The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 04, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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IT’S A NECESSITY. gAro you thinking about getting .1 chiffonier? If the bureau or closet is crowded its really needed. With a family of children its almost a neces sity, and the styles we are showing add so much to the appearance of any 1-room. Golden and quartered oak, highly polished, heavy French plate mirrors, graceful shape fronts. We ieve our goods are all right, but we want your opinion. We want them to C.MeGARVSY. 316 NEWCASTLE STREET CONEY & PARK FP --Dealers in— COAL AND WOOD BRICK, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER HAIR, SHINGLES AND LATHS SEWER PIPE, CHIMNEY FLUS3 FIRE BRICK AND FIRE CLAY 52b BAY STREET PHONE 18. ■sessss-i. ..I. —i • j , sg=y...ry-a-.. —it-- We’re jig Quacks in our business. Our store en joys a reputation second to none | for the honesty of its offerings, if in need of any Drugs and ij||gi| Medicines you’re looking for. We aim to Make us a caH and convince Smith’s hgSZ Pharmacy Now’ is the time to buy if you expect to share in profits which are bound to follow the upbuilding of Greater Brunswick. I I '-■ -—' ——. i ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■■ ■ ■ —'■ i ■ ii.n ■■■■■- ■■ mi — i i ■■■■ ■■■ ■■■ - ■ ■*- r rim m, r , -i., . - - Below We See a Few Bargains NICE HOME NEAR THE CITY, SEVERAL ACHES 01- GROUND, s3,:>uu. WELL LOCATED RESIDENCE O-N GLOUCESTER STREET, $3,200. TWO NICE COTTAGES ON E STREET, $1,500. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, CLOSE IN $1,700. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, NEAR F, $2,250. RESIDENCE ON G STREET NEAR ELLIS. $3,000. PRETTY HOUSE ON REYNOLDS STREET, LARGE LOT, $5,500. NICE HOME FACING THE PARK, 3,500. PRETTY RESIDENCE ON UNION ST.CLOSE IN, HOUSE IN REAR, $4,500 LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, UNION ST.LARGE HOUSE IN REAR, $7,500. Information to parties inquiring. Gall on,’phone or address _ BROBSTON, FENDIQ & COMPANY TH£ BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1906. COST TO BE NEW S. S. L. MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENT TO THIS EFFECT EXPECTED UPON RETURN OF THOMAS F. RYAN. It is reported in railroad circles that Mr. Edward F. Cost, second vice president of the Seaboard Air Line, will soon be promoted to lie first vice president and general manager. Since the resignation of President .1. M. Barr, which become effective in May, tht' Seaboard has had no general manager. Mr. Barr had the dual title of president and general manager. Mr. Alfred Walter was made presi dent. Mr. N. S. Meldrum. who was first vice-president and treasurer, re signed. These vacancies have never been filled, and it is reported that the directors have never fixed the salary of Hie president. The directors of the company, who dominate its affairs, namely, Mr. Thomas F. Ryan, Mr. James A. Blair and Mr. Ernest Thalmaun, have been traveling in Europe. It is expected that these gentlemen will return soon, and announcements of appointments are expected to follow. See Peerson for school shoes. See that your druggist give* y no imitation when you aak for Ken uedy’e Laxative Honey ud Tar. th "irtxlna" Lmttf* eooca Yrwp. Hosiery for children. Elkah’s 15, 20 and 25 cents line all going at 10 cents each, three pairs for 25 cents at Sig Levison. ■Rubbers for men; rubbers for wo men- rubbers for children at Peer son’s. - ■’ l ■ 1 1 1 , , HOUSE NUMBERS It is very important that your houses be numbered. I can get you brass, white enameled or nickeloid num bers cheaper than you can have them painted. Call and see my samples. WILL B. FAIN IMUMSEMSpTl f ls. e a Safe, (’khtain Rki.ikf for Suphucmbd Msnrtkuation. NEVER KNOWN TO F AIL • Ssfe! Sure! Speed v ! Satis r liuar a ,|l eed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid | fur 11.001 per box. Will Bend Uiem on trial,!