The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 04, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS | PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE VfeWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor anj Manager. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered at the Brunswick, Oa., post office as second class mail matt*-. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Term* of subscription in the cit and by mail free of charge to all parti of the United States and Canada, Mex Ico, Porto Rico, Guam, Phhlppin Islands and Hawaiian Islands. On* Month -5® Three Months $1.25 Six Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 Notice of discontinuancs of Ads and Subscriptions must be mad* t business office in writing. TELEPHONES. Business Office, Editorial Room.. 188 The Kditor *•'- The City Kditor kid Society Kditor 168-2 Office 207 Gloucester Street. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Lilyui/ County, tilyuu County Commhsaionerß. Thu United States Court of Bank ruptcy for this District Correspondence solicited, but to re :elve Htteutiou letters must be ac> tompanied hy a responsible name, no 'or pub icatiou, l ut as a guarantee of good faith. Rejected communications will b returned If accompanied by postage. Remittance should be made by poe .at note, cbeck, money order or registered letter. Address New* Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Ga. PRESIDENTS EMERSON’S LETTER. Tin; attention of tin- people of Brunswick is directed to the letter ot President Emmerson, of the Darien & Western Railroad, to a liranswicK Kent lonian, in lids issiii-, wlio has bee i In dose touch with Mr. Knieison on tiie Hnhjert of Die extension of the line to Brunswick. The News has been advising the people of this city, from time to time as to tiie importance of some concerted action on lids very interesting subject, and takes occas ion again to urge that course upon tiie part of die city council, tiie com mercial bodies, the Imard of county commissioners and In fact upon tiie people of Brunswick generally, if one will take the time to carefully read tlio letter of Mr. Emerson, he will observe that tie is in dead earnest an I tlint Ids letter lias a ring of sineerti and soundness that must appeal to onr people. The proposition to extend tills line to Br inswl. k is not a now one oy any means. When the property was tirst projected, its promoters had tins nor( in view for its fluiil deep-water terminus and later when It passe t into (tie hands of more active Hnaii eiers, they readily saw the necessity of placing the line into salt water here at Brunswick. It Is a subject, of deep Import to the people of Bruns tv ick ■ it means much for this city tn Hie immediate future and it offers an opportunity that lias not been Bruns wick's slnee the old Florida, Central .V Peninsula made Overtures to come into Hits port. In these days of rapid railroad construction, there is no leu fiu what this little line may not <ie- V,v 'sp into and most certainly the citizens <( f Brunswick should not wait for further developments to got nus.' and secure the new line. What we did for the old 11. & 11. can he done for the Darien & West ern and now. right now, is llie time to get a lively move on and convince our eastern friends that we are ready to co-operate with them to the fullest measure. Now is the time for action. When in doubt make up your mind to talk and work for Brunswick. The next tiling is the inauguration and then it will 'be Governor Sniitn. That congressional job over in tn> first district certainly lias a 'punch of trouble lauding somewhere. Secretary of war Taft is us full oi titles now as some of these Bruns wick politicians used to be. Those New York south-bating news papers are having a bunch of satis faction out of the Atlanta incident Well, if it affords them au> satisfac ttou let them go ahead. u HEARST’S CANDIDACY. , \o \eeondary ‘-rent of national \x> • itif-s bn.