The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 15, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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2 B. & A. HIVING j nsjouag ATLANTA PEOPLE CoM BECAUSE work OhJfl CLOCKS STFfIBnHH J§§. " ; . 5, S.:; ,/ ■ I jjf i lantic railroad ‘•James 1.. Key of the committee. A few-pßays ago all tlie members, with the £ity engineer,the engineer of the company, the secre tary and President Arkwright, went over the whole proposed route of the railroad In Atlanta. “It was found that the protest of Dr. J. F. Greene and other citizens was well founded and that a numbe r of streets had been blocked, a nmn her of homes bottled up, a number of streets closed up entirely, and ethers diverted. “Some members of the commit re did not fall to express their con demnation of the work. A lively ses sion Is expo: ted this aft*rnooii. Dr. Greene and President Arkwright have been Invited.” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of fine Hrees I CAN FURNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTICE. CABBAGE. MAG NOLI A, SYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK AND UMBRELL TREES GIVE ME A TRIAL. D. B. PYLES. 623 E Street. ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS See us for tho best city prop erty. Bargains in all kinds of real estate. BOYD & CO. 110 Newcastle St. Phone 30 LADIES -r. l HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF FOUN TAIN, BULB AND WHIRL 6PRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN BRUNSWICK, AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE. AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY, AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELY GUARAN TEED. ED C. BRUCE Newcastle and Gloucester st For pistols, cartridge*, rifle*, dirks, billies, etc., go to Sig Uertspa. ALt rmrr 'clam '•*!.*¥# W4r UAffVAMK# vt WILL TRY THAW I i II EARLY DUE &DUS CASE WILL COME UP BRING FIRST WEEK IN "’''Jllb decemeer. ■ Vor--:, Nov. 11.-!>!:•* HKcy Jerome said tonight that ;h< nitl of Harry Thaw for the murder Kf Stanford White would be moved Nor the first week in December, lie stated that the judge who would try the case had not been decided upon, hut that It probably would be heard before Recorder Goff, In the court of general sm llnß. Mr. Jerome said that he would conduct the pros ecution. D, X. Dolmas, the California law yer engaged as chief counsel lor Harry Thaw, said today that he ha; visited Thaw in his cell In the Tombs prison and, found him a ner vous wreck. Mr. Dolmas said: “Judging from my single. Inter view with him the young man is la boring under great ex itement, an ; is evidently of a highly nervous tern poramont. “It is tript," continued Mr. .Del mas, “that some time ago Joseph H Choate was approached in behalf o; M*r. Thaw by his Pittsburg attorney, David H. Watson. Mr. Choate de cllned a retainer. John E. Parsons also wa* approached hut be declined to take the case on the ground tha he was too old for such active ser vice," ••vHMK all aches; “ And N.rvowsno*# E VjHMf Trlol twtlSd 10c .UdrtiiisUr Rheumatism. Is quickly relieved and promptly ourei' Ly Dr Drummond’s Lightening Remedies. The Internal remedy t* pleaaaut to take, acts immediately, and Is fer rheumatism only In nil it tortunng forms. The external pre tiaratlon restores stiff Joints, drawi cordr and hardened muscles. If your druggist has uot these remedies In stock, do not take anything else Send $5 to the Drummond Medicln*- Cos.. New York, and the full treatmeui of two large bottles will be sent to your express address. Agents wnoted For hunting coats, shell belts, leg gins, true coveijs, etc., go to Sis Levleon. For double barrel shotguns go to sig Levlaon. “Meet me at The MECCA.” THE UPTO-DATE RESORT For GENTLEMEN. POl ITE AND PROMPT SERVICE All high grade goods in the beer whiskey and ci gar line. BARGAINS -IN BEAL ESTATE Are you looking for a home, a farm, a good-paying busi neaa, or a goad Investment for your surplus monayf Wa can pleaae yoj as we have on cur Hat a large assortment of property. Does thle Interest you? Seven-room, two-atn“y resi dence, nicely 11* a■i*d, gas, hot and oold water, bath room. etc.. In good residence district ONLY $2,000 New five-room cottage on Un ion street. Model eottage. All convenience*. t&SSO. Close In. • CLAY & COANEILOUS Oglethorpe Hotel Building. for me*; rubbers tot w pfhbMi for MXUree at Pawn ftt< ifil/NiMtfte*. *y*g<M.Y, .NGYSMfIM < w HAVt SPfirf 1 nutu TO FIT YOlli mi YOU HAVE THE lEET TO Fll OUR SHOES LET’S TRADE m m PEEISOrS 214 NEWCASTLE ST. MORE GOOD NEWS SEE OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIAL DISPLAY OF A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF Ik J „ P> -■ t ENAMEL WARE IN JEWELRY and BASKETS Newline Kibbons. “ rth 1 CHOICE 10c ail widths and col -0 ors, yd 10c Ladies Fisvce lined Undervests 19c ’ Childrens '//inter Weight Stock ings 3 for 25c, Childrens Wool Leggings, ali cot or& - - lCc Childrens Mittens Wool all col- C -'S - - - - , 10c j Esfoy Caps, Winter Goods choice 25c ' LrdfC''. Indial Linen H-n-lkerchiefs • DC Good quality Si"- Umbrellas ..SI.OO Mer.s Fancy Suspenders 10c ENAMEL WARE—TINWARE 2 cjt Enamel Boilers toe 3 qt. Enamel Clshp&ns ,10c 6 qt PLidding Pans . 