The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 10, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A Full Line of J3& MOTHER'S FRIEND JgL SHIRT WAISTS Jp||t 7m ■others' Frierii mack cm Brn.i latent BHIT v/A;&T Chicago-Rockford Hosiery Company Ktnosha. WU. ,N WHITE AND FANC/ > WITH J OR WITHOUT COLLAR, SIZES L 7 FROM 4to 12 PRICE 50s. Black Cat Hose m ‘ £53 o- Vo Buttons can be Torn off, cither in Wearing or Washing. The Mothers* Frii*nt /toes away entirely with the sewing on ! buttons. It is supplied with vy wsrtwT w sr ■ r i iffßA adjustable belt, is ... M 7I / | taken off when the wait n H Ml m/ Vr washed; the buttons are riveted Sj on tlie Vlt. consequently catoioi JBmmrTf j imvmr be torn on, either in wcar/.w Making ir ironing. Just Received A Full Line oi Ladies’. Mens, Children’s HATS Zelmenovitz, TELEPHONE 215. 216 NEWCASTLE STREET. JUST RECEIVED 1907 Line of GO CARTS ROBERTS Store and Furniture house THE STORE WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT. We Refund Money if you are Not Benefit ted —CLARO= . / An Excellent remedy for people who have no appetite. Cures coughs, bronchial and lung troubles. For pale weak women Claro has no equal. J EMORGAN ONE THE MUNSWICK DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1906. FILES PETITION IN HRUPTCT F. E. PHILLIPS, FORMERLY OF THIS CITY, HAS FINANCIAL TROUBLES. Referee Max Isaac yesterday re ceived the petition in voluntary banK raptcy of F. E. Phillips, formerly oi cnis city, out now residing in Wayne county. Mr. Phillips, in his petition, asks to be discharged individually and as a member of the firm of Scarlett & Phillips, formerly engaged in the livery business in Brunswick, as weii as a meracer of the hrm of James, Grady & Cos., former BrunswicK whiskey dealers. Ills liabilities, individually, are plac ed at $12.84; those of tne firm oi David & Phillips, at $1,226.84, while there are no liabilities, as far as the bankrupt knows, of the firm of James, Grady & Company. The bankrupt has no assets. Judge Isaac assigned the case for hearing on November lit, when the first meeting of the creditors will be held, a trustee selected and other mat ters in the rase disposed of. Dynamite Explosion. Roanoke, Va., Oct. “ —A Times spe cial from Radford, Va., says forty sticks of dynamite which had been tamped into a hole that had been sprung for a blast exploded prema turely tfiday on Tidewater railroa'. construction work east of there, in stantly killing Joseph Dickinson, fatal ly injuring Doc Richardson and seri ously injuring Powder Foreman Capt. Coid;. The men were frightfully cut by hying sand and rocks. NEW ARRIVALS NEW BUCKWHEAT NEW FLAP JACK FLOUR NEW GEORGIA SYRUP (In Cans) NEW MAPLE SYRUP NEW HONEY (In Bottles) 214 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 307. MANY INQUIRIES BEING RECEIVED PORT STATISTICIAN IS KEPT BUSY JUST AT PRESENT RE PLYING TO THEM. The fact that Brunswick is attract ing considerable attention in all sec tions of the country just at present is Pest evidenced by the number oi inquiries Capt. Otto Johannesen, th3 official port" statistician, is receiving just at present concerning Brunswick and more especially her shipping. Capt. Johannesen stated to a News representative yesterday that there had been a regular influx of inquiries during the past several days. In many cases Capt. Johannesen nas bee i requested to submit statements show ing the business of the port for the past tew years and the port statisti cian is now busy working on these reports. It seems that a majority of these inquiries are coming from the west, but numbers of them have been re ceived from all sections of the coun- try. Capt. Johannesen also states that he has received a number oi inquiries from along the gulf coast, especially from Mobile and Pensa cola, the two leading ports along the coast. Numerous letters asking fo 1 " information about Brunswick has been received from these two ports. Capt. Johannesen Is replying to all the in quiries and it is keeping him unus ually busy just at present. 800N TO BEGIN THE WORK. Contractor Drebs. of Birmingham, in the City. A. J. Drebs. of Birmingham. Ata., ! who was awarded the contract for the' erection of the new building of the Southern Bell Telephone and Tele- 1 graph Company, arrived in the city j yesterday to make arrangements for' the beginning of work on tne new building. ! Mr. Drebs states that everything is! practically in readiness for the work, 1 and that as soon as the necessary labor is secured, etc., construction will begin. It is expected that tne. building will be completed in a few. months. Bottlers in Convention. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 9. —The American Bottlers Protective Association met here to-day in annual convention when matters of importance to the trade were discussed. It is calculated that upwards of 1800 delegates were pres ent A fine line of suit cases at very low figures at Sig Levison. G. F. ANDERSON, AgL L. C. SMITH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Typewriter* Rented and Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONB AT 75c. of our make is the word Knox in the label, but it*s a most impor ant thing to look for. Its import ance, however, is not entirely due to “prestige,” for when you buy a KNOX HAT you secure a hat of the finest materials and of unequalled wear ing quality—to say nothing of a style which is World-Standard. In other words, you have paid for what the label represents—five dollars’ worth of hat. KAISER’S FLL HATS FOR LADIES I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER DISPLAYED IN BRUNSWICK. LADIES ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THEM. •*'—*—ih*h n*tf if n—iminn at —— rrtM miss l. g. j.ackson OPERA HOoSE BLOCK. LA MAISON PARfSSENNE “The ONLY French La dies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. DON’T WEAR READY MADE GARMENTS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THEM MADE TO ORDER AT R. DENI2ET AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATE. ALL KINDS OF PLAITING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. CALL OR PHONE 311 Get in Touch With the Rest of Us Y HAVING A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF outhern Belt Telephone end Teieprapi. 80., AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW