The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 22, 1903, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. VOLUME 2, NUMBER 202. STEVENS LETTER 10 THE FARMERS • ♦ THE COMMISSIONER GOES INTO THE HEART OF GEORGIA'S CROP CONDITION THETRUt COTTON SITUATION A Whole Bunch of Interesting Facts Touching or* Many Subjects I of General In terest. This has been an unusually back ward season for our two staple crops. The long, continued wet weather de layed planting, and i-n consequence caused much despondency among some of our farmers. But Nature as a general rule brings In a compensa tion somewhere and somehow. The backward seasons will probably be followed by such conditions that dur ing the -next two or three months, by Intelligent, well directed labor, assist ed by improved modern machinery, all disadvantages may be overcome and Georgia retain her high rank as a com and cotton state. The present conditions are about as follows: In the counties of north Georgia cot ton planting is well advanced, and in some of them about completed; in some of the more southern counties of the northern belt the cotton is coming up and doing fairly well, al though in some places the stands are poor owing to continuous rains and cool weather. In some places the early corn has poor stands, in others It is doing fairly well. In Middle Georgia there are in many places complaints that cotton is being retarded by rain and cool nights and want of sunshine, which is true also of corn to some extent. At the same time good stands of both arc reported in many places. Southern Georgia reports in some counties cotton and corn both doing well, others report cotton greatly re tarded and much of It replanted. Oorn Is generally reported in good condition, though ta ’some localities much damaged by bud and drill worms. In both Middle and Southern Georgia good reports are. made con cerning sugar cane. Looking over the general field, oats are doing fairly well, which is for the most part true of wheat. Both of these crops, how ever, are in some sections suffering from rust. The lines of cotton in New York on the 12th of May was 11% cents. The November and December cotton sold at 9 cents a. pound, but now that It is out of the farmers’ hands, the price has gone up. If farmers should now have an opportunity to dispose of tho coming crop for future delivery at 9% cents, it would probably pay them to sell at that price; for, although the season is backward, there may yet be a good crop, and, if a very large one, prifces may go down. The Middle and South Georgia su gar cane is for the most part doing well. Fruits. in North Georgia peaches are report ted as scarce; in Middle Georgia from a slight cj'op to 50 per cent, -while apples are stated to be plentiful l>n both'scctions. Strawberries are of superior size and flavor and our. home markets are full of them at 10 a quait, while many truck farms are sending thousands of crates to the north and west. As they arc exhausted, dewberries, ■blackberries and raspberries will come in. Georgia, already renowned for peaches and melons, is coming to the front among the great berry states. The fact Is, all kinds of trucking do well in Georgia and no one need fear any danger of over production. Does Trucking Pay In Georgia? Those who have gone about this 'business in an intelligent manner say that it does. Of course we do not moan to say that every farmer should give all his attention to trucking, because soma have grown wealthy by so doing. Geor gia is admirably adapted to be just what she has long been —a great corn and cotton state, and is rapidly be coming a great grass and hay State and though in some places truck farming is the best busi ness that a man can enegage in, we would not be understood as advising any neglect of our two staple crops. But every farmer who is in easy dis tance of a shipping point on one of the many great lines of railways that traverse our state, would do well to devote a few acres to the raising of gome one of the table products for which there is such a great demand in every part of the United States. One who will take the proper pains, can easily make from SSO to SSOO to the acre on strawberries and raspber ries, the latter of which mature Just as the strawberries are exhausted. These luscious fruits always have a great demand, not only in the large, cities of the north and west, but also In the cities of our own and neighbor ing states. While the father and old er sons are cultivating the cotton, corn and peas, the mother, the girls *..-] !