The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 07, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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BUTCH OF ITEMS AROUNDTHE CITT On a Deer Hunt. M. H. McKinnon, P. M. Golden. W. H. Wood. R. L. Bunkley and others leave today for Cumberland, where they go to spend a few days on a dee hunt. Cooler Weather. The weather man predicts a change in the weather today and says the mercury will drop down well into the eighties. The forecast is cooler and cast winds. Regular Sales Day. Toirorow is regular legal sales da' r at .Justice Lambright's cour* and manv* article® of difffferent kinds will be disposed of. The auction will begin at 11 o’clock and those in search ot bargains should be present. In Police Circle?. While there were no serious fights last night cn the streets several ar rests were made by the police, and quite an interesting session of the po lice court will be held tomorrow as a result of the Saturday night celebra tion. i j : i Located at Portsmouth. Fernando Torras, who has been spending a few days in the city, left last night for Portsmouth, Va., where he is now located, being in the office of the chief engineer of the Seaboar! Air Line. £”*l\ 5 1 trs F" • .vi , , *;:i tto tvinsl Va?: BojgN /? riwern y V /* / ;■/ 'l* y •- "V *’ •>' “Meet me at The MECCA.” THE UP-TO-DATE RESORT FOG GENTLEMEN. POLITE AND PROMPT SERVICE AH high grade goods in the beer whiskey and ci= gar Hne. COR GLOUCESTER and CRANT STS. Shoes of all kinds, styles and prices. Shoes for the people at Peer sons. a Look BOYS'. A chance to make EASY MONEy iPf®? ■ Have you got the notion it’s hard for a boy to make ■ money after school hours ? If you knew how thousands H I of boys make all the money they need by a few hours’ ■ ■ easy work a week, wouldn’t you iump at the chance of ■ I doing it yourself? There’s no secret about it—these ■ B boys sell I THE SA TVRJDA Y \ [ I EVENING POST I I ■ Friday afternoon and Saturday. Some make sls a week. 1 B All make something—depends on the boy. It won’t cost you K B a cent to try it, anyway. Ask us to send you the complete j i h o| outfit for starting in business, and 10 free copies of The Post. ■ ■ ■ Sell these Posts at 5c the copy, and with the 50c you make B B I buy further supplies at wholesale price. Besides the profit made I H Jjjjf on every copy we give prizes when you have sold a certain I ■ fl number of copies. Further, |l $250 in Extra Cash Prizes I '■% each month to boys who do good work. Your chance of getting II some of this money is just as good as that of any other boy who H HH sells The Post. Kg The fMtis Pnbitshing Compaay, 172S \rcb Street, Philadelphia, Pa. M THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Tuesday, Oct. P. THE SHOW YOU KNOW THE AIIFIELfI GREATER MINSTRELS 65== PEOPLE===6S Seats on sale at Box Office. Prices —$1.5 J, SI.OO, 75c. 50c NEXT ATTRACTION: “FINNEGAN’S BALL” OCTOBER 11. JOHN D. ROUNTOS. Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don’t buy burnt sugar and imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Sueu substitutes are injurious to health. For pure chocolate and al’ other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every weeg from Menier the famous chocolate maker. Either in bulk or in beautiful pound and half pound boxes. FINEST FRUITS, CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle S*reet. FROM THE BEST SOURCES How and where a grocery stock l bought determines its val ueand qual ity. We could buy cheap stuff and sell to you at cheap prices. To might think we would he good peo pie to trade with —tout we wouldn’t be. We buy from the best source pay Jir prices and charge you a fair profit—just enough to pay far handl the goods. We wouldn’t touch cheap quality for a great deal. We iuten to maintain our reputation for honest in all things. THOS. KEANY. 