The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 23, 1903, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. VOLUME 2, NUMBER 203. VETERANS MARCH TO MARTIAL HOT! ' ■ THE GRAND PARADE OF OLD WARRIORS IN NEW ORLEANS YESTERDAY. GEORGIA WELL REPRESENT!D Last Night the Reunion Ended and Once Again the Homeward Trend is Be gun. New Orleans, May 22 —The annual parade, probably the most interest ing feature of the United Confederate Veterans-’ reunion so far as the rank and file is concerned, took place today and was witnessed by groat crowds of cheering spectators. The parade formed in St. Charles avenue near Lee Circle at 2 o’clock and began its march through the bus iness section of the city. - The point of interest along the line of march was the St. Charles hotel, from the balconies of which the pa rade was reviewed by city officials and a number of distinguished guests. Many novel and .interesting features ftftere introduced in the parade this year. The line was led by the First cavalry troop of the Louisana National guard and the Memphis Bugle corps, followed by a highly decorated tally lio containing one young lady from each southern state as herald and one as sponsor for New Orleans. Next came General John B. Gordon and his staff. The first division consisted of the Army of Tennessee department led by General Stephen D. Lee. Imme diately behind General Lee and his staff came the Florida division, which was followed in turn hy the divisions 1 from Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, .T^slawApd,-MMgjl \ 'Walker in command. Car •uiina division came -.irst, then the •' division, the Virginia div ision, the Dstrict of Columbia division . and the South Carolina and West Virginia divisions. The next division consisted of Ihe Transmissippi department of the the United* Confederate Veterans, com manded by General W. L. Cabell, who was attended by his staff. Behind them marched the six divisions of the department containing the divisions of Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, Indian Territory, and Oklahoma, and those from the Pacific division. Following the last division was the section as- 1 signed to the Sons of Veterans, who are also holding their reunion here. The various camps made a fine show and many of them had entire uniforms of gray. A nnmer of carriages contained dis able veterans who desired to be in the parade but were not able to stand the strain of marching. It was a continual cheering for these old crippled veterans from the time the parade started until it ended. The parade was dismissed at Canal street and the veterans retured to their state headquarters. The reunion has been one of the greatest in the history of the organi zation. New Orleans has lived up to every promise made the association and has added to its reputation for hospitality, and caring for great gath erings. During the week the visitors have had one-continual round of pleasure and nothing for their comfort and en tertainment was left undone. The bulk of the visitors will leave for their homes tonight but a large number wil! remain here until Sat urday. Some of the Brunswiekians here are to .remain until Sunday while some few of them will leave in the morn ing. Mills-Paul Wedding. Philadelphia, May 22.—The wedding of Miss Ellen ' Dexel Paul, daughter of James W. Paul, Jr., and niece of John R. Drexel, to Paul Dencla Mills, will take place today at the home of the bride’s parents at Radnor. The ceremony will be attended by promi nent society people of Philadelphia, New York, Newport and other cities. The maid of honor will be Miss Astor Paul, sister of the bride, and the bride giixxmn will have as his best man his brother, Frederick Mills. Returned to Douglas. Sheriff Sutherland and party, who came down from Douglas to assist in the ca-e of young Valentine Touchton, have returned to their homes and the young man went with them, _ PROTEST NEW TOWN PEOPLE OPPOSED TO ORANGE PARK SITE—PETI t TION SIGNED. The people who reside in the va cinity of Orange park are to send a petition to council asking that body to refuse the board of education the use of this park for a school building. In their petition they say: “This portion of New Town is grow ing rapidly and is likely to grow much more rapidly in the future, and there fore, the citizens of this portion of Brunswick are desirous of preserving the park in its entirety, believing that at some future day it will be needed as a breathing place undisturbed by any adjacent factor and therefore we ask council to select some other place in the vacinity and there are a number of sites which can be pur chased at a reasonable figure.” Tho petition also states that the paaks were set aside for for the spec ific purpose of giving, people a place for recreation and rest and not for the purpose of building any institu tion, public or private. This petition is signed by about thirty-five of the residents of that part of the city and it will bo presented to council at the next meeting Thursday night. New Catholic Church. Shelbyville, Ind., May 22.