The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 10, 1906, Image 1

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VOLUME 6, NUMBER 41. BRUNSWICK IS NAME OF PASSENGER STEAMER Ship on Dun to Havana Will Sear the Name of This City SUOMI ROST TRIP Announced That She will Sail from New York Middle of Next Month— Passenger Ships to All be Nymsd After Cities. * / ~ The Brunswick will be the name of thV ‘handsome new freight and passenger! steamer recently pur chased In New York by the Bruns w'.ek Steamship Company and which Is to be placed on the run between \ew York, Brunswick and Havana, Mmba, probably the middle of next K>nth. H The name of the new steamer was "decided upon several days ago, and the people of Brunswick will be de lighted to know that the first 'pas senger ship of the new line is to bear the name of this city. It is also stat *4 that, all of the passenger ships to be constructed for the company will be named after cities along the line of the Atlanta. Birmingham and Atlantic railroad. It was announced from the offices of the railroad in Atlanta Thursday steamer to ply to Cuba Hry both freight, and pas . will he well equipped and the service will class. The exact date first sailing of the Brunswick Has not yet been decided upon, hut Hr. announcement of the date is ex pected within a few days. The steamer will sail from New York, stop at Brunswick probably for a (lay (then proceed to Havana. She will also stop at this city on the return trip. The following telegram sent out from relative to the new service will be of Interest in this city: “It is announced by the Atlanta. Birmingham and Atlantic railway that the steamer Brunswick of the Brunswick line, which will ’ply be tween New York, Brunswick and i Havana, will carry passengers as well as freight and that the steamer will go Into commission the first trip from New York to be made in the next few weeks. After this sailings from New York will be bi-weekly.” Flfll DOLLARS PAID FOR CHILD GRANDMOTHER CAME FROM CALIFORNIA TO ATLANTA FOR LITTLE ONE. • * Atlanta, Nov. 9.—Mrs. M. L. Mau brant came here today to elalm her little 3-year-old granddaughter who is in the 'possession of John G. Clark, with whom the child's parents left her for a time, which, has expired. Clark did not want to part with Hr little girl without the payment of a large sum of money, and the case was placed in the hands of a lawyer. The police were consulted and Ci Anally agreed toirallnquish the child upon the payment of SOO, which was agreed to by Mrs. Maubrant. rathe than have any further difficulty. Sh< has secured the child and will leave with it at once for California First Methodist Church. At the 11 a. m. service Rev. R. Kerr will preach a sermon specially for the benefit of church members on The Displays and Fruits of Chris tian Love.” At the 7:30 p. m. service Wje last of the series on “Heaven" till be preached; theme, Prepara fcta^aven— When and How?" Hilly invited. Hie Weather. today In Georgia Wtoli*?. | The Brunswick News. STABBED TO DEATH 111 A FIGHT IN TAIHPA Riolher of Mrs. J. T. Harris, of Iliis City, Mot an Awful Death TRAGGED! TDURSBAf NIGHT Robert Wrenn, Express Agent, was | Murdered by H. W. Day, Mail Contractor—Dispute Over Placing of Mail. Mrs. U. F. Norris yesterday morn ing received a telegram from Tampa, Fla., announcing the death of her brother. Albert T. Wrenn. who was stabled to death in that city Thurs day night. The telegram did not give any details of the murder, but the following Associated Press dis patch. seat out from 'Tampa yester day, tells of the inurde/ “Albert B, Wrenn assistant agent or the Southern EJxpnes;- company here, and brother of /fs W Wrenn, formerly passenger liaffle manager of the Plant system,/was stabbed to death at the Atlantic Coast Line passenger station here tonight at 6:53 o’clock by H. W. Day, the United Stakes mail route sub-eon tractor. who hanAles mails between the trains anil t/ia postofftco in this city. / “A dispute ajrose yesterday be tween Wrerin /and Dav regarding Day’s pla-ing jlfls mall wagons at. the depot to Ao interfere with the express ccni-jnay’.s buxTic.ii-.i. Day had since this dispute made repeated threats against Wrenn, and tonight, when Wrenn again expostulated with him about, the position of the wa gon, Day drew a long knife and stabbed Wrenn three times, once through the heart. Wrenn died ai most instantly. “Day was locked up at the police station. A great crowd collected at the scene and talk of violence to Day was heard. Wrenn was 57 years old and formerly prominent in railroad circles