The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 17, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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MORGAN 8 DAVIS Wholesale Lqiuor Dealers AGENTS FOR ACME BREWING CO Mail order busi= ness a specialty. 224-226 BAY ST. BRUNSWICK, GA. A cold is much more easily curei when the bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar opens th bowels and drives the cold out of tne system In young or old. Sola by so druggists. Old fashioned pound caKe, tire kin mother used tx make. 2R cents pe> pound at l-when's bakery, inn * rw THE ARCADE BRUNSWICK’S ORIGINAL HIGH CLASS SALOON FINEST LINE OF BRANDIES, LIQUORS and CIGARS P. KELLER, Prop. PHONE 247 New Greek- American Restaurant AND LUNCH R9OM. NIGHT AND DAY NEATEST PLACE IN THE CITY EVERYTHING FIRBT CLASB SERVICE UNSURPASSED. - NOW OPEN. IN OLD ARCADE BUILDING NO. 210 GLOUCESTER ST. POLETtS & HOOOENPYLE TELEPHONE NO. 4SO. The styles In shoes at Pearson’s *re ae p.entlful and as varied as the autumn leaves. CAR LOAD OP PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE WIRE FENCES ARE CHEAPER THAN WOOD •k r* —! —|- r —? — rl <- Figure With ROBERSON A CO, on the subject Phono 426 No 2 Wrlght’o Bpuare H. B. GARNETrT^ GENERAL CONTRACTOR When In need of A PLASTERER* A PAINTER. A CARPENTER Call on the old oelflnal H. G. OARHGTT. I HANOI'S A FULL ANO COMP USTS UNI OP BAW HILL MACH IN£RY, INCLUDING ENGINES AND Mill ini AO ON KM 9IORGE M. COOK, I-r Ir A' mVHVMQA*, A. LEG A MENTS. SHERIFF SALE. State of Georgia, County of Glynn. Under and by virtue of an execu tion issued from the City Court of crunswkk on Nov. 9tn, lso6, in favor >f Mrs. Mary K. Burford vs. W. A Potter, and against the property hereinafter described, will be sold a pul lie outcry befere the Court House door of said county within the legal ours of sale on the first Tuesday n December. 1906, to the highest ana best bidler for cash a l tne following real estate, towit: That lot of land situate in said county and state and in the City of Brunswick (therein and in that part of said city known as "Old Town,” and being known, numbered and designated on the map of said city purporting to have been made by George R. Baldwin A. D. '837, and generally known as "Bald win’s Map” of said city as Oil Town lot number Two Hundred and Eight (208), said lot toeing in area ninety (90) by one hundred and eighty (180) feet and being bounded on the east ninety (90) feet by Un ion street, on the south one hundred and adghty (180) feet by [London 'treet, on the west ninety (90) feet by Reynolds street, and on the north one hundred and eighty (180) feet bv Old Town lot number two hun dred (and seven (207), with the rights, members, improvements and appurtenan es to said lot number 208 appertaining or belonging. Said prop ertv is in possession of the defend ant. W. A. Potter, and same will be c old to satisfy said execution. No tice of levy given said W. A. Potter. Levy made and returned to me bv R. S. Deputy Sheriff City Court of Brunswick. This November 9th. 1906. W. H. BERRIE. Sheriff Giynn County. Georgia, and Ex-officio Sheriff City Court of Brunswick. CITATION. State of Georgia. County of Plynn. To All Whom it May Concern: John B. Hutcheson, having in prop er form, applied to me for perma nent Letters of Administration ion the estate of Mary Lizzie Alexander, late of fihld county, thiia is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Mary Lizzie Alexan der to be and appear at my office within ,ne time allowed by taw. anu •how cause why permanent adminis tration should not be granted to John B. Hutcheson on Mary iMzzlo Merander’s estate. Witness mv hand and official sig nature, this 9th day of November. 1906. HORACE DART, Ordinary. GO TO MARCATOS’ THE METROPOLITAN RESTAURANT ► OPEN DAY AND NIGHT, FREE DELIVERY TO ALL SECTIONS OF THE CITY . We serve the best the market ’Affords and Pay Prompt attentloon „ to any and al IComplainte * * PROPS. * PHONE 321. tHt SHUNCWfCK DAILY KIWS, iATUPDAY NOVEMBER 17 PETITION FOR CHARTER. State of Georgia. County of Glynn. To the superior aourt of said county: The petition of Lewis W. Beach. L. H. Ha.