The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 10, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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BATCH OF ITEMS HUME CITY The Weather. Forecast for to-day In Georgia: Fair and colder. Board of Trade To-day. The board of trade will meet in regular weekly session at the city hall this morning at 10 o’clock. All members of the organization are re quested to be present. A*, B. & A. Officials. As stated in The News yesterday a number oi the officials of the Atlanta. Birmingham and Atlantic railroaa will arrive in the city to-day on an inspection trip. The party will be nere until to-morrow morning. Ralph Bingham Here To-Night. The attraction at the Giand to-night will lie Ralph Bingham, who comes under the auspices of the Alkahest Liceum Association. Mr. Bingham is a great entertainer and should oe greeted by a large crowd in this city. Uuiet in Shipping. There was very little doing in ship ping circles yesterday. The only movement of the day was the arrival of the schooner Three Marys, Capt. Daughty, from Boston. Quite a large fleet of vessels is due in port within tne next few days. Special Manacurlst. Allen & Thrash, the well known opera house building barbers, have added a ladies hair dresser and mana curist to their business for the bene fit of the ladies of Brunswick. The ladies who require such service wii get the best by phoning 476. Registration Picks Up. Registration has picked up at the 6fllee of the city clerk during the nrst two days of the present week, the politicians are already at work urging their friends to register, u is expected that the total registration will be among the largest in the his tory of the city. Begins Business Here. b. G. Dent & Bon. wno have been conducting a general merchandise store on St. Simon for the past fifteen or twenty years, have removed to this city and opened at the corner >1 Cochran avenue and G streets. The firm will carry a full line of every thing In the general merchandise line, country produce, fresh meats, etc. A Clever Press Agent. Myer Solmson, the press representa tive of Al. G. Field’s minstrels, was a pleasant visitor to The News office yesterday. Mr. Solmson was formerly with the St. Louis Republic, and is a newspaper man of ability. He is no doubt making Al a first-class press representative in every way. morginTdis Wholesale Lqiuor Dealers AGENTS FOR ACME BREWING CO. Mail order busi ness a specialty. 224-226 BAY ST. BRUNSWICK, GA. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of the Spanish bark "Habana will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the crew of said bark. SUST, Master. TAX NOTICE. State and County Tax Notice, 19f To collect State and County 'l ax fo the year 1906 I will be at the followin precincts on dates mentioned: St. Simon. Oct. 18. Nov. 5 and De' 3. Sterling, Oct. 29, Nov. 8 and Dec. 4 Bladen, Oct. 24, Nov. JO and Dec. 6 Brookman. Oct. 25.' Nov. 11 an- Nov. 29. At Court House at intervening dates. U. J. READ, T C. G. C. • WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FALL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MISS KATE SLATER, BRUNSWICK - '.* ORIGINAL. MILLINER. fine SJrees I CAN FURNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTICE, CABBAGE, MAG NOLIA, BYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK AND UMBRELL TREES. GIVE ME A TRIAL. D. B. PVLEB. 623 E Street. Call up Daria tan a TayloTa ataWe If you want dirt tor railing your tot m aUowolka. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. APPLICATION * FOR A BANK CHARTER. To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of State, Atlanta, Ga. We, H. W. Gale, J. J. Lott. W. H. Wood. Chas. F. Browne, T. Newman and J. J. Vickers, all of the County of Glynn, State of Georgia, applicants as incorporators under an Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, ap proved December 20, 1893, entitled "An Act to carry into effect paragraph eighteen of Section seven of Article three of the Constitution of 1877, as amended, in relation to chartering oi banks, to provide for the incorporation of banking companies by the Secretary of State, and for other purposes,' make this our declaration, praying that we be incorporated as a boa;, corporate and politic for the purpose of doing a general hanking business, with all the rights, powers, privileges and restrictions of said act, under ana by the name and style of Glynn county Bank, and that the principn office of said company shall he locatc-i in the city of Brunswick, County o£ Glynn and State of Georgia, with a capital of seventy-five thousand do.