* *• ran rain o borr! 0 ?. the sale of which will greatly increase ,ths ready money of tire farnily* Berries do not constitute by any means the only paying crop raised by truck farmers. While one man can do best with them, his neighbor. haps, can make more money on pota toes or some other garden product, such as asparagus, lettuce, cabbages or celery. Another finds -watermel ons and caa-teloupes Ms most profit able crop. Bach farmer must study the nature of his land and decide in telligently as to what crop will best repay his thought and toll. The United States Department ci Agriculture in Bulletin No. 21, on “Rates of Charge for Transporting Garden Truck, with Notes on tha Growth of the Industry,” includes what it properly styles the justly re nowned Georgia peaches. There is no limit to the growth of the trucking business, and its profits are bound to increase from year to year. Although the western end of Long Island is so occupied by this industry as to havo the appearance of a great truck farm, yet nearly all its products are con sumed by the millions of people with in- the radius of a few miles. The great cities of New York and- Phila delphia not only furnish markets for the truck farms in their vicinity, but also purchase largely from (he market gardens of the south. In tart, New York city is probably, says the bul letin, the greatest market in the Unit ed States for the trucking districts of the south. A proper fertilization of the soil is one of the most essential conditions for success in truck gardening. Lands so rich as to require no fertilization are rarely found. Some crops re quire a great deal more fertilization than others According to the bul letin fuiiii which we have already quoted, the cost of fertilizer per acre for leading varieties of vegetables in the Savannah trucking district, which embraces the entire coast country of Georgia, is as follows: Asparagus, $25; beets, sl6; string beaii3, $8; cab bage, $22; cucumbers, |10; kale, $22; watermelons, ?S; peas, sl2; Irish pota toes, $25; sweet potatoes, sls; spin nach, sls; tomatoes, S2O. We -have the authority of the United States Department of Agriculture for the statement that “probably the fin est trucking country in the wrold is located on the Atlantic coast from Norflok, Va., to southern Florida,” embracing ihe entire Georgia coast . The best soil for trucking is one in which there is more sand than clay, because this kin-d of soil retains less water, warms up more rapidly and promotes a, quick growth of the crop during winter and spring. Many of our farms have more or l“3s land of Tiffs type, which will firing Its largest profit when devoted (o truck gardening. Cotton. One of the most reliable sources of information for the United States cen sus office concerning the production of cotton is found in the reports of the cotton ginners. Many will be surprised to learn that the cotton ginned from the growth, oi 1902, exclusive of 1 Inters, amounted to 11,078,882 running bales, equivalent to 10, 020,915 bales of 500-pound stand ard, or counting round bale3, $10(688,- 250. The average crop, exclusive of Hat ers, for the past four years has been 9,902,277 bales of 500 pounds and the excess over these figures of tho crop of 1902, is 728,05S bales. The great falling off in production west o{ the Mississippi owing to crop failures in Texas, was more than offset by the increase in other states, both east and west of that river. The states show ing the most notable increase were Arkansas, Georgia, Loupisiana and Mississippi. The value of the entire crop of 1902 is estimated at $501,897,354, making it the second crop of tho United States in value, with corn first amd wheat third. The value of raw cotton exports for the same time is $290,651,- 819, giving that article the first rank among American exports. Now hero Is a fact that our farmers should heed. The export pi ice for 1902 was about one cent per pound less than that oi 1901. This shows the importance of guarding carefully against over-pro duction, ot. at least the necessity o'f having some other paying crop ho como to the rescue. If the price ol cotton should, by'reason of an un usually large crop, fall below the -point of profit. It is to be hoped that tho marvelous growth of the cotton factories and cotton seed oil mills of the south will by their steadily increasing demand for the raw product of our fields pre vent any possible recurrence in the future of the ruinous low prices that once prevailed. The quantity of short cotton saved to Che commercial world by tho regin ning of cotton seed for oil extraction is annually increasing. The southern farmer can congratu late himself that he has i ncottoa-one of the greatest money crops in the world; and the Georgia farmer has ad ditional reason