The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 23, 1903, Image 2

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SATURDAY MORNING. BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO. A. H. LEAVY Manager C. H. LEAVY Editor. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr.... City Editor. Advertising rates made known on application. Churcii and other char itable organization notices published at halt the regular rates. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms to subscribers In the city and by mail free of charge to all parts of the United States and Canada, Mexico, Porto Rico, Guam, Philippine island* and Hawaiian Islands: Per Month $ BO SU Month* 2 60 One Year.... B 00 Entered at the Brunswick, Ga.. post ollice, as second-class mail matter. Hon. Emory Speer has designated The Brunswick Daily News as the official organ of the United States Court, in bankruptcy proceedings, for G'ynn county. TELEPHONE 183. PUBLISHERS NOTICE. The News Publishing Company do sires It to he distinctly understood that all legal advertisements must bo paid for in advance. Wo cannot af ford to devote our space to such ad vcrtlsements and wait on the courts ler the money. The old veterans are now homeward bound. Do not fall to get an ad in the Sun day News. Yesterday was the last but not the least ol' the great reunion. You cant judge a man's pocketbook by the price of his Panama. •'“a- in. the winter and in the summer. We are always iijT against It. The more the public hears of the postofUco scandals the worse the mat ter looks. Platf and Odell are still at outs hut they will come together at elecilon time. The condition of the educational in situations of ilils city and county is certainly gralfying. lot the excursions come. We want visitors and we believe we like lo see the color of their money. The growth of the Aik.iit i News on trates the fact that the people of Atlanta appreciate a good newspaper. Talk to yourself about nn ad. In the Sunday News and the bettor judge ment is sure to prevail and this means that you will talk to the business oftVico. Sunday ml. means Monday business. Wlhlle the head folks of the It. & B , are making such rapid fire changes the operating department is making the show up in good shape, moving right along and bringing hun dreds of carloads of freight to this citjf.' TOO WISE FOR HIM’ The honorable .1. A. Sloiu\ mayor of tile town of Pilot Mountain, amt cashier of the Pilot Mountain Bank ami Trust company, is missing, and the story that has been loft behind him is to tho effort that be has boon put to flight by the town gossips, lie left bet weens stilts, it appeals, hut, be it said to his credit. he didn’t carry off any money belonging to other peo ple. The finances of the bank arc in tact. The fleeing mayor and cashier left a card for publication in the local paper. In this he says: ‘The town has so many wise people—including some of the women —that one cannot even think of attending to his own business affairs: someone else will be ahead of you every time. As others I there know so much more about tuy business than 1 know myself, 1 decid ed to look for a location where the people are not so wise." —Albany j Herald. THE SUNDAY NEWS. The merchant who wants to do good business all next week has a chance to gratify hla desire at a very smalt cost. Get an ad., in the SUNDAY NEWS and you will not complain of dull busi ness. The News goes to the buy ing class and more thar. two thirds of the homes in this city and county. Phone 183 early today and a solici citor will call. PERSECUTION OF THE JEWS. The stories of the horrible treat ment of the dews at. the hands of the Russians is a source of general sur prise and disgust to the ciltvlzed world. Those unfortunate people have been unmercifully massacred in several sections of the country and the hor rible and fiendish work continues. The Russian government Is using every effort to cover up the work of their bcalhon subjects. In the house of commons, Ixindon, Tui-sriay an effort was made to find out the true situation about the mat ter and what was learned, although little, went to show that the reports were n Mainly not exaggerated but on tlie oilier hand ihe true state of affairs Is not given. In ihis civilized age it does seem horrible that such a people live and wc hope* tlio day will soon come when Hu* nations of the earth will hand to gether for the prevention ot jut such fiendish work. - There is no faculty in the mind of of free people of civilizeil lands that enables them !o comprehend the mean ing of the oriler just i sued from St. Petersburg forbidding file Jews de fending themselves against violence. Yeierday we heard of a communica tion from do I’lehwe to Die governor of Kishlneff, desiring the latter to try. if possible, to prevenl the proposed massacre of the .Tews of the city, hut requhing him to use no force against any altacking party. Now comes a ukase commanding the vic- Uin- to abstain from resisting their "min t" i- , 4 iflen too have not enjoyed education under despotism contains no element which allows them to understand or ders i;> remarkable as these. Truly Russian civilazution is a tiling alien to the mind mid consci, lies of the rest of the world. While Die 1 iii'i - tian nations are lifting their voices in moiirnni; fer Du* victims of Russian malignity, and in demand that the government at tit. Petersburg punish ilu* malefactors and defend the perse cuted. that government takes the sin gle step of guaranteeing the assassins from violence. To what length will Russia brutally go before Die world's horror pass into a tremendous cry of indignation (lint will brook no further offense? Kverywhere yester day in our own land Protsetants and Catholics united in outraged protest In the name of the religion of Jesus, against Die persecution id' the race of watch He was born. "The brain reels an,d the heart sickens,” cried tlie head of tins country of one great communion, expressing his deep ab hei'eoce of Die colossal crime, and cii every hand rose words id' execra tion for Dio murderers, pity and sym pathy for Die sufferer-, and warning for Die government which bus nor mils Die slaughter of its citizens. SUICIDES INCREASING. For the past everal years the num ber of suicides has Lmjyascd at a tre mend. ns calc and It-duis-iujw reached that stage where it is growing alarm ing. The 1 sunion Mail says the number of suicides mi Ragland and Wales lias increased two hundred per cent in I ho Insi ten years and during that period 30.000 persons have ended their own unhappy exi twice. We suppose the report of (lie London Mail is correct and we believe that the record in ibis country would show about the same increase. For grass >heais and lawn raowwj call at Douglas Hardware Cos., and and gel the best for the least money. After long and careful investigation of the various makes of while lead colors and ready mixed prints, we have decided to take the agency ofr the products of Harrison Bros. & Cos. In famous line we believe that we are rendering the best possi ble service to our customers. The Douglas Hardware Cos. Suukviiw . - . . - BABY How much is baby’s life worth? More than all the wealth of the world, is it not? llow carefully the little ones’ health should be looked after! A slight sickness, if neglected, may soon become very serious. Especially in spring and summer, stomach and bowel troubles are prevalent among babies and young children, 'laby Ease, the world’s best baby medicine, iSaves Babies* bives It is an absolute and perfect remedy for ail stomach and bowel complaints—cures diarrhrea, flux, cholera infantum, worms, sour stomach, etc., regulates the bowels, aids digestion and brings refreshing sleep. Baby Ease contains no opiate—it is perfectly safe and harmless—pleasant Ojs? in taste. If your druggist hasn’t it, write to T. P. Marshall, Macon, Ga. A bottle Ask about the F'P.EE COLO RING offer. PETITION FOR CHARTER. STATE OF GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY. To the Honorable Superior Court of j Said County: The petition of E. V. Nichol] and ! Howard Williams, of Glynn county j and said state, and If. F. Nicholl, of j the town of Mandarin and state of: Florida, respectfully shows unto the court: , 1. That petitioners desire fnr them selves, their, successors and assigns, to he incorporated order (lie corporate name and slylo of “The ' Belle River Packing Company.” 2. That, the term for which pel it loners desire to lie incorporated Is . twenty years, with the right and priv-j iloge of renewal al the end of that, time as allowed by law. That the object of said corpora tion Is pecuniary profit to tie doriv; :1 . ;n || = business; and Ihe particular I business petilioners propose to con duct. is the planting and <■ nit i vat ton ' if oysters and other shell fish, in any j and all of Ihe sound-', bays, waters, estuaries, rivers and crocks on the coast of Georgiy and within the jur isdio.'ioi of said state or of any oth er state; and also the buying and idl ing; and canning of oysters, clams, and other shell fish, shrimp, prong, turlle, terrapin, vegetables, fruits, mid food products of all kinds which can he prof! I ably sold or canned. 4. That liie principal office oT said company shall lie in Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, witli Ihe right mid privilege of establishing branches and a venete'i lor traa'd’.i lion and eoi duet of its bn dnens in any other calmly of said stale, or in any other state or territory or in any foreign conn try. ~ , Tlmt the capital stock of the said company shall lie llio sum of twonlv fiv'- thousand dollar’ ($-5,000) divided Inio ulia.