-> ever been more speculated about than tin nomination of Willia > Randolph Hearst, for governor of N’ev.' York by tiie democrats. There are as many various opinions as there are speakers or writers, but so far we have tiot. yet seen an analytic expres sion upon the pity;.able results of the ele-tion in November. When it is re membered that Ilearst polled 221,000 votes for mayor of New York as an independent candidate, with Tam many supporting another man and the republicans their own candidate, soma idea of the vote when Tammany an i the ilearst forces are combined may be seen. If the vote for Hearst for governor should erabrum Hie vote o: McClellan and himself in the city he J would carry it by more than 200.000 majority. It is true that McClel’au. who re ceived (he Tammany vote at the citv election, is against Hearst. It is also true that many republii ans who voted for McClellan front fear of Hearst, do sorting their party candidate, will vote in November for Hughes but at this moment, from the evidence tri sight, it. would not 'be a violent stretch mg of the probabilities to set dow i Heurst’s majority in tiie city at the coming election in the neighborhood or one hundred and fifty thousand. The present general indications are that it will be offset by the vote in the stale, but that is largely a matter for future ib termination. The forces against Mr. Hearst will be the most powerful ever enlisted in a guberna torial election in New York. If neural is elected, or comes mar enough to it as It- justify a claim or undue iiilliience ol fraud Jo- will lie a potential man in the next nuliopa! democrat ic convention unless tile threat of him has the effe I of driving every conservative democrat lo the Itryan standard. This is a tolerably certain effect of his election, if ho be successful. The effaceinent of the democratic party in New York, whic i is so glibly gabbled 'by republican pa pers. Is a pjpo dream. A party tliat withstood ibe nomination of Horace (Irpeb y in 1872 and ejected its can didate lour years later can not lie shaken by (lie nomination of a candi date more or less, even in Hie im portant and influential stale of New York. That move lor an automobile road between Brunswick, Savannah and Jacksonville is a splendid one an i ought to succeed. Candidate Crenshaw has probably learned ere this that it won't do to nock the democratic parly in this neck of the woods, JVnsacola luiu gone to work in don I earnest lo repair hci damages. Thais tiie kind of spirit that is bound i > win over all obstacles. Thirteen candidates for the court of appeals have a very strong Idea tips morning that they were badly treated yesterday by the democracy. - ■ ' - ► -■ Brunswick wants the' Darien \- Western railroad; the Darien & West ern wants to come to Brunswick, so whats the matter with making a deal? If a snow storm should fail to strike us ibis winter, we are afraid we would never have any new telephone sys tem. Old glory will fed considerably ar home over Mono, if we remember correctly she had quarters there once before. W. K. j tears! is a power to be reck onevt with in the state of New York as will he fully established before Ihe end oi thv present gubernatorial race in that state. The Commercial League did the pro per thing when it closed a contract to advertise Brunswick in the Manu facturers Record. That looks like the proper spirit. The next municipal ticket elected to serve the people of Brunswick ought to he pledged to Che platform of "Progress and Prosperity" and old political factions should be disre garded. , The promoters and owners of the Darien & Western Railroad are now offering the people of Brunswick a splendid opportunity to add a fourth railroad to this city. These chances uo not come very often. Will we go to sleep aud let this oue pass by? THE BRUN&W<6k DAILY Nf.W*, OCTOBER 4. 