The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 15, 1903, Image 3

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‘ FRIDAY MORNING. '->.: -&0< -4^ .; Is3 ' ' V'*r ' v ‘" .■•:' •'•'< •/ V.' ' Mattings, Rugs, Linoleum and OH Cloth Floor Covering. Brighten your floors a bit. Don’t care how careful a hor,ss>keeper you may be, you realize that all house furnishings don't wear out alike, anil the floor coverings in some rooms go first. Go into a neighbors bouse and you will comment on their things so don’t, suppose Hint your neighbor does not know the difference reversing conditions. Whatever is best in Malting, Oil Cloth or I,inoleum you will find our stock contains new de signs, choice patterns, an immense variety'to select from. G. JWeGARVEY, CThe Old Standby : At the Same Old Place , Asbcrt Arnheiter, the well known young • butcher, still doing business at the old stand | No 207 Monk street where he will be glad to ■ see his friends. Full Sine of everything in ! the Meat Line, Fancy, Family and Staple 1 Groceries. iilC.: p : : ; IP f&lM®lailKESr!| • : ri ‘“•Whiskey* 1 gJMTrtily a Grand ?fe^p/x/llMorgan & Davis 7 81l # 8 DISTRIBUTOR®, Brunswick, Ga. \ l|Fl;fe.Mi£E^C|^p^!| * ) </j: v S- .. / f 0 L’&m' ► ► r : ► a-' *. ► i ► EDUGATb 'I like all ml- r ll good ent< rpri i ; does not re-, ,'ceive proper eneourai .. nt. It' * 5 for you to say -.vh--:you wiiS i cnconrago t;ss in ottr ei'i'ort to edu : cato the people io the is, oi . i mire, wlim. . .j;i-■ • fouii mid to ; fact that it is -... ,i. c.-oromyto buys jclieap Gri-eer'es. Encourage us < : by trading with us. s i 11 iOhIAS Ft ANY, Grocer, t ) Fbona It. 312 Newcastle .1 “Dorothy Dodd” shoo Is a novelty ,11 womens shnor, tjxt;i.'< 1 -and ties, SJ. J. A. Smith, Newcastle street. Pore Chemicals are the only kind used at Jim Carters clothes cleaning e'sialilislnnent. lie is judUble and wants your work. Phone *<3-3 A Thoughtful Man. M. J,l. Austin if Winchester, ind. Know what to no in tliy chit of need. His wife had such ah unusual ease of (Stomach and iivor trouble, physicians could not he!u her. lie thought, ol and tried Dr. King's New Life Pili; and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c. at ail drug stores. If you want your bicycle repaired rigk* bring it to an experienced vork man. B. J Olewine, 505 Olouccai. The X-Roys. Recent experiments !>v practical test-, and examination, with the aid of the X-Rays, establish it as a fact that Catarrh of tiio stomach is not, a disease of itself, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigestion. “How can 1 cure my indigestion?” Kodol Dyspej sia Cure is cu dng thous ands. It will cure, you of indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or cure catarrh of the stomach. Kodol di ge-ts what you eat— makes tie; .tom ach sweet. Sold by Joerge:', Phar macy, Smith's Pharmacy and W. J. Dutts. Rea! Estate Bargains. $3,500.00 for one of the prettiest houses on Union sireet. Lot 