to be happy in the fact that his home is in one of tho fore most states of the groat 30:\th—now the most progressive and rapidly ad vancing section of the greatest nation of the earth! O. B. STEVENS, Commissioner Another Excursion. It is said that a large sxeursion from points between this city and tho hustling litle city of Douglas, will bo brought here at an early date. The News is glad that the railroads are to bring muay excursionists here this summer because we want to see our people get better acquaint# with those of this section. HE HIG DAMAGE CASE IS ENDED t JURY RETURNS A VERDICT OF $5,000 AGAINST THE HILTON DODGE LUMBER CO. GOING TO SUPREME COUfiT Aft A Two Days W. H. Ingram Gets a Heavy Verdict for Injuries Received Nine Years Ago. “We, the jury, find for the plain tiff, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars. S. M. Cornelius, Foreman. This was the verdict as rendered by the jury late yesterday afternoon in the Case of W. H. Ingram, vs. the Hilton-Dodge Lumber company, which has been occupying the attention of Glynn superior court for the past two days. The jury had had thirty-six houre of hard service and they showed it in every way possible, as they filed into the court loom to tender their verdict to the c.eik. As previously stated in these col umns this case was very stubborn ly resisted by the array of legal tal ent employed on both sides and from the very jump every inch of ground was battled for very strongly, A verdict for the plaintiff was not unexpected generally,” but considerable surprise was expressed at the size o£ the amount returned by the jury. Of course the result of the case is a distinct victory for the Ingram attorneys, ivlesoia. D. \Y. Kruuss and VV. M. Toomer, who conducted in a truly able fachion. Messrs. W. G-. Brantley and W. E. Kay, who rep resented the defendants, also made a magnificent effort in behalf of their clients, but it seemed that a prepon derence of the testimony pointed di roeily in favor of the -vomyntipii;-... <>L the piainfllf.’ r . At the previous trial of the case a verdict was rendered for the defend ants, but the superior court reversed it and granted anew trial with the above stated results. Of course the matter will he car ried to the supreme court by the de fendant’s attorneys, and it will be some time before that, tribunal pass es upon it. RETIRED AFTER MORE THAN FORTY YEARS OF ACTIVE SERVICE Washington, D. C„ May 22.—After a very active career of more than forty years, Lieut. Col. John V. Durey, assistant quartermaster gen eral, was placed on the retired list today. The .retiring officer is one of the oldest in the service. He has made an excellent record and the same is an honor to both the service and him self. Southern Presbyterians. Lexington, Va., May 22. —Tilt ses sion of the Southern Presbyterians began here today in the Lexington Presbyterian church add the number of delegates is larger than at any previous meeting. THE LARGEST YET. immense Crowd Hears ‘ Mr. Walker •it|6iN tseq Tho meeting at the Baptist church last night was, perhaps, the largest yet held. After taking up tho sub ject of tho "Second Coming of Christ” for a few minutes Mr. Walker discussed the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb,” taking up in a. practical way the different, excuses people give for not accepting the gracious invita tion of the gospel. The large audience followed the evangelist with rapt attention to his closing sentence. He will speak tonight on ‘“Am I Saved of an I Not, and How i Know it.” This will lie the las'f. service Mr. Walker will hold here, as he has an engagement, to begin a meeting in Macon Sunday. However, tho peo ple are bringing considerable press ure to bear on him to got him to re main over Sunday. Commercial Teachers Meet. Denver, Colo., Mty 22—The Commer cial teachers of this state are in an nual session here and the meeting is full of interest. The session will continue for two days. . BRUNSWICK, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1903. PRETTY V THE PRESIDENT IS NOW IN ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SEC TIONS OF THE COUNTRY. Olimpia, Wash., May 21.—President Roosevelt reached the Puget sound country today after an enjoyable trip through the most beautiful in this sec lion. Chehalius was reached shortly after noon and the president addressed the large crowd which had gathered to see him. He spoke of good citizen ship and said a good citizen was a! ways a good American. The next stop was at Centralia am here too another large crowd ha<( con gregated. Olimpia was reach .