at Atlanta and Jacksonville. Day (amo here eighteen months ago from South Carolina and has fre quently given the police trouble. Day claims that Wrenn was hitting him In the face when he did the stab blng and that it was done In seif defense.' Mr. Wrenn was also a brother ofl B. W. Wrenn, formerly passenger agent of the old Plant System. Airs. Norris’ many friends In Brunswick will sympathise with her in the un fortunate death of her brother. LIBERTTTETO BE PLANIED THIS AFTERNOON INTERESTING EVENT OPENED LAST NIGHT AND WAS A SUC CESS—LARGE CROWD TO WIT NESS TREE PLANTING. The Liberty festival given last evening by the D. A. R. was a great success financially and also very pleasant socially. The store where It was given was beautifully decor ated with flags and bunting. The exhibits were most Interesting an a very nice sum was realized from the affair. Miss Vinta Raffo was awarded the silk flag for raising the largest amount on the exhibits. The ladies worked very hard i make the affair a success ana arc well pleased over the result of their efforts. The planting of the liberty tree this afternoon will be the more Important part of the occasion and every one will be out to see the Interesting exercises and hear Congressman Brantley’s address. The exercises this afternoon will BRUNSWICK. GA„ SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, ISO 6. 1 AM SOLEO AID DU RESPONSIBLE fII IDA! NEFf MET DAD TIDE.” N. D. RUSSELL, CITY CLERK. Mayor and Council Had Nothing to Do With Granting of Franchise Accord ing to Clerk’s Statement The solicitor of the city court and his organ, the Brunswick Journal, has a recruit in the person of N. D. Russell, "Auditor.” Secretary am’ stockholder of the Neff franc’’! ; ’ i,(reposition, while at one and the same lime clerk of the city of Bruns wick. Such Auditor, Secretary and stock holder and city clerk combined an nounces in the outset in no uncer tain terms "that he is directly and solely responsible for the Neff trol ley franchise,” ’thus seeking to re lieve the mayor and council from th • criticism of mistaken judgment in granting the franchise which, for a year and more has materialized in nothing and cannot fce , vu*e upon its face capital cannot consider it Russell, as such clerk of Hie ft: council with promise of a inoi.elf-.rr interest, a self-confessed grafter, who would not nave made ch.'s '•o.tlvmor i£ he did not know that the:”: wort ample documents in Brt unvick 'a prove the fact that ho :s a grafter, with promise of an office end a jou and a specific amount of stock m the" Neff franchise, ns mines direct and sole responsibility for the No," franchise, it follows the home cr.. i tal and Sa a Small with Atlanta mi 3 ital. had no showing wPU this lei k. who had relieved the a.-cv ii ' end council, the chosen servant of 'in. people, of any responsibility fo- tie Neff franchise. A strong suspicion has cxis.: ,-d / r many years that this clerk. Russell, had more to do with suggestions to the mayor and council than \y .s dc sirable or justified by his -portion as such clerk. But who would/have be lieved without the first paragraph ot his article to The public tlyut the may or and council had delegated direct and sole responsibility/ to him. a sto'kholrtcr and self-confessed grafter in the Neff proposition to carry this matter through. Of course, having thus delegated all power to him An inis matter of a public franchise/belonging to the if-ople ft Is to he assumed also that they delegated /the power to him, an interested papty, to shut out horns bidders, Sa/ri Small, representing Atlanta parties, and all others, ex cept Neff, the Neffer Ibullder. and Nat Russell, the secretary and stock holder Who constituted “little gnat rus sell.” and we use “little” In Its broadest, sense, sole guardian of the people, trustee with power of sale, of so Important a matter as a public franchise. Sureiv'TTls time, if this thing has come to pass, that the clerk of the city council, oas become the mayor and council, has usurped the legislative functions of that 'body and assumed direct and sol e responsl NEW ORDINANCE IS ENFORCED. Nsgroe* Arretted for Loitering on the Street. Several negroes have been arrested and tried in police court recently charged with violating what is known as the "Cook Ordinance, which was Introduced by Alderman Cook and passed by council some: tlmo ago. The ordinance provides that it shall be unlawful for anyone to loiter on the streets during work hours. The police have arrested several negroes on this charge recently and they have been convicted In the police