90xS< and 7 room house $250.00 43x90 near the business center. $1,000.00 for 4 room house, close in. syt,;i.oi/ for 4 small houses, rent at $16.00 per month. $200.00 for 3 room house, brings ss.o' per month. BROBSTON, i'ESDIG & CO. THE Douglas Hardware Com party, H. S. LEE, Manager, —Dealers In— HARDWARE, '' STOVES, GUNS, ? TIN CUTLERY, AND PLOY'S. AGATEWARE 218 Newcastle Street, Bear m Mind That we Sail fl A Fire arms, cutlery and sporting joodo. Fishing tacle. EMPTY AND LOADED SHELLb. GUN AND REPAIRING. P .O. KESSLER Monk Street. Relief for the Suffering. Hancock s Liquid Sulphur will give you {mediate relief and permanently cure aii such diseases as eczema, pito pies. tetter, herpes, riakworm, salt ihetmi, dandruff, diphtheria, sore throat , cuts, burns, open sormi and all blood and skin troubles. Hundred., cf cases of skin diseases have been per manently cured by the use of Han ,-ocli's Liquid Sulphur after all other remedies have failed. For saie by Smith’s Pharmacy. Artistic eSect fnfisli and la- ting qua! itieg considered. Wilson's Photo graph Studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester St., has no competitors. Go there “ye Elite.” j. „ j, thews tholes. Mrs. It. H. Everett i- quite ill to the regret of her friends. * * Mrs. Edward Burdett entertains at cards this afternoon. c . Mrs. Howard 1 . Mine is oonvelese ing from an attack cf pleurisy. * * * Mrs. J. E. Young Is recovering from her severe illness of several weeks. * * * Miss Elizabeth Atkinson, of Cam den county, is the guest of relatives in the city. * * * Mins. F. A. Fitzgerald is the gvo-t of Mrs. Samuei H. Cook at her home on Oak Place. * * * The. many friends of Mrs. 1.. Gold smith will regret to lean that she is still .seriously ill. • * Mm. J. \V. Quincey and son Ha:elfy, of Douglas', are at the Oglethorpe for a few days. * * * Miss Laura Jones entertained a few of her friends at her home on Howe street with a flinch party las! night. * * Je Mrs. ,1. E. du Bignon is attending the Episcopal Convention in Suvanr.'U and is the guest of Mrs. P. P. War ing. * * * Dr. and Mrs. Wyilys Rode return today from Savannah where they have been attending Hie Episcopal conven tion. * * m Miss Amelia Doerflinger leaves this morning for Fcrnandina, from where she will sail on a vessel for Phila delphia to spend some time. i> * 4 Mr. Olville A. Park and Mrs. Park, of Macon, arrived in the city yester day and left for Cumberland, where they will spend some time. Mis. C. 11. Temple liras returned from Asheville, win re she spent sev eral months for the benefit of her liaitli. Her friends are glad to know that she i • much improved. * * * Mr and Mrs. Noal Mitchell 1- avo tomorrow for New York, from whore they will go later to -V bury Park and Block Island to spend the . ummer. j Their friends Here ivgrct their do, .ml i lire, but hope tiiat they will visit. | Buuswick again scute luting time. j Mrs. J. G Young suffered a pui.mi! *. i accident yesterday morning. lit al ■ tending to some domestic defies site ! slipped and fell on the floor oi the kitchen and bruised her hip quite veroly. Her physician hope.