The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 15, 1906, Image 1

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The Brunswick News. VOLUME 6, NUMBER 45. TUT fM F PRO! !ITfOH ill I Sin i UiiLL 11LUy Ly S soi* filsb jgiuv pniiypii Qionpm n ifo i uuunuiL mi § sioijiiL.ii ii PROVIDED FOR SHE OF LIGHT HD WATER 00. 1 Sot CouncilHefusEd to Have; it M and it Eisd in a Seers! Session _ THE lit READ! TO SELL Resolution Included a Letter from President of the Company, An nouncing That City Could V Purchase the Piant. .✓Those people who rd The News, and we are in the statement that they ars numerous, must have felt some wonderment at the pe culiar fate that met Alderman C-ule’s resolution at like called meeting ci city council Tuesday night. It is rather an unufeual thing for the may or to call some mem ter of ccdfneii to his seat in order to paru/i'paY m the discussion cf any rtiai/u- be fore council. It is a strikj/g one when the rna yor does this iJ> a ci. clerk is in t ie act o‘; readi/g a res olution intro lured properly and cor "Wfclv by a nember of tbje council. ■ \Ga>c -esolutiou winch was s: f /by tie chief executive and / died in the se/ret. recesses 'nclavt s of the Executive ses . (fold :mve mi:i ifi much to the _ ■ Aide Of th s city, tJ the taxpayers, to the property lioliers and to al classes and .conditions of Bruns wick’s citizepry. / As we bE|ve stated many, many times and /as we shall rvob ably state Jcain/ there Is a deep game of polil’cs fjeiag played la the present city ”, council; politics so en grossing that e/ery interest cf the people is for|;oen !;• this mad an,, reprehensible- aamo of making good with the people. The News /up to this time has never brought the Mutual Light anu Water Company into this campaign. It has no place in it, except in the imagination of the pol'Ucions w‘-.< dominate the affairs of the city coun cil. The Gale resolution was sim ply one providing for a complete adjustment of the differences long pending between ithe mayor and council and the Mutual Light and Water Company. It incorporated .statement from the president of the Mutual Light and Water Company to the effect that the company was perfectly willing to sell its plant to the city and would do so in prefer ence to all other bidders and would aid the city la the matter of financ ing the proposition Now, Mr. mayor and council, why didn’t you accept the proposition Why did you hedge on it? Why di you silence a resolution, introduced oy a member of ycur own body who exercised his free right as. a member of your own organization 7 Why was this resolution consigned to oblivion in the private apart ments of your city hall and in a secret session? Why was it neces sary to cut out free speech anri why did you not take the people o Brunswick, whose servants you are Into your confidence and give them the benefit o£ that Gale resolution? We will tell you why. and the people of Brunswick, unless we arc mislead, are going to tell you nex‘ Tuesday. It is because politics dom inates your body, and it is becaus the city council of Brunswick is anx lous to keep the Mutual Light and Water Company in its present atti tude so as to make it and force it to be an issue in this campaign. It has *een stated in the public prints, it has been hinted and in eiuated by "tricks that are vain, ways that are dark." that the preseat candidate for mayor and his jacket are ft* candidate* of the Mutual Light and Water Company, and that their election would mean anew contract with the company at its own figures. How does this action of the light and water com pany in offering to sell its plant NOW comport with the dirty meth ods and false insinuations that have been made in this campaign. The proposition is too simple for further consideration and here and now we charge that the only reason that the light and water company was not practically taken over by the city of Brunswick Tuesday night was because narrow minded politi cians without respect to the welfare of the people and the city wanted to force it to be injected into this present campaign to mislead and hoodwink innocent people into the belief that the People’s ticket and the light and water company had joined hands in this specific case. J.u order that people might thor oughly understand this proposition it ought to -be again stated that the Mutual Light and Water Company were not only .willing to sell the plant at once on figures submitted twelve months ago, BUT WAS ~~ READY AND WILLING TO FINANCE .THE SCHEME, OR IN OTHER WORDS WERE READY TO HELP THE CITY RAISE THE MONEY TO BUY IT. Can’t you see the outlines cf an other very dark negro in that