The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 16, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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2 KNIGHTS MEET IN NEW ORLEANS SUPREME LODGE, K. OF P. IS HOLDING IMPORTANT MEET ING THIS WEEK. New Orleans. Oct. 15. —Perhaps the largest convention ever held in New Orleans commenced to-day when the HUDierne lodge of the Knights oi Pythias commenced the business or their annual council. The gathering or this remarkable clan was the means of bringing upwards of seventy thousand people to this city, where most of thorn will remain for the next ten days, when the deliberation: of the council will come to a close, in the meantime the unitormed ran!': of the order is holding its encamp oient in the City Park race track, where the California, Texas, and other contingents are under canvass. 15 very •tate. or division of state, is rep re seated, the assembly being a most i ' iresentative one. The uniforme I > t.k of the order is a semi-military i .e, and is composed entirely of mem tiers of the advanced order of the Knights of Pytnlas. AH are housed in tents just as ordinary soldiers on campaign, and the whole camp laid out and conducted according to mitt tary regulations. The several troops of cavalry have been assigned a place outside i lie race track in convenient sites, flic camps are equipped with all the accessories and appurtenances of an army camp, such as mess tents and hospital corps. The supreme lodge of the order at present directs the affairs of Pythias In Canada, Mexico. Cuba and other foreign coun tries SIOO For a Bottle. . . This would not be a largo price to pay for Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedies for rheumatism if one could not get relief any cheaper. The Drummond Medicine Cos. Now York, iiave received hundreds oi unsolicited testimonials front grateful people re stored to health by the use of their remedies, who would not hesitate to pay any price rather than suffer the former torture. If you would like to try these remedies, and your druggist has not got them, writo direct to the company. Agents wanted REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS See us for the bestvity prop erty. Bargains in all kinds of real estate. Boro & co. 110 Newcastle St. Phone 301 ABSOLUTELy FREE! For the next thirty day* i will (Jive to each sufferer of stomach trouble one 50 cent bottle of •‘Echol’s Iron and Alum Water* absolutely free. Thi* water,,n absolutely guaranteed to cur# any stomach trouble and if you use six one dollar bottles ac cording to directions, and you are not satisfied it has done you •ix dollars' worth of good, you can have your money back for the asking. ED C. BRUCE Hosiery for children. Klkan'e 15 10 and 25 cent* line all aoloc at l •r t u*4w tbr * # p * ,r * f< * r :t f< " t * * YOUNG WHITE IN) IN BAD TROUBLE l— ARRESTED HERE YESTERDAY j MORNING CHARGED WITH BURGLARY. Randolph Drury, a young white man, probably 23 years of age, well dressed and of good appearance gen erally, was arrested and placed in the county jail yesterday by Officer Saui Goins, charged with burglary. About three months ago the home of J. A. Seals, clerk of the store or L. R. Akin, at Mount Pleasant, way entered and robbed. Two or three suits of clothes and a number of other i articles were storm. Detective Goins was notified of the burglary and has since kept a watch for the thief. Young Drury arriv. and in this city Sunday afternoon; the officer soon got a due and made the arrest yes ter.lay morning. IJrur was surprised when arrested, as he was in posses sion of a number oi the article:; stolen. He was placed in the countv jail and later confessed to the officer. He told how he ma le his entrance to the house —through a side door — what lie had stolen, and made a gen eral full confession of the crime. The young man will be carried to Jesup to-day, where lie will be: placed in th<- Wayne county jail to await trial. Drury is a stranger in these parts. He lias every indication of being Horn a good family, but their where abouts are unknown. Officer Goins did a splendid piece of detective worn in capturing him. IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW. What a Heap of Happiness it Would Bring to Brunswick Homes. Hard to do housework with an ach mg back. firings you hours of misery at Ids ure or at work. If women only knew the cause Backache pains come from sick kid neys, ’Twould save much needless woe. Doans Kidney Pills cere sick kid neys. Brunswick people endorse tins; Mrs. M. C. Richardson, living at 1009 G street, Brunswick, Gil., says: 'Doans Kidney Pills relieved ino oi backache and I think very highly oi them. My back troubled me. aim there was a dull, heavy pain right across my loins. 