—The cor nerstone of the new Catholic church will be laid here tomorrow, The city is filled with a large number of Cath olis from ail parts of the stae. ZEPHYRS LITTLE BREEZELETS FROM THE SAD SEA WAVES OF OCEAN PIER. Li' mrnmmKm Tun ing up. many familiar and many new face. The excursion from tip the B. & B. miade the island 'merry last Wednes day, and all -pent their dollars cheer fully. The reliable steamer Egmont makes double daily trips and brings down many beach parties. Captain Barney Dart is a favorite with the traveling public. Olin Ross, St. Louis, Mo., is the guest of Mrs. Harper. W. H. Harriyn, wife and son and daughter, of Chattanooga, Tenn., are at the Arnold house. Father-J. P. Cassigne and Jus. W. Will?on, spent Thursday at the Neptune. Mr. Clark, of Nashville was a visitor to the pier Thursday afternoon. The line of surf is a gay scene at every noon tide with merry bathers. The fleet and elegant steamer Hcs si© comes to tho pier as regular as clock work with many visitors daily. Her obliging commander, Captain An derson, makes them all feel happy by tellling some of his deep water turtle tales. Tho regular summer schedule of the Hessie line will go into effect, on about May 25, and the islanders aro awaiting the day with joy. C. E. Murphy and family of Way cross, have moved into their cottage for tho seacon. Mrs. E. Han per and son, of Gardi, are occupying one of the Wallace cot tages. LAWYERS’ MEETING. It Promises to be the Most Successful Yet Held. While no formal program for the meeting of Georgia Bar association has been announced several of tlio speakers have already been selectedj and if is likely that the coming meet ing will be the most successful ever held. In addition to the annual address by Judge Alton B. Parker, of New York, L. F. Garrad, of Columbus; Arthur Gray Powell, of Blakeley; John M. Slaton, of Atlanta: R. D. Meador, of Brum; wick; Washington Dessau, of Macon; Judge George F. Gober of Marrietta; and Orville A Park, of Macon, will road papers. Burton Smith, the president, will make an address. There are also several important matters that will come up for dis cussion. It is proposed to have very few papers this year and to devote more time to discus- ion of subjects. The meeting will be held at Talu lah Falls on July 2,3 and 4. On the the day that Judge Parker speaks it is probable that the Georgia legis lature will attend the meeting in a body, ? - u:.a^*i JUDGE PARKER REVERSED CIJTf HE YESTERDAY SANCTIONED A CERTIORARI IN T. L. LAMB CASE. VERY STRONG PAPER F!LED The Action of the Court Means That the Police Officer Will Finally Win Out in the Premises. The case of T. Luther Lamb, who was a member of the police force, was recently tried before the mayor and alde,rmen of Brunswick, sitting as a court impeachment, on charges preferred against him for violation of the police rules, and in which he was convicted and dismissed from the force, has been certiorari ed to the superior court and the petition for certiorari was sanctioned by Judge Parker yesterday and the same will be determined te the Decern he' term The points taken in the certiorari are in substance, error in overrul ing Lamb’s demurrer to the charges for insufficiency; error in overruling his plea In abatement, the ground in the plea of abatement being that he was suspended on another charge, and was not exercising the duties of a policeman when these charges were preferred; error in refusing to strike the testimony of Clinton Brown, who testified that the defendant used pro fane and vulgar language and cursed without- saving what words were used; error in the judgment because without evidence to sustain it and contrary to law. There are also other minor errors alleged. This case is not* unfamiliar to gen- I oral mUiUd ail ! grt.’.asi of TOffbot Judge ParL f yesterday cer tainly gives Mr. Lamb the best end of it. It sustains the position taken by the Lamb attorneys and at the next session of the court Judge Parker will hear the case on its merits. If the contentious sustained by Judge Parker are held good at the final trial it is more than certain that Mr. Lamb will win out. GATHER MALE MEMBERS OF ST. MARK'S CHURCH TO FORM AN ORGANIZATION. Avery interesting meeting of tho male members of the congregaH't: cf St Mark’s chlrch was held at the par ish house last night and was quite largely attended. Church work generally was discuss ed and some very interesting remarks were made by Dr. Rede and others present. It seems that the men of the church have decided to do more ac tive work in the future than has been the case in the past, and to that end an organization is to be formed for general purposes. At the meeting last night, a com mittee consisting cf Messrs. W. F. Symons, A. V. Wood and J. C. Egleston was appointed to prepare a set of by laws and to suggest a, name for the association. Another meeting of the members will occur Monday evening, June* 7. WHO IS THIS? A Supposed to Be Brunswick Man Meets Awful Death in Savannah The Savannah Press of yesterday contains the announcement of the ac cidental killing