-'P bn schedule time and the distinguished visitor found the capital city in gala attire. He was taken in charge ami the program as arranged was carried out. The stay was limited and im mediately after the ceremonies the party boarded the special and con tinued the journey to Tacoma. At Tacoma. Tacoma, Wash. May 22.—The pres idential party* reached here late this afternoon and was received by a mil itary escort. After a drive through the north end the president delivered an address at Wright park. Tomor row the party will board a sound tug and embark for the naval station al Bremerton and later to Seattle. The presidents special will be run empty to Seattle. COMING PRINCE RUPERT AND WIFE ARE TO PAY THIS COUNTRY A VISIT SOON. Washington, D. C., May 21.—The slate department is advised that the approaching visit to the United State,, of Prince Rupert. of ltpynrij_.a.o<i h-n. wife, will be made incognito and t hat consequently they do not expect any official recognition. There is no doubt but that the cou ple will visit Washington and It is also stated that they are going to spend some time at Newport where they expect to behold the American i mart .set. in ail its glory. The prince states that lie is coming to this country, not to be entertained, tut to see and learn. IS ON THE RIGHT LINE SAYS A GLYNN FARMER. Thinks the Roads Shoundl be Repair as Soon As Possible. A prominent farmer of this county told the News yesterday that he was glad to see that the paper had taken up the fight for the repair of the var ious roads in the county and ho took occasion to say that they were in terrible shape adding “worse than I have seen them in many years.” This gentleman said that unless the mater was attended to at once tho trouble and expense would lie doubled in a very short time and ho urges tho proper offiieials to take some steps iu the matter without any delay. If the roads are used much more it will not be long before, they will lie in such a condition that it will al most be impossible to use them. \tjk PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY. Holding an Interesting Meeting at Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Cal. May 22. —The ses sion of the Presbyterian general as sembly here is a great success and it*even surpasc- the prediction of the movers. The sermon of ihe retiring modera tor was an able one and was heard by, not only tho delegates, but hun dreds of citizens who went to the Em anuel church. Is Coming. Friend!', and business a-soeiates of Frank A. Umpstcd say that it is more than probable that he will he here in a week or two. His company now controls the B. & 8., railroad and it is almost certain that he will be here at the meeting of tl.’o directors which is to bo held on the 6th., of the coming month. In the meantime the work at the plant is in progress in good snape and quite a forte of men are employed Southern Wholesale Grocers. Biloxi, Miss., May 22. —Tho Kouth ern Whole Grocer’s association began its annual session here this morning and it is said that it will continue tor several days. The freight rates credits and other matters of impor tance are being discussed. SERIOUS WRECK ON THE SEABOARD PASSENGER TRAIN DASHED INTO BUCKLED TRACK NEAR SAVANNAH. NO ONE KILLED HOWEVER But Several Trainmen and Passengers Were More or Less Seriously Injured—The Facts. Savannah. Ga., May 21.—Incoming passenger train No. 34. on the Sea boaid Air Liny met a sereins accident at one o’clock today about a mile this side of Borroughs, Sta tion. and fourteen miles lVo.n ibis city. The train coming north from Jack sonville consisted of an engine and six coaches, including sleepers, was rushing along, being belated, and the engineer apparently fallen to note that a buckled track confrated him just above Burroughs, and Ihn train dashed into it. The comb-na'u.n and two of the oilier coaches wo e turned over completely and the other Hire cars merely iel’t the track. in ail eight or ten persons includ ing the members of Hie train crew and Hie pas-eugers were injured, some of the being seriously hurt. No one was killed, however, and ibis is a remarkable tiling, when the nature of the acciduui is con sidered. Those seriously injured are: R. L. Lewis, Express messenger. J. T. Beaver, Postal Clerk.., D. T. Bevil, Express messenger. Three unknown negro women. A number of other passengers were injured but none of them were serious. This afternoon a relief train was sent out from here and Uie injured and other passengers Were brought' to this city. Those heinously hurt were given medical attention and the other pass engers were transferred to the union station and left this afternoon for the north. Three of the cars wove badly de molished and the loss from this source will be rather heavy. INDICTED GRAND JURY CHARGES ED LILES WITH ILLEGALLY SELLING WHISKEY The Glynn county grand jury yes terday morning returned a lure Dill against Mil Idles, charging him with the offense of selling whiskey at Kv eretl City. The warrant was planed in the hands of Sheriff Berrie and later in the day Con- l able S. D. Lamb arrested Mr. Biles. He gave bond in the sum of SSOO for his appearance al the present session of the superior conn, .1. 