumnus of Auburn, a prominent club man, and a well known tennis piayer, having participated in the southern championship games. Gertrude Trundy Floated. Wilmington. N. C., May 12. —The sehopner Gertrude Trundy, Captain Rawlings, Carrabella to Philadel phia, lumber laden anil In leaking condition, which grounded on the shoaals 2 miles from Cape Fear bar Sunday night, was floated tonight and towed into South Port with only par tial loss of deck load < THE JURY ' LIST OF THOSE TO SERVE AT COMING SESSION OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. The superior court meets on May 21 and the session will be full of inter est. The lawyers are getting their cases in shape and everybody here will be ready for Judge Parker when I he comes. j Following is a list of the jury: j Grand jury. Constance Miller, J. S. jM. Symons, T. J. W,right, E. L. Me | Gougan, J. W. Owens, C. D. Ogg, J. A. Foster, F. A. Wrench, F. .T Doer fling,er, A. V. Wood. H. Gignilliaf, J. M. Burnett. E. I-.. Stephens. C. W. Floyd, M. Green, jr„ W. H. Crofton, J. J. Lott. D. D. Atkinson, E. F. Coney, J. W. Odum, J. T. Dent, E. C. Machen, M. Kaiser, ,T. ,T. Conoley, J. W. Pop well, W. S. Taylor, B. F. Lewis, N. Emanuel. Petit jury. H. M. Turner, Courtland Lamb, M. G. Lowe, M, J. Martin, L. D. Odham, L. A. Miller, A. A. Burney, S. M. Cornelius, W. T. Owens, L. E. Loftin, W. M. Baker. W. E. Fouche, A. F. Wilder, G. W. Wright, R. 11. Win jston.J. E. B. Manor, J. M. Manning, Herbert Millar, J. G. Harvey, R. B. McCullough, A. M. Haywood, J. D. Pyles, John Baumgartner, Jerry Wil cher, G. R. Harvey, C. H. Wimberly, W. A. Clark, B. A. Burford, T. A. Livingston, Alfred Christie, J. W. Chasten, C. McGarvey, W. .1. Child), R. E. Hainan, E. B. Dudley, jr„ J. C. Franklin. LADY MAKES A COMPLAINT. Does Not Like to see Loafers Around the Church. Editor of the News: Country churches in town. We are forced to tiiis- conclusion as we approach some of tho houses of worship on Sabbath morning seeing squads of men on the sidewalk and boys on the steps and this certainly reminds us of Ihe country churches where men congre gate to discuss their crops and other rural subjects. This is very distasteful to a lady of refinement as she has almost to pick her way through the crowd and up the steps and ieols that, perhaps she is the subject of criticism a- regards her dress or hat or some other cause. How much nicer would it be for these men and hoys to walk in rev erently when they reach the church, to say nothing of the disturbance they cause during the firrt part of the ser vices. In behalf of the ladies we would respectifully ask the men and boys lo hereafter desist from this annoying country habit, A LADY. SCHOOL CLOSED BY SMALLPOX. Piesident Chappell Dismisses Stu dents .it Milledgevillv Milledgeville, Ga., May 12. —Presi- dent J. Harris Chappell dismissed the Georgia Normal and Industrial college this mottling, ami nearly all of the girls will be at their homes tonight. This was not due to any indica tions of a spread of smallpox, as only cue young lady has developed the d.scase. There would have been absolutely sity for Dr. Chappell to have dismissed this school ai i, but for the fact that this school, with its splendid equipment in many re spects, still lacks an infirmary. HE WILL LEAVE SHORTLY. Manager Abrams V/H! Seen Begin Canning at Hollywood. Manager J. B. Abrams, of the Aiken Canning company is getting his busi ness here in shape preparatory to his depasture for Hollywood where he will start his fruit and vegetable can nig factory. Mr. Abrams told a News