of one W. L. Johnson, in the Vale Royal mils of that city. After an extensive report of the awful accident, by which the unfortunate man lost his life, the story concludes with the statement ,the remains would be sent to this city today for inter ment. A News representative endeavored to learn something of tl’6 dead man, but no one seen had any knowledge of such a person over having resided here. May Inspect Hacks Again. It is probable that the city will have another hack inspection at an early date and it is certainly needed. For awhile after the la>t one the hacks wore kept in very good shape but things l ave been dull .V:th drivers and they have spent little lor the repairs of their rigs, some of " Inch are a disgrace to tl>® i‘y- BRUNSWICK, GA., SATURDAY M'RNING, MA23, 1903. HERE EX-SECRETARY HOKE SMITH OF ATLANTA, IN BRUNSWICK YESTERDAY. Hon. Hoke Smith, of Atlanta, sec retary of the interior in the cabinet of President Cleveland, was in the city for a short time yesterday morn ing. The secretary and the members of his family arrived on the early morn ing Southern trakyand lint at $ o’clock for CunfffSfand, where he goes for a rest of a week or ten days. The geniel ex-secretary was seen by a member of tho News staff and was qustiioned as to tire present dem ocratic situation, but Mr. Smith only smiled blandly and said: “We will have to wait and see —and we will have to get together.” Mr. Smith is one of the most pro nounced old line democrats in the south, and he seems to think that the democratic party will have to be saved by tlie branch of it, of which he is such an able oponent. BUSY SECRETARY COOPER, OF THE GREATER GEORGIA MOVE MENT ACTIVE. Tlie following from yesterday’s Con stitution will be of interest to the people of Brunswick jntesested in the greater Georgia movement: “Secretary Walter G. Cooper, of tho chamber of commerce, and also of the Greater Georgia association, is “up to his neck,” to use a common though apt expression, in work on the coming Greater Georgia edition of Harpers •Weekly, which il is proposed to get out about July 1. "There will b©, iwenty-fCmr pages mifliaijaelik. kiusu n 1C' 1 . in - try* M®** -- l tixm or which will be devote/To ar ticles on the different cities, towns and counties which have joined in the work of the association, and ten will be given to a general article on Geor gia, covering all features, the state’s industries, climate, soil, educational facilities and institutions o \ every character, and, in fact, setting forth all 'of the great advantages which Georgia possesses. There is much preparation of this article, and Mr. Cooper is arranging to secure infor mation on each special feature direct from headquarters. The edition of 100,0110 of these pa pers, practically magizines, will go all over tho country without any ex pense whatever to '’the association. The association will, however, pur chase 10,000 copies of the number for special distribution and to lie used in answering inquiries, at an expense of about S7OO. “Mr. Cooper has secured a large number of excellent photographs to used in this edition from parts of the stale, and the indications arc a splen did showing will be made. “The Greater Georgia association, headed by President J. K. Orr, will go to Cedartown on Wednesday, May 27, where a meeting will be held. Cedartown is very much interested in the movement and will no doubt do handsomely. On the return trip arrangements will probably be made to stop and hold a brief meeting at Cartersville.” Golf Club to The members of Lhe .’irk Golf club will enjoy a very interesting practice at the links this afternoon. The team is going to Darien or June 3 to engage the team of that city and as the Darien aggregation is about the hardest proposition in Hits section of the country, the Brunswick club has decidede to put in some good practic ing. I 1 1 ■ JT Wants It. Birmingham, May 22. —A mass meel ing to he hold next week by all creeds and classes in Birmingham to protest against the massacre in Russia, in which the Jews were suffering. A resolution will be offered, asking the Washingto government to request the recall of Count Cassini, the Russian ambassador. This action is sought be cause of statements made by Cassini concerning the troubles and criticising the Jews of Kishineff. June First. On Monday. June 1 the B. & B. will take charge of the A. C. 1,, shops in this city. This is one of the best ap pointed railroad shops in ibis section of the country and the B. & B. people have displayed a whole iot of good sense in getting into them. It is un derstood that with this change will follow the appointment of a number of new B. & B. officials. THE FIELD DAY PROGRAM LIKED ■ 4 INTERESTING MEETING OF THE RIFLEMEN HELD LAST NIGHT. TO EXCLRI JUNE FOIiRTH The Annual Exercises of This Charac ter to Be Very Elab orate This Year. A special meeting of the field day committee of the Brunswick Riflemen was hold in the armory of the com pany last night for the purpose of ar ranging for the annual field day sports of the company. A full mem bership of the