The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 10, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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IT’S A NECESSITY. B ru SP B I JB/ f-z' Bk Are you thinking about getting at m # S fSaBaB chiffonier? If tile bureau or closet *s if * * Iv. fif crowded its really needed. With a B g family of children its almost a tiecea- I Rangel yf? sity, and the styles we are showing ■ H aild so much to the appearance of any I From I bed-room. Golden and quartered oak, highly polished, heavy French plate ■ ■ mirrors, graceful shape fronts. We $6.50 to $25.00 i believe our goods are all right, but we ■ ■ want your opinion. We want them to ■ B please you. C.MeGARVEV. 31$ NEWCASTLE STREET CONEY & PARKER —Dealers in— COAI AND WOOD BRICK, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER HAIR. SHINGI.EB AND LATH B SEWER PIPE. CHIMNEY FLUSS FIRE BRICK AND FIRE CLAY 52S BAY STREET PHONE IS. {ggggjg^j^^^TwttlWi. ■ . - §fflgjgP*l||lM| as——s—— iaaM-waMaaßß<EaiM.. anng—■...•::m.-. vt&mMa Now’ is the time to buy if you expect to share in profits which are bound to follow the upbuilding of Greater Brunswick. Below We Give a Few Bargains Information to parties inquiring. Call on,’phone or address BROBSTON, FENDIG & COMPANY We’re no Quacks in onr .business. Our store en joys a reputation second to none for the honesty of its offerings. If in need of any Drugs and Medicines we want you to call on ns and see what we have. You’ll be FUtisfied and find exactly what you’re looking for. We aim to please, and offer the best ot drugs at prices that can not fail to attract the closest buyer. Make us a call and convince yourself. Smith’s Pharmacy NICE HOME NEAR THE CITY, SEVERAL ACRES OH GROUND, s3,auo. WELL LOCATED RESIDENCE ON GLOUCESTER STREET, $3,200. TWO NICE COTTAGES ON E STREET, $1,500. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, CLOSE IN $1,700. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, NEAR F, $2,250. RESIDENCE ON G STREET NEAR ELLIS. $3,000. PRETTY HOUSE ON REYNOLDS STREET, LARGE LOT, $5,500. NICE HOME FACING THE PARK, 3,500. \ PRETTY RESIDENCE ON UNION ST.CLOSE IN, HOUSE IN REAR, $4,500 LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, UNION ST. LARGE HOUSE IN REAR, $7,500. THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1003, - AT THE GRAND A Good Minstrel. A.l G. Field's minstrel was the at traction at the Grand last night, and as is always the ,case when this minstrel king conies to Brunswick, a crowded house was present to greet the burnt-cork artists. Mr. Field has this season one of the best companies in his twenty-one years of the business, and when the former entertainments are recalled it can be seen that "better than ever means something. Field's Minstrels this season in cludes about sixty men, all good dres* ers. clever and capable. In the first part, which introduces the “Gridiron flub” feature, the singing is splendid. The several solos and ensembles were greatly enjoyed and often recalled.* Press Kidredge was very much in evi dence, and his songs were highly amusing. Others sang some beautiful ballads, and the double quartette giv ing the famous sextette from “Lucia di Lammermoor," took me audiences by storm. It was an exquisite pre sentation of a most beautiful com position. The fun following the in-' trod notion of the various notables gave ample excuse for laughter. A1 Field’s monologue, with interruptions by the head waiter, was lively and j appreciated by all of his friends. His personal popularity is something that] can not be denied, and Mr. Field val ues the kind words of his friends above all else. The musical sketches, the dancing sketch, Roll on Silvery Mobn,” and! the weird and fantastic conceit, • Dreamland Phantoms,” were all good. 1 Never has Mr. Field used so much of the up-to-date scenic accessories, and the results obtained are artistic and interesting. The entire enter tainment given is a delight. There is not a dull minute from first to last, and everything offered is the best that money, ingenuity and taste can secure. Summing it up, Field’s Minstrels ure ’ Greater” in more ways than name, and all who have the oppor tunity siiould see and hear them. The hours spent with Field’s Minstrels will prove good mediciue for that ' tired feeling” and all of the other disagreeable periods that haunt more or less frequently the lives of those m the work-a-day world. IMME IMS’S pTli"s!