The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 07, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 LOCAL DRUGGIST WAS HONORED t ' J. STOVALL SMITH BACK FROM DRUGGISTS' MEETING—WAS ON IMPORTANT COMMITTEE. J. Stovall Smith the well know'i V . i e street druggirt, returnee .e.uay from Atlanta, where he ha: been attending the annual meeting o. the National Retail Druggists Associa tion of the United Slates. Mr. Smith reports a most interesting meeting and says that the attendance at the Atlanta gathering of the pin makers was the largest in the history of the association. Mr. Smith was the only Brunswick inn at the meeting and tie was assign ed to some important committee wort: reing vice chairman of tile lomniit lee on resolutions. He says the people of Atlanta gav<- the visitors a royal welcome and the, were all pleased with the genuine sample of Georgia hospitality they received. , (J Notice to Debtors an a Creditors Notice Is hereby given to the deOto to the estate of Hannah T. Osborn late of said county, de.ceased, to ren der in an account of their demands to roe within the time prescribed by law, properly made out Ail person udebted to said deceased are request d t,o make Immediate payment to the undersigned. This 29th. day of Au gust, 19UC. W F. Symons, Executor of the estate of Hannan T. Osborne. , W-28--6 wfc- See Peerson for Hchool shoes. Oil clothing of all kinds at Slg Levi ■on AT ST. SIMON PIER GOOD MEALS AND LODGINGS AT KING CITY ||ST. SIMON PIER.| MRS. B. HARRELL. * A BUBINESB OPPORTUNITY ' Am 1 uui going into the coal uu wood 'bus!lies with my father, I wan to sell my present business tli Brunswick Restaurant. H. E. Iverson. liJEkr when buying yoiir fall clothes flpl look deeper than the surface Make a Careful Inspection of the Inside Material and Workmanship. If you will come here and do that with our stock of winter models tYou will find that in • You will be satisfied that r r * • i -i all we have said, or all that qualm of material and rail- tflfnJg . - c I you have heard in favor of W orinii, they equal the costh- Ww/ % r , , . , , r * x . - Jr!-. ' ! our fashionable Clothes is BESt est creations of swell custom ijjjpik absolutely correct, —\ MuT^ ta'lors, but. at half their price SIO.OO to $27-50 ( ffl Fashionable Faii Furnishings, May be found here in a profusion of styles and makes, Look to l _ us tor something new, something different. We are always on the alert for new, nobby and natty ideas in Neckware. Drop in from Ml* YOMH time to time and see our specialties. WOOD-BAILEY CLOTHING CO. “The New Store,” HAD NOT WALKED FOR [[MONTHS Terrible Sore on Ankle Caused Awful Suffering—Could Not Sleep nor Rest Physician Said Leg Would Have to Be Amputated. CURED BY CUTICURA IN SIX WEEKS “ I had a terrible sore on my ankle and had not walked any for eleven months. I tried nearly everything without any benefit and had a doctor, but lie didn’t seem to do any good. He said I would have to have my leg taken off, and tlial I would never walk again. I suffered awful, and at night I could not sleep at all. I thought there was no rest for me, but as soon as 1 began to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment it commenced healing nicely. I bathed the ankle with warm water and Cutieura Soap and then applied Cuticura Ointment to the affected part, and laid a cloth over the sore to hold it in place. After two weeks I could walk around in my room real good, and in six weeks’ time my ankle was entirely cured and 1 was walking around out of doors. I am enjoying perfect health and have gone to work and feel as well as I ever did in my life, so 1 know that the Cutieura Remedies are the best in the world. “ Cuticura was recommended to me by a lady who had used it when her baby’s head was so full of .sores he could not lie down. She had to set him up in her arms to sleep, (signed) Mrs. Mary Dickerson, Louisa,C. H. Va., April 22, 1905.” COMPLETE TREATMENT Consisting of Cuticura Soap Ointment am! Pills May now Ex* had for one dollar. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and scaly humors, eczemas, rashes, and irritations, with loss of hair, from in fancy to age, when all other remedies Miid even the best physicians fail. Cuticura Soap, Ointment. amt Pill., an- told through ut tin world Cottar Drug. Chou Curp., Buflton, Sol* Hn j$ ujf- Malted t ree. " Mktu and Blood Purittcatlon. Slue Ribbon Beer. Jest leeelved, n car load cf Paha Brewing Company’s Blue Ribbon beer Same Is sold at ail first class saloou hi the city of Brunswick. Retail la edits per bottle and 11.f.0 per dozen T. Newman, sole agent. 