represen tative that he would probably begin work there by June 1 and he expects to have a very successful season. It is said that the company’s lac tory at Hollywood is one of the most complete in the state. The machin ery is of the most modern make and with Mr. Abrams’ experience the fac tory is sure to be a success. Fsev. Walker to Preach. Not withstanding the bad weather yesterday the meetings at the Bap tist church were very incouraging. Rev. W. L. Walker will arrive this afternoon from Savannah and preach tonight. Mr. Gilmore will preach in the afternoon at 4. A Legislator Hare. Hoii. W A. Wooten, of Ml. Vernon, was a pleasant visitor to the city yes terday. Mr. Wooten is the represent ative of Montgomery county in the legislature, and is one of the leading citizens of south Georgia BRUNSWICK, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 13 r 1903. IHE BARK RESCUE l A HEAVY EALE 1 WENT ASHORE OFF LONG ISLAND POINT AND MAY BE A TO TAL LOSS. CftfW SAVED BY ILG INCA Captain Tooker and Seven Men Were Brought to the City Yester day—Bark Has a Big Lumber Cargo. The tug Inca arrived in port yes terday having on board Captain Tooker and a crew of seven, who were rescued from the bark Rescue, which is now ashore off point. This is the unknown bark which was reported to be ashore in these columns yesterday morning, and it was stated that the tug Inca had gone to her assistance. The Rescue was bound from Wil mington, N. C. to Jamaica, with a cargo of 300,000 feet of lumber, val ued at $4,500. She sailed from Wil mington about 10 o'clock Friday. The following day the hark encountered a severe gale, with an unusually sea, and it was soon discovered that llie vessel was leaking. The pumps were put in operation immediately, and the crew worked faithfully to save the ves sel. The captain endeavored to steer clear, but early Sunday morning the bark went aground off the above nam ed point.. As ~oon as she was sighted tug boat owners were notified in this city and the Inca lett Monday afternoon to render assistance. The bark was in a very bad place, and it was quite a difficult task for the tug to get to the vessel to re-cue the crew, but finally succeeded. During Hie storm the bark's main boom was broken, badly splitting the mainsail and forestaysail. The Res cue was on the beach forty hours be fore the Inca arrived. It is thought that the vessel anil en tire cargo will be a total loss, but ef forts will be made to pull the bark off.. CURIOUS THINGS Come From Coffee Drinking. A lady in New York suffered an. ac cident. to her leg and a running sore followed that medical science tried to cure for many years but unknown to he,r the coffee she drank daily kept the blood in a condition that would not let the sore heal. “Three years ago” said this lady ,"I was advised to drink Postum and give up coffee of which, I was very fond. To say that 1 am very thankful now for having done this is putting it mildly for as soon as I made the shift from coffee to Postum my leg began to heal and in a few weeks was quite well. "It has never troubled me since and I think it quite marvelous. Neither have 1 -uffored from the billious head aches which used to afflict me. I can give you the names of many of my friends who are as firm friend of Pos tum as I.” Name given, by Postum Cos., Battle Creek, Mich. This is a case where Postum made red blood in a hurry. This lady thought it. marvelous because her trouble of yeais standing was cured in a few weeks thioitgli giving up cof fee and using Postum In its place. Nothing marvelous about it, only