The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 13, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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• IT’S A NECESSITY. gAre you thinking about getting chiffonier? If the bureau or closet s crowded its really needed. With a family of children its almost a nece sity, and the styles we are showing add so much to the appearance of any bed-room. Golden and quartered oak, highly polished, heavy French plate mirrors, graceful shape fronts. W believe o ir goods are all right, but w want your opinion. We want them to C.MeGARVEY. 818 NEWCASTLE STREET CONEY & PARKER —Dealers in— COAL AND WOOD BRICK, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER HAIR. SHINGt E 8 AND LATHS SEWER PIPE. CHIMNEY FLUES FIRE BRICK AND FIRS CLAY 525 BAY STREET PHONE 18. ■ * ~ I r _ Now’ is the time to buy if you expect to share in profits which are bound to follow the upbuilding of Greater Brunswick. Below We Give a Few Bargains We’re no Quacks In our business. Our store en joys a reputation second to non* for tha honesty of its offerings If in need of any Drugs and Medicines we want you to call on us ant see what we have. You’ll be satisfied and find exactly what you’re looking for. We aim to please, and offer the best ot drugs at prices that can not fall to attract the closest buyer. Make us a call and convince yourself. Smith’s Pharmacy NICE HOME NEAR THE CITY, SEVERAL ACHES 01* GROUND. WELL LOCATED RESIDENCE ON GLOUCESTER BTREET, $3,200. TWO NICE COTTAGES ON E BTR“ ET, $1,600. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, CLOBi IN $1,700. RESIDENCE ON E STREET, NEAR F, $2,250. RESIDENCE ON G BTREET NEAR ELLIS. $3,000. PRETTY HOUSE ON REYNOLDS STFIEET, LARGE LOT, $5,500. NICE HOME FACING THE PARK, 3,500. PRETTY RESIDENCE ON UNION BT.CLOSE IN, HOUSE IN REAR. $4.50f LARGE DOUBLE HOUSE, UNION ST LARGE HOUSE IN REAR, $7,500, Information to parties inquiring. Call on,'phone or address BROBSTON, FENDIG & COMPANY. fMf StWtWfeK OAfLV Ntwt, <?UiiBAV, NGViMM* If, AT THE GRAND “The One Woman" Tonight. "Better than ‘The Clansman,’ ” Is the verdict of most everyone who ha? witnessed the especially selected company which, under the personal direction of Thomas Dixon, Jr., i3 presenting “The One Woman” en tour of the South. This is Extrava gant praise for this new /play, as "The Clansman” was the /nost sen sational theatrical succesa'in the last decade. But "The One 'Woman” as a play has greater drastic possibil ities and a greater story than any comedy-drama./now extant. “The One Woman” conn;any wil! ap pear at the Grand tonight Seats now on sale at box offi.e. CAPU DINE > wSJt&GF-* ir CURES aches “ And Nervousness Trial bottle 100 Aidragsiima Notice. AH parties are forbidden from cut ting or removing any wood lumber or other effects from the lands be longing to the estate of William Haynes, said land being near the Darien road, containing 50 acres; saids being purchased from J R. Dillon by Wm. Haynes, deceased. All parties trespasing on said prop erty will he prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Hannah Haines. ALL FIRST Glass SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE TUEBDAY NOV 13th. THOMAS DIXON JR. Author of “THE CLANSMAN," Pro cents His Now Play "The One Woman 5 A STUDY OF LOVE AND SOCIAL ISM, SUGGESTED BY HIS NOVEL OF THE SAME NAME. v "The greatest play of the century.” —Richmond Times Democrat "A Better play than ‘The Clans man’.”—Richmond Journal. Seats on Sale a t Box Office. BIG THEATRICAL I GGMBINETO FORM I ALL THE LEADING THEATRICA’ MANAGERS MAY BE INCt.UD- j ED IN IT. i The following special sent out un der a Chicago date line will be of in terest: The most gigantic theatrical com bination la the world, of which the biggest syndicates new la existence will be cut a part, is in process of formation in Chicago. The new combination is to include 350 of tb most important theatres in the Unit ed States, will bo represented in every city from New York to San, Fan.isco, and from Portland to Neyf Orleans, will dictate matters of bo/h ings, tours of all big companies jfnA, In a woid, do the theatrical biufintss of the United States If not Jol the world. / Although the eombinatio/ still is in the process of format I/i. the fol lowing interests are slat/d as those to go into i : Klaw Erlange, Daniel Frolic an, Charles Frohman, A1 Rayman, Vixon ami Zimmerman. Rich and Kar sand t/rpheum Circuit. It is estimated by seme of the man agers who expect j go into the new combination Jfhe properties con trols: cl by the! co/;orauou ar e worth far in excess loy $50,000,000. Accoding tol/resent plans, anew corporation wiH be formed probably under the laws of Illinois. Its cap ital stock will be placed somewhere between $50,000,000 and SIOO,OO j between arty and one hundred mil ! lion dollars. I For hunting coats, shell belts, leg gins, gmn covens, etc., go to big ! Levlson. Orders taken tor fruit and weddin cakes at Leben's. For fiats. i Uood horse and buggy, cheap. Kct ; particulars address Box 33, Bruns wick, Ga. i | I AM NOW PREPARED TO DO General Plumbing OF ALL KIND We carry si full and complete line of STOVEC and RANGES ant, do ail kind of STOVE REPAIRING J. H. fcf OHN E. p hone 397, 428 Newcastle Street. DeVoe’s 010 Stand. LARGE HOUSE ON BOULEVARD $3,000. NICE COTTAGE ON COCHRAN A ENUE, $1,500. NICE LARGE COTTAGE ON E STRt ET, CLOSE IN, $3,500. THREE GOOD HOUSE NEAR HOTe. L $9,000. i • PRETTY COTTAGE ON GLOUCEST ER STREET $2,200. NICE HOUSE ON LONDON STREET $3,200. LARGE HOUSE ON MANSFIELD BTREET, $4,500. PRETTY HOUSE ON C STREET NEAR COURT HOUBE. $3,000. WE HAVE FOR SALE NICE RE3IDENCE AND BUILDING LOTS I ALL PARTB OF THE CITY; ALSO QUANTITY OF SMALL PROPERT TOR INVESTMENTS. [>9ffiyJ>Ropsj j PreparalionforAs | similaiing UicFoodandßcgula- I inis' the Stomachs and Dowels of liNif an is/Children * Promolcs Digeslion.Cheerriil ness and Rest.Conlains neitlier Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Naii c otic . 7*xfpt afOUDrSAKUELPITCHStt I\inif>Jan Seed * * dlx.Setutti * HocKtfU i Softs • ttinisr Seed • Jbifx-mwiS -i IliOubonrUeSoda + UonnSeed - Chuifted Stefnr hitler j peen' f'laivr. j Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Fion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms, Convulsions, Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. At b ilbionlhs old .pllQ<fA-|StIMS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. FOR SALE Six Hundred Thousand Acres Virgin Pine limber, in Ua. and Fla. ALSO TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES TlM> . READY rOR SAW MILL PURPOSES HAVING BEEN BOXED, WELL LOCATED FOR PURCHASERS. ADDRESB Southern Land & Timber Cos P. O. BOX. 177, 6RUNSWICK, GA, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 4 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / % Signature /%\r j\ J[v In flgT Use U* For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE OfN'.u, COMPANY. New YOMK OITY.