The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, October 16, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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6 HIM BULL AND PRIZE DRILL • RIFLEMEN ARRANGE FOR A BIG TIME ON NF.XT FRIDAY EVENING. The Brunswick Riflemen will give i t-iilit.aiv bail and prize drill ut t:n --0 hotel on Friday evening. October IS. The company wap or zauized in lKt'.O. and participated in mam battles <7f the civil war. During the SfWnih-Am<t ican war the com pany was .n the First Infantry Keiu nicnt, U. H. V. The season of dancing will ne open ed by tilts company ana all who g > are promised a pleasant time. The Vtiantlc Hand aud a first-class orches tra have been engaged, and there win be plenty of good music and lots ot dancing. •V prize drill by the company win be given at S o'clock and a abort! con tort Ip expected among the men. All l!i retired officers and members oi ot ier military organizations are re i ested to wear tneir uniforms. .'he tickets are only one dollar, and joii can carry as many ladies as vou w.*h. Tickets can be secured from any member of the company. At. mends of the company are earnestly invited to present. IT an article Is imitated, the orig-- nal is always best. Tldnk it, over, ana when you go to buy that box of salve to keep around the house, get De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is the original, and the name is stamped on • very box flood for eczt tna, tetter bolis, cuts and bruises, and especially recommended for piles. Sold by an druggists. Can you win? You realize that to win In anything these days, requires strength, with mind and body In tune. A man or woman wlih disordered di gestive organs is not in shape for a day s work or a day's play. How can they expect to win? Kodol's For Dyspepsia contains the digestive juices of a healthy stomach and wit. put your stomach In shape to pet font! its important, ’unction of sup plying the body and brain with l U'i'itgUt building blood. Digests whai you eat. relieves Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Sour Stomach, Palpitation of tne Heart and Constipatiou. Sold by til. druggists’.' " Jfk WHO MAKES YOUR # IP CLOTHES? • . __ _ _ That’s the question you will be asked===And one you will be proud to answer===if you wear Clothing from our store. "EFF EFF” ome and See |fl| /I Fashionable ! lfr AL L WE CLAIM FOR THE NEW J f I >S, £ L* ( \ Clothes j(C MODEL SUITS AND OVERGAR <J{sb* ■' Vp3 ''o I |p4F MENTS ISN'T TRULY DESERVED jL 3S W \ 4 pi 7 CLOSELY T-OLLOW THE IDEAS O- \ ” NOTE PARTICULARLY OUR LARGE • "- -/ *jp| wi‘ new YORK CITY'S SMARTEST yJV COLLECTION OF SMART AUTUMN j| ' | j|[> jt •* , .j| TAILORS, EQUALLING THEIR SACK SUITS AT i J[ j /'.l ? , COSTLIEST CREATIONS AND WILL /< \ / t* 9 '' % > ' B \| r f "r gss welu [. ? ffy | sso to S3O p l| \ Special Strong Line of Raincoats WOOD-BAILEY CLOTHING CO. “The New Store.” CATARRH SEASON. Disease Most Prevalent in the Fall Months. Simple Way to Cure. With the cool nights of tall, catarr i hal troubles in Hrijuswuk are be coming more and more ,• evalent, anu * Morgan's Drug Store, as a conse quence, find their sales of Hyomet increasing. At the first warning of catarrh, one should begin using Hyonei. A few days’ treatment at this season ot tne year will often prevent a serious an t chronic attack ot catarrh. There is no stomach dosing witn Hyomet. The virtues of its healing oils and balsams are breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that conies with every outfit, and in that way the medication penetrates to the most re mote cells of the nose, throat an I lungs, kilting catarrhal germs when ever present, and soothing ami heal ing any irritation there may be in the mucous membrane. If you have a cold, or there is any offensive discharge from the nose, or tickling or dropping at the back of 'be throat, if there is offensive breath, raising of mucous, and smarting am irritation in tlie tnroat; it there are any of the symptoms that indicate catarrhal troubles, begin the use or Hyoniei at once. You take no risk in paying $1 for a Hyoniei outfit, as Morgans Drug Store give their personal guarantee that ii the remedy does not afford satisfac lion, your money will lie refunded at once. Extra bottles of Hyoniei, it needed, tost, but 50 cents, making this the most, economical treatment for catarrh, as w'eli as tile most reliable. TAX NOTICE. State and County Tax Notice, 1C To collect State aud County lax fo the year 190fi i will bo at the followin precincts on dates mentioned: St. Simon, Oct. 18, Nov. 5 and Do' 3. Sterling, Oct. 22, Nov. 8 and Dec. Bladen, Oct. 24, Nov, 8 and Dec. t>. Brookman, Oct. 25, Nov. 9 and Nov. 29. At Court House at intervening dates. 11. J. ft WAD. T C. G. C. We don’t buy once a year nor twice a year, but we are receiving j shoes all the time. Peerson’s. Call up Davis aud I’nylor'a stables I If you want dir' .'or raising your lo’ or sidewalks. fteadv to wear hats ot the'latest style will lie displayed as Miss Kate Slater’s millinery opening Friday anu Saturday We can tit everyone, from Cinder ella to the Giant. Peeruon s. Orders taken for fruit and wedding cakes at Izdien’s. Removal Notice. C. Goldstein has removed bis sho shop from 309 Newcastle street to St Newcastle street. THfc BRUNSWICK tSAfftY NIWI, TUESDAY OCTOBER 16. 