the simplest reasons that it will pay any one to look into. healthy red blood will cure most, any disease. Coffee in many people, destroys the red corpuscles and produces white or wateiy blood. A definat.e change is made by leaving off coffee entirely and using Postum. You can prove this by a trial. GEORGIANS TAKE LONG TRIP. Marshallville Citizens to Visit Pacific Slope and Alaska. Marshallville, Ga., May 12. —D. li. Frederick, Mrs. Ida Wade and Miss Edna Frederick, of this place, left to day on a long trip through the west to Seattle, Wash., on a visit, to their kinsman, D. E. Frederick, a former Georgian, but now one of the most I rosperous merchants of that grow ing city of the west. An Alaskan uip has been planned for the Georgia party by this western kinsman, which will be extended to the land of the “midnight sun." Their Reniarv also looks to a trip through Yoaemite ami Yellowstone Par* SLOCUM LEAVES the n e, eoAO SUPERINTENDENT OF TRANSPOR TATION SENT iN RESIGNA TION YESTERDAY. IT CAME AS A SURPRISE He Has Only Been With the Road for a Few Months, But Has Made a Good Official —Will Go to Savannah. Another change occurred in the operative of the B. & B. yesterday mot C] „.„\> when Superintend ent of Transportation W. A, Slocum tendered his resignation to General Manager J. A. McDuffie, No one as yet has been appointed to fill the vancaney, but it is more than likely that, an announcement in this respect will be made from the B. & p. headquarters in the course of the next day or two. The resignation of Superintendent Slocum came by telegraph and will be quite a surprise to the various em ployees of the road,with all of whom Mr. Slocum was very popular. He has only been with the com pany a few months, having succeed ed L. T. Westrich, formerly in the position, who resigned to accept a position in Chicago. The News has il that Mr. Slocum has accepted a place in Savannah. THE B. & 3. CHANGES. People of Brunswick Hardly Know What to Make of Them All. The self-cocking, rapid-fire changes that, aie daily oceuring in the person nel of the Brunswick and Birmingham railroad, has got the people of Bruns wick somewhat puzzled, and they hardly know what to think of it all. The developments Monday, a full account of which apeared in The News yesterday, although the meeting was held in New Tory Mommy morning* was the topic of conversation in the city yesterday and was discussed pro and con by our people. Of course we are not on the inside track, like some others (?) in Bruns wick, and we are unable to say ex actly what all (his changing, etc., means. However, we are able to give I'ne news to the people of B; mi.,wick when it happen.-, and they can rest as sured that they will hear all that is given out in New York for publica tion. ENGINEER SAW TIES ON TRACK. Attempt to Wreck a Train Frustrated by Alert Driver. Charlotte, K. ('., Msy 12.—Train wreckers attempted to wreck the even ing passenger train on tho Carolina Central division of the Seaboard nt a point one mile from Paw lion yesterday evening. A large lot of ties were placed on, the track, some of these being pla ced beneath ihe rail so that Hie oppo site ends would extend near the mid die of the roadbead. Others were carelessly thrown across the track. The engineer saw the obstructions in time to stop his train before dam age resulted. DENIES THE CHARGES. Atlant Stockade is in Shape cays Collier.'’' Atlanta, May 12. —Some days ago a committee from the charity conven tion visited the stockade and the lat ter came in for a strong roast ali kinds of charges having