The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 13, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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MORGAN 8 DAVIS Wholesale Lqiuor Dealers AGENTS FOR ACME BREWING CO Mail order busi= ness a specialty. 224-226 BAY ST. BRUNSWICK, GA. A cold is much more easily cure i when the bowels are oven. Keanedy'3 laxative Honey and Tar opens th bowels and drives the cold out of tue syßtem in young or old. Sold by ai> druggist*. Old fashioned pound caKe, the kin mother used to make. 25 cents pei pound at Leben’s bakery. Ino A street THE ARCADE * BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL HIGH CLASS SALOON FINEST LINE OF BRANDIES, LIQUORS and CIGARS P. KELLER, Prop. PHONE 247 ’New (jreek-=> American l Restaurant ; AND LUNCH ROOM A f • t If NIGHT AND DAY } I NEATEBT PLACE IN THE CITY > , EVERYTHING FIRST CLASB } I SERVICE UNSURPASSED. j [ i I ! ! NOW OPEN. , I | IN OLD ARCADE BUILDING j t NO. 210 GLOUCESTER ST. } :POLETLS & HOOOENPYLE] l f TELEPHONE NO. 480. } 'fb(i styles in shoes at Peqrson's ire ae plentiful and as var 1 as the autumn leaves. CAR LOAD OF RAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE WIRE FENCES ARE CHEAPER THAN WOOD ram- i -t-4- "t ■~ f t ±z t" * 1 fir V--4—r-i-| i -*•■{- •*? h i > *• ■> -- ■*—j: t -m, A- *•- -— *—- < , -* .a *. ■-a . 4-—•—*— *• ♦ - • r ♦- Figure With ROBERBON & CO. on the subject Phone 426 No 2 Wright’s Spuare H. B. GARNETT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR When In neod of A PI.ABTERER, A FAINTER, A CARPENTER Call on the old original M. •. GARNETT. - . 1 - f ■ .-/(/.- 3■, rr-v - ‘ ' m ->fu7 .- . | HANOII A #UU ANO COM* lTf 1,1 Nf Of tAW MILL MACH INBRY, INCLUDING BNGIM6A AND son.gfm, A99KIM tsonoe H. COOK, PftVWfWIOAK, IA DEWS AND HATES ALONG IDE DAY DAY’S SHIPPING RECORD AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST ON RIVER FRONT. Following is the record of the movement of vessels at this port yes terday: Arrived. Steamer Comal. Risk. New York. Schooner F. and T. Lupton, Long street. New York. Cleared. Schooner Lyman M. Law. Chat field. New York. Sailed. j Steamer Sabine, Young, New York Schooner Orleans. Macdoyald, New York. j Special Notice/ All toills against the B/itish steam ship Daltonhall must be/presented at our office by noon this 13th day o, November, 1906, or 'j>tJment thereof will be debarred. \f F. D. M. StracKpn and Cos., j Consignees. WHERE WAS THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL? “1 am solely and.fdirectly responsi. ble for that" Neff? troilev car fran chise. N. D. Resell. City Clerk." ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. LL if there is any style in a shoe you have seen in n; book, look over our stork and you will be pretty sure to And it. Peersoh's. Every late wrinkle in style, but net a wruibio j n the at of the shoes from Pearson’s. For double barrel shotguns go to Sig T.evtson. - 4 ¥ FOR FRESH MEATS, VEGETABLES ETC., CALL UP S,G. DENT & SON 1501 Cochran Ave, Cor. G Street PHONE 427 Also Dealers In General Merchandise Satisfaction Guarantteed. GO TO MARCATOS' THE METROPOLITAN i RESTAURANT : < i 1 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. < 4 A A FREE DELIVERY TO ALL SECTIONS OF THE CITY a i 4 We serve the best the market a Affords and Pay Prompt attentioon * to any and al (Complaints a i A MARCHTOS & CO: PROPS. . < PHONE 321. tH BRUNSWICK DAILY VIEWS, TUEBDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1906 COVERED FROM HEADJ FODT With Crusted Scaly Eczema When One Month Old Could Brush Scales Off Body Young Lady is Now 17 Years Old and Skin is Without a Scar —Cured By CUTICURA REMEDIES AT EXPENSE OF $4,50 “When I was one month old I was taken with eczema. After being under the treatment ol two doctors for one month and no improvement, my mother was advised by a druggist to try Cutieura Soap and Ointment. I was one crust of sores from head to foot. My mother could brush the scales off my body; and my finger and toe nails fell. After using six cakes of Cutieura Soap and about as much Cutieura Oint ment I was completely cured. I am now seventeen years old and my skin has not a scar. I am still finding