The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, May 23, 1903, Image 3

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SATURDAY MORNING. Mattings, Rugs, Linoleum and Oil Cloth Floor . rift-* Covering. Brighten your floors a bit. Don’t care how careful a housekeeper you may be, you realize that all house furnishings don’t wear out alike and the floor coverings in some rooms go first. Go into a neighbors house and you will comment, on their things so don’t suppose that vour neighbor does not know the difference reversing conditions. Whatever is best in Matting, Oil Cloth or Linoleum you will find our stock contains new de signs, choice patterns, an immense variety to select from. C. JVteGARVEY, *The Id Standby l At the Same Old Place Albert Arnheiter, the well known young £ butcher, stiil doing business at the old stand k No 207 Monk street where he will be glad to see his friends. Full line of everything in k the Meat Line, Fancy, Family and Staple £ Groceries, k jj, .J, 2!T*t? it I\f a (itfaftH 1 1 U 1 jf *M BSr77TJ|oiiD ‘cqhishey 11 iPlp'nf / / 1 L I WSSmflls £1 Morgan & Davis v\~rll \ I (f I DISTRIBUTORS, Brunswick, Ga W( ished principles. - JWflißfi. Jfcfr Jw : : ; <wr : ► EDUCATION like all other' good enterprises does not re ceive proper encouragement. It’s' for you to say whether you will* encourage us in our effort to cate the people to the use of good,! pure, wholesome food, and to the, , fact that It is not economyto buy* ; cheap Groceries. Encourage us, [ by trading with us. '■ THOMAS KEANY, Grocer, J ; Phone 11. 312 Newcastle “Dorothy Dodd’’ shoe is a novelty in womens shoes, Oxfords and ties, $3. J. A. Smith, Newcastle street. Pure Chemicals are the only kind used at Jim Carter’s clothes cleaning establishment. He is reliable and wants your work. Phone 353 3 A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin <t£ Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour ot need. His wife had such an unusual case a£ stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not lieip' hS'V He thought ol and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at on ;e and was iinaliy cured. Only 25c. at all drug stores. U you want your bicycle repaired riglF bring it to an experienced work man. B. J Olewine, 505 Qioueests" The X-Rays. Recent experiments by practical tests and examination with the aid of the X-Rays, establish it as a fact that Catarrh of the stomach is not a disease of itself, but that it results from repeated attacks of indigestion. “How can I cure my indigestion?” Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thous ands. It will cure you of indigestion and dyspepsia, and prevent or cure catarrh of the stomach. Kodol di gests what you cat, —makes the stom ach sweet. Sold by Joergor’a Phar macy, Smith's Pharmacy and W. J. Butts. Real Estate Bargains. $3,500.00 for one of the prettiest houses on Union street. Lot 90x80 and 7 room house $250.00 45x90 near the business center. $1,000.00 for 4 room house, close in. SSOO.Oo for 4 small houses, rent at SIO.OO per month. $200.00 for 3 room house, brings $5.00 per month. BROBSTON. > ENDIG & CO. THE J Douglas Hardware 'Company, H. S. LEE, Manager. Bealers In — HARDWARE, STOVES, G'JNS, TIN CUTLERY, AND PLOWS. AGATEWARE 21S Newcastle Street, Bear m Mind That we Bel) --S ' ' ' y >. Tire arms, cutlery and sporting goods. Fishing tackle. EMPTY ANP LOADED SHELLS* GUN AND £SlUtft_£ REPAiRING. P .O. KESSLER Monk Street. Relief fop the Suffering. Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur will give you imediate relief and permanently cure all such diseases as eczema, pim ples, tetter, herpes, rinkworm, salt rheum, dandruff, diphtheria, sore throat , cuts, burns, open sores and alt blood and skin troubles. Hundreds of cases oDskin diseases have been per manently cured by the use of Han rcock’s Liquid Sulphur after ali other remedies have failed. For sale by | Smith's Pharmacy. Artistic effect finish and lasting qual ities considered. Wilson’s Photo graph Studio, 502 1-2 Gloucester St., has no competitors. <* there “ye Elite.’’ 