court and a smaft fine imposed. not take place in the opera house, as preciously announced, but will occur on the grounds just north oi the city hall. A speakers stand will be erected this morning and will -a in readiness for the occasion. Tie exercises will begin promptly at 3 o'clock and it is expected that a large crowd will be out to witness the interesting and imposing exer cises. tduty In a matter of grout public con' cern, for a change of city govern ment whereby the clerk will be, what his title implies, recorder of the ac tion of the mayor and council, and not its dictator and director. The supreme egotism of this HtU "gnat, russell” calls for rebuke from the mayor and each member of the council. Surely no member of it tv willing to rest under the opprobrium of having abrogated his logisi. i'nnctl'Mts and delegated them !• clerk of council. Surely the mayor and each member of council will In dignantly repudiate this assumption of direct and sole responsibility for the Neff franchise. Surely each man who voted for It will take the re sponsibility for such franchise. In the meantime what of the issue raised by the platform of the 'people —city ownership of light and water plants. On the people’s side a clear cut platform favoring such ownership by the city. Upon the Symons side, r,Hence. The Neff franchise, a private cor poration under a -charter granted by the state of Maine, not subject to suit in our state courts, proposing to own the franchise and lease to the city, lipon the other a home com pany, a Georgia corporation, suable iu our own courts, subject to a ver dict of a home jury. The Neff franchise, a. year old ana more by extensions, doing nothing, because the terms of the contract make it impossible for capital to invest. The home company admit ted to have means to have com nienced at once aud had a line iu operation loug ago to the vast benefit of the people. What chance had the home com pany to discuss modifications of thei first proposition with a cleric of coun cil who assumes direct, and sole re sponsibility for and admits a direct interest in the Neff scheme. We shall expect to hear clear cut. definite, indignant protest from each member of the mayor and council against the attitude which silence would place them in. Tim attitude of surrender of their functions as law givers, of custodians of the peo ple’s rights, to a mere clerk of coun cil. Sure ly the people will not stand for this proposition that Nat Russell, “little gnat,” should be the sole and direct arbiter of the people’s rights in a matter of such grave impor as a light and water supply and ; treet car line. We shall havo more to say about this article from “little gnat,” hut shall await a reply to this flrßt para graph by the mayor and members of council or an admission of Us truth by silence. HOTEL CM IS; NUI6ER KILLED BUILDING IN COURSE OF CON STRUCTION COLLAPSED, WITH SERIOUS RESULTS. hong Beach, Calif., Nov. 9.—The New Bixby hotel, which was in course of construction on the’ beach here, car ed in this morning, suppos edly be'aura of weak construction It is believed that a score of peo ple were buried in the ruins. The total number dead Is estimated at from ten to twenty-five. Thousand Coopers on Strike. Chicago, Nov. 9.—One thousam coopers went on strike toda , askl.i, for a wage increase of 3 cents per barrel. COL. G. P. GOODYEAR IKES A PLAIN STATEMENT Explains, Under His Signature, His Altitude in Light and Water Matter Mil ERRONEOUS IMS Ring Politicians are Doing Every thing Known to Dirty Politics to Defeat the Ivlan Nomina ted by the People. , Editor Brunswick News: There has been so much of mis representation of my attitude in re i lation to the city ownership! of light and water plants that 1 feel tmpelle. to publish over my own signature a statement already made publicly , the city hall. I dismiss the lnsluations of N. D Russell, in an article in the Journa of yesterday afternoon as to my ai tendance of a meeting preceding the mass meeting which nominated me with the statement that I was invitee to meet a party of gem) men to dis cuss the city campaign, at whlo meeting t was not discussed as a candidate for mayor. I later repeat edly declined to accept the nomina iiou for mayor and only finally ac celled at the mass meeting alter ur gent appeals. I have for many years believe the city hould owns Its light an water plants. I believe such owner/ ship should he acquired at the earli est possible moment. / This can only be done by presiding the necessary funds 1 believe such funds he se cured and I pledge my bcgl