-es of tho par value of one bur.droil dollars each, with the right and privilege at any time upon a vote of tho majority of the stockholders of said company to increase said cap ital stock to an numijjt.nfd, exceeding lars g> R. Petit loners do-ire tffit s tneorpbr atod as aforesaid with tVe following rights, privileges and powers, and wiih the power- and prlv-ncgcv above s<! out and prayed for, tn-wit; To lmv, lease own and hold reel and personal property of any and all kind or de scription, incident to the Inisinc; of snni company, and necessary for ll.e operation of -aid canning business with the right to sc]i and dispose or. encumber, lease or mortgage any and all of said property' real or personal so owned by said company. To plant and cultivate oysters and any other kind of property desired liv said com pany to bo owned and cultivated. To Morrow money and Irene tho ohli gallons of Iho company therefor and to secure tho payment thereof hy deed, mortgage cvr otherwise ns may ho deemed heat by the board of di rectors of said company: to contract and ho contracted with; sue mind he sued: plead rad be impleaded; 1.0 have and use a common seal; to make rules, regulations and hy-law- for tho management and control of raid com pany by its officers; Shot iho stock may he paid for either in cash, or in lieu thereof in properly real and per sonal and of any character !hal can he used in said business; which said valuation shall he fixed by petitioners upon organization and election of board of director!,: that more than (on per cent of the capital stock has al ready been paid in: to liny and hold stock in any other corporation of cor porations; I hat tho stockholders in satd company shall tic liable for tho amount of unpaid stock sub-criptinn; and generally to do all and any and every act. and thing necessary and proper to he done in tho conduct of the business of the company, not ir consistent with tho charter of said company, or Iho by-laws of said com painty or Utile laws of said slate. Wherefore, petitioners pray to he made n body corporate under the name and stylo aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed bv law. This, May 11. I*lo3. D. W Kraus-'-, Petitioners’ A torney Georgia, Glynn County. I. hereby certify I bat Ibe above and foregoing is a true e-vpy of original petition for Incorporation of the Belie River Par king Company, now of file in my office. Witness my bard and of ficial seal of said cnnrl. tills May 1C 1903 H. F. du Biqnon, Clerk Superior Pour!, filynn County Georgia. THE RAIN IS OVER and that old suit can he put into proper shape proper shape by ,lim Carter, King phone 253-2, or call at 504 Monk St. For the Best in Printing -Try lire News Job Office. Made You.ig Again. “One of Or. King’s New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my ’teens’ again.” writes Dr. D H. Turner of Demp-eyt own, l’a. They’re the best in the world for liver, stomach and bowels. Purely vegeta ble. Never gripe. Only 25 cents at all druggists. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. WANT COLUMN. if you want a position, a house, * | servant, Ur want to find anything that has been lost, or want some thing that someone else has, ad- : vertise in this column, i WANTED -A geSrfr'e'o:.'. Apply to J. J. Lissner. | FOR RENT —Stores, offices and dwellings. Apply to Brobston, Fendig it Go. FOR KALE Geraniums, negonias. ! and potted plants, 625 B St. Mrs. W. E. Dempster I FOR SALE—-Rubber stamps, seals, stlncem, etc. Agent Underwood Type writer. Will B. Fain, 812 Newcastle street i FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms Apply to Mrs. G. Loewenstein, next lo the government building. FOR SALTS—Complete set of sa loon fi::lur a cheap. Woodford Ma bry, attorney at law for Geo. J3. l’ardnack. FOR SALE A local business cheap for cash. I now paying $75.00 per | month. Apply to News office. j FOR SALE—A desirable farm, con jtaining 25 acres, improved; a. short i Gistance from the oily. Enquire at I The Nows office. i PERSONA! Morphine, opium, lau j•! *••!!•, ft pinD li.tihi! * myself cured; | will inform you of harmless, perma nent homo ci! v. Mrs. M. A. Baldwin* box 1212, Chicago. FOR RENT One large parlor bed room with bath attached. Also other furnished rooms. Apply to 815 Union street.. \VA NTED —Partner ‘in saw mill business. Address P. O. box 45, Brunswick, Ca. ■ -TV- nnr" j —Twoi four, and five woorrf —rc.U.T. - fn?r Hou 4o ne?r th 6 Bt. !mon Pier. Mr-. W. 1 . Wallaces Ocean Pier. Use long distance phone. mm A WEEf AT MORE. No Canvassing. Nothing to Sell. V. • w;ir,s to write Id tern at In.nio K|i:irc imnneirfs. #i , r n \\ tvk fMHil.v ■■ iriit-l. W >' furnish ftapor fn*t* juul ji.