11. B. GARNfcTI\ GENERAL CONTRACTOR When Ir. need of--—- A PLASTERER, A PAINTER, A CARPENTER Call on the old original H. B. GARNETT. Open AH the Year The Wftitaca Houae at OeM& Pt St Slmoßt Itiiand, will psumA all the year rc-uad. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCCMK MRS. W. L. WALLACE THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, SUNDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1906. NEWS AND NOTES AW THE BAT DAY’S SHIPPING RECORD AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST ON RIVER FRONT. Following Is the record of the move ment of vessels at this port yesterday: Cleared. Bark Mary C. Hale, Leighton, New York. Steamer Therese Heyman, Thoburn, Manchester. Schooner Henry B. Fiske, Moody, Boston. Schooner Mary V. Neville, Carter, New York. Sailed. Schooner Eagle Wing, Morgan, New York. River Notes. The steamer Dorothy returned yes terday from Darien, where she has been running in place of the steamer Hildegard, which has been undergoing repairs at the marine railway of the Parker-liensell Engineering Company in this city. There was only one Mallory steamer from New York this week. She ar rived two days late and therefore will hardly return from Mobile before tomorrow. The steamer Therese Heyman fin ished loading yesterday and will sail tomorrow for Manchester with a cargo of cotton and naval stores. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOP WOMEN ARE BEAUTIES. SEE THEM AT PEERSON’S. YOU CAN GET STYLE AND FIT WHEN YOU BUY SHOES FROM PEERSON. Rubbers for men; rubbers for wo men ; rubbers for children at Peer son’s. THE ARCADE BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL HIGH CLASS SALOON FINEST LINE OF BRANDIES, LIQUORS and CIGARS P. KELLER, Prop. PHONE 247. SOUTHERN^, RAILWAY SCHEDULE Effective January 9, 1906. N. B. Following schedule figures published only as information and are not guaranteed. TO THE NORTH AND EAST. Nos. 23. 34. 1,. 30 Lv. Brunswick 9.50a. ... B.3Up ar. Jesup 11.20a. 10.20 p Ar. Savannah 1.05 p. 1 12.15a Ar. Columbia T.OOp. 6.00a Ar. Asheville 1.06 p Ar. Charlotte 10.25 y. 9.55a Ar. Danville 2.21a. 2.10 p Ar. Richmond 6.58 p. 6.42 p Ar. Washington 9.50a. 9.50 p Ar. Baltimore 10.56a. 11.17 p Ar. Philadelphia 1 >p. 2.3j>a Ar. New York 3.30 p. 6.30a TO THE WEST. Nos. 15. 13 Lv. Brunswick 6.50a S.3op Ar. Jesup B.loa. 10.30 p Ar. iVla ion 1.30 p. 4.00a Ar. Atlanta 4.10 p. 6.30a Ar. Borne 7.10 p. 7.25a Ar. Chattanooga 9.55 p. 9.45a Ar. Knoxville 1.40a. l.lOp Ar. Louisville 8.50a. B.lop Ar. Cincinnati 8.15a. * 7.40 p Ar. Sr.. Louis 6.12 p. 7.32a Ar. Birmingham 9.15 p. 12.01a Ar. Memphis 7.05a. 8.05 p Ar. Kansas City 9.40a Ar. Chicago 7.23a Trains arrive at. Bruusv/lck as fol iows: No. 14 arrives at Brunswick at 8.00 a. m. with connections from Sav aniiah and East, and also from At lanta and Vest. No. 16 arrives at 4.25 p. m. from At lanta and Went. THROUGH CAR SERVICE, Nos. 29 and 30, “WASHINGTON AND FLORIDA LIMITED,, carrying Pullman, Drawing room and Sleep lng cars between Jesup and New ; York. Nos. 13 and 14, "The FLORIDA LIMITED” carry through Pullman Drawing room, Sleeping cars be tween Jesup, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Chicago, Kansas City, and Colorado Springs. UNEXCELLED Dining car ser vice on ail trains. For information as to ratss and schedules, etc., appiv to H. B. SPENCER, G. M„ Washington I>. C. S. H HARDWICK, P. T. M.,W*sh lngton, D O, W. H. TaYLOB, O. P. 4-, Wssn lngton, D. C. BROCKS MORGAN, A. O. P. A. AtlfQs. S. H. HOUSEMAN,O. A , Bruaswlek, Us., ’Phoao U 1 H. M. MjLLER & SON. ’ Brunswick Ga. THE LARGEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN SOUTH GEORGIA We carry everything from the kitchen to the parlor and guarantee price Price .... $15.00 Write to us for prices and mention I his paper. THE NEWS’ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FACTS ABOUT BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK IS A RAPIDLY GROWING CITY AND IS THE BEST PORT ON THE SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST. THESE