efforts to raise them if elected luflyor, not by increasing taxation, but by a reduc tion of the tax rate./ In answer to iusfiiuatlons made li the dark that 1 liave or have had any remote or d/rect interest in the light and wateiy company 1 brand n as untrue. If/elected I will not In influenced b/ any faction, or an* man or set' of men, or any speed: Interest. My action will be dictate for the welfare of Brunswick see and for its peace, good order a:i dignity Respectfully, C. P,. Goodyear. Farmer Fatally Shot. Shreveport, La., Nov. 9. —is i iohnson, a farmer of Bossier Paris! was fatally shot and his 7-year-o! hild seriously wounded by Wm Martin, a negro, today. The me; tad quarreled over the ginuin some cotton. Martin was arrested SEiTirap 1? BE EDI II DF PARTY DEMOCRATIC 9TATt COMMITTEE ORDERS AN INVESTIGATION OF HIS CONDUCT—TAMMANY IN A GENERAL MIX UP New York. Nov. 9.—Tammany is in a general rnlxup. Murpny toda’ assumed the state leadership of the organization. The democratic state committee ordered an investigation of Senator McCarren. who bolted the organization and tougni nearti. with a view of reading him out of the party. Perry Belmont, when a protest was made against him. sent in his resig nation. McCarren says he Is standing pat on tils nositlon and calls Hearst a i miter. The prediction that McCarren would bo the tr-w i> i'ior of Tam many was taken as a Joke by Leader Murphy’s friends, who assert that th w Brooklyn man will be put out of the party PRICE, FIVE CENTS. COUNCIL MEETING BEHIND CLOSED DOORS Another Lengthy Executive Session Retd by the So loes Last Night LOT AND WATER MATTER That is Delieved to be the Subject of the Private Sessions—An other Meeting to be Held Tuesday Night. There’s something doing in coun cil. What it is only the members of that tbody, the, city attorney, Messrs. 'Ay and Conyers, special attorneys, for the city iu their cases against the Mutual Light and Water Com pany, aud Attorney F. IS. Twitty are aware. As stated In The News yesterday morning, council held an executive esslou Thursday night, which lasted or an hour or more, and upon re.ts icmbling an adjournment wa3 taken antil last night. Immediately after Mayor Hopkins called tue council to order last night a motion was mad? uat the sody go Into executive se-i •sion. It was 8 6’elock when the coutici .md attorneys retired and for nearlj two hours they met behind clove loots. Upon reassembling a motion Prevailed that an adjournment b ■ Alien until Tuesday night. While ii" one except those men toned are supposed to know what u hose private sessions are being held or. it Is known that the light anu water company matter Is the sublet.* of the meetings, oust what is being considered Is not known, but It Is generally believed that the bill of the month of October, which the finance committee or council refuse! o O. K. was discussed at the cham bers session Iboth Thursday nlgi. and last night. As soon as the matter, whatever t may bo, Is settled iu executive ses lon. council will announce it in open meeting. IEODI PUSSES DUE VIRGINIA GAPES lATTLE3HIP LOUISIANA, CON VOYED BY CRUISERS, PASS ED THERE YESTERDAY. Norfolk, Nov. 9.—The battleship Louisiana, with President Roosevelt on board, convoyed by the cruisers retincsseo and Washington, passed out of the Virginia capea this morn ing on their way to Panama, where the president goes for the purpose of making a personal Inspection of the work now under way on the Isth mus. The Louisiana has been fitted most luxuriously for the ease and comfort of the president, Mrs. Roose velt and the other meminers of the party, and no royal yacht was ever more magnificently arranged than la this ordinarily stern battleship. A complete wireless telegraph outfit has been installed and through mis me diurn the president will be in con stant communication with the govern ment at Washington. The day was an ideal one and the entire party was in gay spirits as they sailed out of' the Virginia capes this morning. SERVICES AT ST. ~MARK’B. Rev. Boykin Will Officiate at All of the Services Tomorrow. Rev. R. E. Boykin arrived In the city yesterday from Lexington, Miss., and Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. v. Wood. As Is well known Rev. Boykin was recently extended a call by the congregation of St. Mark’s Er ls opal church, and he is here on a visit to determine whether or not he will accept the call. Rev. Boykin will officiate at all or the services at the church tomor row. which will be as follows: 7:30 a. m.. morning communion; U a. m„ morning service: 8 p. m., evening ••rvlce.