4 loeme oeeial : Views Vletes. Mrs. G. A. Ralston returned fiom a visit to Darien yesterday. * * • Mrs. Fary Forbes is the guest of Mrs. William Baker during Mr. Bak er’s absence in New Orleans. ft ft ft Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Armstrong, of Atlanta, will arrive this morning and will lie the guests of Captain U Dart. * # * Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Phillips will move shortly into the Hoffman house bn Union street, recently purchased by them. j ,* * * Mrs. B. B. Strait and her children leave shortly for their future home in Macon, going to Asheville later to spend the summer. m m ■ Mrs. Mamie Minehan leaves in a few days for Savannah, where she will be one of the guests at the wedding of Miss Lena Eddenfle-ld, formerly of this city. * * * Mr. C. D. Ogg will compliment the younger children of the Bethel Sunday school with a pleasant picnic today. The teacher- who will go are Mrs. F. Galeheli, Mrs. C. L. Candler, Miss Lutie Collins, and Miss Janie Alex ander. • * • Circle number four of the Metho dist Aid society, Mrs. D. D. Atkinson president, desires to thank all those who so kindly assisted by their pat ronage and in other ways to make their lunch a success during this week. * * * A plesaant party that will sjend to day on St. Simon is composed of the following: Fr. and Mrs. A. F. Wil der, Mrs. G. O. Wilder, Mrs. W. B. Cook, Miss Frances Cook, Miss Ada Cook and Master Leslie Wilder. The pretty little girl baby of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dart will be christ ened Tuesday next and will he named Emily Angeline. Mr. and Mrs. \V. 13. Armstrong of Atlanta, will he God father and God mother, respectively, * * * Among the pleasing features of the entertainment to ire given next Tues day evening will be the orchestra, which will be composed of Brunswick's talent. The operetta and “War of the Roses” will be short and attrac - i wijywH on .the.* yogi am. ire. ivi. Baker is ritg from, ‘Me effq-‘ = nf a fall le snstain^ Thursday. down the stffrs she tripped and "fell the receiving a number of severe bruises iwtunately no bones were broken and 'her friends hope that no serious re sults will occur from the accident. * Hi * Mrs. C. L. Elliott gave a pleasant surprise party Thursday evening in honor of Miss Maud Elliott. Flincli was played and delicious refreshments were served after the games. Mr. Cargylo Elliott acted as for the lit tle girls while the boys went into the party, being at that bashful age when escorting the fair sex is a task to be avoided. Those present were: Misses Marie Everett, Winnie Mc- Kinnon, Olivia Kay, Margaret O,Con nor, Marie Nightengale, Irene King, Masters Raymond Kay,'Ralph Wood, Seolia Wright, Frank Atkinson, Mal colm Fleming and Monroe Elliott. OVERCOATS and winter suits now should be thoroughly cleaned and packed for putting away, by Jim Gar ter, the loader of clothes cleaners. Ring phone 253-2. Fresh strawberries today at Geo. W. Harper’s. I am offering a full line of all kinds of ladies and’ mens’ shoes at reason able prices. J. A. Smith, Newcastle street. A. R. U. C. UPHOLSTERING AND CANING Laying Carpets and Matting, Putin-.' in Cane Scats in Chairs, Mattros-es made and renovated, Furniture re packed and carpets cleaned, Baby Carriages Repaired. W. H. THOMAS, 110 Gloucester Street. Fro-h okra and green corn at Goo. W. Harper’s. Just received a half car of John W. Masury Railroad lead in all colors, li you want to use lead and oil you cannot do better than buy this brand. The Douglas Hardware Cos. If it is good to eal we have it. Okra green corn and strawberries today. Geo. W. Harper. PEERLESS BOLTED MEAL IS THE HEAD OF THE LIST. ASK YOUR GROCER FQR IT. Paint your houso with Harrison Bros. & Co.,town and county ready mixed paints and you will be pleased. For rale by Douglas Hardware Cos. To the Consumer. I will give the retailers’ profit. 