commit ice was in at tendance and the meting proved to lie very interesting. After considerable argument on (lie subject it was finally agreed to have the exercises on June 4. It was decided to invito tho Naval Reserves to participate in the festiv ities of the day, which are to occur on St. Simon. A special program of events will be arranged, which will include a prize drill by both the Re serves and the Riflemen, a sham bat tle, participated in by both compa nies, bicycle, running and other races, the entire 1 days program to conclude with a dance in the evening. fit nrtt’j'jrs i Sfcodi that an arrange ment will be made whereby a splendid schedule for the lioals for the day will he arranged so that it will lie easy to visit the island. The Confederate veterans of the city will also be in vited to attend, and will be tho spec ial guestSe of the Riflemen. This affair will be in the nature of a baskefcSpicnlc .an t tlie general fact that they should not forget their baskets on this ocmsinn. These field fhy sports should he er.- ‘ccuraged by the people of the city, and it is to be hoped that the occa sion in question will be pleasanl and successful one. In Police Court. There were only three cases in po lice court yesterday and the fine, amounted to very lit lie. PARADE PRES. ROOSEVELT CONTINUES TO SHOW HIMSELF TO THE WESTERN FOLK, Seattle, Was'lt., May 22—After hav ii'-g travelled the entire of th" Pacific coast, President Roosevelt is due to reach Seattle late tomorrow af ternoon. He comes by boat , leaving Tacoma tomorrow morning and malt ing brief stops at Bremerton and Bv eret t. i Excursions from all sections of the state have been coming for the past twenty four hours and the city is now crowded with thousands of visi tors. The arrival at Seattle makes the completion oi the first halt of the pres ident’s- memorable trip. Prom this city the return trip will start and al though many stops are to be made no time will be lost, in getting back to Washington. The journey is to be made via Ore gon, Nebraska and Washington with a loop up through Montana and down back to Idaho and Utah. Few Jur.c Weddings. Few, if any, June weddings have been announced and tins cer tainly leads to the belief that Cupid has not been doing any work lately. The News has only heard of two so far and it is to be hoped that this number will bo increased. An Infant Dead. Richard Adolphus lUegsbee, 1-dovo old infant of Mr. and Mrs. A. Itiggs bee, died yosl inlay evening ami .'ill he interred this morning at 10 o'clock at Palmetto cemetery, Rev. W. M. Gilmore officiating. Their many friends will greatly sympathize with the bereaved family in . this sudden and sad Icravcueni. Are Studying Hard. The children of the public schools and now down to work for examina tions and commencement and they will have little time to play between the present and the date of the closing of the schools. CHANCE SOME GLYNN COUNTY BOY CAN GET A FREE SCHOLARSHIP TO SCHOOL. Representative Butts is in receipt of tiie following ieter from (’aam el icir Hill, of the University of Geor gia: “Tho board oMrustee- of Hie Uni versity. desiring to encourage at tendance in the school of agriculture, authorize tho appointment by you of one student ill your county, who, upon registering in the school, will be re lieved of the regular matriculation and library fees, which amount to $15.00, This release of the-© fees appies to the four years course in agriculture, for which the regular college entrance requirements are necessary, and which leads to tiie degree of Bachelor of Science in agriculture. It also ap plies to the one year course in agricul ture, far admission to which a good common school education only is re quired. providing tlie student is of suficienit maturity to profit by (lie course. For the short, winter course (Jauurary 1 to April I of each year) these fees are also waived. These courses are valuable both in their scientific and practical features. Rooms in the dormitories are free and excellent, (able board can lie- ob tained in Denmark dining hall for $3.50 per month. Please send the name of your ap pointee as early t(s convenient, in order that a catalogue giving full in formation may he senl Yottre very t.iniv, WALTER B. HILL, Chancellor. j ' ATTEND PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO C\l'/E EX HIBITION ItfaMANUAL AND On and Friday of next week the pupils of tho public schools of ibis city will give an exhibition at the Mansfield school building, which will he of more than passing interest, to the patrons and friends of the schools. Both the Grammar anil the High schools will unite in these exerri os will relate largely to tin* manual work and to composition. This is an innovation on tho part of the schools and one that should to encouraged. The News lias been re quested to extend a cordial invita tion to the general public to attend tho exhibition exercises as mentioned above, it does not matter whether ot not you are a patron of Ihc schools j Go out and your presence will serve to encourage both Hie teachers and tlie