The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 02, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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BATCH OF ITEMS AROUNDTHE CITY The Weather. Forecast tor to-day In Georgia: Pro bably showers along the coast. Auction Sale To-day. There will be a big auction sale to uay at 11 o’clock in front of Judge Lambright’s office. Furniture, etc. will be disoosed of at a sacrifice. A Special Meeting. The Glynn aerie of Eagles will hot x a special meeting in their hall tins evening at 8 o’clock. All members are requested to be present, as business of importance will come up for action. Ordinary's Court. Ordinary Dart held the regular monthly session of his court yester day. There were only a few cases on tne docket which were disposed of in a short while. To-morrow’s Election. The state election, as well as the one for the election of three justices for the new court of appeals, will oe held to-morrow. The same managers who conducted the primary will be selected at the meeting of the county commissioners to-day. In Police Court. Mayor Hopkins held quite an inter esting session of the police court yes terday morning, there 'being several of fenders before him on various charges. None of the cases,- however, were or a serious nature. Yesterday’s Shipping. Arrived, steamer Tlio Grande, Davidson, Mobile; sailed, steamer Hii brook, Hanson, Hamburg and Liver pool; schooner Frank Barnett, Frances, Boston; schooner Perry Se: zer, Blake, Perth Amboy. ' l Jim ffnes I CAN FURNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTICE, CABBAGE, MAG NOLIA, SYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK AND UMBRELL *.l REES. GIVE ME A TRIAL. D. B. PYLES. 623 E Street. /is attained in American Queen Beer, and our \ / good Southern people —loyal enough in other \ / ways—should give full justice here, where 1 I justice is earned and is due. 1 I -You don’t have to go away for a triumph of purity in beer. p It is here—right here at your door ! This may be news to you, but it is a fact. 1 In competition with America’s most famous brews, the 0 1 chemists of Wahlneimus Institute, Chicago, declared the decided % superiority of American Queen Beer (their report can be seen in [\ gg \ our office). Now, then, put this question pointedly to yourself— J | ll* % could you ask for a higher proof of quality than this unbiased declaration from such eminent chemists ? Hardly. '/ 'JwPk Order a case sent home, and call for it at all resorts. j| ACME BREWING CO. l/ifggS? NlflHT TOAfMCU savannah & IVlljfl A 1 1 K.I ( MONTGOMERY. . VIA SEABOARD I AIR LINK RAILWAY. Jin. EiSTKOtsin. -<= . t „ 5.00 P. M. Lf'iivw N'ew Orleans 9.25 A. M. Ar, ive Helena •1* P L-ave" 81rmu.gham.........1 4.20 P. M Arrive Cordele 11 In |\ M. Aloiiißiiiery iM . J Arrive Atnerieu* 12.4i A. >l. I liumnkin 11 *4 P. Arrive Jli eh laud .. 2.00. A, M l.*ve Richland i2.lh A . Arrive Lumpkin 222 >T. Amerlimih If. a V Arrive Montiromerv (5 45 \. M. ; L:iw < ordele , ),? a* ?! Arrive H'4' A. I<#slVw Helena 6.1# A. M. Arrive New Orleun* .<> ' P. M. Arrive Savanna!- 930 A. M. J Train will consist of PULLMAN BUFKKT SLEEPING (,'AKS, Day One lies between Savannah ami Montgomery without change; making close eonnection at Mcntiromery with all lines di venting for Pensacola, MoKi y, New Orleans and all Western points; Birmingham, Memphis, St. Louis, Nashville, Chicago and all Nocyestern points; the SHORTEST LINK to Montgomery, New Orleans, Birmingham and the earliest arrV. at these points. At Savannah close connection is made lo*-all EAS’I’KIiN POINTS, Itichmond, Wash ington, New York and with Coastwise Steamships for Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Get sleeping car reservations and full information from any SKA BOA HD Agent, or write to ( tltttLEM F. STEWART, • ' Aest. General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Georgia. COULD SOT BBT SIGHT JM DM With Irritating Skin Humor—Whole Body Affected—Scalp Itched All fhe Time and Hair Began to Fail Cut—Wonderful Result From i APPUCATION OF CUTiCURA REMEDIES “I am never without Cutieurnftloap • and Cuticura Ointment since I tried them last summer. About the latter part of July my whole body began to itch. I did not take much notice of it at first, but it began to get worse all the time, and then 1 began to get uneasy and tried ail kinds of baths and other remedies that were recommended for skin humors; but 1 became worse all the time. My hair began to fall out and my scalp itched all the time. Espe cially at night, just as soon as I would get in bed and get warm, my whole body would begin to itch and my finger nails would keep it irritated, and it was not long before I could not rest night or day. A friend asked me to try the Cuticura Remedies, and I did, and the first appli cation helped me wonderfully. For about four weeks I would take a hot bath every night and then apply the Cuticura Ointment to my whole body; and 1 kept getting better, and by the time I used four boxes of Cuticura I was entirely cured, and my hair stopped falling out, but I continue to use the Cuticura on my scalp. It keeps all dan druff out and scalp is always clean. I always use Cuticura Ointment on my face after shaving, and have found nothing to equal <t. I will never be without it.” D. E. Blankenship, 319 N. Del. St., Oct. 27, 1905. Indianapolis, Ind. BUNDED 10 