The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 15, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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DON’T BUY YOUR FALL HEADWEAR UNTIL YOU EXAMINE OUR NEW LINE OF Every mother’s son in this group of future college met) aspires to lit the Stetson Stetson Hats their fathers wear. Later on they'll have their own. They will learn that for all ...... heads the Stetson i, the NCNE BET.ER AT ANY world’s standard in style,.. PRICE, beauty and workmanship. We ha*e the Stetson Soft nd Herb* K w ilia* in sli the lateat Myles. * "GET THE HABIT” TRADE AT LEWS Just Received A Fu!l Line oJ Ladies’. Mens, Children’.s HATS £ ' T ‘ ■ mm. - Zelmenovitz, T ELtPHOrst 116 216 NEWCASTLE STREET. i IfjL, "L FOR THE AGED flV'i / Growth J^MsjJL For U>. ||m| "THESE two extremes of ' ' ' •t life certainly do demand exactly those nourish ing properties which are conveyed to the system i by Acme Malt Tonic. It is a splendid liquid food that does not tax the digestion, but which conveys a maximum amount of nutrition in minimum bulk. It is purely vegetable and is highly recommended and widely used in practice by the best physicians in the land. It is invaluable for growing or unde- I veloped children, and for weak, listless, run-down I people in general. AT ALL DSCOSTOFES. OR DIRECT FROM THE MUTWEri MADE BY ACME UKEVVINO CO.. MACON. GA. mm Mir m/c A Guaranteed Cough Cure is MORGAN’S WHITE PINE and TAR \ The Bottle .... 25 C. Ljt* ” , ' jig* ; j ' N |rd tiw •* 0. | ) / j J /euallfrinj frfm* t# *<* 4 ..rtOulCrYi / a J THfc SftJtfSWICK uA!L' w*V¥t AtSVIMil* BATCH OF ITEMS AROUND TIE CITY BATCH OF LITTLE ITEMS GATH ERED AROUND THE CITY DURING THE DAY. The iweathtr. Forecast for today in Georgia: Frobably shov <jxs along the coait. Elks Meet Tcnlgbt. 'the Brunswick lodge of Elks will hold their regular weekly session in their ball over the National Bank tonight A number of routine mat ters will ho handled. To Mansfield Street. The force of the .1 uilhern Brl Telephone Company lias in w reach ed as fas - as Mansfield street with the work of laving the conduits.| the work is being rapidly pu-died Expected Friday Nicsht. It Is understood that the steamer Satllla did not sail from New York until late Tuesday afternoon, and that sfie is expected to arrive in port next Friday night or Saturday morning. Little Girl Passes to Rest. The little ,8-year-old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. It. h. Ratcliff died at the heme of her parents on Fane/ Bluff Tuesday night after a .:•>>■ Illness. The funeral occurred yc terday aflcrnoou, Rev. M. C. Austin officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Ratcliff have, many friends In this city who will sympathize with them in the loss of their little one. TO NAME THE MANAGERS. City Executive Committee Will Hold a Meeting This Morning. The city fcxe.utivo committee will meet at city hall this morning at 10 o’clock the purpose of naming the primary to te held next Tuesday and for making other arrangements for the election. Just who will be selected to man age the primary la not known, as two of those who have acted for managers In past elections are now' candidates. They are Judge J. T. Lambrlght and W. R. Cox, both of whom are In the race for ahlerimtnic honors Cal! tip ilavls and Taylors stable If you want, dirt for raising your lot or sldeWalks. Ordei je. taken tor truit and weddin cakes it Lebeu’s. Evai i late wrinkle in style, but not a/'Tinkle in the lit of the shoes from Pearson's. How Nice NEW SQUASHES NEW CUCUMBERS NEW GEORGIA SYRUP MAPLE SYRUP GARDI YELLOW YAMS PEARS (In cans) ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW WITH US. 214 NEWCASTLE ST. ~ PHCNE 307 ARRANGING FOB THANKSGIVING BRUNSWICK RIFLEMEN AND AT LANTIC BAND WILL PROBA BLY HAVE TURN OUT. The Brunswick Piiicrni-i; a: Atlantic band / 'A-.-in, • kind of a celebration on Thn lug day for the entertainment of thr people of Brunswick, but just what it will be has not yet. been decided. It is more than liked; thr t the com pany will turn out and sKe a short parade, headed by thnr musical or ganization, and a nyC/ram of ex r cises will i>c ...