-, that the accident is not. serious, although it is vary painful. * * * Mr. A. C. Banks. • Sr., entertained the whist four last evening and sev eral lady guest of the club, After (he games rene.dunents were sen and a vry pluasanl evening was spout by all present. Those pies' at won- Air. and Mrs. H. SI. King, Mr. an i Mr Edward Unrdett, Mr. Uoiieri .Jckny l ■. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Banks. Notice. 1 will he at the following places n the following days to receive cl;; ami county tax returns toi the 903. Pyles Crossing, April 4th and 23d. May liit.ii. St. Simon's Mills, April 10th ati'd sth. May _y2nd. Sterling, April 11th, May 2nd and 23d. Jamaica, April 15th and 24th. May 15 th. Brunswick, April lGth, 17'h, lSih May 7th, Sth, litlt and 2sth, 30th, JOHN 15. DUBBiSRLY. Receiver Tax Returns for Glynn Coun ty. t) Keeps Well Posted Tbqp latest and improved methods are the kind used by Jim Carter. Only the finest chemicals and safest methods used. ‘‘Dorothy Dodd” shorn are the very latest, for women. 1 have them. J A. Smith, Newcastle sir: > t. Headquarters for Groceries. Attention is called to the ad. ci A. Zelmenovitz, the weir known gio ccr, which appears elsewhere in this i issue. Zelawmovifz can save you The Arcade. Respectfully announces to its many friends and patrons iu Brunswick and surrounding country that we are pre pared to fill their orders lor any of the leading brands of whiskies o i the market at popular prices. All goods will Se delivered to oijt of town cus tomers free of express charges: *. W. W., Wilson, Old Saratoga, Louis 6G, lellowstone, Pau! Jones, Duke ol Cumberland, Monogram, Belle of Bour-: bon and a number of others including gius, wines and popular brands ot 1 beer. Our bar is replete with all that goes to make up a fimt class establish ment. Pool and billiard tables kept in an up-to date couuition. We serve an excellent lunch from 11 a. in to 1 p. m. PHIL K-EtLLifiß. • Tho latest novelties in tailor made clothing can he had at Jira Carter's He represents tne leading tailoring i concerns iu the country. Airtentior. Smckers. i I liandlo a line fine of genu'. .3 Merschauiu Pipes, they are beauties. Cali and look at them. Sig Levlsou, 210 Bay street. •LNSWICK DAILY NEWS, l g fW'b.f riilFF LOW KAILS Seaboard Air Line. For the 1903 relit;ion of 'he four, ate Veterans, the ,v, .ilmnia Air 1... will sill iroiu its coupon ticket ;i:t tions round trip tickets to New (,r le-tr.s at the very low rate of one rent per -.lie for distance trim-iei short line ti:;. Hi- tickets will lie sold j from At: . t-o -i. t inclusive, goo.! j for returii until May 21ih. Uy dopes- i iling the tickets with tin envoi as- ut at New Orleans not later than .day ! Southern Railway. The Southern railway off, rs the* most convenient schedule to me Con federate veterans, Sons of vcierans, delegates and vi.