The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 13, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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2 K it- BKUNSW ICK NfcWb V PUBLISHED DAILY BY WrtE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY |BIARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor and ■ Manager. 5.0U13 J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor. ■ EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. ■ Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post ■ office as second class mail matter ffl SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ■ Terms of subscription in the clt I and by mail free of charge to all parti I of the United States and Canada, Mex | Ico, Porto Rico, Guam. Phli'.ppln • elands and Hawaiian Islands. I On# Month Three Months Six Months ” One Year * SOO Notice of discontinuance *f Ads and Subscriptibns must be made t business office in writing. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Glynn County Glynn County Commissioners. Tnc United States Court of Bank ruptcy for this District. Correspondence solicited, but to re ceive attention letters must lA3 ac • otnpanled by a responsible name, no! for publication, but as a guarantee oi good faith. Rejected communications will ne returned If accompanied by postage. Remittance should be made by pos tal note, check, money order or regis tered letter. Address News Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Ga The steamer "Brunswick"—that sounds pretty good to us. John BoulScllleut of Bibb has db covered tho fact that Hoko Smith la only to serve ono term as gov ornor. We are afraid John has boen misinformed. Tho trolley line Is as far off today as ty was the day that the city ooun- J.U{ .urned down the proposition of tho test business man In Brunswick —but then we can walk. If we remember correctly it wiw N. D. Russell, city clerk, and dlrnt representative of the NefT s heme, that first circulated the 'petition ol Capt. V. F. Symons for mayor. What a bury llttlo "gnat" he really Is. WHICH DO YOU PREFER? Thu establishment of the steam ‘ ship lino New York to Brunswick and from Bunswlck to Havana Is an accompli shod fact and In Sunday’s i-:me of The .News (he full schedule of the btenmer Brunswick was an nounced.? The first steamship, a com modious combination passenger and freight steamer, which has been named fori the host port bn the South Atlantic ooast. will sail from New York on its Initial trip December 8. It Is announced (by tlie A. and B. people, wli|> are baclf of this line, that at an early dfte other largo steamers be addjbd as the traffic increases and growi. This reminds u a that out well known fellow dll/.on and present candidate for\ mayfci, Col. C. 1’ Good year, Is solely nnu directly ’responsl ule for the cJkul/g of this steamship line; In fact, Pi/sldont 11. M. Atkin son, who headkfthe company, Ims so announced. nn he was loud In Ills approval of tlxliu-seeing, sound and safe views entertained nud expressed by Col. Goodyear that rondo this great commercial Improvement for the port of Brunswick This incident also serves to re mind us of the fact that ‘Tittle gnat russeir Is also “ cl. ly and di rectly responsible for that Neff trol ley franchise." n /••snchl t' whl h for more than eighteen months has never materlallr.ed in any t.r r't t.> Bruns wick On the other hand It has served to prevent the granting of a rea sonable franchise to a party of prominent Brunswick business men and Incidentally has been the means of retarding tha growth of Bruns wick and of keeping Brunswick's property from enhancing In mine anywhere from 16 Cos per cent. Here we have a splendid demon stratlon of what these two men stand for. The one for a broad and corn prghmtslve system of progress and prosperity, tha Other for the gams of grtft Pd greed gad the blocking of riV-lc better tie rt tkf#e ffftMf# M H fmnSf # "WHOSE CANDIDATE 18 HE?" In view of ,the strenuous efforts made by partisan politicians and lo cal office-holders, to create the false Impression that Col. C. P. Goodyear and his ticket were nominated as a cut and dried affair and thus con’ veyed In ' little gnat russell’s” con fesslon <by Insinuation and inuendo, Is It not worth while, is It not very important to the taxpayers and the people of Brunswick generally to modestly inquire whence carne the candidacy of Capt. W. F. Symons? The first intimation that the vot ers of Brunswick had of any mayor alty aspirations on the part of Capt. Symons, notwithstanding /the fact that the organ of the solicitor of the city court has claimed that It first suggested the name of Ex-Senator, Ex-Representative, Ex-City Clerk, Ex-City Treasurer, Ex-Postmaster