wonders in Cuti cura; after washing a fever blister two days it was completely gone.” Your Cutieura friend, Miss Lola Glasscock, Oct. 27, 1905. Marksville, La. The attention of parents is called to the fact that, the Cutieura. Remedies were used on a one month old baby with complete success, proving what we have always claimed that these great curatives are so pure, so sweet, and so delicately medicated that they may !x> used on the youngest infants. OJUCUMRiIEWES Are the Best lor Skin and Blood “About three years ago my face be gan to get. rough with acne and kept getting worse. A year ago I read m a paper of the Cutieura Remedies for the skin and blood. I sent for them at once. I used the Cutieura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, and in three months my skin was soft and smooth, and. the pimples have all disappeared without the services of a physician. I think the Cutieura Remedies are the best that any one can use for the akin and blood.” May G. Scliieferle, Sept. 5, 1905. Santa Paula, Cal. Cuttour* Soup, Ointment, and mil ftri fold throughout tn£ *vrlu- Potte.-l>rug#- Ch'lil C>rp.,l'rops, oUk. OST* Scud tot “buw tc ware tea Uu SfciL ‘ Danger From the Plague. There’s grave danger from the pii. gue of Coughb and Colds that ara so prevalent, unless you take Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls of Forest City. Me., writes: "it's <i Godsend to people living in climate where coughs and colds prevail. 1 Cud it. quickly ends them. It pre vents Pneumonia, cures LaGrlppe, gives wonderful relief in Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consump tion, Coughs and Cold?. 50c an i SI.OO. Guaranteed by /Smith I*har tnacy. Trial bottle free/ Notice/ The managers of the Greek-Araer- Icaen restaurant wish it distinctly understood that It tfns no connection with ,any othw wsstaurant in the city. This, the original “quick or der” restaurants / located at the corner of and Grant streets in the old Ar ade building. Poletes and Hoodenpyle. First Baptist Church. Rev. J. 5. Sammons, pastor. Sub ject for Sunday morning, “Privileges and Responsibilities of a Christian:” koir. 8:12-30. Sunday evening, Acts 24-25. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Fid-week prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. Vlbsitors and strangers are cordially invited to worship with us. Keep the bowels open when you have a cold and use a good remedy '<> allay the inflammation of the muonm membranes. The best is Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. It contain-? no opiates, moves the bowels, drives out the cold. Is reliable and tastes good. Sold by all druggists. Ladles long biack silk gloves. Gus Hoffman’s Bazaar. Slue Ribbon Peer. .lust lecetved. a car load of hub* i Browing Company’s Bine Ribbon beer | 4mw> Is sold r,t ail first cla=a an'non Id the city of Brunswick. Befall IS -f<i nor bottle nnd $1 kf> nr d/v/ett '? Vfw ,, n'’i . c.r\)e ‘tpc-nt 218 V<tv THE NIVYS’ BIJSiNLSS DiRICTORY.( FACTS ABOUT BRUNSWICK ■ BRUNSWICK IS A RAPIDLY GRjWING CITY AND IS THE BEST PoRT ON THE SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST. THESE /.RE AMONG HER RE F RESENTATIV E MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN AND H TnEY ALE IN POSITION TO 5.-R-. E Tr.E hUBLIC IN THEIR RESPECTIVE LINES. ■ REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS CONCERNS CLASSIFIED ALPHABE TICALIY. ■ ARCHITECTS. J. Geo. ye Architect aau but.iei, belecte j lots of building material ulway on baud. it you cuuteui|jial j Lu, icing communicate win me. I I Bicycles and Automobiles. B. .1. Olewine Automobiles, bicycles, cycling a cessories. Repairing anil renting • Give us a tail. Tei.‘ 134-2 Sun Newcastle St BOTTLING WCPKS. Brunswick Bottling and Manufac Cos., Manufacturers of Flavoring Exi tracts. Soda Water and Miner..! Waters. Harmless Colors and Juices, Citlars, and Venegars. Office and factory 312 Ogietuoruc BROKERS. J. H. Pace. Merchandise Broker. Telephone 123 BLACKSMITH & wheel Wright. J. D. Brown & Cos. Wheelwright and blacksmith; hor3c shoeing a specialty; wagotj and car riage painting. Repaiiing of tarpon tine wagons and timber eaijts a spec ialty. cTou Mansne.d street, Bruns wick, Ga. BARBER SHOPS. 