*, be paid f ur wheu ndieyed Sampies Free. If your druggist does not hate them send your orders to the _ cox 74, Lancaster, pa. Sold in Brunswick by Roberts 8, Calriar BUILDING POT IN GOOD CONDITION CONTRACTOR CONZELMAN COM PLETES REPAIRS ON STORES ON BAY STREET. J. G. Conzelman, the well known and efficient contractor, has just fin ished a splendid job on the Scarlett wuilding on Bay street now occupied by Messrs. C. A. Taylor and J. It. I Knibb. and owned by Mrs. 1). Glauhe-. The entire building lias been over hauled and remodelled, a complete new foundation was placed in the structure and new girders have been supplied all over the building. The improvements have made Un building one of the most substantial on Bay street, and it is now in posi tion to stand the wear and tear of constant use for many years. The repairing of this property seems to be in line with the general spirit or activity now to be observed on all sides in Brunswick and Contractor Conzelman says lie lias bis hands full keeping up with the vast amount of work now ou hand. The prettiest line o; rour-ln-hanii neckwear over offered in thecity at |26 cents each. Come and look and be astotislied. Sig Eevlscn, 208 am. toil Bay Btr*at. | Notice Is hereby given to the creditors of the estate of Cyrus Morris, late of said county, deceased,, to render in in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out. And all persons indebted to said deceased are her by requested to make immediate pay- i ment to the undersigned. This tho 31, of August, I‘JOG. John Byrd, Executor of the last will of Cyrus Morris. THE ARCADE BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL HIGH CLASS SALOON FINEST LINE OF BRANDIES, LIQUORS and CIGARS P. KELLER, Prop. PHONE 247. LARGE HOUSE ON BOULEVARD $3,000. NICE COTTAGE ON COCHRAN AVENUE, $1,500. NICE LARGE COTTAGE ON E STRfc. ET, CLOSE IN, $3,500. THREE GOOD HOUSE NEAR HOTtL $9,000. PRETTY COTTAGE ON GLOUCEST ER STREET $2,200. NICE HOUSE ON LONDON STREET $3,200. LARGE HOUSE ON MANSFIELD STREET, $4,500. PRETTY HOUSE ON C STREET NEAR COURT HOUSE, $3,000. WE HAVE FOR SALE NICE RESIDENCE AND BUILDING LOTS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY; ALSO QUANTITY OF SMALL PROPERT'. FOR INVESTMENTS. 9.Ji>jPßops CASTOR I.•"; t- • . Wii ~ -' • A\cg etable PreparalionforAs j similatingilicFixxlandllcgula | I tuts* the Stomachs and Bowels of INJr/IN JS/C HI LDR E N : Promotes Digestion. Cheerful - ness and Pest .Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. or ou a-sami a. Pircmn fant/Jim SftJr ' v Mx .\ r/rna * I Moch*U* Salts - I Anise Seed ** 1 Jh&cnwnb - 7 Itl Carbonate •. fafa + }f6npA'ed - Clan/ted Sugar MBtbrpWH rtavor. / Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. l ac Simile Signalure of NEW YORK. ; tttb mpnihA old ■, )5 Uo<>l : s ~.l) t -> 1 f s EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. THE ORIGINAL The idea of a Gough Syrup that will act J on the bowels, and thus assist in expelling A* “ colds from the system is now and original ” In Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. LAXATIVE A certain, safe and harmless remedy for T * AM all Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Gough, I La Grippe, Bronchitis, Influenza and all WHT AIBa'ISLBf ’S3Bl’my Lung and Bronchial affections. Mothers Spm ||j|| |pl If praise the children’* favorite Kennedy’s JOL \ifir .a jLJaHtf A Laxative Honey and Tar ANDfiPEKk COUGH SYRUP TAR 9SSfSTfA St tbs I,*Hir*tory of I. C. DfWITt A CO.. CHICAdO, U. a A, f irrn - mci ov* immob ato in atom an mon inn wnu. OASTQRIA For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the / * Signature / A w a W rv Jfv In Use \s For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THS COMPANY. NCW YOUR OITV. 5