The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 15, 1903, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, VOLUME 2, NUMBER 196. THE CITY COUNCIL MET LAST NIGHT + A BATCH OF INTERESTS MAT TERS WERE DISPOSED OF AT A LONG SESSION. NO POLICEMEN ELECTED The Mayor is to Appoint Them Today. Other Parties Want a Franchise. Various Subjects Were Handled. City council met in regular session last night and disposed of a number of routine matters. On account of the late Ihour of adjournment, the official minutes could not be prepared, but will appear in the-e columns tomor row morning. Among the petitions and communi cations received was an application for electric street railway franchise and power plant from Chicago and New York parties; a petition form the .board of education for a 99 year lease of Orange park, in New 7 Towm. on w'liich to build the brick school bouse, which were referred to the proper committees. Among the reports was one of spec ial significance from the the taxes and revenue committee relative to re funding tax paid in error by parties ow'ning lots and holding the title through the Houston lease. In an opinion rendered by the city attorney he advised the committee that it was an error to collect a land tax and the amount thus paid war- ordered refund ed. The committee on railroads and harbor, on the petition of the 13. & 13. railroad, submitted a report recom mending that the sipur track, as laid across the boulevard into the Aiken Canning company’s plant, be allowed to remain subject to the usual con ditions of maintenance of crossings and street grades, and to be removed in the discretion of council on thirty days notice. Council took a recess for the pur pose of considering title applications for vacancies on the police force. Af ter the recedes the mayor announced that he would, this morning, as di rected by the mayor and council, namc the appointees selected Ivy the mayor and council to fill tile vacancies, such appointees to hold office until other wise directed. Advices were received from the Seagrade company, of Columbus, Ohio, stating that the truck wa- nearly com pleted, but they were waiting on the steel manufacturers for tires of the desired width. Various reports from officers wero read and took the usual course. A resolution was passed authorizing the mayor to borrow $5,000 to supply casual deficiencies. The usual monthly bills and ac counts, properly approved and au dited, were passed for payment, YACHT CLUB IS OFF. There is Nothing Doing and the Pro posed Club Will Not Materialize. Some time ago there was a great deal of talk about (lie organization of a yaclit club in tiiist city but now it seem, that everything is off and the ciub will not be formed. Wo have a sufficient number of yacht owners Iboie but they do not seem to have any desire to form an organization. It may he that Brum-wick is a lit tle small for a club of this kind and if this is the case wo are bound to have one soon because the city is growing at a rapid rate. CHANGING THE COLOR. Old Plant System Yellow is Being - Painted out by S. A. L. The large warehouse of the Atlan tic Coast Line, at the foot of Glou cester street is receiving anew coat of paint, which will add greatly to the appearance of the building. The old color, yellow, whiclh has ad orned the building since it was erec ted, will be changed and the new ow ners are having it painted a lead col or. It is understood that the road will also have the other building in the city changed from yellow to lead col or. It Is Dull Now. During the past few days things have been very quiet in real estate circles. This condition of affairs is no duubt caused by the uncertainty of several enterprises that are to be here within a short time. The man wljith money Should now invest as property is surely going up and at an eaaiy date too. SITE BOARD OF TRADE HELD MEETING YESTERDAY AND SATISFIED PRESIDENT UMSTED. The Brunswick board of trade held a very important meeting In its quarters at the city hall yesterday morning at 11 o’clock which was attended by a large number of the members of the organisation. The feature of the meeting was the discussion over a telegram received by President Aiken from Mr. Cm sted, relating to the site of the steel plant. Mr. Pasted pointed out in his telegram that the report of the engi neer in eiharge was to the effect that the site was short some four hun dred feet of the amount originally agreed upon. The board took the matter up, and in a very few minutes the grievance of President t Tins ted was remedied and another obstacle to the coming of the plant was removed. E. H. Mason, wbo has been in New York for several days was at the meeting and made a little talk in which he took occasion to say that in his opinion the situation as re gards the B. & B. and the steel plant were both in a very satisfactory con dition. He was given the very closest at tention by title members of the board, and his talk was thoroughly en joyed. A number of other matters of a routine matter were taken up and disposed of, after