7 Allen & Thrash, / Tonsorial Artists. % Specla’ manacui ist for ladles. /Tsl 476, Ope ra House building. / Ladies Hairdressing a Specialty CONTRACTORS. T~ Bowen and Thomas. / General Contractors./ Tel 154. / CEMENT CONTRACTORS. J. D. Baldwin / General Cement Contractor All sizes of White and Yuvert Hex! on tile and curb. Side-walk builders Write us. TURPENTINE STILLS. M. A. Baker 6 Cos. Manufacturers 01 seamiest turpen tine srilis. Repairing a specialty.. Brunswick. Ga. Pensacola. Fla. DEVELCPMFNT CTMPAN'ES. Brunswick Development Cos., Max Isaac. President. Rrunswick. Ga. We I°nd monev to build houses If voti contemplate building consult us. We tan enable you to own your home. H. M. MILLER 4 Si*. Brunswick Ga. TIE LARGEST FIMTURE HOUSE IH SOUTH GEGRGIA - We carry everything from the kitchen to the parlor and guarantee price - MilihiOT |jfe :*?' ’uiAßANlttr" ISfcfly not to mat or pack . Price.... $15.00 Writ* to u* for price* u>4 mention this paper. COAL AND WOOD. Iverson ooai & woed Cos. Keauy io &ei ,e c,e puu.ic ou sho.c .notice. Tel. 443. Cor 1 street auuj cocuran avenue. CROSS-TIE DEALERS. BrunswicK C.osstie a. Creosoting CoJ Brunswick, Ga. Liberal inspection. Highest cas.i prices Prompt returns. Buyers auuj snippers of ciossties. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. A. M. Carter, Electrical cunt. actor and dealer u 1 electric supplies iff all kinds. In ,-'*ae wiring a specialty. Opera house j building. / / ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 0/ L. D'AiltaJSft, Before hfeving your, inside wiring lone sec Ai. L. lamer, Phone 262 4: / FURNITURE. J Geo. F Gay. General house furnishing goods: .urnsture. stoves and sewing machines oWf on easy teims. 102 A street, djfcnswlck. Ga. HAY AND GRAIN. N. W. FINDLEY & CO., Consignments so.iciteu. Prompt re turns made. Produce, nay and grain, flour. Eilts and meal. 324 Bay street Brunswick, Ga. LIQUOR HOUSES. Cong-ess Hall Saloon, J. I*. Mays and. Cos. Wines, liquors, ci nrs and tobacco. We make a specialty of the mail order business. PLUMBERS. Gilmore & Wood. General and sanitary plumbers ana dealorrs in plumbers’ supplies. 41, i Newcastle street. Tel 22V. I PLANING MILIS. 1 Brunswick Planing & Forwarding Coj T. O Fleming. ,ir„ Manager. Plan-1 ing mill, sawmill, dry kiln. Bough and| dressed lumber, wealiierbnarriing. floor ing, ceilings, moulding and inside fin ish. Phone 102. Brunswick. Ga. TINNERS. C'bb A Wheeler. Oontractfng Tinners. Phone 313 313 Newcastle St. Insurance. hu/i ... bu-ie. 1 Life, storm, .ucurance. We ; * b’piUucUl, KjkAijj L**C OCol LLUi^UUiCO. PAv,N SnUktn, S. Lei*on (unue Sig.) ! The mu reliable pawu-oroker. doner loaned on uujUinig ot vtuu-c i . leauipia rtoi's lor pistuis, jewelry, | loin lug, coots auu shoes. PAINTEFL J. M. LOWE. General house pauuers. Satlsfac ion guarantee.. on every job. Bruns ■''Kk, Georgia. SALOONS. Union Samon Liquor House, G. Loe.venrtein, Mgr. Wines liquors, ciguis and tobacc). EverytP’ng in tne whiskey line. Jug uaue a spe.ialty. SHOES. V • E. M. Peeison &. Cos. When you have need of shoes give us a call. 214 Newcastle streeL Telephone 444. Brunswick Exclusive Shoe Store. sash, door & blinds, Georgia Sasn, Door <£, Blind Cos., Manufacturers of sash, doors and blinds. Tel 3u3. Corner Prince St. and Cochran Ave. WOOD YARD. J. A. Davis, Dealer In oak and pine wood. Jorner Cochran avenue and George street. Te.ephone 266-4. Prompt service. Free deliveiy. TINNER. H. S. Reddi.k, Contracting tinner. You will con sult your own Interests by cotnnijlnl taung with me before letting Mour contracts for tinning. Phone ass. j 125 Newcastle St. Brunswick, Qa. ME3LEY H. GREENFIELD, I Pile Driving Contractor. Wharf Build I ing and Trest'e Work a specialty 500 L Street. Brunswick Ga. i WAGONS AND HARNESS. T. B. Burns. Manufacturer and builders nf ah kinds of wagons and harness. Tei I!>4. 2*4 Newcastle street. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Chas. G. IVoore. TTnffertaker and embalmer. Satis-i faction ciiaranfeed fn everv rase oil embalming. 124 A street. Brunswick Georgia. Wfc MAKE AWNINGS FOR YOUR RESIDENCE OR YOUR STORE. ? .. Lb This Steel Range S2BM 3