-itors to the annual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans, New Orle tus. La . May IS. 1903, from Brunswick to New Or; - ms and respectlfully solicits . nvur of tour patronage. Two trains daily, making close connection through to Now Orleans as follows; Leave Brunswick 7.0’ a. in. Arrive New s Orleans 8:30 a. m Brunswick 9:05 li. nt., arrive N, w Oi lcan.* 5; 25 p. m. Fare, $12.50 tor the round trip. Detafied information cheerfully ti n, islie;! cut npplication. C. L. CAN’DI ER, Gen'!. Agt. To Savannah Via Scuthern Pas-'-ngers going fu Savannah to spend Sunday in futio - van be sured cf passing the entire day ,-t that city by using tHf Southern r :i --tiwiii Savannah via Atlantic '<' -list Line ri ■’■:3b p. a. A. ill make Lose connec tion with Southern railway train at ■lcsup, arriving at Brut - wick at S S:i p. in. To The Mountains. Account of ;ht' meeting of American Society of Civ'll Engineers at 'Mi,- lilie. N. 0., Jure Bth, the Somite: n : Railway will sell tickets to Asheville' on June Gill and 7th and Sth at. one ibra ulus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets good returning until June I:7th 0. L. CANDLER, General Agent. From a Cat Scratch. Or. the arm. to the worsi sort, of a burn, sore or boil. Dewitt’s Witch Ha ;'Sail e ‘ a quick < e. In buying Witch Hazel a: ~. ho >articuiar you ! ltoals wltht.,l leaving a scar. A spe i cTRc for blind, bleeding, itching and [protruding piles. Sold by Joergors j Pharmacy, Smith's Pharmacy, ami W •J. Butts. [ Reliable dyeing can only bo done ’ey experienced dyers. Jim Carter can 1 give you satisfaction. Phone 25'!-2, Bnl Monk street, SPECIAL NOTICE. The ; uhlic is hereby notified that authorized collectors of Tits News have the written authority of the j management and those wito pay others ! will do so at their own risk. I For the Best in Printing— Try the News Job Office. 1 -I er.uhy Do.hl” : , •(„, e-l for wonu'ii. sue J. A. Siniili .V cu.-tle street. I inn offering a full line of .Hi kinds of ladies and’ men*' sloe .-" ! able-prices. J. A. Smith N \\ . Slre?t ' ***'*• the Be -t in Pri Ring Try the [News Job (Dice. Marshal -aio, 1 1 • '“‘loro ; courl house : door o: : onddj the 18th., da ! 1 "' i: one dark l nv hors,, alaur ■ "" 1 - 1 . ears ind Said hors, i.- : w in 111 Oitv pound uncbiimcd anil ; void for impounding |... and This May 13th., 1903. s \ i: .. Marsi al Quick service at Hie right time. V. hen a man warns his clothes cleaned and pressed properly and dch-o cd in thort i.otice, tlio one good place to solid them m Jim Carter's. Phono r 53-2. Miss Slater has sotneihing else new. The Now Bishop Collar, in linen, stamped in differ m designs. GREATLY ALARMED Ly a Porsistctnt Cough, ay Pcrma nvi cly Cured Ly Chart -/.i :jir, , Cough Remedy. Mr. 11. P. Burbage, a in l-'i . -n Greenville, S. C.,ha i -n troubled for four or five years a : bid : -pious cough which lie ;.,y.