- m and Max Isaac, of said county, respectfully shows: First. That petit oners, their associates successors auid assigns desire to torm and be created and made a corpora tion or body politi. under the laws of the state of Georgia, under the name and style of the Glynn Canning Com pany. Second. The term for which petitioners ask to be incorporated is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at tue end of that time. Third. The chief office and principal place of business of said coiporation shall be in the city of Brunswick, G 1 nn county, Georgia, but p t.Lo.iers desir the privilege of establishing branch offices should thev so desire. Fourth. The capital stock of the corporation is to be one thousand ui.000.00) dol lars, divided into one hundred snares of ten dollars ea h. Petitioners, how ever, desire the right to mc.'-vso the capital stock, in the manner to be fixed by the by-laws of said corpora tion. to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars. Fifth. Petitioners desire the privilege or exercising the privileges confer! et. Dy ths charter as soon as ten per cent of the capital stock is paid in. Sixth. The purpose and object of the cor poration is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Petitioners propose to carry on the business of operating, leasing and owning or operating, leasing or own ing n ranning business and plant In the city of Brunswick, said county ot ulynn, for the canning of oysters an 1 other products and for the acquiring by lease or purchase the factory or workshop, with suitable plant, en gines and machinery, with a view to tne proper conduct of said business, with the lands and buildings, stock and other property connected there with. and also the good will of any such business; to sell, purchase or otherwise deal in an h raw or canned products and generally to e the privileges and powers, rights and authority of those engaged in the canning business. Seventh. Petitioners ask the authority to purchase and own property of all character and description, 10 sue and be sued; to have and u~e a common seal; to make by-laws Undine- on its members, not inconsistent with tne laws of the state of Georgia and of tre United S’ates. and to exercise ail other powers and to do all such arcs as are necessary for the legitimate execution of this purpose. To bor row money and secure the payment ot same bv de°d of trust, mortgage o>- otherwiso covering anv or all prop erty owned or possessed by it. Eighth. Petitioners ask that said corpora tion shall have the power to conduct Us business as it mav d e em neces sary through its officers, directors and agents, with power to fix the number and character of its oTic-'rs. directors and agents stipulating their respect ive duties and powers. Wherefore petitioners pray that they may be made a body corporate under the name and st"le aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privilege.} and immunities and subject to all the lia bilities fixed by law. MAX ISAAC. Petitioners’ Attorney. Georgia, Glynn Countv. I hereby certify that the foregoing application for charter was filed .'• office this 29th day of O tober, lHib. Witness my hand and official signa ture. H. P. duBIGNON, Superior Court, Glynn Cos., Oa. Men’s rubber boots; men’s, ladies’ and children’s rubber over shoes at Slg Levison. If there is any style in a shoe von have seen in a book, look over our sto-k and you will be pretty sure to find it. Peerson’s. FOR FREEH MEATS. VEGETABLES ETC., CALL UP S,G. DENT & SON 1501 Cochran Ave, Cor. G Street PHONE 427 Also Dealers in General Merchandise Satisfaction Guarantteed. THE NEWS’ BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FACTS ABOUT BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK IS A RAPIDLY GROWING CITY AND IS THE BEST PoHT ON THE SOUTH ATLANTIC CU/\sT. THESE /.RE AMONG HER REPRESENTATIVE MERCHANT S AND BUSINESS MEN AND THEY ARE IN POSITION TO SERVE TnE PUBLIC IN THEIR RESPECTIVE LINES. REPRESENTATIVE BUSINESS CONCERNS CLASSIFIED ALPHABE ITCALIY. ARCHITECTS. J. Uun-ie>nan. Architect anu bui.iei, belecte lots of banning material alway on hand. u you eoutemplai lu,lcing communicate wuu me. Bicycles and Automobiles. B. .1. Olewme Automobiles, bicycles, cycling a cessones. Repairing ami reuliu D Give us a tail. Ten 134-2 31)6 Newcastle Si BOTTLING WCPKS. Brunswick Bottling and Manufac Cos., Manufacturers of Flavoring Ex tracts. Soda Water and Miner..! Waters. Harmless Colors aii'i Junes, Cldars, and Venegars. Cilice aad factory 312 Ogietuorpo BROKERS. J. H. Pace. Merchandise Broker. Telephone 12S BLACKSMITH & WHEELWRIGHT. J. D. Brown & Cos. Wheelwright and blacksmith: horse shoeing a specialty; wagon and car riage painting, ftepaiiing of turpea tine wagons and timber carts a spec ialty. iTOO Manshe.d street, Bruns wick, Ga. BARBER SHOPS. Allen & Thrash, Tonsarial Artists. Speeia l manacurist for ladles. Tel 476, Optra House building. Ladles Hairdressing a Specialty CONTRACTORS. Bowen and Thomas. General Contractors. Tel 154. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. J. D. Baldwin General Cement Contractor All sizes of white and culvert Hexl on tile and curb. Side-walk builders Write us. TURPENTINE STILLS. M. A. Baker 4 Cos. Manufacturers ot seamiest turpen tine scihs. Repairing a specialty.. Brunswick, Ga. Pensacola. Fla. DEVELOPMENT COMPANIES. Brunswick Development Cos., Max Isaac. President. Rrunswick. Ga. We lend monev to build houses Tf you contemplate building consult us We can enable you to own your home. H. M. MlllEßl Si. Brunswick Os 11 LARGEST FURNITURE HIE ||j SOOTH GEORGIA We carry everything from the kitchen to the parlor and guarantee price ■' : ''^TRESS%^ *Ol STUFFED NOT TO MAT OR PACK'; Price. . . . $15.00 Write to u* for price* and mention thi* paper. COAL AND WOOD. Iverson coat & woed Cos. Kemiy to serve tne puu.ic ou sho.l notice. Tel. 448. Cori Street anu -oebran avenue. CROSS-TIE DEALERS. Brunswick C.osstie & Creosoting Cos. Brunswick, Ga. Liberal inspection. Highest cas.i prices Prompt returns. Buyers an-' •nippers of cross ties. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. A. M. Calder, Electrical cont. actor and dealer li electric supplies of all kinds. In Kie wiring a specialty. Opera house building. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR K. L. FARMER, Before having your inside wiring lone see R. L. Farmer, Phone 262-4 FURNITURE. Geo. F. Gay. General house furnishing goods: lurniture. stoves and sewing machine; sold on easy terms. 102 A street frunswick. Ga. HAY AND GRAIN. N. W. FINDLEY & CO., Consignments su.iciteu. Prompt re turns made. Produce, nay and grain, flour, grits and meal. 324 Bay street Brunswick. Ga. LIQUOR. HOUSES. Cong-ss Hall Saloon, J. M. Mays & Cos. Wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco. We make a specialty of the mail order business PLUMBERS. Gilmore 4. Wood. General and sanitary plumbers ana dealcvrs In plumbers’ supplies. 41, Newcastle street. Tel 22X. PLANINC MILLS. Brunswick Planing & Forwarding Cos. T. Q Fleming, ,ir„ Manager. Plan mg mill, sawmill, dry kiln. Rough and dressed lumber, weainerhoardlng, floor ing. ceilings, moulding and inside fin ish. Phone 102. Brunswick. Ga. TINNERS, Cobb 4 Wheeler, Contracting Tinners. Phone 313 313 Newcastle St. INSURANCE. hv/i •. vaoie. Life, storm, aaiuou msurance. Vve ifldCßLlil UUiy lilt* OUsl U/Ul|/UU)tib. PAVwN BnOftErt. v. Lcviouii The om rename pawnbroker. Money loaned ou anytuiug oi vamn. .leauquailcis lor piatuis, jewelry, mining, coots aim shoes. PAINTER. J. M. LUWE. General house palmers. Satiafae ion guarantee- ou every job. Bruns wick, Georgia. SALOONS. Union Saioon Liquor House, G. Locwenstein, Mgr. Wines, liquors, cigais and tobacc). Everytb'ug in the whiskey line. Jug trade a specially. SHOES. . E. M. Peeison & Cos. When you have need of shoes give us a call. 214 Newcastle street. Telephone 444. Brunswick Exclusive Shoe Store. SASH, DOOR & BUNDS. Georgia Sasn, Door & Blind Cos., Manufacturers of sasn, doors and blinds. Tel 303. Corner Prlnco Bt. and Cochran Ave. WOOD YARD. J. A. Davis. Dealer in oak and pin* wood, 'orner Cochran avenue and George Mreet. Telephone 266-4. Prompt lervlce. Free delivery. TINNER. H. S. Reddick, Contracting tinner. You will con sult your own Intereßtß by communt* caring with me before letting your contracts for tinning. Phone 228. 125 Newcastle St. Brunswick, Oa. WESLEY H. GREENFIELD, Pile Driving Contractor. Wharf Build lng and Trestle Work a specialty 500 I, Street. Brunswick Ga. WAGONS AND HARNESS. T. B. Burns, Manufacturer and builders of all kinds of wagons and harness. Te. 194. ?14 Newcastle Btreef. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Chas. G. Moore. TTmTertaker and embalmer. Satis- Paction guaranteed In everv case oi '■mhalmlng. 124 A street, Brunswick. Georgia. This Steel Range $25 3