11. Morgan, of the firm of Morgan & Dav is, going -ecurity on his bond In his charge to tile grand, jury Monday, Judge Parker was particular ly careful in calling the attention of that body to the violations of the whisky laws and it i- announced that the subject will receive special at tention at the hands of the present grand jury. The case will probably be taken up when the criminal docket is called next week. Hurt Yesterday. Charles Gibbons, a lumber worker, had a hand badly mashed ‘yesterday and it is proi, tilde tlial ho will lose this important member of his body altogether. Gibbons lias only recent ly ctiuie here but it i- said that tie is a negro of good habits and char acter. ,/ They Were Busy. The members of the grand jury had a rather busy day yesterday and a large amount of business was thans aeted. The present jury is starling out in good shape if it does not get the adjourn too often habit His Opponent Lost Too. Although Max Isaac didnot win for the ofiiice of grand outer guard his opponent did not either and a dark tior-o had to be named. This was Mr. Isaac’s first attempt to get in the grand lodge and considering the fact lliat his opponents were old Knights of Pythias, he did well. HONORS GOVERNOR TERRELL AND STAFF THE WHOLE SHOW AT RE UNION YESTERDAY. (By a Staff Correspondent ) Now Orleans, May 21.—This has been the most notable day of the great reunion of the men that follow ed I.oe and Jackson and Gordon, and what is more it lias lien a regular Georgia day. Governor J. M. Terrell and forty of his colonels in their hand some uniforms, arrived on the scene this morning and have ben the center of attraction al day. Tonight a magnificent banquet is being tendered the members of the Georgia delegation at the St. Charles hotel by the governor of Louisana ard other prominent members of his official family. Tomorrow Iho grand parade, always the feature of reunions, will occur, and it will he led by the governor of Georgia, the members of his staff and the sponsors from the empire state of the south. There is a warm fight on here be tween a number of cities for (lie re union next year. Louisville, St. Louis, Nashville, Chattanooga and Sa vannah are all working like '.leavers for the prize and all of them have active delegations on the scene. The question will lie voted on at the meet ing tomorrow and il looks like St. Louis lias a good chance of wiiinig out. The city is in gorgeous attire, and on all sides the stars and liars are everywhere in evidence. The peo ple of tiie Crescent city have opened wide their doors and their hearts to the old veterans, and up to this time Hie reunion lias boon one of the mo- 1 successful, as well as one of pleasantest in the history of th or ganization. The Brunswick delegation are all well and happy and are all haying a good time, taking in every tiling in sight. SPECIAL SESSION OF COUNCIL YESTERDAY Several Matters of Interest Were Dis cussed. (Called Meeting, By on lei of the mayor: Brunswick, Ga., May 21, 1002. Present : —Hon. A. J. Crovatt, mayoi Aldermen Kaiser Newman, Cook ltoh ii.son and Dart. About.—Aldermen dn Bignon, Tay lor and Smith.. The stated the object of the call to he considered of important, city mat ters. Reports. From the Finance committee, in tlio matter of of Mrs M. A. Tucker, vs. the city,: We recommend that the sum of two hundred dollars he paid in settlement of said case, and i hat the work of the drain adjacent as agreed upon between the chairman of the public works committee and the owners of the property, he done, with the understanding that the plain tiff shall be fully content, therewith miles the city should be guilty of acts of negligence in the future. The following motion prevailed: That the committee of public works be author ized to remove the 12-inch pipe drain at location in question and construct a culvert jis recommended by the pub lic works committee it* their report to council on January 2‘J, 1 do:; with the exception that said culvert shall he of cypress timbers instead fit brick. Aide:man Robinson was excused from the meeting. From city attorney, with referance to application of Board of Education for a 911-year lease on Orange Park in New Town, for