The Brunswick daily news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1903-1906, September 29, 1906, Image 4

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\I I ! Whenever a man puts his head into a Stetson he can’t help hut * feel satisfied. The pleasant face is a natural result of comfort in the wearing, and of the certain knowledge that the hat is cor rect in style and beautiful in finish. c W( hive the Steteon 101 l •nd Derby Hat* in *ll th* Utcat style*. The Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing Cos Manufacturer* of SODA WATER AND MINERAL WATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NEC TARS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECIAL GINGER ALE AND RYE OLA, . PHONE 273 218 OGLETHORPE ST \ J. B. DAVIS. E. F. TAYLOR D4VIS & TAYLOR Livery Feed and Sale Stable HEAVY DRAYAGE, STOCK FOR SALE. PROMPT HACK SERVICE Cor G and D Street* ghone 7 New Fall Goods ~ Just Received I -Jl r I AM JIJST qflft FROM NEW YORKWITH A FULL LINE OF FALL CRY Cjgr'IfeJBHSLINERY AND DRESS GOODS. COME SEE THEM. . . tKT at #jEjik Zelmenovit*, <■ ■jViofr 2\f NEWCASTLE STREET (k ■■ .s%■' ■ " ■ [;n .;pM.. : : *®v $ fli ; i ■ / P' ,/'"' and M P . X 1 . J r ( fer. \ 8 / >■■ . r k_v' irp ’PHOrc. \ HART, SCHAFFNER AND MARX. STROUSE & BROS. STEIN-BLOCH CO. CLOTHES STETSON HATS CLAPP SHOES. MANHATTAN SHIRTS WHERE YOU FIND THESE YOU FIND THE BEST LEVY’S Mrs. <’- Don Parker returns to-day | from Ccdartown. * • • Miss H' len O'Connor has returnei! from a i-tt to Atlanta. • • • Mrs. .1 A. Montgomery and children have rc< • r.'-d from Marietta. m m m A little daughter arrived yesterday at the fcon.v of Dr. and Mrs. J. Sydhcy Roberts. I * * * Mr. ar.d Mrs. E Pubberiykre guesfs o' Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bm drick. m m m Mr. Elliot Williamson left yesterday tor Sardis. Ala., where he will spen 1 the winter. mam Miss Annie Thrasher has returned to ttie city and will spend the winfe with Mrs. N. E. War;. A Mr. and Mr?. CllffoV Postell, /f St. Simon, were the gutsts of ws. Henry Symons on Thursday. *** I _ The condition of Mrs. Emit Fawn who is in St. Joseph's Hosoldr in Savannah, is much improved. Mr. aid M* ffm. chil&en are Bvv in J.'amnflßHH retuAf to iiruKwlcldbeait ifc'HfeiJ 'adV 1 - va ffs v< ‘Jp!onduB 1 " afr £ plcantiS fi in thj* WBp'.■ * f '.V* J . > I Iv j * i ' ‘■’Stj, ■■ , ■ Jt' '{ ' ' .rf ' J ' Mi i ‘ -. F 1 : w llrooi^Hf^Vjjf: df ViT Mrtt.m 1 ?* nii.-tif last night IH Uiiest of Mis* Belle len\thin morn!': for iter Cliathstown. m • Mrs. McCnlloggh has re turned f improved health ttfWrnuw visiting Mr, h. k. Hodgaoigfs Athens. | ... Miss'Mary Aidredge of Atlanta, made many friends here while (ha guest of Mrs. (J W. BlautoiL who wll he Inter*- toil in knewln it she u receiving many delight a iV-Jal at 'entioriK in honor of her .ippmaching marriage to Mr. Harold Moore. The wedding will take place ii! Vila.4a on Wed^f- sdev , 10x (. I TAX NOTICE ' State and County Ta** Notice, To. collect State fend comity TaJBI the year 1206 1 wilfß at 'he following precinct* on dates lßkthmod; St. Simon, Oct. 18j .f, and Do." Sterling, Oct. 2ft, Jr De< 4. ( Bladen, Oct. ijkaud I)e ft Hrookman, OdflSs, Mk-tfll and Nov. 2ft. \ At Court"Tfonso at il\venlng dates. ' m *'• ; H. i. READ, T. (IN*. 0, , Society CLEVER CAPTAIN WAS INJURED. Large Piece of Iron Fell on Capt. An derson's Foot. Captain Martin Anderson, the well known and clever commander of tne steamer Hessie, r ‘ t with quite a jmin ful accident a : w days ago while returning from Itsrien. The Hessie was crossing the sound and it was very rough, a .vy wind blowing. .The iron part of he 'arge stool used by Captain Anderson was turned ovi: uy the rocking of the boat and fell upon Captain Ann- rsor.’g foot. His many friends in the city will be glad to learn that he was not seriously* injured . although he suffi red consid erable pain from the accident. Call up Davis aud Tailor’s stable If you want dirt lor raising your lots or sidewalks. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the cred iters dof the estate of J. R. Dlllar lateißfGlynn county, Ga., Uecease.l to an acount of their de jnan|Mßß|^within pres prop'‘rly/m:i lc pm limlo teiUto saldide “ to nilk lndrslfßet’ 'lrndoi-* K^atTUNiir-, the csiViJn • cc^^i''Jri y ’ ■ St , : V J J K k Calyf artv. JUST IN FRESH— NABISCO MARSHMELLOW pAfNTIF GRAHAF WAFER LADY FINGER? ZEVEIBACK SATINS UNEEDA MILK LEMON SNAPS GINGER SNAPS CRACKER MEAL AND MANY OTHE! i ’jrarsaiEt ma 'SfeißlL JT St] A GOOD MONTI EXPECTED THAT SHIPPING REC ORD FOR SEPTEMBER WILL BE LARGE. Indications are that the month of September will be an unusually good one in local shipping, and the record will more than likely compare with any previous month of the present year. Up to yesterday afternoon' exaetl.v 50 vessels had arrived in port during the month, and half of these were steamers. It has been one of the big gest months on record for the nttm krer'of steamers. -Most of them have [carried large cargoes, which will add greatly to the volume of business for the month. It is expected that a num ber of other vessels now en route here will arrive Before the end of the month. During the past few days quite a fleet has aiSrsLved. The strong wind has served toNin?* s jAJ|£ni down the coast and altogethe <But eight ar rived yesterday am/ 1 Thursday. ENGINE oUMpf-D THF track. A., B. &. A. ShiftejßQuit the Rails Last Am. w shitting etiMMj* on the Atlanta ...Wmiingharn aaR? Atlantic ; (jumped th< traeflpst night near [ loot of 'jdou.-e.-tß* and Bay stijr Ihe engine wusßnoving along (T a .sV . tU* of speeßover the new track r-• ~ifionii fioni Bay io f street. V;1 struck an out* t gall and wAiff several inches. 1 Q?C Of MiotL-ki* freight engines was Mossed into scVice and suc<a*e<ie<! In Jtghting the shifter after working for 4 few hours. No delay was cat's*-'. aijni no tluuiag,- dopp. COEaTER, V E T SURCEiII All domestic aulmals t<t*t*d L**v Crdr* at r U * , oeve ate*. .K*MF ftf?-♦ SHOES. BOYS AND GIRLS. AT PEERSON’S. VV iNTRD. — Bright, smart boy about clghUtt o years old, to collect and do general wotU Apply in ow’ baud wilting, to “Merchant,’ ciir ui News WANTED. Tji'o white messenger earn .ojn jiH.m to $25.u0 per Apply vVi-h!*■!p Union TeiegßtpflßP pany CONEY, KING &M, F re. c h Tod M OYSTERS AND SHRIMP TELEPHONE ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION PHONE 492. Boys J| Clothing jmlk NEVER WE SHOWN j 3 3 SUCH A VARIETY OF STYLES AND MATERIALS AS WE mmwm HAVE THIS SEASON WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU INSPECT THEM HIGH GRADE MAKES That Embrace STYLE. FIT AND QUALITY % W Kaiser’s S'SSF , for 4ale Six Hundred Thousand Acrj-s Virgin Pine Timber, in GfLand Pia. ready for sa A w S mIl T l W p°c r H p U o N s es E Vv,nc 3 ow 0 ACRES TW, LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS BOXED, WLL Southern Land & Timber Cos P 0. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, qA. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. FAIL HATS fOli LADIES - ■ 1 It * / ' HAVE ™ E HA . NDS UN E g|tM.L HATS EVER Displayed IN brTjns wick. laoiHLe invited TO INSPECT THEIVj, T ▼ MISS L- G. JACKSO^ OPr-RA HOt.S(- BLOCfI. ]* LA MAISON PARISIENNE Georg}*. 1 " I ' - ' dle * 7a,,0r!n 9 and DreMmaklng g* ca D n°hlve E th E m^^ e M^ e o^ e n t 6 when you the most reasonable rate at r - denizet at NOTICE KINDS 0F PLAIT,NG ' BUTTONS made on short HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS piping ... AT 2 C . PER YD. WHILE VOU WAIT Mi. m L*"* MADE u wait. CALL OR PHONE 311