1 have just received 10,000 Maitre I.a Bori cigars a real good 5c cigar which I will sell direct to the consumer at $1.25 per box of 50. I am sole agent for this brand. This cigar is worth $2.00 per box, one box will make you get more at Sig Levison, 310 Bay THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. Georgia, Glynn County. To the Superior Court of said county Petition for incorporation ot "Glynn Hardware and Supply Go.” Tile petition of J. J. Lott, C. Down ing, E. F. Coney,W. M. Tupper, J. A. Foster, R. K. Briesenlck, J. B. Wright and F. D. Aiken, all of said county, respectfully shows: First. That they desire for them selves, their associates, successors and assigns to be incorporated under te name and style of Glynn Hardware and Supply Cos.” Second. The term for which peti tioners ask to he incorporated is twen y years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. Third. The capital stock of the cor poration is to be forty thousand ($lO,- 000.00) dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, with the privilege of increasing said capital stock upon a vote of two-thirds of the capital stock then issued to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate one hundred thousand (100,000.00) dol lars. Fourth. Your petitioners pray lhat they he permitted to pay for the capi tal stock in real and personal property or either at fair valuation or in part property and in part money. Fifth. The object of The proposed corporation is and gain to its stockholders; and to that end your petitioners desire to lie’ in corporated for the purpose of carry ing on a wholesale and retail business, either or both, in goods, wares and merchandise of any and ail kinds, but particularly in hardware and mill sup plies: to purchase and sell same by wholesale or retail, or both; to lmy and sell for cash or on credit all such articles and things as are usually embraced in a business of like char acter. and any and all articles which may be profitable to handle and sell in connection therewith; to act as commission merchants and sell upon commission and charge for such sor vices, and to make contracts to act as agents for manufacturing estab lishments, and to exercise all usual powers and do all usual and necessary acts which pertain to or may be eon ected with the business of retail and wholesale dealers, or any other ca pacity. Sixth. To purchase and hold real estate necessary to the carrying on of said business, and to acquire the same whenever it is necessary to pro tect the interest of said corporation and to sell the same; to borrow money and execute mortgages or other liens upon its property to secure the same; to have the right to issue bonds if do sired and to make deeds of trust or mortgages upon its property to secure the same, to take mortgages and liens upon both real and personal property for the protection and security of any advances made to any person or persons or for any debts owed to said corpora tion, and to acquire the property so pledged, if necessary to protect its interest. Seventh. To have and use a com mon seal, to sue and bg sued, to plea and be impleaded wifflA any,of the feyrts of this state n/aifcy ctl&>state of Jhe TTtilted States. Eighth. The iMtiucip*! ofilcs and place of business of the proposed cor poration is to h e in theVcity of Bruns wick, said county and state, with the power to establish branch offices in any other place or places in this state, or any other state or country. Wherefore, petitioners pray to he made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to all the rights, privileges and immu nites herein prayed for. and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. This May 4th, 19(13. O. P. GOODYEAR, Petitioners’ Attorney Filed in office this 4th day of May 11)03. H. F. DU BIGNON, Fieri; Superior Court, Glynn Countv Ga Georgia, Glynn, County. I, 11. F. du Bignon, clerk of Superior court of said county, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original petition for charter of file in my office to in corporate the "Glynn Hardware and Supply Co.’’ Witness my hand and seal this Mav 4th, 1903. H. F. DU BIGNON Clerk Superior Court, Giynr. Countv Ga. The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days he blood, mus cles and bones of a man of average size loses two pounds of wornout tis sue. This waste cannot be replen ished and the health and strength kept up without perfect digestion. When the stomach and digestive or gans fail to perform their functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, and disease sets up, Kodol Dys pepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest anOassim ilate all of the wholesome* wid that may be eaten into the kind" of Mood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind ■and body. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic. Sold by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith’s Pharma cy and W. J. Butts. THE DOWNING CO. HAVE ON A NICE LINE OF TOILET SOAP. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and plesamt in effect. For sale by a!) druggists. "One Dose Convinces.” Mosleys Lemon Elixer acts gently in the bowels without any unpleasant effect. It is a perfect liquid laxative. 50 per bottle at al' drug stores The Reason Why. Hancock’s Liquid Suiphirr should be in every home: It i3 indorsed and pre scribed by many leading physicians'for such diseases as eczema, pimples, ring worms, salt rheum, dandruff, diphthe ria, sore throat, cuts burns, open sores and all blood and skin troubles. No household should be without it. Ask .your druggists for a book on Liquid Sulphur and see what the doctors say regarding this wonderful remedy* For Bale at Smith's Pharmacy. BRIGTH’S DiSEASEand DIABETES Bloating, Gravel, Dull Backache, Blad der Disease, Uriny Affections, Deep Seated Cases Especially Cured By Stuart's Gin and Buchu. Stuart’s Gin and Buchu acts directly on the bladder, the urethral tract and the kidneys, driving out all the ob structions and making a perfect cure ot the most aggravating, dangerous and deep-seated cases. Gravel symptoms—Burning sensa tion in passing urine, frequent desire to urinate, the urine is thick and sed imentary, the whole nervous system is disordered, digestion impaired, sleep disturbed, loss of strength and vigor, Stuart’s Gin and Buchu will euro ev ery symptom, disolve the gravel, between the urine, bund up tin nerves. Mucous Discharges—Difficulty in passing water, ulcerations, irretations of Hie urethra, disagreeable odor of the urine, pains in back, swollen an kles and logs, catarrh of flic bladder, are all quickly and permanently cured by Stuart’s Gin and Buchu. Bright's Disease—Dry skin, short ness of breath, urine dark colored. The worse cases cured by Stuart’s Gin and Buchu. Pleasant to the taste. Thoroughly listed for past 20 years in private and hospital practice, with a record of 800 cures ot chronic kid ney and bladder (roubles —the kind that had resisted al! other treatment. Druggists or by express, SI.OO Sample botlle ftee by writing Stu art Drug Cos., Atlanta, Ga. We have set aside 15,000 hollies for free dis tribution so as to move our claims, so write at once. Miss Slater has something else new. Tho New Bishop Collar, in linen, stamped in different designs. All Were Baffled. Word comes from Wake, Ark. that Rev. Jno. J. Cox had a strange malady accompanied by yellow jaundice. Par 12 years physicians were baffled and though everything known to the profession was used, the trouble re mained. One day he began to use Slectric Bitters and in a week ;li change for the better came and at length he was entirely cured. It's the most reliable medicine for liver and kidney troubles. Only 50c. and guar -10011 by all druggists. Tho best pill ’neath the stars and stripes; It cleanses tho system and never gripes. 1 Liltie iiariy Risers of wurdly repute. Ask for Dewitt’s and take no substitute. ■ A small pill .easy to buy easy to take and easy to act, but never falling in results. Dewlft’s Little Rarly Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to the liver, curing permanent ly.