1 tried several reme dies. but nothing seemed to bonetu me until l got a box of Doan’s Kid ney Pills at Hunter’s Pharmacy, i used this remedy according to direc tions and soon my back became stronger and all pain left it. 1 can and will speak a good word Tor Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price, at) cents. Foster-Milbuvn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doan’s—and take no other. OUR FOUR DOLLAR SHOES FOP WOMEN ARE BEAUTIES. SE THEM AT PEERSON’S. HICKS’ SHCAPUJINE KflKkf ALL’ AC HES u 'dBSJESnfc And Nvrvoa.-mc mm -IN BEAL ESTATE Are you looking for a home, a farm, a goodpaying busi ness, or a good investment lor your surplus money? We can please you as we have on cur list a large assortment of property. Does this interest you? Seven-room, two story resi dence, nicely finished, gas, hot and cold water, bath room, etc., In good residence district ONLY $2,000 New five-room cottage on Un ion street. Model cottage. All conveniences. $2,850. Close in. CLAY & CORNEILOUS Oglethorpe Hotel Building. The Pn?Meet line o; rourinhanJ neckwear over offered In thecity at -5 conta each. Come and look and be aatoalahod. St* beriscn, ios an< *•* Bay afreet Hnbbara for mes; rtibher* for w* mty. rubbers tor rblldrea at Paw* fHfc BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1906, Y O TT CAN’T BUY HERE Without becoming a friend of the Store’s. Scores of corr.e-again-and-again custom ers testify to this. The only reason we can ac count for this Shoe-Store-Loy alty is that our Shoes are either more comfortable, or wear longer, or look dressie", OR ALL THREE than do the other fellow’s. We are willing to admit THIS much: We are after the business of every person in town who wants BIG VALUES FOR HIS MONEY and to GET this business we are putting just as much com fort and wear into EVERY pair of Bhoes as it is POS SIBLE to put In at the price. m m 11001 ’EM PEERI’S 214 NEWCASTLE ST. See Our Winter Window Ladies fleece lined Underwear, vests and drawers each 25c A new line of dainty drawn work doilers, 18 inch square, each Table napkins in the piece 20x20 each . . R)c FIRE PLACE NEEDS. Japanned coal hods, all sizas. 25c, 40c Japanned coal shovels, all sizes 10c, 5c Spiral handled steel pokers 10c Coal tongs, tw o Fire kindling, 2 packages to,- .. ~SC Hearth brooms, each .... ; ioc Ash pans for grates 15c, 25c • Our candy has arrived fresh from fa.' tory. Chocolates, nougats, almonds, aII choice goods, per pound 20v f|fc Good Mixed Candies per pound . . . 10c \ GRAND MILLINERY OPENING , Wait for the Immense Opening at Miss Kate Slater’| AI! the Ladies are Cordially Invited Alii TIE —AND—- 11 CO. MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN CRCSSTIES AND LUMBER New York Office No. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN, Mngr. BRUNSWICK, QA. A COMPLETE LINE OP SHOES IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES AT REERSOM'Sr McCLURE’S 10 Cent Store The Brunswick Bottling a j and ManufacturingCy Manufacturers of JH SODA WATER AND MINERAL W ATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS cl TARS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECIAL GANGER ALE AND RYE Ol£ I PHONE 273 218 OGLETHORPE FANNING TIME WE HAVE A FEW SECOND HAND FANS (AS GOOD AS NEW) WHICH WE ARE BELLINQ AT *5.00 TO *O.OO, SUPPLY* LIMITED. SEE US AT ONCE IF YOU WANT ONE. WE ALSO HAVE A SUPPLY OF RRANP NEW MNt mutual Light & Water Col Anew line of beautifully decorated lemonade sets, 8 pieces $1 The latest ideas in chrysanthemum or long-stemmed rose vases 10c Pretty line glass dessert bowls, 8 inch. each Sale Monday T uesday