The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 13, 1903, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY MORNING. SLIPPERS Both for Evening Street Use Oxford Ties, the largest assortment ever shown by us. Hand Turned the Kind That Don’t Burn. $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Every Lady Invited to come in anti get her correct weight. We have put in a pair of Fairbanks Beales for the convenience of our cus tomers, and would be glad for you to use them. W. J. BUTTS, Druggist Agent for Huyle-o' Candies. IJust Get in the Push and Follow the when you gel thirsty or when you ji. Yo " wUI l " ! pK ' aB< wi,h 11,6 way -t tW& \ wt! you ar<> lir!iae< * ,1<!ro 1,8 wo " 118 wttli sWsot \ 111 not eonveiiiont to conio, telephone HUNTER’S Pharmacy J Sale of Millinery Goods. Having leased my store from Juno Ist. to MORGAN DRUG STORE, I will sell my entire slock, consisting of | T _ all Millinery Goods, Show Cases, Fixtures, Etc. in Ir.ts to dealers at a sun*lice. Call and examine. Must be disposed of at once. gf , , io i• ex J&i MRS. EARLE Dr. G. G. Green, of Wood,.my. New Jersey, sole maiuifaeluror of Green’s August Flower and Uoschee's German Syrup, whose advertisement appears in our paper regularly, will send to any one mailing a two cent stamp to pay postage, one of his new Ger man Syrup and August Flower puzzles, made of wood and glass. It amuses and perplexes young and old. A1 though very difficult, it can ho mas ten and. Mention this paper. To Keep Moths Out of Your winter clothes, have them thoroughly cleaned and pressed by Jim Carter before put ing them away. TO THE LADIES ! ! We are showing the prettiest line of ready-to-wear and dress HATS ever shown in this city. Something new arriving on every steamer. Your inspection solic= ited at “ELKANS” The Reason Why. Hancock s Liquid SnliOmr should he In every home: It is indorsed and pre scribed by many leading physicians for such diseases as eczlema, pimples, ring worms, salt rheum, damdruff, diphthe ria, soro throat, cuts burns, open sores and all blood and skin troubles. No household should !* without it. Ask your druggists tor a book on Liquid Sulphur and see what the doctors say regarding this wonderful rewiedy. For sale at Smith's Pharmacy. y Keeps WeW Posted.. TAye latest and improved methods are kind used by Jim Carter. Only the 1 finest chemicals and safest methods used. PERSONAL MENTION —t— NOTES ABOUT PEOPLE WHO COME AND GO IN AND OUT OF THE CITY. E. P. Williams, of Macon, was in the city yesterday. Geo. E. Sauls, of Savannah, spent yesterday in the city. J. J. Parks, of Helena, was a visitor to the city yesterday. Col.W. E. Kay spent yesterday in Macon on legal busines. W 5. E. Hates, of Charleston, was registered at the Oglethorpe yester day. t i' C. O. Riggins, of Black shear, was among the visitors to the city yester day. . C. C. Wolffo, of Wayeross, was among the visitors to the city yester day. , .). 11. WYight, of St. Simon, was among the visilors to the city yes tterday. Manager Jacobi, of hotel Cumber land, returned to the island yester day morning. J. C. Geiger, clerk of the .superior court of Appling county, was in the city yesterday. Judge Oourtland Symmes lias re turned from Jesup where he atten ded the court (here. Judge J. W. Bennot is attending Wayne superior court, which is in session at Jesup this week. Judge J. D. Sparks has returned front Jesup, where he has been attend ing the Wayne superior court. Max Krauss, a well known travel ling man, was shaking hands witli his many friends in ‘‘the city yester day- a Col. Orville A Ptlrk, of Macon, and a party of friends arrived yesterday and will spend several days at Cum berland. CITATION. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF Gi.YNN. Addie E. (loin having made appli cation for twelve months support out of the estate of R. It. Coin, and ap praisers duly appointed to set apart the same, having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby re quired to show cause before the court of ordinary of said county on the first Monday in June 1903 why said application should not lie granted. This the Bth., day of May 1903. HORACE DART ■ Ordinary Glynn county, Oa. CITATION. STATE OF OEOTJOI A, COUNTY OF GLYNN. Georgia Gibson having made appli cation for twelve months -support out of the estate of Honey Gibson, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby re quired to show cause before the court of ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in Tune 1903, why aid amilieation should not be granled. Til is tbo Sib., day of Mav Ihfi3. HORACE DART Ordinary Glynn countv. Ga Something New. I I am now bottling the genu ine COCO COLA which is being generally introduced in Brunswick and vicinity. Am prepared to fill all orders, from one case up. at 70 c per case of two dozen bot-v ties. Send us your order or 'phone 185. Ludwig-, 306 Bay Street. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. THE OLD RELIABLE POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE CITATION. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN. To whom it may concern: X’. W. Fleming as administrator with will annexed of Janies Itenwick, de ceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite aii persons concerned to show cause, if any, ag ainst the granting of such discharge at the regular term of the court of or dinary for said county to he held on tlie first Monday in June 1903. This .May 7th., 1903. HORACE DART Ordinary Giynu county, Ga. CITATION. STATE OF Gif -ttGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN. Flora Harmon having made appli cation for twelve months support out of the estate of F. lb Harmon, and ap praisers duly appointed to set apart tlie same having filed their return; all persons concerned are hereby required to show can e before the court of or dinary nf said county, on the first Mon day in .Tune 1903, why said applica tion should not. lie granted. This the Bth.. day of May 1903. IIOUACE DART Ordinary Glynn county, Ga. CITATION. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN. H. J. Read having in due form ap plied to me for permanent letters of tsdministrnthe on the estate of Flora Davis tale of aid county, this is to cite nil and singular the creditors and next of kin of Flora Davisto be and appear at. my office within the time allowed by law to show cause, if any they can, wthy permanent, administration should ret tie granted to said TT. .T. Read. Witness my hand and official signiturc this the 3th., day of May 1993. Ordinary Olvnn county. Oa. HORACE DART i'Our Goods: r Talk. I *> 5 £ We are now showing a fine line* 1 of ? £ SPRING NOVELTIES t ♦ % IN 5 t | Jewelry t % 5 4. Call and Examine ▼ IKENNON MQTTI i Jeweler and Eye Specialist. * 7 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. + *1 fy Keeper of the City Clock.. Time 4- by wire from Washington daily 4-. at 11 a. m. Jk ► <4 ► 99 H REASONS < Why you should use a ► GAS COOKING STOVE < and au ► ELECTRIC FAN ► -i Ist. It makes the long sum- a , mer days endurable. A 2nd. It makes life worth living, a 3rd. It does away with the ► expense of .•►ug to the moun- 8 ► tains or islamfl. 1 ► a , The other ninety-six reasons c will he discovered after a short A trial of them. Get the benefits a ► AT ©NCI?, see us TO-DAY. \ MUTUAL LIGHT < ► & WATER CO. < FOR * GROCERIES : AND 4 Fresh Meats ♦ REMBEMEER > Durden & Ccr Wolf and t Street sell it loss, lliuiip 352. and what you order will he delivered promptly.'*' READ THESE PRICES. ♦ Stew Meats from 5 to 71-2 ♦ pound Steak from 10c pound to*. 121-2. Groceries just as cheap. + EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Coußcellor at Law, Cy.rrt View*** Brtmtwlek. Gat AROUND OUR CITYJ BATCH OF SMALL ITEMS PICKED UP DURING THE DAY BY NEWS REPORTERS. Progressing Rapidly. Work on the new Second Advent j church is progressing at a very rapid j rate. The brick foundation has been laid and other work is being pushed ahead. Getting Ready. P. Rogowin is getting things in shape for the opening of his grocery in the Isaac- building on Wolf street. Mr. Rogowin says he will have a first class establishment. He will op jen on the 15. A Number of Prospectors. Quite a number of business men of other cities have visited Brunswick quite recently with a view of lo cating here and some of them have made arrangments to remove. One or two have purchased property. Inspection Tonight. The Brunswick Riflemen will he in spected in thir armory tonight by Ma jor French, of the regular army, who is inspecting all of the troop- of Geor gia. He will inspect the Jesup com pany this morning, arriving here this afternoon. Campaign Buttons. The friends of Max Isaac, who is a candidate for Grand Outer Guard of the Georgia Knights of Pythias, have purchaed a large number of campaign buttons and are tending them through out the state. This contest will be one of the warmest before tlie lodge and the result is being watched with interest. Citation. Georgia, Glynn County. To whom it may concern: J. D. Fogier having made application to me in due form to be appointed ad ministrator with the will annexed upon the estate of Hannah Faulkner of Ostego county. New York. Notice Is hereby given that said application will be beard at the regular term nf of ordinary of said county, to be held on the first Monday in .Tune. 1903. Witness my hand and official signa ture this Gth (lav of Mav. 1503. HORACE DART, Ordinary Olyr.n County, Ga. Special Notice. All hills against the British steam ship Lobelia must he presented at our office by noon today or payment 'thereof will he debarred. F. D. M. STRACHAN & CO. Consignees. SHERIFF’S SALE. (STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN. Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, state of Georgia, on the Tuesday in June next the same be ing the second day thereof, be tween the legal hours of 10 a. m. and -1 p. m. of the said date the following described property to wit: That certain lot., tract or par cel of land, situate lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, state of Georgia, and known and described on Simmons’ map of said city made in the year 1901 as New Town lot No. 128 C. Levied on t as the property of C. B. and Alice H. Irvine under and by virtue of an execution, issued by If ,1. Read, Tax Collector, for state and county taxes | due for the year 1902. Amount of tax $7.29 besides interest and cost. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, Deputy Sheriff. Also at the same time and place, the following described property to wit: That certain lot. tract or par cel of land, situate lying and being In the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, state of Georgia, and known and described on Simmons’ map of said city made tn the year 1901 as Now Town lot No. 398. Levied on as the property of Chance Brothers un der and try virtue of an execution issued by H. .T. Read. Tax Collector, for the state and county taxes due for the year 1902. Amount of taxe $15,15 besides interest and cost l-cvy made and returned to me by It. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. W. H. SERRIE, Sheriff. Glynn County, Georgia. fTo Women As an inducement to women to trythe “Dorothy Dodd” Shoe and to tell their experience with them in orderthat others may he induced to be come wearers, I have succeeded inpersuading the “Dorothy Dood” Shoe Cos. to offer * $4,000 in Cash Prizes for the forty-three women who givethe best reasons why the “oDrothy Dood" Shoe is superior to all others. J. A. Smith, is exclusive agent for my shoe, They will be pleased to give you full particulars as to the prizes. • Sincerely Headquarters For Everything in the Dry Goods Line Mrs. M Isaac Watch this Space. L A Ah At A. 'A. A. A A. A. A. A A. A A. .A. A. A -A A. -A A A- -A ■When in Need of Honey . CALL ON JOEL BROS. : W JLf* X RELIABLE PAWNBROKERS, • / \ 308-309 Bay Street. I faWM \ Yo 6 can get the most liberal loans on , I IjiejjpjßjgMHji 1 your Diamonds, Wbtches, Jewelry, 1 I Furniture and all kinds of personal , JL M property. -alWMfc. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY COMFI - ££S2E§£S* DENTIAL. ► BjpgfjglpflS Unredeemed Pledge:; For Sr.le wBnBKgSS Look for large 3 ball sign outside sterc w JOEL BROS. Reliable Pawnbrokers. ■ Prescriptions, : Every druggist says that his drugs i are pure. Every druggist says that < he does not substitute. Every drug- < gist says that he does not use infer- . ior or adulterated drugs. Every drug gist says that he does accurate work. What is there left for us to say dif- ‘ fereriit from anybody else? Weil, we < invite you to bring your prescription , here and see the kind of treatment you get in our store, and notice the way everything is done, and then see if you do not feel that the medicine ' is put up just as your doctor would < like to nave it. . MORGAN’S Drug Store. i ISHIN6S ; u ( 6 i t Is there a single house in all Brunswick so completely furnished * t that not one new article is need cd at this Spring Season? Is there < % a housewife indifferent to the saving of money? Of ccurse not Your , needs are many, hut you can supply them all if you buy here. < 'M. M. Miller and don \ < ■ Made You:ig Again. “One of Dr. King’s New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my ‘teens’ again,” writes Dr. D. H. Turner of Dernpseytown, I’a. They’re the best in the world for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegeta ble. Never gripe. Only 25 cents at all druggists. MAY 13, ISOS A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Laying Carpets and Matting, Putting in Cane Scats in Chairs, Mattresses made and renovate:;, Furniture re packed and carpets cleaned, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS, 110 Gloucester Street.