21k bav street SHOES. BOYS AND GIRLS. AT PEERSON’S. fHt BRUNSWICK OAILV NEWS, SUNdAV- $£foBER 7, 1906. Doings In Mrs. David Beggs is visiting friends on St. Simon. • • • Miss Carrie Stacy has returned from a visit to friends in Savannah. m m • Mrs. j. H. Whitmire is visiting Mrs C W. Gowen at Cedar Kapids, lowa. m • • Miss Ethel Fox leaves tomorrow for Darien, where she will visit friends. * * * Mrs. J. H. Hunter returned yester day after a visit to relatives in At lanta • • • Miss Ruby Patterson, of Macon, will spend the winter here with Mrs. H. J. Bursay. ■ a a Mrs. N. C. Gaither, who has been the guest of Mrs. C. Ij. Elliott, I<j-tt yesterday for Waycros*. Miss Vivian Norris has returned from a : leasant visit to .lackson and Kastman. Gn., and North Carolina. Mrs. .T. C. Forsyth, of St. Simon arrived yesterday to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Dart. Mrs R. E. Galnan and children, Miss Gertrude Scott and Miss Mary Tappen spent yesterday in Darien. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Reehmer ann family, who hare recently remove,, here from Savannah, are located a>. 210 Grant street. • ■ • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fendig anu children will return today from In diana, where they have been spending several weeks. • * Mi ,ses Ruby and Ida Lang, of Cam den minify, will attend school her,. Inis winter and will be the guets or Mrs. .1. ti. C. Rliteh. The friends of Mrs B. J. Proutv will he interested In knowing tiu. s' e will not return south, but will spend the winter in Boston, Mass. • • • Mrs. M. C. Rowe, who has been visit ing In several northern and eastern cities for the past several weeks, will return to the city in a few days. • * * Mr. J. B. Wright left last night fo>- New York to spend several weeks On his return lie will be accompanied by Mrs. Wright and Miss Way Wright. Society Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Tabbolt wisn to thank the Are department and their triends who so promptly and willingly helped them extinguish the Are a: their home on Union street on Thurs day night. mum The Altar Society of the Catholi church will give an oyster supper m the Elkan building on Newcastle street on Thursday instead of Tuesday, as was at Arst announced. Oysters will be served in every style, ice cream cake, etc., will also be served and ev erybody is invited to patronize the la dles. Ufc’a Hlsrlient Achievement It has been said that success consists in getting that at which one aims, and being happy in it. Each one should have an ideal of what Is to be the ex pression of his or her life, if ibis Is at tained in some degree such a life may be called successful. Hence, the sue eesful man or woman *3 the one win has succeeded fairly well In shaping tb * actual life in accordance with the id-nils of life. This requires a strength aril persistence that call for continual struggle. It forms the highest achieve liont of life. Bulwer well says that the mn who succeeds above Ids feliov. s is the one who early In life clearly uis ■crus his object aud toward that ob ect habitually directs his powers.— From ‘-Vital Questions,” by Dr. Henry D. Chapin. F res Ei FISH and OYSTERS Today CONEY, KINGS, CO. PHONE 492. PLEASURES FOR II > YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE US A VISIT WE ARE PROUD TO AN NOUNCE THAT WE HANDLE THE STEINWAY, KNABA, WEBER, FISCHER, HARDMAN HER RINGTON AND OTHER PIANOS. FOR APIANO, HONESTLY MADE, ACCURATELY TONED, MATERIAL THE BEST, WITH GREATEST DURABILITY - SEE US. FLEMING & BRYANT VICTOR AND COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES 11S NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS Let us be your Wash woman BRUNSWICK STEAM LAUNDRY. Cline & Ludwig, Props. Bottlers of Coco Cola and other Soft Drinks IJO RICHMOND ST. PHONE 129 *r rv?’T ,, <s H 9 i ? 5 £% They overcome Weak U -llUs Ms X ness, irregularity au. ‘V-fyfe. 8 Llvlyg BiU 1 JtfeJ * 2U omissions, increase vi^ of menstruation.” They are ” i.U !2 SAVERS” to girls at .§jjk£)Ur womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot da harm — life becomes a pleasure. 5 .<><? I* Jilt BOX BY MAIli. SoU> *K™Q]ci!iT *•>>* dmjjpists. OR. Mott'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland*Ohio