UL MOTHERS “ I have used Cuticura Ointment for chafing of infaats, and as they grew older all skin diseases were given treat ment with that and the Cuticura Soap. I never found it necessary to call a doc tor, as these Remedies are a sure cure, if used as directed. lam glad to recom mend them to all mothers.” Sincerely yours, Mrs. F. A. ICennard, Juxe 21, 1905. St. Paul Park, Minn. Cuticura Soup, Ointment, and Pills are e„M throughout the w..rld Potter Drug & Cliem. Corp., Sole Props.,BodtoU. arMtuted JfrMy “ How to Cure for tlic Saiu. : ' The prettiest line oY rourln-hand neckwear ever offered in thecity at 25 cents each. Come and look and bo astonished. Slg Levi-ncti. *6B am ■os Raw eti-cMt. See that your druggist gives ya rn* Imitation when you aok for Ken uedv’s Laxative Honey nad Tar, ffe w etna’ lATattvn esnurh evnaj* The BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1906 WITH TIE PUTS AMD TIEJLAYERS The Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels will play an engagement at the Grand opera house shortly. This organiza tion is well known to the public, hav ing been on tour twenty-two years. It has been said that Al. G. Field is to minstrelsy what Belasco is to the drama; for years he has offered the best in minstrelsy. Not only Is this organization the oldest upon the road, but it is said to be bigger and better than ever. The show is entirely new this season, and though many ola faces will be seen, many new 'mem bers will be introduced in the -per sonnel. A burlesque of the Gridiron Club, that famous Washington institu tion where politicians and newspaper men meet annually is the feature or the nrst part. Prominent people, statesmen, politicians, diplomats prominent in the public eye, are cari catured, theii- pet hobbies, fads and public questions. Hits on the various bills in congress, allusions to various episodes attending- public affairs have been expressed by dialogue and im personations. Though this burlesque was touched upon in tne first part of last season, prominent emphasis nas now been given to it this year: tn fact, it is one of the features of the show. Scenicaily the act is the most elaborate ever offeied in min strelsy. The singing party will be introduced in white face, representing minstrels in the days of Homer, whlls the comedians are in -black face, rep resenting modern minstrels. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL MILLINER. CASTORS A F" im&nta and CUiMrea tlie uinfi Vc;i Wm Always Boughs You can save moaey ay buying yon clothing, shoes, hats and gent’s fur Pishings from Si* Levlson, SOB an 809 Bay itreet. I. M. MIIIEUJ SON. Brunswick Ga. TIE LARGEST FURNITURE USE II SOUTH GEORGIA We carry everything' from the kitchen to the parlor % and guarantee price Price .... $15.00 Write to us for prices and mention (Ids paper. TAX NOTICE. State and County Tax Notice. ISO To collect State and County Tax fo the year 1906 I will be at the followiu precincts on dates mentioned: St. Simon, Oct. 18, Nov. 5 and Do 3. Sterling, Oct. 29, Nov. 8 and Dec. l Bladen, Oct. 24, Nov. 30 and Dec. 6 Brookman. Oct. 25, Nov. 11 are Nov. 29. At Court House at intervening dates. H. J. It 11 AD. T. C. (1. 0. Shoes! shoes i! shoes!!! for me a women and chiidrea, all kinds, *dl nizm ail price® ftomtit the poor. R! Lwlmk. Stc ttui a-n- JcH-O ICE CREAM Powder 110 minutes in the freezer—and, Lo and Behold, as if p ■ by magic—two quarts of the most delicious Ice Cream II I you ever put into your mouth. b iy • flay And Pure Ice Cream too; for I Jell-O ICE CREAM Powder ■ !s endorsed by the Pure Food Commission and received I the Gold Medal (Highest award) at the St. Louis Exposition, 1004. fl Making Ice Cream with jfl I • • Jell-O ICE CREAM Powder I is so simple that a child can prepare it—it requires no eggs, flavor- fif mg or sugar —No cooking, heating or fussing. Results are always H ■ the same and failure is impossible. ■ Four Kinds t Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry and Unflavored. ■ ■ Beware of cheap imitations. 2 Packages for 25 cents at all Grocers. I I rh Send WaMtTKtM Recipe BooV~!t is highly prized by M Whan ordering byrnefl mb4 addrew of yottr Orooer. - THE OENE3EE PURE FOOD CO., Le Roy, N. Y. • ■ Notice to Creditors. Georgia, Glynn county. All creditors of the estate of linn uah Coburn, lute of said county, ar hereby notified lo render an accoun of their demands against said estat properly made out, lo the undersign ed or payment thereof will be debar red. H. F. dußignon, As administrator on the estate o ..Hannah Coburn, deceased. Cal! mi Davis and Taylor’s stable If you want, dirt for raising your hits or sidewalks. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOR WOMEN ARE BEAUTIES. SEE THEM AT PEERSON’S. Wt MAKE AWNINGS FOR YOUR RESIDENCE OR YOUR STORE. !' • V# VIMUW • Lt/ This Steel s2s NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the cred iters of the estate of .1. IL Dillar. late of Glynn county, Ga., deceased to render in an acount of their de mands to me within the time prea crihed by law, properly made out And all persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby requested to rnak Immediate payment to th undrslgned This August 31, 1906. Kate D. Holzendor*, Adminlslstratrix Cum. Testemento Anaexo of .1 it. Dillar 1. SHOES. BOYS AND GIRLS. AT PEHRSON’S. YOU CAN GET STYLE AND FIT WHEN YOU BUY SHOES FROM PEERSON. 3