been made. Now comes Commissioner Collier, of tile department of public works, with a denial of everything the com mittee said. In his statement Mr, Collier denies that the negroes and whites are quai tered together like sheep, he also says that the report to the effect that wo men and men were kept in the -am, quarters is uni! ue. He slates emphatically ihal there is one mess bail but males and females are not, allowed in there at the same time. LARGE CROWD COMING. Party From Macon Will be the First Large Crowd for Cumberland. Tlie first large crowd of Ihe sea son will arrive this morning from Macon headed by Capt. Fleetwood and bound for Qumbcriand where they will spend ten days. They are going to the popular resort mostly for fishing, but In their letters took ticcasion to engage rooms for June when they will r.ome agalff. RAILROAD SUES SOUTHERN PISE A BIG SUIT FILED IN SAVANNAH EY THE ATLANTIC & BIRM INGHAM. WANT $(>5,000 DAMAGES Charges That the Southern Pine Cos. Broke Contract to Use Line and Hauled Freight to Ports Below the State Date. Savannah, Ga., May 12.—Tho At lantic & Birmingiiam railroad filed suit for damages in the superior court today lor s<>!>.Odt) against the Southern Pine company of Georgia ioi an al leged l*Ac.nk (of cojutract. The suit was filed ky King & Little and .!. I . Sweat, of Waycross. 1 he petition recite- that on or about September 15. the del\>nient owned ail the timber suitauie t'<:i saw mill purposes on fifty-five b bs adjoin ing tcie line of road between the towns of Nichols :i !i i Dougla each c ntaiuing 'do acres nnd -ve -;;i ill on sands of ac<* in lots -Isew a- *. contiguous thereto in Coifen count*., aggregatijig 22. file acres. The parties entered into an agree intent according to Iho coinplaint t'uat tile lii-litionpr would liaiil nil liio tin;- her cut and sawed over its lines and connections to Brunswick for a rate not to exceed $7 per car load of 2L ui!p pounds and to Bavannah for l>cr car of the same capacity. A these rates were lower than the rail road commissioners (f Georgia had fixed tin- delMmiem was to ship ail of its lumber over the line of the plaiu i.tiff. Defendent. the petitioner alleges. | has failed to perform its conk:act and ha- diverted from n by shipping ‘over other lines 2C:?.347,5)12 pounds of timber, amjuniing to 1,072 cars of 24,000 pounds each. SUIT AGAINST THE B. & B. >* =— Alfred Darnels Asks for Damages in the Stun of $5,000. A suit was tiled in the superior court yesterday by Allred le.* .**! tlirough his altoi ••• . Wo dford Ma bry and K |j iianis for danmg in the amount of sr.,uuo. In the suit ii is alleged that tl-** plaintiff was employed by ih- j<*l • * i: •I - company, and that on Feiurar. 17, last, he met with an accident, which lu* iris •uJiY.rod e\tnme ]hy.- i<al pa ! i: and .tit! suffers. Ii is •dated ill it the injury is a permanent ore. The accident oceured while J)ii I‘‘‘is wut*. as isting a fotc< In unlm! | ing lumber ami a large piece fell *i his log, r<\suliing in n serious injury. THE ENGINE REPAIRED. Pummpir.g Stat on E r. yrm in Alrig'-.t Again. Under tlio supervise u of Alderman Uan iho broken pumno of ik jmmi ILA statiop wav, rebuilt < i . ,; | is now in perfect ordei again. Till* W( n, which was !;• rt I . lerday morning was finisheri and the engine working again before 2 j n This speaks for Alderman U n is mau auemeut of the affair.. Wayn e Superior Court. Judge Parker is holding an inter esting sc sion of the Wayne county superior court and quite a number of local attorneys are interested. Tin* session will last until Friday. A Number There New. -Yoihwirhstanding the fact that rim hotel has not as yet formally opened 'hen* are si ilia number of guests 'hi re and Manager Jacobi is laking can* of thorn in great shape. IL- is receiving launerui 1.