The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 04, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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BATCH OF ITEMS AROUND THE CITY _ i _ : Off to Macon. A happy crowd of Brunswick Eagles left the city last night over the South ern railway for Macon, where tliev go to take in the big fair there to day. They will return to the city to morrow morning. To Advertise He'-e. S. E Gentry, representing Foleys famous honey and tar remedies, was in the city yesterday and matle a con tract with the News for sfinie exten sive advertising during the next twelve months. Damage in the Country. Reports from the coumfy districts are to the effect that the heavy wind and rain Tuesday afternoon did some little damage. In the vicinity of the rice plantations it came down in tor rents. why'--. the wind blew at a high velocity. However, the damage was not serious. Famous Editor Here. Capt. J. A. Cothran, the veteran editor of the Mobile Item, was a visit or to the city yesterday and paid The News office an appreciated call. Capt. Cothran has been to New York on a pleasure trip and was enroute to his home via the Mallory line. He thinks Brunswick is liie coming city on flic Atlantic coast. Raising Bananas. The banana industry in this vicinitj is rapidly growing, and it has been demonstrated that I lie fruit can be easily raised here. \Y. F. Doerfmger yesterday brought to The News offi ■■ a specimen of the bananas raised a. his home in this city, and it was one of the largest ever seen here. The banana measured live inches aioun-t and live inches long and and monst rated that. Mr Doertlinger is a-; good a liann at raising fruit as he is at repairing watches and jewelry NOTICE. Parties having a chance on the hooks will be at the Arcade to-niglit at 3 o'clock, at which hour the raffle win take place. Children and Boys’ Sails at a sav ing of 35 per cent, at Sig Levison. ABseiffr£mmr\ is attained in American Queen Beer, and our \ good Southern people —loyal enough in other \ ways —should give full justice here, where \ justice is earned and is due. 1 You don’t have to go away for a triumph of purity in beer. It is here—right here at your door ! This may be news to you, but it is a fact. a v In competition with America’s most famous brews, the . 0 chemists of Wahlheimus Institute, Chicago, declared the decided superiority of American Queen Beer (their report can be seen in \ jy our office). Now, then, put this question pointedly to yourself— J | iff could you ask for a higher proof of quality than this unbiased declaration from sue 1 ! eminent chemists? Hardly. Order a case sent home, and call for it at all resorts. acme: brewing co. Y MACON, CSOIUGIA TDAIMQ) savannah & nlvll 1 1 CS/\liNO j MONTGOMERY. VIA SEABOARD Aip LINE-, RAILWAY. w i:sr not i% i*. ja st kuc i\ o. Leave Savannah P. M. L-ave Nhv Orleuns 9.26 A. M Arrive Abbevjllt;".'...".!.. 10.10 P. m! I. av*- Birmingham ■ * j l . l Arrive Cnrdele 11 16 P. M. I,.a\> .Montgomery 7.4.5 P. M A>riv<* Arnericus I2 46 A. M. ! Leave Lumpkin USA P. M Arrive Richland 2.4)0 A. M Leave Richland P-’.P 1 A. • Arrive Lumpkin 2 2'-’ \. .*?. ! Leave Arnericus 1.40A..V Arrive Montgomery ...,, 0.46 A.M. R‘Ve Cnrdele, .*. ">*'! A -2L: j Leave Helen! '.‘Ll""”"" t~V> A. M. Arrive Xe>v Orleans 6.0) P. M. Arrive Savanna! 3O A.M. Train will consist of PULLMAN HUFPET SLEEPING CARS, Day Coaches between Savannah and Montgomery without change; making close connection at Montgomery with ail llnet diverging for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans am) all Western points; Hirrningliam, Memphis, St. Louis, Nashville, Chicago and all Northwestern point*; the SHORTEST LINK to Montgomery, New Orleans, Birmingham and the earliest arrival at these points. At Havannah close connection i* made tor all EASTERN POINTS, Richmond, Wash ington, New York uud with Coastwise Steamships for iialliniore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, Get sleeping ear reservations and full information from any SKABOA RD Agent, or write to Ultlil,FA F. STEWART, Asst. Genera! Passenger Agent, Havannah, Georgia. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MORTGAGE SALE. State of Georgia, County of Glynn. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mort gage, dated August 15, L9u4, in favo of the undersigned, from ' : ibert Wil liams. trustee of and / his wife. Sarah Williams and h' nor chil dren, Anna Williams, DC. Williams and Kathalina Williams, said mort gage being recorded in book volume 12. folio 32S of the General Record-: of Glynn county, Georgia, the undei signed will, on the first Tuesday In November, 19U6, put up and expose for sale all of the following described mortgaged property, to wit: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Glynn and State of Georgia, and in the city of Brunswick, therein and in that part of said city known of Old Town, known, number ed. and distinguished as follows; thac is to say; the northern one-sixth (1-6) of Old Town lot number three hun dred and forty-eight (348), said one sixth of said lot containing forty-five (45) ty ninety (90 feet and being bounded on the north by Uillsbor , square ninety (90) feet, east by Car penter street, south by the balance of said lot and west by Nf.