W. F. Symons, for the high office of Mayor of Bunswlck. came fom (he name "little gnat russell.’" Many weeks ago, forgetting the du ties of city clerk for which the tax payers amply pt/y him, "little gnat deserted hie office and took (light through the various sections of the City, elrcuputitig a petition In the Interest of tlte candidacy of YV. F. Bymons. Ho 1h it dot uatiiiul to assume that in usurping the use of the per sonal pronoun In the Neff franchise "little gnat" might also be "solely and directly responsible" for the candidacy of his erstwhile city treasurer and more Immediate prede cessor. as city clerk Who knows? In the light of his rooent confes sion of guilt In the graft game of the Neff proposition, why should not he have so planned for his future as to have retained the office of city clerk’’ Under tho prospective Sy mons administration and at the sam e time, enjoying salary attached to the office of Secretary-Auditor ftf the Neff trolley lines to say nothing of the block of free stock that was to have come as the pike dt his game of graft. But Is It strange? / “Little gnat" was naturally encour aged for months aad months; he has been the legal Adviser and gen eral so It As claimed, of the city couucllj encouraged with the success In oontroßine council In tb matter of the Neff franchise, why should he not hive hoped to control that, body add mo party res tmsible for that t'ody ui the question of se lecting the Itekt mayor? But in all seriousness and since "little gnat" Has asked the questloi with reference to (’ol. Goodvoar I Whose candidate la W. F Symons Certainly the people have never called upon him lu a public manner to stand for the office. No inns; meeting of voters and taxpayers eve nominated him. Asa matter of fact over hi sown signature he has tiove’ even announced that he was n cand 1 - dale. So under nil of tho circum stances Is it not a safe proposition to assume that ho Is "little guat’s" candidate for mayor? Arizona 1h democratic oven If she had to lose statehood In the shuffle ltryan says he Is delighted with the result of the elections in New York. Of course. Make a fust like “Progress an. Prosperity" on Nov. 20. and watch Brunswick do the rest Now in all of this political llroll-j ness what In the name of the world j has ‘become of Jamosky Jones* Teddy came very nearly falling i: the ditch In New Y'ork He had bet ter keep his eyes open In Panama WHERE WAS THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL! T am BOlely and directly responsi ble for that Neff trolley car fran chise N. D. Russell, City Clerk." Rheumatism. Is quickly relieved asd promptly cured >y Dr Drummond’s Lightening Remcdta# Tha internal remedy is pleasant to taka, acts immediately, and te for rheumatism only In all Its torturing forms. The asternal pre paration restores still joints, drawn cords and hardened muscles. If your druggist has not these remedies In stock, do not take anything else. Send IS to the Drummond Medicine Off. New York, and the full treatment of two large bottles will be sent to fWr express address. Agents wasted. „W 1 S*£# M Tarter* taaie iVOtLT u “ 1 Mi/fcIWIAK OAiU tUIfc&AV. ’3. 19C>§ mmmmmmmmmmwmrwm rm~ im ■—r mtmm mi win i——n yv Dangerous coughs. Extremety perilous courbs. I # 1 /lOMAr/rfd Coughs that rasp and tear thethroat and lungs. S J J f y- Coughs that shake the wnole body. You need! Jj j a regular medicine, a doctor’s medicine, fori * I /~i rkC' such * cou ?h. Ask your doctor about Ayer’sl UCL C# / (O Cherry Pectoral for thee severe cases. W have ro aecrett? We publish J. O. AywCo. £ - 3 i ■mu w ■ ■nni a'lm ii—n—r wnror—r—wiia—r i------ * ' ■ Big Shoe Values DO YOU KNOW WHERE TO / /w| mumf? PULL/ \ secure them? a *^S!|au!somd / \ Come to my place ar.d I will \ show yo the smoothest and \Jr edeaneet stock of Men's Wo men's and Children's Shoes in \ \ the city—Composed of the vari •L. .. \ ‘ ous Standard and Reputable Lines New goods arriving steadily, insuring all the latest SCHOOL SHOES A SPECIALTY Geo. W. Owens, CORNER E AND L STREETS. Vf Af "5 v ifel -. 