The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 04, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A Full Line of MOTHER'S FRIEND JgL SHIRT WAISTS j||F Jil ■OTHERS* FRIEHSI alack Cat Brand PATENT shirt v/aist Chicago-Rockford Hosiery Company Kenosha, Wis. U Am IN WHITE AND FANCY, WITH Jt OR WITHOUT COLLAR, SIZES ry fj \ FROM 4to .12 PRICE 50s. S Also a full line °f I3lack Cal Hose m ' 23 o- F* Button/ can be I'orn off, either in lYcoring or il ashing. The Mothers* Frienl <Ves aw.iy entirely with the sewing on .f button*. It is supplied with .vi , „ _ adjustable belt, which is e:i .ify R ■ T T % taken off when the waist t H ■--■43 % / %/ Itte. washed; the buttons are riveted B m/ W ©n the lelt. consequently cannol ■ gf T S be torn off, either *u wear.vv •Mhmg ir ironing. New Fall Goods Just Received I AM JUST BACK FROM NEW Y ORKWITH A FULL LINE OF FALL DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS, COME SEE THEM. Zelmenovitz, TELEPHONE *ls. 216 NEWCASTLE STREET. —-s-jat - ■ ... . -- FOR SALE Six Hundred Thousand Acres Virgin Pine Timber, in Ga. and Fla. ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES TIMB READY FOR SAW MILL PURPOSES, HAVING BEEN BOXED, WELL LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS. ADDRF.SB Southern Land &TimberCo P. O. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, QA. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. We Refund Money if you are Not Benefitted =CL ARO== V'- : -i - ifM • ' ,t& .if- ..CSy # ■■ I Y An Excellent remedy for people who have no appetite. Cures coughs, bronchial and \ lung troubles. For pale weak women Claro has no equal. J E MORGAN P 2? NE irtk &&Uni>Wi6k ShILV aiw* OCTOBER 4,1 - ELECTION IS I VERY QUIET ONE ONLY A SMALL VOTE WAS POLLED FOR THE STATE TICKET HERE YESESRDAY. The election of state and county offi cers passed off very qiuetly in Glynn county yesterday, only 241 votes be ing polled, and had it not been tor the fact that a urimary was also held for judges of the new court of appeals, it is not believed that more than 250 voters would have visited the polls. There was very little scratching of the candidates, nearly every one oi them receiving 340 of the 341 votes. All ot the amendments to the con stitution were passed, though a good many votes against them were scratch ed. There were only about twenty people who opposed the new court, ten or twelve against the creation o£ new superior court judges and only a half dozen or more who were against the new county of Ben Hill. The ticket was so long that the voters took little time to look over it, and ha'd it not been for the fact that the politicians were present to in struct the people hew to vote, most of them would have voted both for and against the amendments. Sec Peerson for school shoes. Hosiery for children. Elkan’s 15, 20 and 25 cents line all going at 10 cents each, three pairs for 25 cents a: Big Levison. Rubbers for men; rubbers for wo men- rubbers for children at Peer son’s. ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE • SIX NEW CUSTOMERS HAVE ASKED US TO SEND FOR THEIR NEXT ORDERS. WHO WILL BE THE SEVENTH? OCTOBER IS HERE. PHONE US FOR ORDER BOY jROCEH 214 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 307. ROOF TO GO ON METHODIST CHURCH WORK IS NOW BEING PUSHED ON BRUNSWICK’S NEW TEMPLE OF WORSHIP. Within the next few days carpen ters will begin on the roof of the new First Methodist church, which has been in course of construction tor a year or more, but which is now being pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. Work on the church since it was started has been delayed for many reasons, the lack of labor, trouble in securing material and other causes and the contractors have been able to work on it only at times, but re cently the work has been pushed ana within a few days worn on the rooi will begin. it is probable that the church will be ready for occupancy before tin first of the coming year. There wifi be plenty of work to do even after the rrof is on and it will be two c: thiee months before the church will be tinned over to the congregation. Small Wreck on A. C. L. A wreck on the Atlantic Coast Line near Pidcock last night delayed all the trains on that division to-dav. The passenger trains were run by the way of Albany and the Brunswick & Western Railway, and were several hours delayed, it is stated that about* twenty-five freight ears were turned over and a trakeinan injured. —Waycross Herald. NOTICE. Parties having a chance on the hooks will he at the Arcade to-night at 3 o'clock, at which hour the raffle win take place. Children and Boys' Suits at a sav ing of 35 per cent, at Sig Levison. A fine line of suit cases at very low figures at. Sig Levison. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MIS3 KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL MILLINER. Shoes of all kinds, styles and prices. Shoes for the people at Peer sons. We fit your feet. Peerson. Fresh FISH and OYSTERS Today CONEY, KING& CO. PHONE 492. Boys jf Clothing l|j|| NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE SHOWN SUCH A VARIETY OF STYLES AND MATERIALS AS WE HAVE THIS SEASON ' WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HAVE PEJf . YOU INSPECT THEM HIGH GRADE MAKES That Embrace STYLE. FIT AND QUALITY || W 15 £f* S FALL HATS FOR LADIES I HAVE THE HANDS OMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER DISPLAYED IN BRUNS WICK. LADIES ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THEM. MISS L. G. JACKSON OPERA HOoSE BLOCK. LA MAISON PARISIENNE * ‘J h , e ONLY French La dies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tabljfchment in Georgia. -PON’T WEAR READY MADE GARMENTS WHEN YOU THEM MADE TO ORDER AT R. DENIZET AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATE. w^PPc: KINDS ° F PLAITIN G, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORE in \J I ICE. HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. CALL OR PHONE 311 The Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing Cos Manufacturers of SODA WATER AND MINERAL W ATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NEC TARS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECIAL GINGER ALE AND RYE OLA, PHONE 273 218 OGLETHORPE ST