the purpose of erect ing a school hou-e thereon, stating that the mayor and council have the right to lease the same for a term not exceeding IHffijgars. Ordered tiled. Chairman Cool J T tin* committee on education, to / iiom the application was rep reinstated that the com mittee had learned that there was some opposition to the erection of the building on the qua re by the res idents of New Town: Suggested that that before taking any. action on pe tition council permit tho-o having ob jections to he ho ml on the subject. A motion prevailed that the clerk he directed to notify the yublic by ad vertising that action on the petition would be made a special order at the next regular meeting of council on May 28, 1902, at 8 p. m. Report from PuMP* Works commit tee on petition of Brobston. Fendig & company, agents, for bawronoeville tract to have the city open up and drain Brail fort avenue and Fifth St. in said addition, recommending that the county convicts (now being work ed by ihe oh;/) he allowed to work on same for 1a day*. Pending discussion of the report Alderman Kaiser was called away from the meeting and there being no quorum, the meeting stood adjourned. N .D. RUSSELL, Clerk of Council. PRICE FIVE CENTB. VERV SAD CASE IB SUPERIOR COURT YOUNG MAN CONFESSES TO FORG GERY BUT GETS OFF LIGHT. \ ' * r . GOOD CHARAC ICR SAVCD MM Your.g Val Touchton of Dougins Forg ed P_ss on the Atlantic Coast Line and Owns Up to It. Beardless, repentant, anil sorely liu miliaied, young Valentine Touchton, of Douglas, stood at the prisoner's bar in the Glynn superior court yesterday morning and entered a plea of. guilty In Hie charge ui having forged a pass over ihe Atlantic Coast Line from the Southern junction to Bladen. II was a pitalde scene, one of lliese -lories from life that appeal to hu man nature anil deeply excite sympa thy. Young ' Touchton, who is only 17 years old, is a telegraph opeiator in the employ of the Wadley and Mt. Vernon extension at Douglas, his father, VV. M. Touchton, is superinten dant of the line and is one of the most prominent men in Coffee county. Young Touchton came to ‘jruiis wiek some time ago and in ilia anxiety u> save railroad fare lie forged the name of the suptnintendant of the A. C. L., to a pass which lie used us above .staled. The matter was reported to the rail road authorities and in turn to tile grand jury now in session and that body returned a true bill against the young man charging him with for gery. However lie seems to have had Hie liei-t of reputations for good char acter and- a committee of prominent Dongiasites including Judge J. W. Quincy, Sheriff Sutherland, aud Kev. ■R.-tfi Oxtorfffi cnn,e-TD ihe city yester day and interceded for the young man. It was finally decided lo allow the defendant, to plead guilty to a misdemeanor and alter delivering him a severe lecture, Judge Barker fined him $30,00., which was grumpily paid. Tiie young man was seen by a News reporter after the occurrence aud in Hie coin se of a conversation he said that he was deeply grieved over the whole affair and he had no idea of committing a crime. It is safe to say that the experience will teach him a good lesson. BACK BRUNSWICK KNIGHTS RETURN FROM THE GRAND LODGE MEET. . Tin* Brunswick Knights of Pythias who have keen attending the moot ing of the Grand lodge, of that order, returned from Atlanta yesterday. They report a pleasant trip and say that the attendance at this session was one of the largest in the history of the Grand lodge. The Brunswick Knights all express genuine sorrow over the fact that Max I aae. of this city, failed to land in the office of Grand Outer Guard hut it must be n mem bored that his oppo nent, Judge John I\ Ross, of Macon, is one of the strongest men in the order. A Beautiful Place. Oak Grove cemetery, always pretty is now more beautiful than ever and this Mate of affairs is due almost en ti oly to ihe cemetery association v/hieh has done such excellent work in this city of the dead. The ladies are still enthusiastic in their work. Another Interesting Meeting. The New Town Debating society is arranging another interesting meet ing for next Monday night and the members are looking forward to this event with a great deal of pleasure. The program will he announced in a few days. Temple Beth Tefiibh. Sc:vice tonight at 8 o’clock. Sub ject of discourse by Rabbi Warsaw, “The Fate Superstition.” Sabbath school Saturday morning 3,30 o’clock, senior meets at 10,30. Excursion Sunday. The steamer Bessie will make two trips to St. Simon Sunday and as the weather is now hot enough for surf bathing it is probable that a large number of our people will take in the trip,