-, ‘greatly alarmed me. causing m<> in fear that I was in the first : ol consumpt ion.” Mr. Burbage seen Chamberlain's Cons h ;dy a 1- v rtiseii, concluded to try ii. Now ead whai he ?ays of it: i ~ a remarkabb: change, and aft., r n Iwo bottles of tiie twenty five ,--ni size. 1 was permanently cured.' .-'mid , by all druggists. W. M. TUPPLh .’£ CO., Forwarding and i.-:-,;ppino Agtc'.n. Lighterage, Towing ami Marine lr suraecc. Correspondence Solicited BRUMBWtr:K. '7A. EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Councelior at Law. Court House, Brunswick, Cm. Were Baffled. Word c.mcs from Wake, Ark. ii'.ev. .jno ,i. Cox iiad a strange ; , . ! accompanied by yeilmv jaiimii. ir 12 cars ph: ■ iai j and though everything known to He I profession was used, the trouble re- Imained. One day he began to use ; Electric Bitter: and in a week a [change for die better came and at 1< ngth le vas entir dy cured. It’s tl i ■' host ri iab me, ii ine foi livet an kidney troubles. Only 50c. and guar teod by'ali druggists. ‘‘One Dose Coev noes.’’ : Mosb.-ys i.< •: <m Elixor acts t.-mfii jin die bowei i v.-.dmut any unpicasan: j effect. It is a perfect liquid laxative. J6O cents per bottle at ail d rug s, loreßi PETITION FOR CHARTER. , ucoiyii, Glynn Comity. I iVution lor lnooryc-ration if Dixio ) ' ’■ 'v- nirquiuy. • n fhtir ( mm of .'mi i county; ‘ I ’■ j■'’ im. oi. V . if. Aiken, Aibert • . 'i. owen . • - . ; .von. J. ii. Whiimire, C. J)o\\;; 1 • ’* • i up 4 >or. j-., if. Ala.son, it. :*• i’i-i ‘Noni-’U, .i. E. a;ni i. **'• ' : b-tiilih, all oi tuiid state Kiel ■ '■*■‘■m; . • yemfuliy ShoWM i ! ’’ ’-;m -Itey desire tor theai • • •'*" T . u ot ;;i< - s,u ( e sors and :i; ' ’ ' "■ : l: ;- iqKra:Mf under the • >2© ->i ‘Dixl© Drug < ojn pan.'. ‘ 1 ; ' i "Fi for wni. b retitioners : 1,1 ii - orporai ..d is iv< , y (yu i'ego ot i atn at at the end of that time. capital stock of the cor* P atiem is to be ten thousand dollars, *? h '"'"Ji d:\i.i- and iiici .'del --s of ,‘uc. mi.:drod di irs, c?:n.i.oi 1 how, U ih c: vil i- 1 -' 1 ’ < l! in.-reaslni; saui <• ipi■ : > m,,, i, . k , on a vot.• ,I' iwo-iht.-ds of '.be c.-ipital not t.c pxe dollar-. (2! ,fl nnn edl. lea-s iwi nlj cent, (20) of :' • toe! i 1 i • •■>.'•••) • ' • 'in i ;i-b, ilioy be-: I. u" y * . i. . m i-u due a. ■ r - '' : cl ,I : ■I, iil'n.i,;.- o ' cor : - L- ‘II IS ■ -IV r ,i■; ■ j ■ JO ■ J Si *):•!< It -•! • - , ;, , :.. )■ iiiioiK i-* fit'stro in • • • • r.uc ,; for ih* p:!-;>t). o of man .metur ■ drugs, ji - y prep 'V lion r.. <1 -.- ■. , ■ ..... ii?i j :dn-i •imi liKiaioSor t ; -i mi. u • 1 and 1 ! t O -‘ ' "[ HV;i r.har ’' k <A'.i ] p*urcha :.•? L'ilmms ’• '•*<•*v fur the ?:i - M *Fly pir-;MrV 'UIF, HlC:; ffrfans, dry.:s, articl- - #r 1 •, ,-vsg.* : t , •<* or • r • m irni ,j j , ■ mi Jo ns. hovora n :• i( ! any .* r Am- j-y. eh.' : or thir r. ] i . : i,, a?.! ('orporn• io:. a::-! oonmioLiy 2nd sold in ih ** : . : v p l; . (11l 0 .