- lars ($75,000.00), divided into shares of one hundred dollars ($100.00) each, and that the sum of seventy-five thousand .ollars ($75,000) of the capi tal subscribed has actually been pain by the subscribers and that the same is in fact held, and is to be used solely for the business and purposes of the corporation. The fee of fifty ($50.00) dollars is herewith enclosed as fee for charter or certificate of incorporation as re quired by said act. Brunswick. Georgia, 2lith day oi September, 1906. . Respectfully submitted, H. W. GALE, J. J. LOTT. W. H. WOOD, CHAS. F. BROWNE, T. NEWMAN, J. J. VICKERS, Incorporators. STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF GLYNN. Before me personally appeared H. W. Gale. .1. J. Lott, W. H. Wood, Chas. F. Browne, T. Newman and J. J. Vickers, the incorporators of Glynn County Bank, located in the city ot Brunswick, County of Glynn, and Slate of Georgia, who on oath depos eth and saith that seventy-five thou sand dollars ($75,000.00) of the capi tal subscribed lias been actually pain by the subscribers, and that the same is la fact held, and is to he used solely for the business and purposes of the corporation. 11. W. GALE, J. J. LOTT, W. H. WOOD. CHAS. F. BROWNE. T. NEWMAN. J. J. VICKERS. Incorporators. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of September, 1906. (Seal) HORACE DART, Ordinary of Glynn Countv. STATE! OF GEORGIA, Office of Secretary of State. I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, do herebv certify, That the attached three pages of printed and written matter con tains a true and correct copy of the application of Glynn County Bank, the original of which is of file in this department. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this Bth day of Oc tober in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six. and of the Independence of the Unite i States of America the one hundred and thirty-first. PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. SHERIFF’S SALE. State of Georgia, Uiynn County. Will be sold before the court house door in said county, oi: the first Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, that certain tot or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county anu state aforesaid, and known and de scribed on the plan of said city made by George R. Baldwin in the year 1837, the following property, town: The southern one-half of the western one-half of Old Town lot number 392. i.evied on as the property of J. A. Montgomery, under and by virtue of a tax fi. fa. issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 1905; amount ol taxes, $01.14, besides interest anu cost. Levy made and returned to me oy R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff - . W. H. BHKRIE, Sheriff Glynn county, Ga. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Division or the Southern District of Georgia, In the matter of F. E. Phillips, in dividually and as a member of the firms of Scarlett & Phillips, anu dames Grady & Cos., bankrupt, in bankruptcy. To the creditors of F. E. Phillips, or Bamboo, in the county of Wayne, said District, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of October, 1906, the said F. E. Phillips was duly adjudged bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will he held at Bruns wick, Georgia, on the 19th day or October, 1906, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at which time tne saia creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. At Brunswick, Georgia, tills 9th day of October, 1906. MAX ISAAC, U. S. Referee. Bhoes of al! kinds, styles and prices. Shoes for the people at Peer sons. Children and Boys’ Suits at a sav ing of 35 per cent, at Sig Levison. Call up Davis and Taylor’s stable If you want dirt lor raising your lota or oldewalka. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1906. NEWS AND NOTES AW THE BAT DAY'S SHIPPING RECORD AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST ON RIVER FRONT. Fo’lowing is the record pf the move ment of vessels at the port of Bruns wick yesterday: Arrived. Schooner Three “Marys, Daughty, New York. River Notes. The Mallory steamer Lampasas, which arrived in port Monday, did not continue to Mobile, but will take on a cargo here and sail on the re turn trip to New York Friday or Saturday. Several schooners are now enrouh to this port and they are expected to arrive within the next few days. ’l*irec or four more new gasoline boats are now being built in the city, most of them being about ready to be launched. CASTOH IA F * infants <.ud Children file iviiui You Have Always Bough! Rheumatism. Is quickly relieved and promptly cured by Dr. Drummond's Lightening Remedies, The internal remedy is pleasant to take, acts immediately, and is t'cr rheumatism only In all Us torturing forms. The external pre paration restores stiff joints, drawn cords and hardened muscles. If your druggist has not these remedies in stock, do not take anything else. Send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Cos., New York, and the full treatment of two large bottles will be sent to your express address. Agents wanted. FROM THE BEST SOURCES How and where a grocery stock* 1 bought determines Its val ueand qual ity. We could buy cheap stuff and sell to you at cheap prices. Yo< might think we would be good peo pie to trade with —ib'ut we wouldn't be. We buy from the best source pay fair prices and charge you a fair profit—just enough to pay fer hand! the goods. We wouldn’t touch cheap quality for a great deal. We inten to maintain our reputation for honest in all things. THOS. KEANY. Ull SOUTHERN, RAILWAY <y|V SCHEDULE Effective January 9, 190(5. N. B. Following schedule figures published only as information and are not guaranteed. TO THE NORTH AND EAST. Nos. 23. 34. li. 30 Lv. Bruuswick 9.50a. ... 8.30 p .\r. Jesup 11.20a. 10.20 p &r. savannah 1.05 p. . 12.16a Ar. Columbia 7.00 p. 6.00a Ar. Asheville 1.05 p Ar. Charlotte 10.25 p. .x 9.55a Ar. Danville 2.21a. 2.10 p Ar. Richmond 6.58 p. 6.42 p Ar. Washington 9.50a. 9.50 p Ar. Baltimore 10.56a. U.l7p Ar. Philadelphia 1 -p. 2.35a Ar. New York 3.30 p. 6.30a TO THE WEST. Nos. 15. ' 13 Lv. Brunswick 6.50a 8.30 p Ar. Jesuit B.loa. 10.20 p Ar. Maion 1.30 p. 4.00a Ar. Atlauta 4.10 p. 6.30a Ar. Borne 7.10 p. 7.25a Ar. Chattanooga 9.55 p. 9.45a Ar. Knoxville 1.40a. l.lOp Ar. Louisville 8.50a, B.lop Ar. Cincinnati 8.15a. Y 7.40 p Ar. St. Louis 6.12 p. 7.32a Ar. Birmingham 9.15 p. 12.01a Ar. Memphis 7.06a. 8.05 p Ar. Kansas City 9.40a Ar. Chicago 7.23a Trains arrive at. Brunswick as fol lows: No. 14 arrives at Brunswick at 8.00 a. m. with connections from Sav aunab and Hast, and also from At lanta and V.’<kL No. 16 arrives at 425 p m. from At lanta and West. THROUGH CAR BERVICE. Nos. 29 and 30, “WASHINGTON AND FLORIDA LIMITED,, carrying Pullman, Drawing room and Bleep lng cars between Jesup and New York. Nos. 13 and 14, “The FLORIDA LIMITED” carry through Pullman Drawing room. Sleeping cars be tween Jesup, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Chicago, Kansas City, and Colorado Springs. UNEXCELLED Dining car ser vice on ail trains. For Information as to rates and schedules, etc., appi* to H. B. SPENCER, G M., Washington I>. C, 8. H HARDWICK. F. T. M.,Wash ington, L C, W. H. IaYLOE, O. P. A.. Wash lngton, D. C. BROjKB MORGAN, A. O. F. A. Atlf"**, Go. B. fl. HOOSEMAN.O. A„ Brunswick, Ga., ’Phone M H. M. MILLER & SON. Brunswick Ga. THE LARGEST FURNITURE HOUSE 11 SOUTH GEORGIA We carry everything from the kitchen to the parlor and guarantee price Price .... $15.00 Write to us for prices