which the meeting adjourned. TROOPS GEORGIA’S MILITIA WILL HAVE A CAMP THIS YEAR AT THE COST OF THE STATE. Encampment of the Georgia troops begins next month if the recommen dation of the military advisory board are -carried out by Governof Terrell, and it is very likely tihat they wil be. Just where all the regiments will he centered is a matter of doubt, but it is positive that Griffin, Ga., will get at least two of the regiments, and the other three regiments will he allowed to camp in their respective territo ries. To cany all the regiments to Grffin would involve great expense and for that reason Goveronr Terrell is will ing to allow the regiments to choose a place in their own locality so that the cost of raHroad transportation will he reduced. Since the announcement yesterday that there would be an encampment this year the military men in Bruns wick have scarcely talked of anything else. It has been many years since the soldiers were provided with a camp by the state, and tihe members of the various companies are, of course, very much elated over the an nouncement. Savannah will get the state shoot next August. The advisory board recommended to the governor that Savannah was the place for it. This recommendation came as was predict ed several weeks ago. Macon had the shoot last year and was very anxious- for it this year, hut it was feared that the new bullets carried by the new guns would he too much for the Macon range. Governor Terrell says he thinks the encampment will be held between Juno IS and June 30. It may be ne cessary to camp two regiments at a time, as it. is not thought now that the state has a sufficient number of tents on hand for all of the regiments to camp at one time. The encampment this year .will do lot- towards arousing interest in mH itry matters in Georgia and it is pre dicted that the Georgia troops will be on a better footing than ever, after a week in camp. CAUGHT iN WHIRLWIND. Schooner James W. Paul, Jr., Dam aged on Way From Havana. The five-masted schooner James W. Paul, Jr., arrived in port yesterday morning from Havana, with her fore topsail gone. Captain Silkey reports that when out of Havana his schooner got caught in a whirlwind, which was the eause of ike accident. The schoner was in the midst of the whirl and foi a while it looked as if the damage would be considerable more than it was. The schooner is now moored at the Atlantic Coast Line wharf, where she will take on a cargo and the damage will be repaired before she galls. VICE-PRESIDENT ISON TALKS ■—t— THE BRUNSWICKIAN WAS DEEP LY IMPRESSED WITH THE B. & B. SITUATION. HE TALKS VERY HOPEFULLY Thinks That the Line Will Be Pushed on to Birmingham, and Sees No Reason Why Steel Plant Should Not Come. Hon. E. H. Mason, third vice presi dent of the Brunswick and Birming ham railroad, w 7 ho lias been in New York during tiiie present w 7 eek atten ding a meeting of the directors of the company and w'hose return was men tioned in these columns yesterday, was seen by a News representative and in discussing the situation Mr. Mason displayed a cheerfulness that was more than pleasing. , When asked w'hat he thought in a general way of recent developments regarding the road he said: “1 am certainly very pleasently impressed with the situation. There has bee considerable friction among the members of the board of di rectors, and the fact that this evil has been remied ito a good sign of the times. “It seems to me,” continued Mr. Mason, “that there iis no question but what the B. & B. will ha built to Birmingham, it is a good business proposition and one tiiat will certainly catch the attention of unvested cap ital}.” When questioned as to who it was that purchased the Maehen and Hyde interest in the road Mr. Mason said: "It. was Umsted and his associate, and in speaking of Umsted,” said Mr. Mason, “he seems to he txn top in New York, and I am informed that ho has lias met all of his obligations with re ference to the B. & 13. Ho is in controll of the majority of the stock of the road. “On the whole I am more satisfied with the general aspect of things than I have ever been, and I see no cause for any discontent on the part of the people of Brunswick.” With reference to the Mohawk Valey Steel and Wire company, Mr. Mason says he discussed Uie matter with Mr. Umsted while in Now York, and that tlh,e latter gentleman says that he will unquestionably build the plant and that he has -'-efficient money back of him to do it. From every point of view The News feels that it is safe in the statement condition. GROVER r CLEVELAND IS THE ONLY MAN WHO CAN WIN IN THE NEXT ELECTION. Washington, May 14. —One of the most prominent democrats in the Uni ted Stales and a senator who has a life time job of it, has been in this city for several days and it is need less to say that he has been taking in the political situation. In a conversation with your corres pondant today he said that he be lieved Grover Cleveland would be the next candidate of the democratic par ty and he took occasion to say that “he will be the next president too.” The prominent democrats of the country seem to be of the same op inion. A large number of the leaders of thought have been here within the -past few days and they, without, ex ception, say that Cleveland is the only man who can win. Exposition at Rhelrns. Klieims, May 14.