10c Frying Pans, 20c size . 10c Large size Plo Plates .. ..10c i Just arrived, Jardiniere. . . 150 to $1 I Pretty line Umbrella hall stand $1 | Flower Pots, a !| sizes ,5c to 400 McClure’s 10c. store COMFORTING WORDS. Many a Brunswick Household Will Find Them So.. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed; to he entirely free font annoying, dangeror- trinary dis orders is enough to kidney ■sufferer grateful. To tell how this treat change can be brought about ■vlll prove comforting words to Uur lreds of Brunswick readers. James C. Adams, carpenter, resid ing at 234 Oglethorpe avenue, east sa vannah, Ga., says; •'{ used Doan's Kidney .Bills for backache and diffi culty with the kidney secretion*. My ■ack ached constantly and the pain across the loins was so severe at tmes as to mako me lay off work, tie secretions from the kidneys were strong, had a dark colcr, were full of sediment, aud scalded like coals of fire. I used many remedies, but nothing had any effect. My was run down on account of my rest being broken so much at night, and ! would get up in the morning tired and worn out. I saw Doan’s Kidney Pills advertised and got a box of them. They gave me new life, at-' though I had littlo faith left in any medicine. Since using the pills my back has become regular and normal’. I attribute my cure entirely to Doan’s Kidney Bills, and you can use my name to this effect." j Plenty more proof like this from Brunswick people. Cal! at Manoe s drug store and ask what customers (■port. For sale by ai! dealers Price. 50 ■cuts. Foster-Milburn Cos.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the asm*—Doan s—and ake no other. naa—i. ~ ..iui. .....cut” AMU liE —AND O * TIMBER CD. MANUFACTURERS. SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER New York Office No. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN. Mngr. BRUNSWICK. GA. ■ A COMPLETE LINE OP SHOES W fHE VERY LATEST STYLES ST MEM'WJi FCR THIS COLD SPELL WE HAVE COAL SCUTTLES at ..25c FIRE SETS, SHOVEL, POKER and TONGS ON STAND SI.OO LONG HANDLE FiRE SHOVELS. STEEL POKERS .. 5c 10c B. NIJ'SSBAIIM WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF GERMAN DELICASSEES WHICH ARE NOW ON SALE, AND GIVE BELOW A LIST OF A FEW SPECIALTIES AIRWAYS IN STOCK, AND INVITE OUR FRIENDB TO CALL AND SEE US FOR A isoOD Lunch, Breakfast, Dinner, Supper SAUSAGES Frnnk-furters Balogrt* Rings Knackwurst Salami Pastrami Cervelate Smoke tongues Smoke cheeks Corn beef Head cheese Liver sausage uooae liver saueaga WE HAVE ALSO JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF PICK LES, INCLUDING THE FAMOUS MAGDEBURGER DILL PICK LES. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND IF YOU ONCE CALL AND SEE US WE FEEL SURE YOU WILL BE PLEASED B. NDSSB4IM 303 Newcastle. Phone 229 Gas Heaters GAS RADIATORS, INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS JUST RECEIVEL. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED LtTRING WINTER. OUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYB READY FOR USE. NO COAL: NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO, 7, flutual Light & Water Cos, Ladies Fleece lined Stockings 3for 25 Mens Fancy Socks 10c Mens Linen Handkerchiefs 3 for 25c Good Razor Straps 10c ! Good Razor Hone 10c \ j China Shaving Mugs 10c GLASS-WARE—CHINA Table tumblers heavy glass 6 for 10c Good quality Punch Glasses. 6 30c i -■ i Large size Pickle dish 5c A. A. A. A a A Decorated Dinner Pistes, choice 10c j White Granite Cups and Saucers .. par set 350 Crank sifters 100 2 qt Kitchen Dipper 6o t — J . Potato Sheer, new kind 10c Frying Basket 10c Heavy Gobiets each 5c Syrup Pitchers .. .. .. .. .. ..10c —*—• A A A A A A a CHEESE Swiss Newchatell Fromage du brie Limbu.ger Phil, creams Edams Pineapple Rockford M Inster Caviar Brick Handoheese numerous others FISH Haliuutt Stergeon Salmon Spratts Bloaders Mackerel Herring Sardelles Sardines Brook trout Kippert Herring Cod fish Anchovis