—Joergor’s 'Pharmacy, Smith’s Pharmacy, W. J. Ifcr.thi. To Grgtr" Hair COKE and Hair Tonic is the Best el-lure of imitations I COKE, SHAVING FOAM FOR. EASY SHAVING Bents auy soap, so handy. Incollapsibla tubes. It your harbor or druggist does not keep Coho Shaving Foam sand 85c to A. R. Bremct Cos., Chicago, for regular tube. t-or Sale by W J BUTTS, Druggist Good Advice. The mftst miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dys-: pepsia and liver complaint. More han seventy-five per rout, of the peo- 1 pie of the United Stales arc afflicted with these two diseases and their ef cts: such as Sour Stomach, Sick headache, habitual costiveness, pal pitation of the heart, heart burn, Svaterbrash, gnawing and burning ,pains at the pit of the stomach, yel low skin, coated tongue and disagree able taste in the mouth, coming up of food alter eating, low spirits, etc. Go to your druggist and got a bottle of August Flower for. 25 or 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. ~ ____ ■ i Notice. i I will be abswit, front (he cily this week, but my office will lie open, ail orders will receive careful atten tion. C. H. JEWETT. | Notice. I will lie at tlie following places n th following days to reoeiv* stats 1 and county tax returns for tlie jeori 903. Pyles Crossing, April 4th and 23d. May 10th. St,. Simon's Mills, April 10th and sth. May £2nd. Sterling, April 11th, May 2nd a*d 2Sd. Jamaica, April 15th and 24th. May 15th. Brunswick, April 10th, 17lh, 13th May*lll, Bth, 9th and 28t,h, 30th. JOHN E. DUBBERUY. Receiver Tax Returns for Glynn Coun ty. News Job Office—Best Printing. Quick Arrest. J. A. Gtilledgo, of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a se vere case of [ ibs, causing 24 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Hucklen’s Arnica Salve quickly ar rested further inamation and cured him. It, conquers aches and kills pain. 25 cents at all druggists. Sash, doors and blinds for sale at Douglas Hardware Cos. ALONG OUR BUSY BAY Yesterday Arrivals, Clearances and Sailings—Other News of the Movement of Vessels in Port. Arrived. Steamer Colorado, Risk, Mobile. Sailed. Schooner Robert M. Stephenson, Higsbee, Philadelphia. Schooner Helena, Kneeland, New Haven, “Dorothy Dodd” shoes are the very latest for women. 1 have them. j. A. Smith, Newcastle street. EDWIN W. DART, Attorney and Councellor at Law. Court House> Brunswick, Ga. A Little Early Riser Now an dihen, at bedtime will cure constipation, biliousness and liver troubles. DeWitt’s Little Early Ris ers are the famous little pills that cure by arousing the secretions, mov ing tho bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving such tono and strength to the glands of tho stomach and liver that the. cause of the trouble is re moved entirely, and if their use is continued for a few days, there will he no return of the complaint. Sold by Joerger’s Pharmacy, Smith’s Phar macy and W. J. Butts. •Country honey in pound sections, best on earth, none excepted at Geo. W Ii toper’s. The Arcade. Respectfully announces to its mapy friends and patrons in Brunswick and surrounding country that we are pre pared to till thoir orders for any ol tho leading brands of whiskies on the market at popular prices. All goods will Be delivered to oujt of town <*oh tomers free of express charges: w. W. W„ Wilson, Old Saratoga, Louis 66, Yellowstone, Paul Jones, Duke of Cumberland, Monogram, Belle of Bour bon and a number of others including gins, wines and popular brands of beer. Our bar is replete with all that goes to make up a liret class establish ment. Pool and billiard tables kept in an up-todate condition. We serve an excellent lunch from 11 a. n te 1 p. m. PHIL KEIAER. Fresh green corn and okra toady. G. W. Harper. A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing is sure ex cept death and taxes, but that, is not altogether true. Dr. King’s New Dis covery for consumption i3 a sure curt or all lung and throat troubles. Thou sands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. Van Metre of Shepherdtown, W. Va. ays: “1 had r severe caso <if bronchi tis and for a year tried everything i heard of, but got no relief. One bottle f Dr. King's,New Discovery then cured no absolute.y. It’s infaiible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Constr 'on. Try it. It’s guar, autecd by w druggists. Trial bot tles free. Regular sizes 50c. and $1.69. Green corn, fresh strawberries and okra at Geo. W. Harper’s. Mr. Joseph Pominville, of Stillwater, Minn., after having spent over $2,000 with the host doctors for stomach trouble, without, relief, was advised by liis druggl-t Mr. Alex. Richard, to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He did so and is a well man today. If troubled wilh in digestion, bad taste in tiie mouth, Ia elf of appetite or constipation, give these taldets a trial, and you are ecr- Inin to lie more than pleased wilh the result. For sale at 25 cents per kox by all druggists. I 99 ♦ REASONS Why you should use a ♦ GAS COOKINC STOVE and an t ELECTRIC F AN Ist. It makes the long sum- - T . days endurable. 