ARE AMONG HER REPRESENTATIVE MERCHANT S AND BUSINESS MEN AND THEY ARE IN POSITION TO SERVE THE PUBLIC IN THEIR RESPECTIVE LINES. REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS CONCERNS CLASSIFIED ALPHABETICALLY. ARCHITECTS. J. George Conzleman. Architect and builder, Selectei lots of building material always on hand. If you contemplate building communicate with me. Bicycles and Automobiles. B. J. Olewine Automobiles, bicycles, cycling ac cessories. Repairing and renting Give us a call. Tell 134-2 306 Newcastle St. BROKERS. J. H. Pace. Merchandise broker. Telephone 128. Brunswick, Ga. BOTTLING WORKS. Brunswick Bottling and Manufac turing Cos., Manufacturers of Flavoring Ex tracts. Soda Water and Mineral Waters, Harmless Colors ana Juices, Ciilars, and Venegars. .. Office and factory 212 Oglethorpe Street. Phone 372. CONTRACTORS. Bowen and Thomas. General Contractors. Tel 154. NIGHT TRAINS ! MONTOOMEIW. V,A SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. WEBTBOIJMD USTHOIAII. {***• Havaunab 6.00 P. M. Leave New Orleans 9.26 A. M. Arrive Abbeville 10.10 I*. M. Leave Birmingham 4.20 P. M. Arrive Cordeie 11.15 P. M. Leave Montgomery 7.46 P. M Airiw Americas 12.46 A.M. Leave Lumpkin 11.64 P. M Arrive Richland 2.00 A. M Leave Richland 12.16 A. M Arrive Lumpkin 2.22 A.M. Leave Americas J.40 A. M Arrive Montgomery 6,45 A. M. Leuve Cordeie 3,16 A. M Arrive Birmingham...... .....10 40 A. M. |*;ave Abbeville 4.20 A. M. Arrive New Orleans 60-< K .M. Arrive Savannfib 9 30 A.M. Train will consist of PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPING CARS, Day Couches between Savannah and Montgomery without change; making close connection at Montgomery with all lines diverging for Pensacola. Mobile, New Orleans and all Western points; Birmingham, Memphis, Ht. Louis, Nashville, Chicago and all Northwestern points; the SHORTEST LINK to Montgomery, New Orleans, Birmingham and the earliest arrival at these points. At Kavannah close. connection is made for all EASTERN POINTS, Richmond, Wash ington, New York and with Coastwise Hteatnships for Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Oet sleeping car reservations and full information from auv HKA BOARD Agent, or write to CHARLEH F. STEWART, Asst. General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Georgia. CROSS-TIE DEALERS. Brunswick Crosstie & Creosotiny Cos. Brunswick, Ga. Liberal inspection. Highest casa prices Prompt returns. Buyers and shippers of cvossties. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. J. D. Baldwin General Cement Contractor Alt Ri/.es of white and culvert llexl on tile and curb. Side-walk builders. Write us. HAY AND GRAIN. N. W. FINDLEY & CO., Consignments solicited. Prompt re turns made. Produce, hay and grain, Hour, grits and meal. 324 Bay street. Brunswick. Ga. INSURANCE. Hoyt W. Gale. Life, storm, accident insurance. We represent only the best companies. PLANING iviILLS. Brunswick Planing & Forwarding Cos. T. Q Fleming, Jr., Manager. Plan ing mill, sawmill, dry kiln. Rough and dressed lumber, weatherboarding, lloor lng, ceilings, moulding and inside fin ish. Phone 102. Brunswick, Ga. HJijMilHil BS-* Hfc r "'VrJ 1 I Wt MAKE AWNINGS FOR YOUR RESIDENCE OR YOUR STORE, This Steel Range $25 PRINTERS. H A. Wrench & Sons. Printing, ruling, binding. Brunswick. Ga. PAWN BROKER. S. Levieon (Uncle Sig.) The old reliable pawnbroker. Money loaned on anything of value. Headquarters for pistols. Jewelry, clothing, boots and shoes. SALOONS. Union Saloon Liquor House, G. Loewensteln, Mgr. Wines, liquors, cigars and tobacer. Everything in the whiskey lino. Jug trade a specialty. SHOES. . E. M. Peerson & Cos. When you have need of shoes give 11s a call. 214 Newcastle street. Telephone 444. Brunswick Exclusive Shoo Store. TURPENTINE STILLS. M. A. Baker A. Cos. Manufacturers or seamless turpen tine stills. Repairing a specialty.. Brunswick, Ga. Pensacola. Fla* 3