-iy !>♦•!• 1 000 <• .: !i wt i'Ul.v I.i i*nj*v letters. S mi sell ;t■ 11 1 *-—■*l stamped envelope foi'Kjtin |K* !•*! ter and inst notions to the Veritas Typewriter Compaimv, 3-4 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. SPECIAL NOTICE. Tho public is hereby notified Chat authorized collectors of The News have the written authority of the management and those who pay olliors will do so at. their own risk. GREATLY ALARMED By a Persistetnt Cough, But Perma nently Cured By Chambsriain’s Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student in law, in Greenville, S. C.,had been troubled for four or five years wilh a continuous cough which he says, "greatly alarmed me, causing me to fear that 1 was in tho first stage of consumption.” Mr. Burbage having seen ‘.Jhnmberlain’s Cough Remedy ad vertised, concluded to try it. Now read what he says of it: “1 soon felt a remarkable change, and after using two bottles of tlie twenty-five cent size, I was permanently cured.” Sold by all druggists. Dr. Wiimbertey s Certificate. This is to certify that 1 have used Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur in my prac tice and have lesteu it sufficiently tf. know it to be _a remedy of great r it. Have-used it with curative re sults in cases that nothing else would lenefit. 1. P, Wimberley M. L>., Sco' land Nock,y., Osctober 27, 4902 ' or sale hy Pharmacy. From a Cat Scratch. On the arm to the worst sort, of a burn, soro or boil, Dewitt’s Witch Ha ,i l Salvo is a quick cure. In buying Witch Hazel Salvo, he particular you got Do'Witt's —this is the salve that h ala leaving a sear. A Spe cific for blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith’s Pharmacy, and W. and. Bulls. CANDY IN PAILS, TUBS AND BOXES. THE DOWNINC CO. dust received a ear load of Harrison Bros. A- Cos., celebrated ready mixed paints. The Douglas Hardware Cos. I handle the celebrated Anheusei Bus'll Premium Pale Export Beer, which 1 will deliver to any address in (he city at SI.OO per dozen. Phone 130. Sig f.evisoP- Kll> GLOVES of any description and color dyed a perfect black at by Jim Carter. Ring phone 253-2. How a lady got a husband when her fare coveted with pimples. She used a bottle of Hancock's hiquld Sul phur which removed the pimples and toade her skin white and soft. For sale by Smith’s Pharmacy. Cot It Twisted. Little nine-year-old Rachel, whose falling it was to get stories somewhat twisted, once heard the conundrum of the rat and the thirty ears of corn. It ran thus: There were thirty ears of corn in a bin and a rat came along and carried away three ears every night. How long did it take liiirt to carry away the thirty ears? The an swer, of course, was thirty nights, counting the rat’s two ears and one ear of corn. Rachel thought this a wonderfully good joke and hastened to tell her old er brother, whom she well knew al ways appreciated anything along the line of a good joke. Hushing up to him she said: “Oh, Newman, I've get the best conundrum you ever heard. See if you can guess it." And thus she went on: “There was a bag of potatoes in a bin and a rat came along and carried away three potatoes every night. Plow long did it take him to carry away the whole bag?” I THE OGLETHORPE, | HUGH PORTER, Mgr. | Brunswick’s Only First | Class Hotel, li Reasonable Rates to Traveling Men. |j.Excellent Cuisine. Perfect Service. (PHILLIPS 1 he TAILOR j | Opera House Block, f Has a large and selected stock of ‘ Cnew goods, for the corntkg season, J" best of work and perfe W fit guar- ] £ anteed. ! $ Pants made to order for $4.00, ] I? Suits made to order for $15.00. | If you want a Swell i Suit give me a j | call. WOOD Oak and Pine B H. DANIELS, Phone 320 DEVARiS & LIVADAS, Country Grocery Store, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 204 Monk St. ’ Phone 141-3. UNION CLEANING and PRESSING CLUB. ’ .I-,, EDWAfifa MARTIN ’ 1 \ clean end press your clothes H does good work and will give veu Satisfaction. 508 Monk St. AFTER YOU Have tried all others, send for a FREE package of Uhc Dr. Lyon Home Treatment for CATARRH, Biood, nerve and Stomach. Dr. Lyon Medi cine Cos., Ooldwater, Mich. 0. L. PARKER, —Dealer in— STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Everything that’s good to eat at lowest, market prices Cor E and J Sts. 'Phone 94. COAL. AN O WOOD. CONEY cit PARKER. V-V&hSirtiy rr:L.• --.Tv.-T -t Digests v-Ssat yon* “*?*. BRUNSWICK CYCLE CO. JOHN HAENEL, Manager. Plioue 257-2. 