—The great indus trial exposition for which prepara tions have been in progress for some thing over a year, will open tomor row. The products of the agricultur al sections of Prance are to bo ex hibited. i Rev. Walker Preached. Evangelist W. L. Walker greatly pleased a good sized audience at tihe First Baptist church yesterday afternoon and last night. He preached last night on “Sin'is Lawlessness,” and presented its subject with such clearness and freshness that he made a profound impression on bis audience. His style is symple and natural, and his manner is earnest and entirely free from sensationalism. The pastor and people are very much gratified with tihe outlook. Services today; at 4 p. m. and 7; 45 p. m. BRUNSWICK, GA. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1903. THREE A THIRD PARTY OF CAPITALISTS ASK FOR A STREET CAR FRANCHISE. There seems to be a general demand for the franchise in this city for the construction of- a system of electric railway lines. For several weeks the city coun cil has had under advisement pe titions from two concerns for (he privilege of building a lino of that character and at the meeting of council held last night a third re quest for (his franchise was received from a number of capitalists of New York and Ciiicago. In flip formal pelition filed with the council la. t night, those wanting the franchise made a reasonably fair offer and it seems lo ihave.'i an well received by the members 4-f the council. No action was taken in I lie premi ses, however, and the matter was re fried to the council committee on railroads. , With this third petition to the coun cil for tikis very important franchise it seems more than safe to predict that the people of this city will, at an early date, have an electric car line. DETAILS CORBETT AND JEFFRIES ARE IN FRISCO GETTING IN SHAPE FOR THE FIGHT. San Francisco, May 14. —Jefferies and James J. Corbett are in the city with their respective followers and I .ackers and tomorrow evening they are expected to get together and ar range the final details of their coming fight. From tiie present on the two men will put in their time training for tiie fight. U is expected that Jeffries V.-H1 remain in ‘.he va> inity ; f Lcs An geles, ih is former homo, which he con siders an excellent place for training and ho has already prepared lo re main there until the contest. Ji-ffries will he assisted in his train ing by Robert Fitzsimmons and ot hers while Corbett will be trained by his two brothers and Yank Ken ny. PLOT TO KILL JUDGE HARRIS. Tramps Whom He Has Prosecuted Try to Kiii Him, Rome, May 14. —A bold attempt, it is said, was made tonight lo assasi nate G. A. H. Harris, former judge of of tiie city court of Floyd county. Judge Haris is tiie local attorney of the Southern railroad and it is said dial he has been relent lets in prose cuting tramps for stealing rides on the trains. A dozen or more tramps congrega ted in the vacinity of the home of Judge Harris tonight, and one of them who was under the influence of li quor gave the plot away. The would-be murderers made their escape but tiie sheriff and his depu ties rounded up six suspicious charac ters, two of whom are thought to bo wanted in another place for burglary. Oven fifty tramps have been arrested here in (he past month charged with train riding, and they have caused the authorities much trouble. Handsome New Home. J. W. Watkins is thinking of buil ding a handsome new residence on tiie lot where his present home is. Mr Watkins owns a pretty piece of prop erty on Union street and-his idea is to remove his present house lo that lot and build another home where it now stands. ~ CHANGE NORTH TAKES CHARGE OF THE CENSUS DEPARTMENT OF OUR GOVERNMENT TODAY. Washington. May 14. —The change in the census department of the gov el ement caused by, the resignation of Mr. Merrlam and the appointment of S. N. D. North will become effective tomorrow. During ihe long period Mr. Mer riant has the bead of the cen sus bureau lie has given general sat isfaction and his successor will find the department in good shape. Mr. Merriam will at once remove to New York and devote bis time to business there. II BURGLARS NO! if! LIMBO OFFICERS PYLES AND LAMB DID THE WORK YESTER DAY, BOTH ARE OLD TIME CROOKS The Of'iccrs Are Now on a Close Lookout and it is Believed That Others Will Be Arrested. Two of the burglars who have been playing havoc in the city for tihe past, day or two wore arrested in the saloon of Gil he. i Williams on the Bay yes terday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff R. S. Pyle, and Constable S. D. Lamb. The negroes in question were Albert Ward and John McCoy, two of the worse characters in the county. Ward is an exceptionally had char acter and the last record of him