-lte- s every day j from people m all si-et ions <-f i,• siaie! engaging room.:. Will Meet Tcdny - ' ' cimiily ' I ; a . | <'*■)' „ i; I his hi 1,. , ii',,,;., .: : i. i Ur. W ii 11'*i ivt. a:n ij is reque icd. Lcc.ll Club V.'on In an ini" ,nr . i.f ,:, . I yesterday aflernoon bclweet ;e . ’ nri-d fin; . til • •.i n ,s,vn I, ;;n , .: :r-. ~ I In* fcriner won ;>y a , ~i .■ Quite a lai • : i: u\v. w .:;, o::L - u the Kdine. Negro Woman Dead. Ella Parker, a well known negro woman, died at her homo on Albany i r<>ot. yesterday morning and will he hVlsd today. j FIGHT I l " NEGRO WOMAN MET BURGLAR IN HOUSE AND PROCEEDED TO LAND ON HIM. | About K;•',!) o’clrv.k yoslerdav morn ing. wnen tho Itousogirl at tire iv-i (ipneo of -Mr. \Y. *•'. Parker, o: MaliiV square, went to work, she diseonn- ,i la nogro burglar in tito ;m a- w i,> lad evidently eauved oarlior in tin* morning, and had made his out.ran <• breaking one of the windows in a room down stairs. When the girl diseoverd i • -i ho was upstairs, and she at once 'landv I" on him, and a real iive light followed, l'ho negro was in one of the rooms, and was just preparing to leave with an arm full of things that he ;ui stolen, hut the woman sm <•*.•.!.\i in putting up su< it a lively tight that t‘ •• intruder dropped Ih* things ami >\ : glad enough t* get out of the ,;ousi : atel). I'hey fougiit all the way down uno i • woman > •.•■•ining io g.u u. -jii - iiv the h; .A of the battle. I mail-. w, ; i io the hallway, the man pieiveo i., . t;! . ad a t•■>].jjt *d to • t hi. i 1 - xx.m.u;. hut .1 w-m wide u • s.ari- Vhe n • o 1 i it' : •• Ii ii •.an:-* window through wiiich !:•* ! • l ,• 1 kno- ic:ii..* out . • • fa i e panes of gin -s, ma . * i The i )1 •• • and ;ment was < to s no with hioodhonm’s. but i . <*\ ouiii not got thorn on ti> • trail j and lie has not yet he u The nogro evi I•: 11> t :ev. hat was no one i:i tin* homo. Mr. <’ j> Pa:l;*i has a nun. Tm r.*. i. • ho i.i 1 *lt for work, and iad ; !•.•: : been watch* and by : 1..* • not been for the at rival if t 1 * an. liie burglar would have ; • carried away urjn> valtrnhle articles j FAMOUS Bl r D f,;,\N DEAD. Ccrl Grill,O V.'.r- t'ie Hiy' c-_t A.i thority on tl.n Wa.lilc--.. M. i'i'.slown, N'ov. I,'- ,'. >i,,y | Carl (iinr.ii. (':•• l>ir.' 11::.i ai il v.arliU- Will) wa.i U;nl.v;i il , ini jlljl.'- ' ll.. n t-. ,t,- ,j. iP na.t 1. ••. Blnvctl i n aviary a! • . in; (Mains, r,.al \va ■,l . wiiy ! lie Biumlili .. : fell rilslo at j :>!-< K|ir r.i C. • ~ | !!<• vv 'r, ~ ,;!•!. | v , . s ; ho:* .i: (b n. v io k. i 11his iDiiinr. mail' v. . i • . •to know m, .out !oi and . * acir 1 i habits a::d on*.., ? .* in u . i |in this ciiiinuy. BELIEVED HE FIRED BARN Alleged Negro Fire Bug Held st Sparta. . j irta, <la., Ma > 12 Lust u!> ,ut 12:20 o’clock l! l .**. !ar.** ; ii of .). M. Harris, Jr., was <1 -sro;, <! by lire. S miles from her*. | j\ , .: , h;m (lather, a lias !><>•• * '(Hptured and landed ii: Jail her *. .>• i.)g the supposed incendiary. T • los is liea\' including al* < > . cd mare. This is the second ban.’ in that hsalify in on,- month. EXPLOSION OF AN CiL BOAT ;Ye w.::l Tow: and Irtto Middle of Riv- r rt New York. York, May . . n * ii e.cmv. -•! !>v < •< n r m in a i . . f in. St a bard Oil e ; .j n’-y at i.o: isin<;;l Ciiy today. '/lie Vessel'- into th* J-'as? ri' e, v;ht re 11* * * tian * w•• *r. r* i guishisl. lohn Q? om, . h mate on • riv boat, is ihojight to in.