- u -';u!.’ •i!u drug l' ’sinoss; to perrdmse for or on credit n ar i h> '. ■:;.* ■ f i)!i!nna]i*j-*,i a]r r ! • f tion therewith and to - '! for cash or oil 1 • . •• y :"'••<! cornnnM •_ ; i tj jn• >r i n U:uh\ •'• To ’■ ! ~!,] ! , a rr, - t 11 ’ *’ or r.;ul sruj ?o tvvjisjre “"■ ■■ ••' :• ' n- • ■.-• .r.-. to 4 ■'"'•<: -•" '• "’|'-mv awl • <•• mate ighl to f ■ ' desired anil to milk.. Of ;r mt . r morpngos or I< >tI:> :* 1 ini': up ms : • nv,, ;M . r • j 0 ’ o 11 v ! of an va *. ■. • i,,v V-won or pm? ; pur;l or ar iii'-oial, i'ualint-v ••. itb or : n n'• .i,..r^ : " "■' i'i'l for? >ti: Vtul to nnd hold a!) orei •■<>: •.- •-■ !l. PI Of • I : i eats and foil and nvoy the j !ohn vo and use t common sen!, • - 'p]( •udi'-.l wit h !•• j, • •,■>■■■■•' ' ■ ........ V ’' ;; ‘ i T~j J!| ’ ( • ’ , j rT* , l . |, ? of ;bo ■•• op, c * ?’ m or P. Hu, -i; ; I - f ‘ Pon ::.■•■ ; ■ >lT‘ f? i )H ,r 1,. !,;' j " , ' r: 1 1 tic i’l ' I " ’ I '' tf "•■• rip ’ \ imt.M •• a..: -,| „• : ! •ind •■■■■' .jir! in I : ldjj; ;..*. |iv i Tin - r - ~.. M ,, v A TANARUS) n(r , | ATKIM-dON ru V woonv ! ■'■■•'.-..i j n 0 jt; ; .. til! May nil, f> ! TT F ■•■■■ , N T ! ni< Ir n. n r ,■■■• ,;i r „ n ' i OICOR'-'.I.V vyy cnf VTV ' •' ■• ■ in v Conri filvnn Counl o. r!a - ! 1 the fit.h day of s'a \. r> i ' ' J ~ . . ~ •i'm ■ ■ 1 i V '-p'p.\; riork Pit) ► ’ pt P°. • ; : V* 1 ‘ 5 ; ; '■ ' ' l: ' !n< y know It ! - u , ■ ; „ Jy . rii'-rit. Have nnod it, .iili curative rn {',|r" iH l ' as ‘ , ' i kfit noi.liiii.t <:!::■ “oiiHi I. J' Yd,ordoy M. I).. So o' ‘‘ ' ■ ‘•r :■ * a by •■• ■;-. • .... , ’•V : ?* you \v.<:o ; .•, v : i '■ lom!iorJ;t;n s Stor au!i •< j, •. . , : j fak< A Farmer otr t .:"liter .cJ Out. A loan Pvii'v on • m:■ o- l-.-v.- ' ’ ■ j su.or' , up. ;r,o ; : .. ly 'il MII)1 1• J llj) \v •• jj 1 Ij . I I,:ir,| ‘ ; a i> ••• • -i •u : ’•; ' ’ I ••I ■• i u .] ' ; : > > ... •'• K HarS'T. .T ■• . . ■ | ’ • "\ fV '.v day ti" ■..•■:■•• ;;• ,•; . • : ’n •- it. OH .* ; and !.-.tiu and ' • n 'r o‘ho : n • " of Chnmhf ■; pj-in P-iirn. f • or.-.j jiif." . w•; . . i pirt n. a lad and ■■ ! • n .mr face cm. ?d with t-imptu. SU" ‘•’,■"l a l.ottle ..: ncocn a t-ojaid Sul- I j'liur which iho pintjd.ea and |made her s'vin and soft. For sale by Bmitil's Pharmacy, Id? SIC V O 4 V HIJSI UA i Y-esterday Arrivals, Clearances and Sail nt,s —Other News of the' Movement of Vessels in ForL A: rived. Steamer, i'a.: Marcos, Avery, Mo bile. F'-li- 1 m.-r James \V. Paul, Jr., Sil kcv. Havana Robert 11. Siever.son, llig bee. Boston. Cleared.’r ii. Bowers. Voting, Prove .t' l .; ’ i'. Work ai-n- the river front is still ai a s ; asidst ; ll and ;hoie r. no telling bow lorg it 1 --. - condition \' : ii prevail, i'll,- v - -atiter j.r,moots t He. ‘'Hay'' say tb.:ii tlierc will be a. el.ange before ; ienorr,:v. and uz rid, y . ,-,-m U> 1:now i-.