and mention this paper. THE NEWS’ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FACTS ABOUT BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK IS A RAPIDLY GROWING CITY AND IS THE BEST PORT ON THE SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST. THESE ARE AMONG HER REPRESENTATIVE MERCHANT S AND BUSINESS MEN AND THEY ARE IN POSITION TO SERVE THE PUBLIC IN THEIR RESPECTIVE LINES. REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS CONCERNS CLASSIFIED ALPHABETICALLY. ARCHITECTS. J. George Conzleman. Architect and buildei, Selected lots of building material always on baud. if you contemplate building communicate with me. Bicycles and Automobiles. B. J. Olewine Automobiles, bicycles, cycling ac cessories. Repairing and renting Give us a call. Ten 134-2 306 Newcastle St. BROKERS. J. H. Pace. . Merchandise broker. Telephone 128, Brunswick, Ga. BOTTLING WORKS. Brunswick Bottling and Manufac turing Cos., Manufacturers of Flavoring Ex tracts, Soda Water and Mineral Waters, Harmless Colors arm Juices, Cidars, and Venegars. .. Office and factory 212 Oglethorpe Street. Phone 3v2. SASH, DOOR & BLINDS. Georgia Sash, Door & Blind Cos., Manufacturers of sash, doors and blinds. Tel 303. Corner Prince St. and Cochran Ave. BARBER SHOPS. Allen & Thrash, Tonsorial Artists. Special manacurist for ladies. Tel 476, Opera House building. CONTRACTORS. Bowen and Thomas. General Contractors. Tel 154. “Meet me at The MECCA.” THE UP-TO-DATE REBORT FOH GENTLEMEN. POLITE AND PROMPT BERVICE All high grade goods in the beer whiskey and ci gar line. COR GLOUCESTER and CHANT BTB. CROSS-TIE DEALERS. Brunswick Crosstie & Creosctiny Cos. Brunswick, Ga. Liberal inspection. Highest, casn prices Prompt returns. Buyers ana snippers of crossties. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. J. D. Baldwin General Cement Contractor All sizes of white and culvert Jlexi iin ilie and curb. Side-walk builders. Write us. COAL AND WOOD. Iverson Coal & Wood Cos. Ite-tuy to serve the public on short notice Tel 483. Corner l street ana Cochran avenue. HAY AND GRAIN. N. W. FINDLEY & CO., Conetgnnienl.B solicited. Prompt re turns made. Produce, bay and grain, flour, grils and meal. 324 Bay street. Brunswick, (la. INSURANCE. Hoyt W. Gale. Life, slonn, accident insurance. We represent only the best companies. PLUMBERS. Gilmore & Wood. General and sanitary plumbers ana denims nhi plumbers - supplies. 41 i Newcastle street. Tel 228. PLANING MILLB. Brunswick Planing & Forwarding Cos. ’¥. (1 Fleming, ,ir., Manager. Plan ing mill, sawmill, dry kiln. Rough and dressed lumber, weatherboarding, floor ing, ceilings, moulding and inside fin ish. Phone 102. Brunswick, Ga. FOR SALE Six Hundred Thousand Acres Virgin Pine Timber, in Ga. and Fla. ALBO TWO HUN DRED THOUBAND ACRE* TIM*-> * READY FOR BAW MILL PURPOS EB. HAVIN6 BEEN BOXED, WELL LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS. ADDREBB Southern Land & Timber Cos P. O. BOX. 177, BRUNSWICK, OA. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. jj( §jj || Wt MAKE AWNINGS FOR YUR RESIDENCE OR YOUR STORE. This Steel Range $25 PRINTERB. Wrench Printing Cos. Printing, ruling, binding. Brunswick, Ga. PAWN BROKER. S. Levison (Uncle Sig.) The old reliable pawnbroker. Money loaned on anything of value. Headquarters Iter pWtols, jewelry, clothing, boots and shoes. SALOONS. Union Saloon Liquor House, G. Loewenstein, Mgr. Wines, liquors, cigars and tobacc). Everything in the whiskey line. Jug trade a specialty. SHOES. . E. M. Peerßon & Cos. When you have need of sboea giv* us a call. 214 Newcastle street. Telephone 444. Brunswick Exclusive Shoe Store. TINNER. H. J. Reddick, Contracting tinner. You will con sult, your own interests by communi cating with me before letting your contracts for tinning. Phone 278-4. Brunswick, Ga. TURPENTINE STILLS. M. A, Baker & Cos. Manufacturers of seamless turpen tine stills. Repairing a specialty.. Brunswick, Ga. Pensacola, Fla. WAGONS AND HARNESS. T. B. Burns, Manufacturer and builders of all kinds of wagons and harness. Tei 194. 214 Newcastle street 3