same little old woodpile? SIGNS DEBUSES IS HAVE J()INT -y HE REFUSES TO DIViDE TIME WITH COL. C. P. GOODYEAR A7 THE MEETING TONIGHT—SAYS THERE ARE NO ISSUES. W. F. Symons has declined the challenge cf Col. C. P. Goodyear for a joint debate tonight, having ad dressd him a letter yesterday, in which he stated that there were no issues involved in the campaign on which they differed, and therefore a joint debate could have no good re sult. Mr. Symons, for the first time during the campaign, announced in the letter that he favored municipal ownership ot pus'cltc utilities. Th is the nrst time that the candidate has ever expressed himself on any of the Issues of the campaign. His refusal to meet Col. Good year in a joint discussion will be a disappointment to many of the voters of the city, who had hoped that they would have an opportunity to hear the issues jointly discussed. A number of important matters are involved in the campaign and the joint discussion on them would have given the average voter a good idea of what the two candidates stand for. RIG REIS! ON THEJLECTiON OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS WERE PUT UP LAST NIGHT ON MAYOR’S RACE. Betting on the approaching muni cipal (primary took a lively turn last night, and over SI,OOO were placed on the result of the mayor's contest One bet of SSOO even was made, two well known business men put ting up the cash. Two other bets of SIOO each were also made during the night, •while any number o small bets were placed. Two bets o' SSO to $35 on Goodyear were made yesterday afternoon. The campaign is rapidly drawing to a close and both sides are confi dent and are backing their judg ment with their money. It is under stood that $509 m oi9 win be put up today. BRUNSWICK, GA., THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 15, 1908. SOUTHERN 10 SOON INAUGURATE ft m JRAIN Additional Passenger Ser vice to 8s Given This dOCiicll TWO NIGHT TRAINS IITH Announced That the New Train Will be Independent of Train Mo. 14 Which Now Handles All of the Might Traffic. A fast passenger train between Atlanta, Brunswick and Jacksonville, Fla., connecting with all lines to the east and west Florida coast, will Ibe inaugurated by the Southern rail way Sunday, November 25. The train will carry local sleepers to and frefcn Brunswick .and Jacksonville. The new train will not in any way Interfere with the present trains to Florida nor with the fast winter tourist trains that will be run from Now York and'Chicago to St. Augus tine. but will-' be an additional trail which will relieve the congested pa3" senger conditions caused by the tour ist travel. Although changes of five ot ten minutes may be made in the arrival and departure of the new trains the s heduies are announced as follows. The first train will leave Atlanta Sunday, November 25. at 10:30 o’clock, connecting with through passt/igers from Chattanooga am Airmingfiiam. The isleteper will ready for occupancy at 9 o’clock. The train will arrive at Brunswick at 8:10 or clock a. m. the next morn ing and at Jacksonville at 8:50 ; m. the same morning. Connections will be made at Jacksonville for a southbound trains, including steam snip linos for Cuba. Returning the train will leave Jacksonville at 7:45 o’clock p. m., arriving in Atlanta the next moruia' at 6:30. The train will connect with outgoing trains and the sleeper wili be carried to Chatttancoga. The new traiD will relieve No. 14 from Cincinnati to Florida, which arrives in Atlanta at 11:15 o’clock pi in., and also No. 13, which arrives in Atlanta at 5:20 a, hi., for Cin cinnati, The equipment of the train wili consist of one local sleeper to Jack sonville, one local sleeper to Bruns wick, baggage car and day coaches. The additional train will result in much benefit to southbound passen gers and Florida tourists. FIRST RAIN IN WEEKS. Farmers, However, Are Not Anx ious to See Any More. Brunswick was visited by quite a good downpour of rain last night, which was the first good shower we have had in several weeks. It has been unusually dry and just such a shower was needed. The 1 armors, however, have been pleased withj the dry weather as this is harvesting time with them am no rain is desired. The woathc forecast for today is rain On to Colon, Washington, Nov. 14. —According to a wireless ip Aage which reach ed the White HT'.se over night, cite battleship Louisiana, with President Roosevelt and party on board, was 600 miles off Colon last night. The weather was re;oried to be fine. The message came from the naval sta tion at Guantanamo to Key West and thence to the Washington wire less station. Bold Bank Hold-Up. Newton, Kan., Xov. 