The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 13, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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8 VETERANS OFF TO THE BIG REUNION NUMBER OP OLD SOLDIERS FROM THIS CITY TAKING IT IN AT SAVANNAH. Thu annual state reunion of Con federate veteruns will open In Sa vannah today and It Is expected to be one of the largest and most suc cessful neld In recent years. Many old soldiers from all sections of the state will he present. The .Brunswick delegation, includ ing the delegates and a number of others, left yesterday am! will be present when the reunion opens this morning. Among those who are at tending from Brunswick are: Judge Horace Dart, W. B. Buroughs, J. It. Doerfllnger, L. J. Leavy, W. VV. Way and others. Miss Kate Hall, who was appointed maid of honor for the South Georgia brlgardo by Com mander Sweat, accompanied the vet erans yesterday. The local soldiers are anticipating a big time in Savannah. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought WHERE WAS THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL? "I am solely and directly responsl hie for that. Neff trolley car fran chise. N. D. Rusaoll, City Clerk.” For double barrol shotguns go to Slg I.evlaon. pine Srees I CAN FURNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTICE, CABBAGE, MAG NOLI A, SYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK AND UMBRELL TRESS GIVE ME A TRIAL. D, B. PYLEB , *23 E Street <*EAL ESTATE LOANS AND INVESTMENTS See us for tho best city prop erty. Bargains in all kinds of real estate. BOYD & CO. 110 Newcastle St. Phone 30t Lffi I HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN, BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN DRI NV.VICK, AND YOU ARE lIMVn ED TO CALL AND EXAMINE saMc EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE, AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, ANO EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELY GUARAN TEED. ED C. BRUCE Newcastle end 01 evaeater St For jrtetole,' esrtrtdgae, riflae, dirk*. WJUW. LartKxa. ALL KIT CLAM 1A149N1 Nll uamva*rs rye, * NEGRO WAS SROI ' BY POLICEMAN FORMER BRUNSWICK OFFICER USED HIS GUN IN AL BANY FIGHT. The following from the Albany Herald will be of Interest In tills city, where Officer McCaskill resided until a few years ago: ‘‘Because Max Springer, colored, resisted arrest by striking ana breaking a knuckle on the left hand of Policeman McCaskill, the latter shot Springer, while he was running, the shot taking effect In the calf of Springer’s right leg. This excitin' and shooting occurred iu Sand-' Bottom alrpost near Mullis’ bar, a' - about I o’clock today. Policeman McCaskill held a wa j rant for Max Springer, itt?ued It: Donkonide. in Decatur county, and when he attempted the arrest th negro immediately began hitting at the officer with a piece of iron, ap parently In the shape of a hinge, breaking the knuckle on the left hand. After jure negro had been shot In the calf of the leg he con tinued to run until he had rcachc' the ibackyard of the residence of Mr Monroe Thompson, at which jila e he was caught by the pursuing office' in the attempt to leap the fence in the rear of the residence. The nc\,to never ceased to fight and struggle for release until be was placed in the guard-house. WHERE WA3 THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL! ‘‘l am solely and directly responst J ble for that Neff trolley car fran chise N. D. Russell. City Clork .” Rheumatism Is QUtckly relieved and promptly cure.! by Dk Drummond's Lightening Remedies. The internal remedy is pleasant to take, acts immediately, and Is fer rheumatism only In all Its torturing forms. The externa! pro paration restores stiff joint3. rlrawu cords and hardened muscles. II your druggist has uot these remedies In stock, do not take anything else., Send $5 to the Drummond Medicine! (to.. New York, aud the full treatment of two large bottles will be sent to your express address. Agents wanted For hunting coats, shell belts, leg gins, gain coveou, etc., go to sig Levlson. WHERE WAS THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL? “I am solely and directly responsll ble for that Neff trolley car fran chise. N. D. Russell. City Clerk.” “Meet me at The MECCA.” THE up-todate resort FO<- GENTLEMEN. POLITE AND PROMPT SERVICE All high grade goods in the beer whiskey and ci gar line. BARGAINS -IN REAL ESTATE Are you looking for a homo, a farm, a good-paying busi ness, or a good investment for your aurpTu* money? We can pleate yoj a* we have on our flat a large aaaortment of property, Uoeo thla interest you? Seven-room, two-et*y reel dence, nicely fl- >,..