-.• i*M.*n I:it• ■ i A sec-ond o\|.lo--*tn no urre I ,vii. lhe ci aft is Ihtii; : eld in mid strtan j by tugs. No Baseball. It. now -eems to be a sen led be i that there will he no baseball team here* this season and Lie niaiter is to he generally regretl<*d. There is no doubt hut that a good nam could in placed in the ti<*ld hut those who are aftc-r, t lo* oigai;*:av -(ai of a club ran not find ; maimger and for this . e-s sc#: . ii r other. w* will have no ha -i.all here tuis sunnner. The Work Delayed. Pont no to: Howon !m had . **.i ~i d'* ii (.•!' trou! ic !:; ely in i* . ■hb •*<• tie* puhlit b'*iidi!,g -. oil a !.e ha. :o shm down • *, a a to:'** Tiie -P -a*: I Im.Hb.g J - .ml all b or. .. ; ii. * • it is no! i c ).a ii . , . ditions will e\i.-*t Arc- Dnd-ir.s Him. OfT.cer Ptichard on i niw on ‘ street tax collecting r mnns n*,d b | U already turning smuo mom it: .the city cotfeta, He is at pro-m . ccitvetthg turning th* colored p'.i i * 4 PRICE FIVE CENTS, BIRFPTBr* B !f ■ uni nft yn - iSULfj h 11 LL is. U RUM OK. HAD ’■ i THAI 1 HLY IN TT.vV YTRK ym • ; ,-A\\Y AN D N A • .1D ?> is E DI.N T. I*o i\!2. vV Ih ...** ? -! •’ ,•! ; 2: u n svvick Dir ;• r. - ~• r, ;V i;. Av■ • , J Meeting hr to Give Get. Tl!i*”o : • r.r r!* . . Vel < TANARUS:,; <•1 •; ri! • • L .V I in: 1 1•; X llil <•;:> r. ■ i • 1 . :• ■ h. - : ■ ■ . i * t . ? :• .1 • ■ ... ... i ■ ; .V- It •!l\ -■ < 1 "• ■ : • l ■ ::iii• ■ ■ .1. ’ •.■ ii ■ i • : i discuss mat!; ill) mil 1 i i\> •. 1 I ...( ... *,l who !I • i I . ... II:.; ... ; he . n. it v.a i i..r. ; • ■.! i;. ... < ' . during Ihe day lI.M ft;,.. nor o! Iho ili. ret .. I li.r it. .'c Ii, : . re sold in ... i irk, I. i Ti.. . , j., |li ir-ili.-.i in toy i .v. not the Cum a;’.* lliai no additional liieoliug ,v ‘T;'7:i r! KiltciaWons . <. ran .. 1 1 .... <>.:.( H<J*tl._. otn.T .; ■ toil.) - • i [.i■. ■ 1. i:! • i... u> c-iur leu .k ir nature j. ..• '. i: ,e. oral elf ■ ... another Ii Iha ' icnui In <• til- . 1 ■ 11l ■ oil . ... _ . i . i ■ ■ -I j • i ■ ■ ■;...> ... m , r. I I ..a;: . II: r... S:: ~ ill ; - r- Ii- • t: M ■ .i. • i t. !s•i • •. . : <f ; .t *;• . M .In hi. • T i nil 1 iial i.l :• Til { .i • 11 • i ' ! . . I: V . Y r .1 rny cr f -,v .. i!i is • ! i..- : - I •;>• 11-*i •' }:.••> i. I," i {.-> ,! •! <:) TO fY-OPT -;T / VNEPS, ' ' Estate ir;', v City Clerk. IT. '!■ •! I : i 01 <’i!y C’l.Hjo: All \ • 1 OP j ma 1 pro-ten .-•!■ ■. ’i ■ ii v 1 i j k OL ( cuil’ .: in V. Ji;l :r :if *f ; . * ,;' ; 1 ( ‘' ' ' ■’ ’■•lev. i*e.- • ti; .'i. <!•.-• oil April, i"')iit .vi i , ra;. ■ v :n. rase nr;: Tr r,--. r property not IJ • - ! * i lie ( •IS ' L < I’ty o; i • ? I: * :.] -;i ;..ol ; iial. • m;' .i >•’ i liio* fiiannor as : no Li i. . • “ i 11 i;i• i• *.' As will be j'l.n-iyeng ~nJy 'i• i' I} ; which to *nr ont • ; b !I :■ . J. re! unis I ,r o.’, ; ntb •• ’• !•■ •'•ties t; .:;. I ‘ ! 7 pns|ierty ; • .iarly d:.*■ < • i to Uli.i o-.i :;ie| MO., :.<• ( ode, it Jaib too to T.O' . Tl:j; lic.e, of * h • Mi; J of the ir n . and a d<- • . r n.>i f the ore; or' • i ransft t r i. m ; mini? ore, ’ r Ka:; i . . \ e,j ,}, j •- 1 .• • ■ ! een . • .. I tr.oi • •o n:: '• J . i l :reO!, ► ; .ay I of .. ,y >, h •Tty IS j) •’ * to ever It j. KkJr.'. i 1! I;i et . • if of. of . .. her. i. ;o ;1 r r •by ns I . , _ , . hi < io : . • , N ]). ' j / Pretty Street. 1 r." ;;* ;3:l ' .idon , at , ie f ire than anj other. > "helled fr*:n Bav* .ii:**.*i • back landtn ? an 1 i t 3 > > • ■ i rt i mo t ■■ Ito i e m ’h j aamo incdkin j.