14. —The Mid land bank of NMvton was held up this afternoon and robbed of SI,OOO in currency. The robber presented a letter to Hermann Suderman, the cashier, stating who he was and what he wanted, also advising the cashier and bystanders that they would all die together should any effort be made to detain him. Six or seven persons were in the bank and all were ordered into the vault and locked In. The robber then secured what currency vu in si£fct and escaped- PIT RATE SHEET IRE PUBLIC Cl IDEHD Bailroad Msr are Holding Important Session in Washington KIA IS REPHESEITED Matters of Vital Importance to Bus iness Men, Especially Shippers is Being Discussed at Meeting in Washington. A meeting in Washington between both freight and pai3senger repre sentatives of all the sections of the country and the members of the interstate commerce commission Is now being hold, and the result of this meeting means much to the publlic, and especially to shipped* Chairman Joseph Richardson, of the Southeastern Passenger Association, is representing the pasenger inter ests of this section, while Freight Traffic Manager O. L. Green, of the Southern railway, is representing the freight interests. It is the purpose of thi3 meeting to come to some agreement in re gard to the filing of tariffs with the commission and the adaption of some uniform method in this con nection. At present, there i3 a con =id era Mo difference in tne methods practiced between t.he different ■freight land passenger associations of the country. That is. the South eastern Passenger Association prac tices the filing of tariffs in a man ner v.’hich differs from that of the central or the western associations, it is the same way so far as the freight associations are concerned During the present meeting the railroad officiate exjpect to get to gether and agree upon some uni form method, and /then take this up with the interstate commission, and, if it i,s agreeable-to them, adopt it or with such changes as the com mission may direct or insist upon. What means much to the shippers is the fact that the commission hat directed these officials in their con sideration of the present tariff to adopt some simple system by means of which the ordinary business mat can take a freight tariff and by careful study and examination un derstand the meaning of the tariff the rates, restrictions and all of the other requirements and conditions. It is the opinion of the commis sion— and the general c-übllc as wel' that in the consideration of the pres ent rate tariff, an expert and ex perienced railroad man is needed. What the commission has demanded is some uniform system of present ing the fact3 and figures In such a way that the average shipping clerk, or at least the, average business man, may take up the tariff. study it and then be a,tie to both under stand its meaning and comply with its contents. The. commission has stated that this must be, and the railroad men are now doing all in their power, according to reports, to got up such & simple form. Shippers also complain that under the present complicated form of tar iffs. mistakes are being constantly made, but as it requires an expert to both trace the mistake to its source through a wilderness of figures and restrictions, each as the average business man has not the time to study out and understand, many of the claims are settled rather than go to the expense of securing expert advice cn the matter. Two or three Atlanta business men were talking of this phase of the question yester day, and stated that with the adop tion of some simple and uniform tar iff, many, if not all, of tfyjse mis takes would be obviated. For this and other reasons, the present conference between officials i and members of the commission in | Washington is attended with great 1 importance to the general public, and especially the shippers and bust IM ft CQUiNTES'^nHitED DIVORCEVALSf GIVEN CUSTODY . ; *~J iILDgEN TIRED OF SCHOOL LIFE. 1 Pretty Ycuna Girl Ended Her Life at Concord, Ga. Concord, Ga., Nov. 14.