The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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4 THt BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor anJ Manager. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., po3t ntttce ae second class mail matter — s— SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Terms of subscription In the cit and by mall free of charge to all parti of the United States and Canada, Mex Ico. Porto Rico, Guam, Phiilppin Islands and Hawaiian Islands. One Month -50 Three Months $1.25 Six Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 Notice of discontinuance ef Ads and Subscriptions must be made t business office In writing. TELEPHONES. Business Office, Editorial K00111..18S The Editor * •- The City Editor to ; octaly Editor Office 207 Gloucester Street. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Glynn County. Glynn County Commissioners. The United States Court of Bank ruptcy for this District. 1 Correspondence solicited, hut to re ceive attention letters must he ac companied by a responsible name, not for publication, but as a guarantee 01 good faith. Rejected communications will lie returned if accompanied ny postage. Remittance should be made by pos tal note, check, money order or r0g1.7-' lured letter. Address News Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Ga. "Progress and Prosperity." Welcome A., B. & A. ofllelals; ennie along oftener and stay longer! This Is October 10. Thirty days more and the trolley proposition win be up In a balloon again. The Board of Trade Is doing a flue work for Brunswick, and the organi zation should be encouraged by our people generally. Elsewhere In this issue will bo lound the petition for charter of tne tilynn County Bank, Brunswick’s lat est financial Institution. That’s an other' tettlmonial to the growtli of this city. With many new homes now under course of construction and with many just finished the demand for houses is still greater than the supply. Is not that a pretty good Indication 01 the times here in Brunswick? Brunswick will meet the manage rnent of the Georgia, Const & Pied mont (the Darien & Western) Rail way company on any safe and com prehonsive plan looking to the exten sion of the line to this city. The best fact that more progress is needed In city council eat be found in the narrow-minded, politi cally-blinded and unhuslness like man tier In which the council handled the recent trolley line franchise and poor old Brunswick, like Jones of— Blng hampton, why, she pays the freight. BRUNSWICK'S TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND CLUB. A movement is on foot for the or ganization of a t wenty rive thousand flub, promoted by some of Bruns wick's enterprising citizens who are determined through up-to-date methods of publicity to push Brunswick prominently Into the limelight of Southern development. The members of this club will pledge themselves in dividually and collectively to do every thing In their power to make Bruns wick’s population reach the twenty live thousand mark by the year 1i)l". This movement is one extremely popu lar In the west and southwest ana has materially contributed to the vast influx of population into these sections of the United States. Dallas, Texas has her one hundred thousand club which for months has been ititelligeip Jy and aggressively at work advert is Ing Ihe advantages and resources o nut city, with the result that her population has been wonderfully in creased. Wlial Dallas has done Brunswick can do and It is to b** hoped that the enterprising and patriotic citizen* of Brunswick wth exert themselves along similar lines i9t Ike atfeiaee*** M this comtmta . PLATFORM ADOPTED AT THE PEOPLE'S MASS MEETING. The mass meeting held Monday night by the citizens generally to name a ticket for mayor and members of the city council to be submitted to the white primary to be held at the call of the city democratic execu tive committee had the forethought to adopt a platform of principles upon which to make its fight. 111 these days in the game of politics it has become to be a self evident fact that the party with a sound platform gen erally wins. The people have learned to study the many perplexing econo mic problems of the day; they have learned to do some thinking on thei. own account and we are really pleas ed 1 hat the mass meeting has gone l j the people with a broad and com prehensive platform of principles. The question of municipal owner ship is now a live one in every city in the United States, and likewise is attracting great attention in Bruns wick. The mass meeting has declar ed for that plan with leference to the public utilities here in Brunswick and we are inclined to endorse that section of the platform. The great city of New York came within a lew hundred votes of elect ing a candidate for mayor committed to that very idea in the last munic-.- pal election, and the indications are tnat the plan will prevail the next ttme Gotham go to the polls. At lanta Is in the throes of just such .1 fight, and as we stated above the entire country is giving its ear to it. The platform is also broad in its treatment of other matters of public interest and is one upon which an real good citizen who has the inter est of ms eiiy at heart can "oil a! lord to stand. For the information of the public and in order that all people may have a second opportunity to study it, we are going to print that platform again this morning and we cordially invite tlie voters and tax payers of Bruns wick generally to give it a few mo ment:; sound study and see if the / con not adopt it. Here It Is; Whereas, Brunswick is now in the midst of the greatest industrial growth in her history, in which the entire people should join and whereas in the past the proper spirit of pro gress and enterprise has not been displaced in the matter of permanent development in this city, be it, and it Is hereby Resolved, By the tax-payers ana voters of Brunswick, In mass-meeting assembled, That the people of this city view with pleasure the tendency of the times toward municipal owner ship of public utilities, as a safe, sound and expedient move towards a healthier civic growth and develop ment and I hat they favor the opera tion of such u plan In the city ot Brunswick with reference to electric lights gas