pupils. Gone to a Dinner. Washington, May 22. —Sir Miehoal Herbert, the IJritish Anion tidor, will leave for New York tomorrow where he goes to attend a dinner given in his honor by the Pilgrim club. He will be absent only a day. Is Not a Boon. London, May 22. —According to Prol Story, principal of Hie Univer-uty oi Gln-gow, the number of uhmoi: ■ who pay their own way since the Carnegie gift is growing less and lie thinks t s! laziness among the younger set is being encouraged Repairing the Pavilion. Tho large pavilion at St. Simon pier is being repaired. Thi- v.ed lie welcome news to those who ko to dance at this well known resort. Looks Like it is Off. It looks very much like Hie clerks of the city will not have as 'ey time as they did last summer. !' wil! ! • remembered that Hie ..tor's dosed at 0 then it seems that this will not be Che case now. No one has endeav ored to get an agreemi nt signed by the merchants as yet but. it is stated that a move in this direction will o< made in a t ■' d■ .r Cloned Last Night. Tito meetings at the Bapiid church dosed last nigh* with a strong se-mon by Evangelist Walker. The me®!ins resulted in much good. Mr. Walker made many warm friend who regret to see him leave tor Macon today. The pastor will preach Sunday at 11 a. m. and Sn. m. Ready for th& Fans. If the warm weather of • pa t few days continues, and it looks like ii will, the people will lie ready for the fan service long before the 1 of the coming month. Il i. true that this date is not very far away but the weather is really warm. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SUPERIOR COW HIKES J RECESS • 4 ’ AFTER A BUSY SESSION THAT TRIBUNAL ADJOURNS OVER UNTIL MONDAY. MORE BESIMESS (VEXI WEEK The Criminal Docket to Be Taken Up Monday, June First. Story to Be Put on Trial Again. After an unuasally busy session of six days, in which a large number ol cases have been disposed of, the superior rctirt recessed yesterday af ternoon until Monday morning next, whi’ii tlie civil docket will be resumed again, and all of the week wil be de voted 1 to clearing ii up. Monday morning, June (i, the crim Inal docket wil be taken up a u! it is doubtful if this branch of t ie court can ho disposed of in a single week, ns there is an accumulation of busi ness. 1 lie Story case, which is famil ial 1 to the people of llii . city, js sched uled for trial during the week, and il will probably take two days to try’ easo alone. Several other important, criminal casci, are to lie heard, and Ihe session promises to ho an interesting one. T Vi eases di posed oft yesterday were as follows- Nathan Weinstein, vs. Sadie Wein stein, libel for divorce; first verdict for#plaintlff. F. A. Dunn, vs. Madge Dunn, libel for divorce; first, verdict for plain tiff. 1-tiln Ford Lancaster, vs. XV. XV. f,an caster, libel for divorce; first vordieer company, attachment; demurrers ar gued. FROM CUMBERLAND. A Catch of Items From This Fnvovi’e Resort By the Sea. Cumberland. Island, May 22. 1903 Although early in the season ihe crowd hero is unu-unliy hire; ? and they are all having a jolly good time. Hon. Hoke Smith and family, of Atlanta, reached the i dniul ye.'onlay morning and will be hero fin quite a while. Mrs. Smith iias not been in the In o of health lately and il is believed that the trip will lie of |>-u --'tit I" her. The ex'-.a vo;.: ’ is brak ing well and i enjo ins tlie island. I Mi and Mrs. C. O Battle, >f Mac-. I are among the most \y ■ i.i.l r r people be ■■ now. They are down for several wc eks. Solicitor General Chartc and i'\ D. Gurelci, of Daiilo'o gg. are Hie. prize fishermen among the visitors. They are always after them and sue* ceed generally in bringing in good hauls. Ainnarcr Jacobi still keeps up that liaiiil of mailing everybody feel at. ; mile, and doing everything 111 bis power for his giuv t. . with all of whom lie is very popular. LARGE EXTRA CIRCULATION. News Will Distribute Many Extra Pa pers Tomorrow. Under an amusement with a foreign advertiser, the Mews is to distribute one thousand extra papers tomorrow and in re is a chance for Hie local ad vertiser to get the benefit of this Increased disi rimilion without extra cost. Tim management has decided not to ii-i r a adver'i in", rales, on account of the 1 tarse eircuia l ion and those who want to reach all the peoi le of tliis? section should have an nd in the Sun day News. Phono IHH and a solicitor will call. HE KEEPS THEM GUESSINC Will Governor Jennings be a Candi date for the Senate? Tallahassee, Fla., May 22. —Gover- nor \V S. Jennings continues to keen the pollticnns of this ;ati guessing as to whether or not ho will ho a eat:- iliilate for the United Sta'es sonata. So far he has bee t as mama a riant and no persuasion c;r y 1 a statement from him. In th mean time the other randiilates ar*- laying their plan s Where John Adame Taught School Wsrci - : os Ma . May 22 A me morial tal lri marie ;; -11- place where John Adam Pi\-1 las tin school will | la- unwind tomorrow hy tin- local chapter of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution. _}