| A Safe, Curtain Uki.ikk for Scpphimskd Menstruation. I NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Safe! Sure! Speedv ! Satis- I taction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid ■ f,, r $l-00 per box. Will send them on trial, to be paid Tor I when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not I have them send your orders to the ~ e | UNJTEDM EPICAL CO., BOX 74, LANCASTER? P*. | Sold in Brunswick by Roberts & Culnar Finnegan's Bali. “Finnegan’s Ball," a real comedy, will he here on to-morrow night. This clever comedy has been rewritten ana brought up to date, and is one of the season’s artistic as well as monetary, successes. Having played four months in New York at the Fourteenth Street Theater, it now enters its farewell’ tour with a record few v, any other shows ever attained, fifteen years ot approval. To be exact, it lias played 5C3 weeks, having given 3,378 night performances and 1,12fi matinees, a total of 4,505 performances, averaging $532 per day or a total of over $2,000,- 000. The company that, will be seen neve is said to be one of the best the management has ever been able to se cure, and includes a girl of every type of beauty, the costumes are gorgeous, the scenic effects are works of the best mechanics in modern stage craft. Infants’ socks, 15 to 25 cents values 1 at 5 cents per pair at Sig Levison. , Orders taken for fruit and wedding cakes at Leben’s. Fresh Golden Rod. Baked daily I.ebens. Mandolines, guitars, banjos, violins, acordions, mouth harps and all kinds of musical instruments at Sig Levi son. The prettiest line ov rour-In-hand neckwear ever offered In theoit.y at 25 cents each. Come and look and be asto risked. Slg Levi son. *<lB am. * tfta R*r/ atraat j AT THE GRAND. WEDNESDAY NIGHT. OCTOBER 10 I RALPH BINGHAM —IN— SONG, MUSIC AND STORY. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, THE EVERGREE SUCCESS FIIGAUL A Jinelmg, Singing, Dancing Comedy A Chorus of Pretty Pleasing Play Girls PRICES—SI.OO, 75c. 50c, 25c. Seats now on sale at Box Office. NEXT ATTRACTION: THE LITTLE DUTCHESS, Oct. 13. THE ORIGINAL rffMEDVe The idea of a Cough Syrup that will act j on the bowels, and thus assist in expelling colds from the system is new and original In Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. L <AvA TJ V F gSjggSH&flL A certain, safe and harmless remedy for T * APe all Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, La Grippe, Bronchitis, Influenza and all ’j’ /otkltUl Lung and Bronchial affections. Mothers fja HJw agN9 I praise the children’s favorite Kennedy’s ■" Laxative Honey and Tar MVARDmL COUGH SYRUP TAR tnytrrW at tht Laboratory of I, O. DcWITT 4 CO., OUICAOO, Q. 4 A, r rtn * m ciotbb blossom An tu boixt bbb is cb btbst asTtsa. LARGE HOUSE ON BOULEVARD $3,000. , , NICE COTTAGE ON COCHRAN AVENUE, $1,500. NICE LARGE COTTAGE ON E STRt ET, CLOSE IN, $3,500. THREE GOOD HOUSE NEAR HOTEL $9,000. PRETTY COTTAGE ON GLOUCEST ER STREET $2,200. NICE HOUSE ON LONDON STREET $3,200. LARGE HOUSE ON MANSFIELD STREET, $4,500. PRETTY HOUSE ON C STREET NEAR COURT HOUSE, $3,000. WE HAVE FOR SALE NICE RESIDENCE AND BUILDING LOTB IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY; ALSO QUANTITY OF SMALL PROPERTV FOR INVEBTMENTB. EftflgßßOPs] CASTORIA Preparation for As similating iheFoodandßegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Infants /Children Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. af(>U DrSAKVEL tHTCHKH F\unpkm Seed ' v Mx. Senna * RotktUe Salts - I Atuxr Serf/ t 1 Jkupcntwit - / lit Carbonak'Sotla + 1 MimtSreJ 1 Clan tied Sugar binfrty/em Flavor. / Aperfecl Remedy I’orConslipn lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions,Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Al t> month* old J 5 Doses - JwCi ni s EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ’ASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the J \ Signature jv JjV In Use La For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TW OFN’AUH COMPANY. NIW YORK OITY. 5