1906. — Doirigs In Miss Pauline Scarlett is with 'ner s:sler, Mrs. F. A. Dunn. m m m Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Corvoiser are in Savannah, having gone Sunday. • * * Mrs Thus. Winter Is in Atlania, v here she is the guest of friends. m m m Mrs. Susie Wav has returned from Savannah, where for ton days she wa.; Visitor.* * * * Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Branham ar me to-day on the Mallory ship from New York. * * Mrs. W. 11. Snadman and Miss Birdie Posted of St. Simons, are vlsit < rs in the city. • * * Rev. Harry Casstl continues quite ill at his home. His condition is con sidered very grave. * * * Miss Ktliei Fox did not return Saturday from Darien as was ex pected. but will return to-morrow. m * * Mrs. .t. W. Bonnet and Miss Tallu lah Fleming left last night for At uoita, to lie away for several da.s • r more. * * * The friends of Mr. Janies W. Bailey will be interested in his arrival in -'tnens. (!a.. where he nas accepted a position. • Mrs. Lulu Stacy who is in St. Jos eph’s Hospital in Savannah, continues ( tiily to improve and will shortly re turn to Brunswick. IT iS FOR 1 ADiF.S, TOO. Tticj Cft,; *,.n >lrsr iiillng- Out V.,tit-ill,-. t.a titer I. avs tl.. . in'ir as.,l iu-s --hair Is ratliny eat, ee.n prevent t 1..; hah r !bng mu, and a.:.’.. am g;..y. v.-.t; V.uvbro’.* ■ t. • iiealde , lir-rpi - tv 1.3 ■ i ts 1 La 1 .1,1 . .1 i}.r_ Jill, dressings thm,, D ;.’-~fpicl<3- kills tli dandruff pn-i that *nt* thn hair eft n the root. Afici gvi-rn Is destroyed, the root vkl r/aa-vt up. ,<n,l the hair gro hog sis ever Evert si srmple wili ccii vltice nn>- lady C at New tiro's Herpicid Is an Indispi rigahle tetlet requ'slle. 1: contains no oil or gi :-n*e, It wk; rot stain or dye. fto’d by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for tr -i;oft’ to The Herpi cide Cos., Detroit, Mick For mle by Smith’s Pharmacy. Society The condition of Mr. Ford Fuller, who is in Savannah, is noi as serious as was reported. This will be wel come news to his inquiring friends. * * * Mr. Goldsmith Lehman is qo*,e f, ck at the home of his parents on B sheet. He came down from Albany yesterday. * * Mrs. James S. Wright has returne 1 home. Miss Wright is still in At lania and is visiting Judge and Mrs. S. R. Atkinson. She returns next w eek. * * • Rev. and Mrs. J. Ellis Sammons and children are receiving their friends for the. present at the Ogle tnorpe. Mrs. Sammons arrived in the tty yesterday. Keep the bowels open when you have a cold and use a good remedy ’o allay the inflammation of the timeout membranes. The best is Kennedy .; Laxative Honey and Tar. It contain-: no opiates, moves the bowels,* drives out the cold. Is reliable and tastes good. Sold by all druggists. SSOO Reward was offered without a L-rc-al; for Twenty Years for a case of rheum;-, tism which could not b;: cured wit :t Dr. Drummond’s Rheumatic Rentedi-, and no one ever called for it. This treatment drives the disease from tit blood, and restores stiff joints, drawn cords, and hardened muscles, if your druggist is not in stock with it, wii:e the Drummond Medicine Cos., New York, for it without delay. A cold is much more easily cure t when the bowels are open. Kennedy’.; Laxative Honey and Tsr openst tilt bowels and drives the cold out of the system In young or old. Sold by ;tb druggists. True and tried friends of the fain ily—DeWltt’s Little Early 'Risers Best for results and best to take. Rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes fol low the use of these derendaole little pills. They do not gripe cr sicken Sold by ail druggists. Hius Ribbon Beer Just tf-cvtvrd. a car loud of PuV few Rip Company’s Blue Ribbon beer rue is sold at ail first class saloon i the i-ity of Brunswick. Retail IT. nts per bottle and $1,50 per dozen V. Newman, sole agent. 218 Bav street. Oil clothing of all kinds at Sig Lev son PLEASURES FOR HOME I YOU ARE INVITED TO MAKE US A VISIT WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HANDLE THE S VEINWAY, KNABA. WEBER. FISCHER, v HARDMAN HER RiNGTQN AND OTHER PIANOS. FOR APIANO, HONESTLY MADE, ACC U RATE LY TON ED, MATERIAL THE BEST, WITH GREATEST DURABILITV - SEE US. FLEMING & BRYANT VICTOR AND COLUMBIA TALKING MACHINES 11S NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. GLEAM LI NESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS Let us be your Wash woman BRUNSWICK STEAM LAUNDRY. Cline & Ludwig, Props. Bottlers of Coco Cola and other Soft Drinks 110 RICHMOND ST. PHONE 129 fiPPESSTTO! RUSSSEk or an( j banish “pains of menstruation.” They n-- LIFE SAVERS” to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. Nc known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life, becomes a pleasure. ,*> I J>"T'KU BOX BY MAIL. Softs **y tir ag-vist s. DR. MO 11 a CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Oh^,,