307 Newcastle St. Bicycles, Guns, Pistols and Sewing Machines. REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. A SPE"”iALTY. Old Monopole Rye at SI.OO per full quart, Yellow l abel ixye at $1.25 per quart, Philadelphia Cluu Rye at SI.OO per lull quart. All above are sole elsewhere lor SI.OO. Sig Levisun, 3iu Bay street. A Sure Tiling. It is said that nothing is sure ex cept death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King’s New Dis covery for consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. P. B. Van Mel re of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says: "1 bad a severe case of Bronchitis, and for a year 1 tried ev erything 1 heard of, but got no re lief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely. It’s infallible for creep, whooping cough, grip pneumonia, and consump tion. Try it. It’s guaranteed. Sold by all druggists.. Tviat bottles free. Reg. sizes 50c. and SI.OO For Cleaning and Dyeing Summer Clothes—no one is better prepared than Jim Carter. Ring Phone 253 or send to 504 Monk St •*’ tzfjizlsl and can jj e re jied upon to act gently, but E / ft thoroughly, cleansing the entire system of all I L.UAU t u. impurities. Such a remedy is Mozley’s 1 £ Lemon Elixir. It is a pleasant lemon tonic, acceptable to 9 | the most delicate stomach, and acts thoroughly upon the S 0 bowels, liver and kidneys without the slightest unpleasant- “ 9 ness. Sold by all druggists at 50c a bottle. Tfaffl s?® gf Moz ley’s Lemon Hot Drops, without an ,f *■ - Jr | equal for coughs, colds, sore throat and I bronchitis. 25c a bottle. „ 3a ■ 111—1111 ■■■ f 1 E>ilXif" THE t BAY IRON WORKS: 4 Manufacturers and Repairers of Machinery, Engines, Saw Mills; Marine work a specialty J -t Packings, Fittings ; and Supplies j • Estimates Tarnished Free of Charge. ♦ 629 Bay St. ♦ \ w. R. DART, CLAUD DART, 4 .'resident and Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. * Downing, President, E. H. Mason, Vice-President, c.D,Walter, Kashier, The National Bank of Brunswick, BRUNSWICK, GA CAPITAL OF ONE HUNDRED AN I) FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS nd total RESOURCES in excess of ONE-HALF MILLION DOLLARS, e devoted to the assistance of legit imate business enterprise;;. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS invited fr orn individuals, linns and corpora :.iOUS. * SAVINGS DEPARTMENT account* bear interest, compounded quar terly. interest bearing cerificates of deposit issued oa special terms, MONEY ORDERS of the "BANKERS’ MONEY ORDER ASSOCIA ION” are cheaper and more convenient than postofiice or express. : Great Sale of : : MILLINERY and FANCY : : GOODS : ’GREAT BARGAINS IN RIBBONS MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK ' y No ‘"cd 7at 1 and 2c per yard No 12 and 16 at 5 cents per yard " y No 20 at 10 cents per yard . * t- Straw Hats 5 cents each Good Straw Hats 10 cents i.'gSLi&aaig SR-tia 1 Mssflß I 'Court:!AlJy s aik Tisue at yard, ••ijJSßrst Spason?,! Lx tl f #lack Silk Velvet Ribbon 10c Mourning Of course not Y / Colored Silk at 25s per yard Black Velvet® Jd*, Wrv.r asa.uO * Zephry Wool worth 10c at 3c at $1.25 •£( ‘ -i f Sewing Silk worth 2'/ 2 c skein, at 1 ‘' >W 4 Underskirtii large,'small / z price Children’s Hose worth 35c at 10c 1 ► firs. E. Ear Se. J ► Newcastle Street. ! The OLD RELIABLE ’’ • * - I am again in the Meat > husiness and am prepared ■’ ‘ to furnish everything in ’“ that line. A full line of ! t Fancy and Family Gro ceries. Quick delivery. CHRIS ARNHLITER ’ Phone 64. Corner Monk and Newcastle. •When in Need of Honey * m CALL ON I /K JOEL BROS. t RELIABLE PAWNBROKERS, , C W \ 308-309 Bay Street. *■ / BeSSImI \ You can set the most libera! loann en t f ymSSBKt 1 y° ur Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, > I I Furniture and all kinds of personal i property. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY OOVrJ- A?rejg&Ml DENTIAL. ’ jgjjMSSigHU fIHBR Unredeemed Pledges Fcr Safe Nasjjjjirjy Look for large 3 ball sign outside store Reliable Pawnbrokers. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T.-G. Merritt, of No. Mehoopany; Pa., made a start ling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes: “a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had of ten found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient gained from (he first, and has not bad any attack in 14 months.” Electric Fitters are positively guaranteed for dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, and kidney troubles. Try them. Only 50 cents, at all druggists. MAY 23, 1903. I Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure will pto cilice both. Try a oottle and be convinced, ’’our druggist sells It for 60e Good California Claret $2.50 per dozen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sig Levison.. When in distress financiallv call cn Joel Bros., Reliable Pawn 3rokers. We will assist you. The News 7,b Office— Best in Printing.