-—Physically weakened from continued ill health and possibly in a state of mental aberration when the deed was com mitted, Miss Mary 'Stanford today ended her life at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stan ford. She was hardly more than a child, being but 15 years of age, and on yesterday complained to her teacher of feeling very badly. This morn ing, on leaving the house for sclioo. she protested that she felt so badly she feared she could not spend the whole day ait her studies. Shortly afterwards she returned to the hou s c and fired a bullet into ner brain. The family is a prominent one In this section, and the death of the young girl ,is slnjjorely lamented She w#* bright and attractive and a universal favorite among her play mates. She had been ill for son time, and her persistence In liei studies had further endangered her fragile health. Her father is a wealthy citlzeD of this section and the owner of sev eral large farms. Her brother, Henry K. Stanford, Is a well known and popular young man of Atlanta, holding the position of market re porter on The Constitution. While funeral arrangemnots have not been definitely determined upon the interment will prcfiably , take place tomorrow. SHOW Sliil DOES DM IS THE SOUTH COTTON CROP HAS PROBABLY BEEN DAMAGED BY THE COLC YEATHER —MANY SECTIONS REPORT SNOW. Atlanta. Nov. 14. —Snow fell In al! sections of the south today. In the northern section of Georgia a heavy fail was reported. It was also re ported along the western boundary of the county. It was unusually col“ for this season of the year. Huntsville, Ala., Nov. 14. —A snow storm was general today all over southern Alabama, extending into Georgia. Spartanburg, S. C., Nov. 14. —A heavy snow storm Is reported tnrou-ghout this state today with high winds. The temperature here was 22 degrees, the coldest known for this time of the year. The dam age to the cotton crop has been great ' Richmond, Va.,, Nov. 14. —This state was visited by a heavy snow storm . today, accompanied by a heavy wind. The thermometer reg istered as tow as 21 degrees. DELiIM RECEIVER’S DID FAMOUS RESTAURANT NOW GOES INTO COURT ALTHOUGH IT IS MAKING MONEY. New York, 14. —Albert Thier iot, executor for Rosa Bclmonico ant her brother, /today petitioned court for a receiver for the famous Del- monlco restaurant In this city. It was sjsted that the concern Is making money at present, but the heiress managc;.nent wait not con sldered satisfactory and it was deemed best to place it in the hands of a receiver. 3ar,k Robbers. Walker, Mo., Nov. 14.—Three rob ber3 here early today escaped with the contents of the safe of the Eank of Walker. The amount as cured is not known. The safe and front portion of the rank building were wrecked with d/awaite. ", e tir *LU *■ i„.Ai M NOW HI fICLOSE IN PARIS All lbs Points Wue Won by Wile ol Count do CasMlane ran mm FOB COUNTESS Children Cannot be Taken Out of France Unless Petition is Made to Court—Count’s Alimony Was Refused. Paris, Nov. 14.—A divorce was to day granted to Countess Da Caatel iane. The case has bean on trial for some time and has attracted widespread attention. The countess is given the custody of the children, but It Is provided that she cannot take them out of France without applying to tha ourt, the count to be present when such petition Is heard. But the court can grant the application If the count falls to appear in court, it. Is understood that the countess will at. once make application to uiavo Paris with the children, as it is understood that she Is desirous f returning to her former home in the United States. The demand of Count de Castel lano for a yearly alimony of $50,000 it $20,000 offered by his wife, was lenied, in fact the entire verdict was In of the countess SLEW OUT 6AS lEREJS SLEPT NUMBER OF VETERANS HAD A NARROW ESCAPE IN SAVANNAH. Savannah. Nov. 14.— Some one blew out the gas In a room at the harracks, - where 25 veterans were looping last night, and the occu pants of the room were In danger of losing, their lives as a ooase* quence. Luckily some ono or the veterans was restless and discovered the as capo of gas into the room shortly before daylight this morning. They left the room and came down attiri to the desk, sergeant's office and re ported ho matter. 3ome of the policemen who were on duty at tho barracks were oeat up u> investigate and found tho gas turned full on and the room filled almost to suffo.atlon with the gas. It was turnai off and tho windowa thrown cj.en. The ln:ush of the cold air wa3 the first many of the sleepers knew of any trouble. Ae it wa3 no ono was made ill by the gas. Many of the veterans suffered hardships last night through not finding a place to sleep and wander ed over tho streets until after mid night. At that hour telephone calls weie being received from all the downtown section from the police men on duty telling of the plight of the old Confederates. The superintendent of police or dered ‘he sleeping quarters of the folic© placed at the disposal of those who r.v k unable to ‘secure other accommodation, and in a short while over 100 of the veterans had crowd ed into the rooms and others were sleeping in chairs around the fir© downstairs. In this manner they slept fairly comfortably until thl*