5. - U iz-s/k '-Q \ i f 1 ' ;:'i 3 I -J r * i i / -V> ■ ■ cDpv ’" ; “’ m % WHEN PRESCRIPT,ONB A R • JVANTED sc Atlanta Pbarnuuy enjoys the favtir of all Intelligent peopl;. Tne reason is not .mrd to under stand. Iteliablllty describes it exactly. Puystclans have made !' perleetly understood that the.r prescriptions must be filled tx actly as written and under nn cir c>,instances can substitutes De tolerated. Therefore the bulk oi prescriptions 'come to us berausv we and eur drugs and are known to be abtolutely re liable. THE ATLANTA PHARMACY. Tel 310. Sub-Postoffice Statlori No. 1. COLSON HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. OF ALL KINDS SAW MILL OUTFITS. Agents tor ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS. WIRE FIELD FENCE. COLSON HARDWARE CO. A Yeung Mother at 70, "My mother baa suddenly bean made young at 70. Twenty years oi intense suffering from dyspepsia ha entirely disabled her, until six months are. when she began taking Electrt Bitten which hare completely cured her and restored the strength ant activity she had in the prime of tife writes Mrs. W. L. Ollpatrlek. of Dan fort h. Me. Greatest restorative medi cine on the globe. Sets Stomach tJver and Kidneys right, pnrifles the food, and cores Malaria, JHUonsnesi iißti flNigyiaiiei by j ONE CENT A WORD WANTED. WANTED —People to know that Uavm B,g will loan you money on auytniug o l value. All legitimate business, sol icited. Big Leviaon, SOS and 30” Bay street WANTED —Six good agents to do pleasant, agreeable wont, can aooig territory auywueie desired. Salary $60,00 per montn. Quick promotion. Apply in person or by letter to J. W. VvaiKer, ParKwood, tilynn county, Ga. WANTED—Night watchman. Appß at new court house at once. WANTED —10 good nand sewers. Ap ply at once at R. Den Let. WANTED—Rev. Sam Jones’ Lite an.. Sayings, by his Wile, is the bigges, seller ever Price only s2.,it Magnificent outlet and right to tend tory only 60 cents. Don t miss thit. enauce of your hie to make money. ■ Write quick. Circulars free. L. j.i Nichols & Cos., Atlanta, Ga. WANTED. —At once a 1 tin her iui or. One capable of taking stock Good salary to the right man. Ad dress inspector. News odlcc. HillOi.' & Dodge Lpuiber Cos., E. A. Edwards _J WANTED. —Traveler for cstablishe, house. $12.00 per week. Expense, advanced. References. Address, wit. stamp, J. A. Alexander, Brunswick Georgia. WANTED. —Table boarders. Apply l > Mrs. C. W. Floyd, No. PuJ F street. WAN FED. Traveling salesman os.i residen brokers to sell rice on coinmissioL Russ Rice Cos., Ltd New Oneans, Li FOR RENT. i-Olt SALE. —Tne handsome residence of Col. W. E. Kay- For particulars, see Brobstou, Fepdig & Cos. FOR SALE—A 7-rooiu house fronting east on Stonewall street, second doo. from Gloucester street, tor terms apply on premises. FOR SALE— Carpets, window shades furniture and other household goods All oroctLally new'. Apply to Mrs Julius May, 510 Gtouscester St FOR SALE. — At a bargain; truci farm. Fourteen /acre tarm unde, fence; one four/'room cottage an barns; 21 head dT cattle; 30 heads oi hogs; 1 horso end wagon; farmlus implements A Mur miles from city, one-fourth mss from railroad station Party leavlugUho city; must go. Ap ply R. W. Durden. 1000 G streeL LOST. MISCELLANEOUS. TRANSIENT AND RCUULiR boaM era will And nice comfortable room nd good table board at 405 0 street FOR SALE Ix 6 Heart face flooring, dressed to match' Cheap. Benito Padrosa, To The Public HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT STONE PLONT CORNER OF F AN. D STREETS IAM PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WOP* FIRST J_AS AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES 0‘ WHITE ANC rOLOREC HEXIGON TILE AND CURB OF THE REGU LATICN SIZE .RE C“*‘Ul.L'- SOLICIT A SHARE Or YOUR PAT RONAGC J. D. Baldwin The Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing*’ Cos Manufacturers of SODA WATtP. AND MINERAL W ATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NF.C TARS, VINEGARS. SIMONS SPEC'* L GINGER ALE AND RYE OLA, PHONE 273 218 OGLETHORPE ST For ACCURACY PROMPT DELIVERY and PURE DRUGS HAVE YOUR Prescriptions Filled at_ c “ MAisroirs^ Pharmacy 505 GLOUCESTER ST. PHONE 37. ARE YOU THIRSTY. If you are and a good drink of the Best CUhiskey or Finest Beer v/M! quench it i can fix you. See my wine and cigar fist. H, Selig-, 229 Grant Street. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS Let us be your Wash woman BRUNSWICK STEAM LAUNDRY. Cline &, Ludwig, Props. Bottlers of Coco Cola and other Soft Drinks 110 RICHMOND ST, PHONE 12S- PAIKER-IENSELL HIEING CO. All rlflccpc nf FOUNDRY AND NIACIE REPAIRING SPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR MARINE WORK Perfectly Adapted Marine Rail way Phone 16-3 Brunswick, Qa. BROWN & CO DEALERS. MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossties AND DEALERS IN •mm Yellow Pine Lumber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, KILL the COUCH 1 AMD CURE THE LUIXCSI w,ra DOCing's I New Oii&oyery 1 rrn P o*< JfW’TICN Price I FCR I OU'.HS avid EOc & SI.OO I IyOLD3 Freer Trial. § Si’.r jfnd Quickest Cure fer all f THROAT and LTJNO TROTJB IL'ZS, cr MONEY BACK. Cobb and Wheeler GNERAL TINNER 3. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. Phone 313. 313 Newcastle St Call up Davis und Taylor’s stable If vmj want dir' . >r raising your UP or sidewalks.