-l a., bo; Hun Ibis will ho the PETITION FOR CHARTER. dourgla. id -■ ail Goar, iy ■ i’,) the Fup rail- id-u, of . aid Coun ty : The pod am of Joel A. Groouo, J. A. . itgome.r .T. almm Jus. Savage • and.: i " ii< 1-espeeti'ull.v pi ays: 1. 'id,hi th-.-v, dieir as:-iiciaiea. sue c-0.-scu.s 1 as iaos :i..,1..* made a body coi'crate and chartered uuder ih.- eoi-pi i.u- oi an of doihii Georgia , Con any. 2 T. at urn ii in covpoiation may bo i'ot- the i.riii of twenty i-.'n years [i'l-.00 its dale, with t.,0 privilege of recev.el of i-m h c-harter upon is • xpi ul 1 ii. 'L‘!iat tlio nnital slot-! qi’ >aid. ' ti.n] an/ slmii lie Ten Thousand i>•■ I; (.$ • " f p(Mi.r‘o; divided info :-iuiro^ ) i: <■ par valiio os' 0;io I If:. . *• i . )■<> iai's (-y ! PdfiGnj * i' ll aml lliat -:iiiS capi !al ; ii‘ek may I c iwroased ai any t ini • i .t : ,tid (.-ompany may .ifiin.> u> a • tin not .a. •■ 'dir. •, r J' .*'(!•> \i\< Tliou au-d i toil ),.. ii;.: •ui l. iV; i> >'ui* :--; ;-.l'.i)w i tin; the o jopt foratioi i per.: !,w. atiii prom to - ■ i di • ■ to i t*id •i ey >i .-y t . ;>! . aid cooipany tu p. iia\ > ' p-or smd nuUmniy to uunmiae!lire, , u i iny jo - -.oiicts :;enoi :il|v, to ;ii;i?iuiaoi i nro, huy and sell and deal in ivihor j sor its'.di or uj >n cymmisaion, as ; ;'(r oiTiur.-., huiiding materials, hti;i.; ts siipplas, ineiehandise oi any | • ed every kind, coal, iron, steel and ii- :r ju’itlu i-;. Wiidiier manufaclureu !'•'* n.ip .•■■'ill, timber lumber, me: I'-i •■•••:• e-ii (.>:i ibeir res pee,, vo j 1 act ' liiimi.e ami m-ponso oi ir, i biro ter others vrlieti desin?d, goo is, j '•>'■ • aiui ar.d Du* s:ihu j : " 1 > t ’anon storage ar \vai-’house [is*, a aim lu is-iie re'-* ij,as for the i • wh • ii, .■!•. a a ■ art eon 1 -•**;*.nr;’ i nr* sans; a- lr.rtors aiu: ' :< ■>r Wi • for s |CI • .. I, id. 1, | i'aifna- e and er- nail lands and ! or ii -ar.. >' m and a'eout eonduet oi its bmaim-ss 01 1 • ind to pu i soli, nici 1a... r, oil amber o) ' i: " Vi •’* i' I ',’■ to iior.’" i\v iti are ! a.nd s . ure in, \ „ } by liens apur ; : : b' l " it -i roj ■ i ly. '•> <•*-• : ill:.1 il|>|i(>;. I siidi r.lii. ,* •. 1 l.le -conrim ■ it ; .... , •■ , .. c. . iid in; ■ in i!„. , , „ • : • ".'I a ..on; .raifc • • “11 cc; • Sl, V hy laws I'•11 1 ’Oils j...; 111,. ,0 . 111-• I [ 1 |,U: j. - oid generally enjoy , rt .... :,:i I'lShis, ikiv.’i is mid priviiegod us iut In iniuiiii"- -i nriiorn i uiid( r ilni laws .said state A .d ! d Ik.y [ rmi'i[>al odiee and dp' ' oi '’ii■ iiness of .aid Company ' 1 ' 1 ’ oid county with lfle P r 'vil< ge oi est ildi diin ; o i, ■ ' 'o 1 doing in* iili .in such o eoUI! is and I daces in said ’ or., a mi . mu ■im ' ‘ !, d desired ey : aid cor.iora i 1011. wVhereio Petit iy tha ‘i i<ide a : .on rmiy 1..* p ' ' • 1 as i|. • ..i ~ ‘ ■ *',a.a body <•. , . : r< : : ■ : ; . ’ ■ limi by iv " ' w ! Crihed ' u< ■ rr : vv di •. U3LD I do ',;•• !; , , ~ .' * .