1906. o—m * Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They act directly M . on the liver, make more bile secreted. This M. f (/1 P? is why they cure constipation, biliousness, J dyspepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor w f if he knows a better laxative pill. We cer § •- * _ t J_*/ 1 tainly do not. If he does, then use his kind. M M MM g We hare no secrets *Wo pui/ish J.C.AyerCo., ■■iff 1/v ' JL- the formulas of all our prcparGt.or.o. Lowai,-J“***- SHOES! SHOES! A FEW BROKEN LOTS OF MENS LOW CUT, LADIES ANO CHILDRENS OXFORDS ON SALE AT COST FOR A WHILE LONGER. NEW FALL GOODS ARE PILING IN ON ME AND MY STOR ; IS OVER CROWDED. THE FACT IS I HAVE OVER BOUGHT THIS SEASON AND MUST TURN THEM IN TO MONEY QUICKLY. SO AM OFFERING THE BEST 12 1-2 c. VALUE' IN OUTING. DRESS GINGHAMS AND PERCALS AT 10c YD BOYS PANTS. SUITS AND SCHOOL SHOES—THE KIND THAT SATISFIES—ARE READY FOR THE RUSH. ALSO A FULL LINE O' STATIONERY AND SCHOOL SUP PLIES. 0e o. W. owe n s, CORNER E AND L STREETS. Under New Management THE BHUNSWfCK BAKERY 100 A street. 1 have purchased the Bakery of Mr. J. M. Hoodenpyie at 100 A Street and will continue to do business at the same stand- Orders for Fancy Cakes given special attention. We guarantee satisfaction and assure you that you will get the b,egt. bread that can be made Just fejVAi !fa a trial. Out of town eceUrjj yyii‘ re c.civc prompt attzntion. F. W. LEBEN. Pro COLSON HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. OF ALL KINDS SA MILL OUTFITS. Agents for ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS. WIRE FIELD FENCE. COLSON HARDWARE CO. Fresh cream, light rye, French and Graham bread today at bak :y. 100 A street. Notice. The Union Pressing Club has re moved from 309 Newcastle street t ths rear of the store at 317 Newcastl sereet. Phoue 141-3. W. H. Martin aunftf. of ail Styles* Kinds and f’lffnony’ft MULh Leathers, for School at f To The Public HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT STONE PLONT CORNER OF F AN. D STREETS IA M PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST CLASS WORK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES OF WHITE AND COLORED HEXIGON TILE AMD CURB OF THE REOi LATION SIZE. I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PAT RONAGE. - - e. J* D. Baldwin i | llPliTp mm mmri A*3 #“ifV PSKI H 'i XV5*.. MOTT’fl ■eti fiMt, 4 nijoaa j The great rctccay ter nervous prostration and ail diseases of the gc aerati*. ,x>--a>v.g3fefoj organs ct either sex, sack as Nervous Brr-.ration, Failing or Lost W.ukokn Jirmolemy, fSa;:<smas. Youthful Errors Mental Worry, excessuvo^ ' ' " of Tobacco or Opium vouch lead so Consumption and Insanity. With ever* J-TTi? HQIKfi V* 6 order we guarantee to curs or refund the monem Sold at SI.OO tier tC-.V ltd bJIhUi 6 boxes, tor 62.00. UK MOTT’S OHaiMUCAL CO.. CioveJao* Ohot For Sale by HUNTER’S PHARMACs ■ -------— " O r I__ BY DOING YOUR banking with O' v 111 The National Bank L- of Brunswick i II CAPITAL $150,000.00 SURPLUS $84.000.t 3 cent interest coumpoundecj quarterly. WESLEY H. GREENFIELD, Pile Driving Contractor WII/.RF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SPECIALTY. SCO L street, Brunswick, Ga. Ta te ■ Springs Water WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR rHI3 CELEBRATED WATER b/ THE GLASS, BY THE CASE OR BY THE BARREI HUNTERS SCS GLOUCESTER ST. ARE YOU THiRSTY. If you are and a good drink of the Best GUhiskey v or Finest Beer will quench it I can fix you. See my wine and cigar list. H, Seii g, 229 Grant Street. CHAS. BUNKUY Contractor of Piledriving, Doc-kbuitd- Ing and - Trestle Work. WM. GREENFIELD, MGR. Phones 214 and 417. PiMSELL EHEEfiI CO. A II £*l/1 ccac {xf FOUNDRY AND MACHINE REPAIRING SPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR MARINE WORK Perfectly Adapted Marine Rail way Phane 16=3 Brunswick, Qa. BROWN & C DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossties AND DEALERS IN Yellow Pine 1 u m her BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. I K •; L L the COU C H | the lUNCS i j law lis mmy / 7fINSUMI>T| ON Prict) ■ 'OH I OUGHS and 50c & SI.OO J yOLDS Free Trial. "■■""■■nnramHanmanuiggraHnHaKHMKl I Surest and Q,uiekest Cure for all] i THROAT and LT72TG TROTJB j LES, or MONEY BACK. Cobb and Wheeler 0 N E P A L TINNERS. THE OL.D RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD V/ORK PROMPTLY EXECU TE, Phone 313. 313 Newcastle St. I CAR LOAD Op i PAGE WOVEN WIRE FEbjCE WIRE FENCES ARE CHEAPER THAN WOOJ} jj * —i -1 -v■ - j-- —* -i -1--^|| Figure With ROBERSON & CO. on the subject Phone 426 No 2 Wright's Spuare