and water utilities. Be it further Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting of the electorate of the city of Brunswick, that the present franc I .'se covering electric lights, gas HgliAs and water be not further ex tended for the reasons named above. Be It also resolved, That this mass meeting of the people of Brunswick, pledges its nominees Tor mayor an t aldermen to an administration of the public weal to be characterized by a genuine spirit of "Progress and Pros perity": a liberal treatment of legiti mate capital seeking Investment here; to the general upbuilding of Bruns- wick upon broad aid comprehensive lines It is also Resolved, That the voters and tax payers of Brunswick note with regret the di’atory tactics pursued by tne present administration with reference to the proposed trolley line iu Bruns wick and that the nominees of this meetiif elected, ldeugo inetr be efforts to secure this much ueodeu Improvement as soon as practicable. And Anally, be it Resolved, That through the medium of this mass-meeting, the people cu Brunswick are urged to support the nominees, thus committed to these principles of a progressive character, necessary to the material growth anu development of Brunswick. Brunswick wants a city council m 1907 which is fully Imbued with the betterment of Brunswick and is not chained to any hidebound political </Wi*aMfcy, . The BRUNSWICK &AILV New*, cSDAV, OCfOBER 10, 1905. fy < Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He will M /t tell y° u how deceptive they are. A tickling in the JL f/ f 1 /(// throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better # explain your case carefully to your doctor, and ask a //~f rtc* him a!,out y° ur taking Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Then f do as he says. Get the best medicine, always. We have co secret*! We publish J. C. Ayer Cos., I the formulae ofell our preparations. Lowell, Mas?. J AT THE TOP t CLIMBING TO THE TOP OF THE LADDER OF BIG CLOTH iii BRAID SENDS FORTH A MESSAGC OF A GREATER CLOTHING TRIUMPH THAN EVEN I AN FROM THE COMMONPLACE ALL THE CUSTOM-TAILORED FEATURES, BOTH INSIDE PRICES RANGE FROM SIO.OO VALUES DIFFICULT TO HIT RIGHT STYLE, RIGHT QUAL ITY, RIGHT MATERIAL, AT RIGHT PRICES. 4 RIGHTS THAT MAKE BIG VALUES AT Geo. W. Owens, CORNER E AND L STREETS. _ |H. WHEN PRESCRIPTIONS ARE WANTED the Atlanta Pharmacy enjoys the favor of all intelligent peopl:. The reason is not hard to under stand. Reliability describes it exactly. Pnysiclans have made it perfectly understood that tlie.r prescriptions must he filled ex nelly as written and under no elr enmstances can substitutes ne tolerated. Therefore the hulk ot prescriptions come to ,us because we and our drugs and medicines are known to be absolutely re liable. THE ATLANTA PHARMACY. Tel 310. Sub-Postoffice Station No. 1. COLSON HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. OF ALL KINDS SAW MILL OUTFITS. Agent* for ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS. WIRE FIELD FENCE. COLSON HARDWARE CO. A Young Mother at 70. "My mother has suddenly been made youug at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dvepepsia had entirely disabled her, until six montna ago, when she began taking Electri; Bitters which have completely cured her and restored the strength and activity she had in the prime of life, writes Mrs. W. L. Oilpatrick, of Dan forth. Me. Greatest restorative medi cine on the globe. Sets Stomach, Liver and Kidneys right, purifies the blood, and cures Malaria. Bilioutneei and Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Toole. Price We, Guaranteed by Maitfc Pharmacy. * . i . aw. of all Styles* Kinds and lirrnonU’O ■MIILm Leathers, for School at a LLnOUH O To The Public e HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT STONE PLONT CORNER OF F AN. D STREETS IAM PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST CLASS WORK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES OF WHITE AND COLORED HEXIGON TILE AND CURB OF THE REGL LATION SIZE. I RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PAT RONAGE. J. D. Baldwin A HEALTH *ojjT*un y* f , tvanv *•: mwe i>xTjT,3 ice great remedy for nervous prostration and alt diseases of the erneratm euber sex such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or 63§3SSff®!tr Nightly Emissions. Youthful Errors Mental Worry, excessive us* -rrrn 2- * o, , ,acc ' o or ° !num - wlu U lead t 0 Consumption and Insanity. With everj •FTEB USING j*“ ort ler*e guarantee to :-ure or rotund the none'-. Sold at Sl.OOuer b,l ** ltn Uding, 6 boxes for *5.00. UK MOTT’S tIIKMJCAL <Y>.. C1041a..d. Ohi. For.Sale by HUNTER’S PHARMACo F) BY DOING YOUR BANKING WITH 111 jj te National Bank *r I* , of Brunswr k i SI V CAPITAL $150,000.00 SURPLUS $84.000., 3 Year Savings Department Pays Four per cent interest coumpounded quarterly WESLEY H. GREENFIELD, Pile Driving Contractor WHARF BUILDING AND TRESTLE WORK A SPECIALTY. 500 L street, Brunswick, Ga. Fate Springs Water VVE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THIS C£L£BRATFn WATER b / THE GLASS. BY THE CASE OR BY THE BARREL HUNTER’S 505 GLOUCESTER ST. ARE YOU THIRSTY. If you are and a good drink of the Best UJhiskey or Finest Beer will quench it I can fix you. See my wine and cigar, list. H. Selig, 229 Grant Street. CHAS. BUNKLtr Contractor of Piledrlvlng, Dockbulld- Ing and Trestle Work. WM. GREENFIELD. MGR. Phonee 214 and 417. PAIKER-KENSELL ENGINEERING CO. A I! rlpccpc nf FOUNDRY AND MACHINE REPAIRING SPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR MARINE WORK Perfectly Adapted Marine Rail way Phone 16-3 Brunswick, Ga. BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossties AND DEALERS IN Yellow Pine Lumber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. i K ’LL the COUGH I j AND CiiißE THE lungs I : — Dr. King’s ; Nsw Discovery rnn /CONSUMPTION Price tOn I OUGHSand 60c &SI.OO WOLDS Free Trial. I Surest and Quickest Cure for all 1 THROAT and BUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. Cobb and Wheeler GNEPAL TINNER 3. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. Phone 313. 313 Newcastle St. CAR LOAD OF PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE WIRE FENCES ARE CHEAPER THAN WOOD IpjS' ;; gft |ip i|[ Figure With ROBERSON & CO. on the subject Phone 426 Nb 2 Wright’e Spuare