The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 13, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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THE NEW IMPERIAL jJL Swellest Overcoat of the Year §§||/ $1.50 TO $5.00 <®“j| Smartest Design Brought Out for Many a Season. This is the Coat \ I.'-',. i'fi~xryr Vou wUI see worn bv aM the best dressers this Winter. Dignified, Gf*! i > j\ ' simple, aristocratic in the extreme, >t is thoroughly a Gentleman's garment lYj *' '' wh li HTr' '' ' '§SM| E * uß,, y appropriate as a Dress Overcoat or an every day convenience. " 1| ’ Ycu can from the picture the distinguished look that this new French A. , ,V\ . ” - Yi||\^i / Imß. \\j ! ’ |||§fijl I Made garment in this style and you will like the /'f||P |I : lll Y. M"S fel Coat. In no other make can you find the same MBa unfailing good style, materials and fine hand- We are •:! local agents for the Celebrated SCHLOSS CLOTHING. yk. We offer you a splendid selection of t:-e best of these unequcled garments Wl THE ABOVE STYLE AND OTHERS FROM $15.00 TO $30.00 at Frlces from sls up. We have all the latest styles In fine and medium W grade suits and overcoats at all prlcesand everything that’s good In winter TROUSERS THAT FIT and everything that’s good In winter furnishings. Come and see us. C 2.50 TO S3.CO KAISERS CLOTHIERS TO THE WHOLE FAMILY. 9riee Hi&t of Sizer THE ORIGINAL BUDWEIGER To Dealers per Barrel $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO ANHEUBER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $.3.60 To Consumers $lO 00 PABBTCELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.60 To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ 9.30 To Consumers SIO.OO EVERARDS NEW YORK BEER To Dealers slo.ou To Consumers $10.50 EXPORT $ 8.00 9. fNewman, 218 BAY STREET SOLE AGENT. Reason Number ONE WHY YOUR ACCOUNT SHOULD BE WITH Ihe National Eank of Brunswick DLPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK, ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, IN THE SAVINGB DEPARTMENT. Tima and Savings Deposits Same Interest POUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED QUARTERLP, and. 9. OAVIS. . * TAYLOR DAVIS & TAYLOR t,{very Feed and Sale Stable STOCK 00 R EALIi PROMPT HACK SERVICE HEAVY pw otrSaMl Staaata Rwaa f *H% BBUMBWIOK DAILY NEWS, fUEEDAY, NOVEMBER I*, IMB. Free Medicine samples !uo not p.ove tuat a reuwsuy is good j tor anyming. It you want to expon | nieut, Uy samples lor outer ailments ' hup rneuuiausin. lou can t attend to lose ume and risk Uie iu taking cuauces wltu any medicine wuicn nas not stood tue le-at oi ume. Drum mond's Rheumatic Remedy has a twenty year record ol cures. Write to the Drummond Medicine 1>,., .New lurk, lor literature. We can fit everyone, from Cinder ella to the Giant. Peeiuoii s. For slngl e barrel shotguns go to Sig Levison. There is only one branch of mer chandise we pretend to know any thing about and it is the only branch we sell—shoes. Peerson’s. Increase {|f|t£j By Eating Your rll lIAI Lebcn s Appetite IIUII Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERS ART CAN MAKE Prompt attention given to orders Give me a trial and join the great army of Pleased House Keepers. Brunswick Bakery P. W. LEBEN, Prop. From stum, light rye, French anJ Graham bread today $t Lebtt'f frftk 9f, MB 4 ftfM* 9ersonah J. L>. uooge, of Fitzgerald, is in the city. G. R. Solomon, or Atlanta, is regis tered at the Oglethorpe. L. Weiss leaves this week to spend some tune in New York. Col. W. E. Kay, of Jacksonville, was in the city yesterday. J. S. Hinson, oi Columbus, Ga., spent yesterday In the city. C. B. Bryans, of Atlanta, was a visitor to the city yesterday. O. E. Glddens. of McDonald,, Ga., Is in the city for a few days/ C. B. Conyers is spending a few days in liainbridge on legalAbusines*. W. ‘F. Combs, of Mftcon, was among the visitors to jme city yes teray. j W. A. Jones and bf. W. Brown, of Liberty county, are /spending a few days in the city. / B. Padrosh leavafe today on a busl 1 ness trip to Penpacula, Mobile and other gulf i^orts./ W. R. Behch,/a prominent citizen cf Waycrossi wpa among the visitors to the city ) yesterday. Rev. Boykin/ who has been •pend ing a few tins in the city, left yes terday for hib home in Mississippi. G. C. Smith, the clever superin tendent of the A., B. and A., was shaking hands with his many friends la the city yesterday. E. L. Bergstrom, deputy Internal revenue collector, with headquarter In Atlanta, was in the city yeaterda' on huaineaa connected with his of fl:e. True and tried friends of the faro lly—Dewitt* Mire Early Riser* Best fur results and best to take Rosy cheeks and sparkilua eyes foe these dependanle nttie ■!Sle trlp * 97 9oM fry UJ drufglit# FALL MEANS COAL -AND WOOD V'E WISH T 0 ANNOUNCE THAT WF ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSI- — 1 NESS AND HAVE A LARGE - STOCK OF COAL AND WOOD AL WAYS ON HAND. 3IVE US A TRIAL HN COAUWOOD CO. !OR I STREET AND COCHRAN AVE PHONE 448. Let Us Build Yo ur HOME WE DO OENERAL CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Or ALL KINDS. SO TIMATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE, BOWEN & THOMAS, 512 Monk St Telephone 154. 6