- ;;tk - . In the square of the city hall. A tent pitching contest, probably a maze drill, etc., i-> i in; discussed by the company and at their next meeting ionuthi g <b finite will be decided upon. The hind will p/ob ably give a short cot .-t in the j square and an cniert tintng proprari will be rendered by the two organ-! i r lions for the entertainment of th* j peci.le of this city. SPECIAL OFF TO FITZGERALD. Cuite a Number of Brunswickians • Will Attend 3ia Sale. The special train over the Atlanta, ; Birmingham and Atlantic railroad I left the city/ at 3:30 o'clock this j morning Vor/Fitzgerald with quite aj number of /oca! business men, who are going to attend the big auction sale of lots to be held in that city today by Brobston, Fen dig and Cos. Among those in the party were A. J. Crovatt. F. E. Twitty, J. C. Cornelius, \V. B, Cook, 11. W. Oaip, 15. A. Burfcrd. E. D. Walter and others. The party will return to the city tomorrow morning. DRESS CORDS FOR COMPANY. Fifty Were Rsoaived by th© Rift men Yesterday Morning, The Brunswick Riflemen yester- day received fifty handsome dress cords, which are to be worn with ■ their new dress uniforms. The cords are similar to those woin by officers, only they are dif ferent color. They go around the shoulders of the coat of the uni form and extend down for several inches. The pretty cords will be worn by the Riflemen when they are out in their dress uniforms, and they will add greatly to the appearance of the company. CARTER GETS A PROMOTION Brunswick Negro Will Bjr Consul at Tamatave, Madagr s„ar. J. Cr. Carter, the/ v 11 ' known Brunswick negro, /vho left here a few weeks ago tt be United States consul at Sivil,/\as already received a promotion the government, and will not go to that place, but is-now en roup- to Tamatave, Mada gascar, where he will be consul. A cablegram was received from Carter yesterday, who was In Ath ens, stating that he was r.ow- en route to the latter named place, Negro Bank Fails. Greenville, S. C., 'Nov. 14.—The/ Workingman's Savings ami Loan Company, of this city, the only ns gro banking institution in the state, closed its doors today by order of the state bank examiner. Carel ss bookkeeping is said to be the cause of the bank's embarrsnsment Ps capital stock was SII,OOO. tt P. ANDERSON, Agt. L. C. SMITH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER T &.J > Typwritrs Rented and Repair*** DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 76c. SEES IDE SEW OVERGOAT? We want every Young Man in town to see it. It’s, certainly a beauty. Drop in any day and see this hand some newcomer In Overcoats. If you want “the” Coat, youll eertainiv leave your Over coat money here. It's by all odds the smartest Coat that trade for many a lav. Tse Tailoring and the • fabric is the limit of fine Over coat production while the new cut is the LIMIT OF “SWASGERDOM” It affords us pleas urn in show- our gar 810.C0 to 530.00 The price however is meaningless untj' fS you see the coat. jUSarai''/ / copyright. i905 by /. •. i price that tells the -SCHLOSS BjpS*&CO. y Fine Clothes Makers IS A 9CPDC BALTIMORE NEW YORK, \ I*JL, F.'.LL Kf.TS FOB LADIES I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER Di SPLAYHO IN BRUNSWICK, LADIHS ARE INVITED TO IN3PEGT THEM. mwnwnr— mmmm Ml : : >5 L. Q. JACKSON OPERA HOuSE BLOCK. LA MAISON PARISIENNE ■‘the ONLY French Ladies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. PATRONIZE HOME TRADE. HAVE YOUR EVENING, BALL TCiLETS, OPERA CLOAKS, STREET COSTUMES, MADE AT R. DENIZE. LA i EST PARISH FASHIONS AND PERFECT FIT GUA RANT EtD. ALL KINDS OF PLAI TING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. , HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. CALL OR PHONE 311 iict in Touch With the RJest of Us •V HA yiN® A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRAST DEPARTMENT OF ci'ihern tel! Jelfflcue fid toppli Cos., AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW JUST RECEIVED 1907 LINE of GO - CARTS ROBERTS Stove and Furniture House THE STORE WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT. 5