was tih.nt he escaped from the county chain gang, having bben convicted on a very serious charge. McCoy is also on the shady side of the criminal record and ha- been on the county chain ganig several times. The two negroes when arrested were ’having a good easy time in the bar, buying drinks, etc. The officers located Me men from the fact that some of the eights stolen from the store of IT. Selig, on Grant street, were offered for ale and were bought by Williams. They were at once taken in charge hv the officer and were placed in the county jail. The Nows has it that the officers are on the track of others who have been implicated and it is more than likely lhat other arrests will follow* in the course of a day or two. CHINESE BOYS COMING. Ten Bright Little Chaps From Good Fereitis'c, Coming tc Attend School. Washington. D C May 14. —Uni- ted States consul Wilcox, at Hankow notified tlie state department that ten 1 might little hoys from good famil ies, would sail on tlic ship Nippon. Marti tomorrow for the United States to he placed in college. The are in enlarge of Sao Alfred Sac, a Wa-hington high school hoy and graduate from Cornell Some Fine Cabbage. The Southern Produce company has received hundreds of cabbages this week from James T. Dent’s planta tion and til ley aoe certainly beauties. The company lias no trouble in dis posing of Mich vegetables. NEVER IT IS NOT BELIEVED THAT COL. MACHEN WILL AGAIN RETURN TO THE 3. & B. New York. May 14. Thor i- no doubt but that Gol. Machen is out of tihe Brunswick and Birmingham road far good and I'm all. Notwithstanding the fact that re ports have been sent out saying that he would lie again elected president there seems to be no doubt but that, what he stated in his first interview after the selling is correct in every sell.-,.: of tt’:o word. Mr. Faii-baiim. who is now anting president will be Die. man and ho will make an excellent official. Although lie has had little exper ience in the i oad he is a man of great ability especially as a finan cier and under his management there is no doubt but that the road would keep on increasing its earning capac ity. They Were Worried- Quito a limber of Bninswiokian',-‘ w*.', have relatives and I lends in Jack sonville were very much worried when tiie reimris of the flood reached hero but as soon as lie News was out stating that no live.- had been lost, their worry stopped. Going to Cumberland. Quite a large number of the local fishermen are going to Cumberland as soon a- the weatlie; breaks and the chances aro that they will be lucy it*is time. Old fisihormon say that, diuin will be biiing in fine shape within the next few' days. After the North Pole. Paris, May 14.—'The Artie expedi tion under the patronage of tiie Aca demy of Science will sail tomorrow. HEAVY THE FLOOD AT JACKSONVILLE DOES DAMAGE TO THE EX TENT OF $400,000. Jacksonville, Fla. May 14—(Special) —The total damage done by the food here Wednesday lias been estimated at $400,000, $200,000 of which was in the city and-$200,000 damage was done to the railroads. Tonight the city is still in total dark ness. the electric light plant not yet. being in condition to begin operation. However, tihe water has entirely re ceded, the street ears are again run ning. and everything Is being cleared away. Trains over the different railroads will begin to run again to morrow. The damage was mostly among the merchants along Bay street, the prin cipal thoroughfare of the city, their stock being greatly damaged by wa ter. Tlie Seaboard Air Line Is the heav iest loser among the railroads. From Jacksonville to Baldwin north and From here to Yuleo south, the dam age i enormous. A large force of hands were put to work today, how ever, and the track, where it was washed away, is being rapidly re laid. The electric light company an nounced tonight that they would be ready to turn on the lights over the city tomorrow night, while the street cars have been running all day The water was nearly all gone early this morning, and tonight the oily Is as dry as ever, except ill a few place-. Everything Is moving along nicely anil, like niie fire of two years ago, Jacksonville will soon overcome the disaster. READY NEW ORLEANS IS ANXIOUSLY AWAITING THE ARRIVAL OF THE VETF.PANS. * A special from New Orleans says: Everything is now practically in shape for the Veterans’ reunion. Audito ritim quarters for tlie veterans and ar rangements for feeding them are all in shape. The great betting ring til the fair grounds will lie their dining room and the tents in the field will lie provided with pianlt floors and excelsior mattresses. The committee lias bought 5.000 blankets and an equal number of cots, which will be put into the Basque! building and tihe old hotel Royal, which will accommodate 5,000 to 0,00(1 men witli sleeping quarters. The entertainment of the veterans who are to be fed will begin with breakfast Tuesday morning. May 18. Ample provisions have been ordered to supply every want. General Gordon, commander of the Tennessee division, has written that liaero will lie 545 men in uniformed companies from various cities in that sluie. They will bring guns and blankets. It is hoped tlial as many of the organized companies as can will bring blankets. The attendance will be enormous. There will he about 5.000 from Tennessee, 5,000 from Ar kansas, 25,000 to 40,000 from Mis sis, ippi, 15,000 to 20,000 form Texas, etc. Of course Ixiuisanna will have a vast number. Governor Frazier, of Tennessee, and Governor Terrell, of Georgia, will he here with large numbers of members of their staffs. Judge Reagan, sole -itrvivor of President Davis' cabinet, will conic with the Texas Sons of Vet erans, and will be shown special honors. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson will lie here with Judge and Mrs. George L. Christian of Richmond. The heralds from the states who will ride in the decorated coaches at tho head of the parade, hearing tho banners of tlieir divisions have all accepted except lie Indian Territory herald, who will Siam be appointed. .. TO BE HEARD MONDAY. Gill Case Will Come Up in Supreme Court. The lawyers in tiie care of (lie city vs. Lewis Gill have been notified by the supreme court that the case will i,o heard in Atlanta next. Monday, ai.d they will leave for Atlanta Sunday night. The case grows out of the old po lice trials, in which Gill was convicted and dischaged from the force. His attorney, R. E. Dari, carried the case to tiie supreme court, and seems cer tain that that high state tribunal will reverse the decision of counicl whsn tho case is heard Monday. PRICE FIVE CENTS. NEW SAW MILL NOW PROPOSED ■w:r- ir‘ .—+ — f WEALTHY WISCONSIN PEOPLO HERE YESTERDAY WITH j THAT VIEW. | I HEY BOUGH I LARGE TRAGTS i Messes. Sneed, Rice and Damon Spent the Day Here and Were Very Much Pleased With Our Advantages. The chances are lhat in the course of a few months Brunswick wi.i have a. new and up-to-date saw mi! in her, ir.'.Lt. Messrs. F. N. Sneed, T S. U'ce, of Milwaukee, and Messrs. Fred and A. K. Damon, of Madison, Wisconsin, wbre in the city yesterday looking into tihe advi. ability of constructing the mill, and The News lias it that, were very much impressed withi J Brunswick as a suitable site for a great saw mill. Messrs. Sneed and Rice have recent ly purchaed the immense tract of timber lands owned by W. R. Town send nad J. A. Ward, and located on tlie line of l lie B. & B. about seventeen, miles from the cisy. This is among the best timber lands in this section of the state, consists, of tome 12.000 acres and has a splendid, growtih.. it is understood that in case tlie gentlemen decide to build the mill that it will he one of the best equipped, in Georgia. It will have a capacity, fifty thousand feet per day. and will bp modern in every sense of the word. The Messrs. Damon, who are in tlia party, are expert timber men and practical woodsmen, and it Is under stood that they pronounce the lamia among the best they have ever seen. The party returned to Milwaukee last night. W.J MEETING OF CANKERS. Annual Convention Will Be Held in Atlanta June 17. The bankers of Georgia will hold their annual convention in Atlanta June 17, and Secretary llillyer, of Ma con has given out l lie following pro gram: Address of welcome to the city of Atlanta by Mayor Evan i'. Howell. Re-poiise to address of welcome by |J. Ferris Cann. vice president of tho Commercial bank of Savannah. Address by President F. 1). Blood* worth. Report of executive council by, Chairman It. F. Maddox. Reports of delegates lo tihe Ameri can Bankers' association, held at New, Orleans last November, by MilLs B. Lane, president Citizens’ bank, Sa vannah. Report of Treasurer George H, Plant. Report of Secretary L. P. Hillyer. Address by Hon. William B. Ridge, ly, comptroller of the currency, Wash ington, D. C. ! Report on Fidelity Insurance by J, G. Rhea, of Griffin. Ropqrt. on Burglar Insurance by, L. 0. Hanyp of Augusta. At two o’clock a luncheon will bo given to the delegates, their wives and daughters by the Georgia Bank ers' association at Piedmont Driving club. At it:3') p. in. a banquet will be given lo the members of tiie association ami their gent emen guests by ttuy Atlanta Clearing House association. Oil the second day there will tio several discussions. The first will bo Oil Ihe “Pride it I-aw,” and will bo led by Oscar Dooley, cashier of tho Home Saving bank of Macon. Thu second discussion will lie “Dishonesty of bank clerks.” which will bo led by A. J. Hansel), cashier of the bank of Randolph,, Cuthbert: Third discussion, “A Slate Auditor,” led by W l>. Manely, mushier of the Farmers' and Traders.' bank At* lama. Any member of tho association may speak on any of these subjects fog five minutes The cl- fion of officers will take place the afternoon of Juno IS. Rain Doing Damage. The continuous rains for the past week are doing considerable damage in the country districts, and farmers in tiie city yesterday report that tho surrounded country is almost Hooded, A number of bridges have been dam aged, ami many of the roads outside of the city are in a bad condition,