•In! .. p • i . , ~ , ' A - c ; ■ :.xo, ] ' F'j . (J. ,S. C. ' • F., (hi. c o.iing. Press,ng nr.d Dye.'m, ~ 1 h, ont - eood Place ,1, town to “avt lyeing p.opiirly p. * t Jim Carter a. Only the driest ■ ' K a-'i'l iclianic motbod' ar* •d.pd Send h, ,ei AIo:.?; d;vd or ring jj . ione j . Quick Ae- t J. A. Guild... v-r: na, Ala ;; : ;py •; ■ : 1 flora as, i*’ ’ "or f- i f ! ) • j ■; i... . t , i. i Blicklon ' . , . p- ’ ( and t’lll'oo ina'ii ■■. ui. .„| \ : , ' ir ' f ' i ■ : ' o,j ~r y , v. . ! i ;; fiJT.ij t 1 . puzr! ' Bit do of y id nud i !as j: „ n „. j"; ; „p -• ' •’! ' ’ | ‘ ■ ' ■.; i'. . | T < Keep f., ths o .of Voitr winter ; ! ' ' o them tlsuroughly .. ioatj'Hi pressed by Jim Carter before pup I ing them away, MAY 15, 1903. i It is What the Reader Has Long Sought. People will read advertisements about euros made by medicine. As as they read they wonder ii the state ments are true. If true was the re iiuf temporary or permanent? Read this case about Doan’s Kidney Pills: W. li. Clarke. f)f Ron; ott street, ac countant ai the Bloch l,rus. Tobacco works, Wheeling W. Ya., says, “if my back aches I know what will euro it. i>oan's ividney Pills. Tliey are tlio bo •' remedy 1 ever come across. For moutlis I was plagued with backache, r.oi sharp pains, but a dull aching all the time, that made ns*- feel mis erable I got medicine on different, oi ■ L iu;; • from doctors and it seemed ridi"ve me for the lime, but it was -'•'oil ,t had as ev>r. IToaring of D 'Hi* i-i'ip' V Pills I took a course of tho tr'atniv !,l. Timy ciu*cl me, and that euro .i\< heon lasting. T will i • f : . in a pcrswal inter 'i< or j repp- to -rv ©ommrd(ra tion nsadod to m< ■" Pt r •I * all i 'd-'! -. I’rico frlc. ; ■ STfll urn Cos., Ruffalo, N. V. ole agents for the T T . S. TN-ii:'*m!!* the name—Doan’s—and lake no other. ty i : V ?: 'hY;y I l '’‘V-^Ti®JIQi7 IF YOU FEEL LANGUID And 1 boron'.Joy tired out after very] *:i. it. show. hat your 1 hi- • ;ml imno •isbr.d, '.id the •' • i of v.-sur heart is. weak. dlb'}. Pemnnuud Sarsapa -1 -i w purif.x enrich and vitali/.o I ad pm your whole sva* t.eii in a heallh> condition. C.N ■'-‘••Trp*£j*a A. j. JUS. u PHARMACY ; 4 : ‘ \ if ft Li^~ /Wtft to\ [if i yf pf ■ Z kV & &l T ii* | If you’re going on a trip Here’s a pleasant little tip | °.V. c a bottl* in your grip ; Red Top Rye S. D. LEVADAS, Sole agent Brun&wlek, Ga. and Vicinity, r ,'fi Monk Street. Ferdinand Wrsthriifi' i' £ ''.’os, bi c illpr3 • v, o. jt. J a -d. M . !- ;■:'! K y Wilson’s Up to Datc l Restaurant ! r. -o & jjjjl j ItNil \ *f. • > 1 •; .0 0 ;ht 1 ! Ni'ii % V. A y •. W(' 1 nil it our <£ r li’ Im -i:.f it is V 5 ) I . t ..:.r jatron.-, Q In;’ plat 11 1 ' loro ihem ii.; It .UJ- S& Va be • sfi of siiid satis fl'‘s .li * * *)st robu .i appeiites. f kt J. Vi. WILSON. Prop. ’Phone 321. tte.vw i/onic. . ; yki/ft ed tonic is In growing 'rc i. he season of the greatest i. Is a. . reaching. Inuigwnion, Bib Jaundice, Chilfs and Fever, -■ 1 o. cache, pains in tB% back and I kidneys ad depend upew malaria, and 1 Leiicvue Tonic cures them a!', in ana form, W. J, BUTTS, . Ifh* Oruggltt,