-*d, gas, hot and cold water, batn room, etc., In pood residence district ONLY $2,000 New five-ream cottage an Un. lon atraet. Medal aattaee. All eenvaniencea- 52460- Cleat in. CLAY & CORNEILOUS Oglethorpe Hotel Building. ErjBTAB * —.- s. ... ■. _ 'Mi tfl.ltV U I*l. +UHSJAY, ©viMit it 1101 W £ havi: m 10 FIT YOIR FEfcl YOU HAVE THE EEET TO Fil OUR SHOES LET'S TRADE m m PUS’S 214 NEWCASTLE ST. INTERESTING STORE NEWS Ladiis Hand Bags 75c to $1 Fancy Handle Umbrellas $1 Childrens Woolen Mittens 10c Childrens Woolen Leggins .. ..10c Beautiful Wash Ties 10c Hearth Ercoirs 10c Toilet Paper, 7 rolls 25c j Our candies are the Best Goods ever offered for the Money---Fresh shipments every week, Per ib io c Fresh Fig Bars, elsewhere 20c. . . 10c Water Bottles 15c Chrysanthemum Vases 100 Dainty Fruit Bowls 10c Celery Tray ioc " "" -- Five Piece Table Set 75c Candle Sticks 10c Sugar Disl es ioc |McClure’s 10c. store COMFORTING WORDS. Many a Brunswick Household Will Find Them So.. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed; to be' entirely free from annoying, dangerous urinary dis orders is enough to make m* kidnej sufferer grateful. To tell how this great change can be brought about will prove comforting words to hun dreds of Brunswick readers. James C. Adams, carpenter, resld ing at 234 Oglethorpe avenue, east Sa vannoli, Ga., says: “I used Doan’s Kidney Rills for backache and diffi culty with the kidney secretions. My 'jack ached constantly and the pain across the loins was so severe at Limes as to make me lay off work. ne secretions from the kidneys were strong, had a dark color, were full of sediment, and scalded like coals of fire. I v.sed many remedies, but nothing had any effect. My health was run down on account of my rest being broken so much at night, and 1 would get up in the morning tired and worn out. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised and got a box of them. They gave mo new life, al though 1 had little faith left in any medicine. Since using the pills my back has become regular and normal. 1 attribute my cure entirely to Doan's Kidney Pills, and you can use my name to Oils effect.” Plenty more proof like this from Brunswick people. Call at Manoes drug store and ask what customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. AMERICA! I j -=AND== TIMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN OROSSTIES AND LUMSCR New Yerk Office Ne. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN, ilngr. BRUNSWICK, QA. A COMPLETE LINS OF SHOE!, VERY LATIST STYLES AT! B. MIS SB AIM WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF GERMAN DELICASSEEB WHICH ARE NOW ON SALE, AND GIVE BELOW A LIST OF A FEW SPECIALTIES ALWAYB IN STOCK, AND INVITE OUR FRIENDS TO CALL AND SEE US FOR A uoOD Lunch, Breakfast, Dinner, Supper SAUSAGES Frank-furters Balogrte Rings Knackwurst Salami Pastrami Cervelate Smoke tongues Smoke cheeks Corn beef Head cheese Liver sausage noose liver sausage t WE HAVE ALSO JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF PICK f LES, INCLUDING THE FAN! OUS MAGDEBURGER DILL PICK- I LES. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND ,- IF YOU ONCE CALL AND SEC uS we feel sure YOU WILL f BE PLEASED, “ W ' U : B. NllSSmiM i 303 Newcastle. Phone 229 FANNING TIME WS HAVE A SEW SECOND HAND SAN* (A* OOOD A* NEW) WHICH WE AMI SELLING AT MOO TO M.OO. SUSSLV LIMITED. SEE OS AT ONCE IS YOU WANT ON*. we ALSO HAVE A SUSSLY OS BRAND NEW SANS riutuel Light & Water Cos. Splendid Shears, value 15c .. ..10c Good Deck Playing Cards 10c New Parlor Games, cards, val 50 ..40 A practical toy Typewriter .. . .$1 New Shipment “Preseut” Syrup Pitchers, value 50c 35c Ash Pans Two Quart Enamel Sauce Pan ..16c Rice Double Boilers, good slz© . ,500 Mens and Boy# Hats 7/ .. .. .'.Toe Crank Sifter ..ipc -- _ . a Work Baskets ..10c — t Anew line Tabiets 60 and 100 Buggy Whips iq c CHEESE Swiss Newchateil Promage du brie Limbu.ger Phil, creams Edams Pineapple Ro.ktord Minster Caviar Brick Handcheese numerous others. FISH Stergeon Salmon Spratts Bioaders Mackerel Her, ing Sarde.les Sardines Brook trout Herring Cod fish Anchovie