-wich street, together with ail the improvements thereon. Said sale is made for the purpose of satisfying the indebtedness of the said mortgagor to the undersigned as secured by said mortgage, amounting to a balance of $201.25, principal, De sides interest, and costs of this pro ceeding. Terms of sale cash. Purchaser pays for titles. This October 3, 1906. A. KAISER & BROTHER. Mortgagees MAX ISAAC, Mortgagees’ Attorney. Application for Leave to Sell. State of Georgia, County of Glynn. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the Ordi nary of said County for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of J. R. Dillard for the payment of debts, ami for distribution thereof. Said applica tion will be heard at the regular No vember term of the Court of Ordi nary of Glynn County, to 'be held on ilds first Monday in November, 1 DUG. This the 3d dav of October/ 11)00. K A THEM N E I iOl .ZENDORP, Administratrix Cum Testamento An nexe of .T. R. Dillard. Shoes of all kinds, styles and prices. Shoes for the people at Peer sons. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL MILLINER. A fine line of suit cases at very low figures at Sig Levison. fH£ BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1906. NEWS AND NOTES ALON 6 THE BAY DAY’S SHIPPING RECORD AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST ON RIVER FRONT. Following is the record of the move ment of vessels at the port of Bruns wick yesterday: Arrived. Steamer Chippewa, Macbeth, Jack sonville, and sailed for Boston. Steamer Sabine, Young, New York, and sailed for Mobile. Steamer Llansannor, Croxton, St. Lucia. Sailed. Bark Herbert Fuller. Nash, New York. Schooner Mary L. Newhall, Adams. New York. Schooner Hattie Dunn, Thorndyke, Irvington. Schooner Adonis, Brown, Antella. Cuba. Schooner Anthony D. Nicliolls, Sei vey, New York. River Items. The Mallory steamer Sabine, which arrived Tuesday night, was quickly unloaded and sailed yesterday lor Mobile. The steamer Hilbroolt, which sailed from port Tuesday afternoon, was drawing 23.8 feet of water, which was the deepest draft of any vessel cross ing the bar in some time. The pretty little gasoline launch or •i. E. dußignon is in commission again after being thoroughly overhauled. Special Notice. Neither (lie master, owners nor con signees of the British steamship Lan sannor will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of sain steamship. !•’. 1). M. Struchan n Cos , Consignees. WE DEVOTE ALL OF' OUR TIME TO SHOES AND CAN GIVE THE BEST QUALITY, MOST COMFORT, AND LATEST STYLES. PEERSO Having bought the entire Ellcan stock, consisting of Pure Flannel Undershiits and slips, can save you money. I have got them for men. women and children. Sig Levison. . li. MILLER& SI Brunswick Ga. THE LARGEST FUME HOUSE IN SOUTH GEORGIA We carry everything’ from the kitchen to the parlor and guarantee price Price .... $15.00 Write to ns for prices and mention lids paper. TAX NOTICE. State and County Tax Notice, 190 To collect Stale and County lax to the year 1900 1 will be at (he followin precincts on dates mentioned: St. Simon, Oct. IS, No/. 5 and Dc 3. Sterling, Oct. 29, Nov. 8 and Dec. 4 Bladen, Oct. 24, Nov. 10 and Dec. 0 Brookinan, Oct. 25, Nov. 11 an Nov. 29. At Court House at intervening dates. H. J. JIHAD, T. C. G. C. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL MILLINER. rf. ~y % "sp f > '*-• J ./ ■.. \* y ** *'*y * A Quart of Milk—a package of ’** *•*.)*. VA^r Jell-O ICE CREAM Powder ■ JO minutes in the freezer—and, Lo and Behold, as if Hf|Mj||p Iby magifc — two quarts of the most delicious Ice Cream Hffijlr Mljlm I you ever put into your mouth. mBMW * JM& And Pure Ice Cream too; for Braf Jelf-O ICE CREAM Powder L I is endorsed by the Pure Food Commission and received I die Gold Medal (Highest award) at the St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 8 Making Ice Cream with ... . j Jcll-O ICE CREAM Powder lis so simple that * child can prepare it—it requires no eggs, flavor- I I log or sugar—No cooking, heating or fussing. Results are always D ■ the tame and failure is impossible. Four Kinds t Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry and Unflavored. I ■ Beware of cheap imitations. 2 Packages for 28 cents at an Qroccra. ■ r4tb>Mt trots tm by ewO. Bend for oer traa mastrated Rador Bocfe—4t to htehlr nriaad br I ■ tbommeuia ot Houaekeapora. _ 7 Whan ordering bymsfl sand addraaa at jottr Omsk . THE GENESEE PURS FOOD CO, U Roy, N. Y. * I WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL. MILLiNER. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE. SLATER, BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL MILLINER. YOU CAN GET STYLE AND FIT WHEN YOU BUY SHOES FROM PEERSON. Call up Davis and Taylor’s stable if you want. dirt. lor raising your lots or sidewalks. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOP WOMEN ARE BEAUTIES. SEE THEM AT PEERSON’S. r.XJ-////////£ ii 'iXillllllll IrTr'T tSllllllll tj- 1 J r///## mam mm I s/H/////\ Sip fiPlllill HSu §§l3B§s ‘ • ''-4* Wt MAKE AWNINGS FOR YOUR RESIDENCE OR YOUR STORE. This Steel Range $25 JOHN L>. KOUNTOS, Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don't buy burnt sugar and Imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Bucu substitutes are injurious to health. For pure chocolate and al 1 other can dies call on mo. A fresh supply recolved every week from Menler tile famous chocolate maker. Either in bulk or In beautlfpj pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRHH DAILY. , 208 Newcastlo B*raat. 3