2nd. It makes life worth living. - . 3rd. It does away with the expense of going to the moun-' f tains or islands. ♦ will lie discovered after a short 5 ♦ trial of them. Get the benefits. ♦ AT ONCE, see us TODAY. t MUTUAL LIGHT ♦ & WATER CO. ♦ MACHHN SOLD OUT But J. H. Tankcrsley Has Not. But has a fine line of Harness and Collars, Whips, Lap Dusters, ths latest patterns on the market. Cur tain covers, Buggy taps, Pheats and Storm Aprons and Side Catches, j All work done in the best of style. A full line in everything in the Har ness line Call and see me. J. H. TANKERSLEY. Dr. O. G. Green, of Wooduury, New Jersey, sole manufacturer of Green’s August Flower and Boschee’s German Syrup, whose advertisement appears in our paper regularly, will send to any one mailing a tv'o cent stamp to pay postage, one of his new Ger man Syrup and August Flower puzzles, made of wood and glass, it amuses and perplexes young and old. Al though very difficult, it can he mas tered. Mention this Paper. MAY 23, 1903. ;a fatal mistake IS OFTEN MADE BY THE WISEST PEOPLE. It’s a fatal mistake to neglect back ache. Backache is the first symptom of kidney (ills. Serious complaints follow. , Doan’s Kidney Pills cure them promptly. Don t. delay until too late. Until it becomes diabetes —Bright’s disease. Read wliat this gentleman says: Capt. D. W. Welch, keeper of tho Wood county infirmary, Parkersburg, W. Va„ says: "I had to go around trying to evade pain constantly, aware that a false step, jerk, o.r twist would bring punishment, and I was afraid to handle anything for ;'ear of a re minder in (he shape of a twinge of pain. 1 trade al Dr. J. N. Murdoch’s drug store on Third street, and have something to get in the drug line every time i come in. If was there I learned aliotti Doan'- Kidney Pills and I took a supply home with mo and used them My wife used them and my sister, Mrs. A. Amici;, of No. 615 Seventh street, used them. They cured the three of ns. F am hero in the city every few days and can sttlt stantiale tiie remark) I have made.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ci'nis a fox. Foster-Mil burn Cos. Buf falo. N. Y. sole agent for the U. S. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take r.o other. pEsSI IF YOU FF-EL LANGUID j And thoroughly tired out after Very slight exertion, it shows that your blood is thin and intpovished, .".id Iho action of your heart is weak. Take Smith’s Compound Sarsapa rilla il will purify, enrich and vitalize your blood, and put your whole ays teh in a healthy condition SMITH’S PHARMACY a Si (ifiiffh if you’re going on a trip Here’s a pleasant little tip | Place a bo'tle in your grip Red Top Rye S. D. LEVADAS, Sole agent Brunswick, Ga. and Vicinity. ;.j6 Monk Street. Ferdinand Westhcimer C Sons/Dif.ttllcra B Cincinnati, 0. St. J Mo. Louisville, Ky I Wilson’s Up to Date Restaurant Cos N ' S y % * *, THE QUICKEST BUNCH ' r * v can be had hero. We call it our r * y "rapid-fire lunch” because it is . served so quickly. % <r It. is not fired at our patron-, fe y however, but placed before them Vfc y in a dainty and appetizing man V. v nc ’ r - H This lunch costs little, can bo % yj quickly disposed of and satisfies f * v all but tlie most robust appetites. * J. W. WILSON, Prop. Vi ’Phone 321. fc S&eienxe bonk. This < jlebr ,ed tonic is Ik growing demand. The season e 4 the groa’est need is approaching, indigestion. Bit* liousness, Jaundice, CfcilH and Fever, Bick Headache, pains in Ut% and 'Sidneys all depend upon ria'.aria, and Bellevue Tonic cures them all in any form, W. J, BUTTS, . .3JS*. Prußdl**,