The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 17, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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THE .NEW IMPERIAL jJL Swellest Overcoat of the Year g||§^ *1.50 TO $5.00 cp—l l ’ Smartest Design Brought Out for Many a Season. This is the Coat 'I I;**™' You wi " see worn all t * le best dressers this Winter. Dignified, r J 1. % A V' f simple, aristocratic in the extreme, it is thoroughly a Gentleman’s garment (4, ' 1 T-l i| Equally appropriate as a Dress Overcoat or an every day convenience. Z"' U N ' ' i Vou can see from the picture the distinguished look that this new French J) / \|| mm v igW You will like the model; buy a genuine Schloss- J U • •’ll I Made garment in this style and you will like the* f I'lmlil K-l J • w Coat. In no other make can you find the same unfailing good style, materials and fine- hand eatHtWe are sole local agents for the Celebrated BCHLOB3 CLOTHING. We offer you a splendid selection of the best of these unequaled garments y THE ABOVE STYLE AND OTHER* FROM SI6XIO TO $30.00 •* P rices from * ls up ’ Ws ha y aM th “ ,at#st • t > le, ,n fln * and ™ dlum grade suits and overcoats at all prlcesand everything that's good In winter TROUSER* THAT FIT and everything that’s goafr in winter furnishings. Come and see us. C 2.60 TO SB.OO KAISERS CLOTHIERS TO THE WHOLE FAMILY. 9riee %Ut ef s}eer THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER To Dealers per Barrel 110.60 To Consumers >ll.OO ANHEUSER BUSCH EXPORT To Dealers $.8.60 To Consumers $lO 00 PABST CELEBRATED BLUE RIBBON To Dealers $10.50 To Consumers $ll.OO THE PABST EXPORT To Dealers $ 9.30 To Consumers HO.Oo EVERARDB-/JEW YORK BEER so Dealers slo.oo To Gensumera $10.60 EXPORT $ 8.00 9. sf ewman, 218 BAY STREET 80LE AGENT. Reason Number ONE WHY YOUR ACCOUNT SHOULD BE WITH ’I The National Eank of Erunswick DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK, ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, IN THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Time and Saving* Deposits Sams Interest POUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED QUARTERLP. J. •. DAVIE, E. P. TAYLOR D4VIS & TAYLOR hi very Feed and sale Stable MIAVT ORAVAOE. *TOOK PO R SALE. PROMPT HACK SSRVIOg Osr E and > Etsaata Rfiens f THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEW*. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17 1906 t* Free Medicine samples uo not piuve tuat a rcmeuy is good tor anytmug. II you waul to experi ment, try samples tor outer ailments Uan rheumatism, lou can't attord to lose lime and risk liie iu lasing chances with any medicine which has aot stood tne tot ot time. Drum mond's Rheumatic Remedy has a twenty year record of cures. Write to the Drummond Medicine o>., New lurk, for literature. We can fit everyone, from Cinder ella to the Giant. Peertton s. For singl euarrel shotguns go to Slg Levison. Position Wanted. Young man, German, sober, ener getic, wants work of any kind. Sal ary no object. Address K 500, care this office. Increase 11 HI II 0 y Eating Your Si I I lAI Leben ’* Appetite IlUfa Bread. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FOR Fancy Cakes. I AM AFTER YOUR TRADE AND WILL SELL YOU THE VERY BEST Bread, Rolls and Cakes THE BAKERB ART CAN MAKE Prompt attention given to order* Give me a trial and join the great army of Pleased House Keepers. Brunswick Bakery F. W. LEBEN, Prop. Presb cream, ltat rr*. Prone* * n 'T Oratoam bread todar at Laboo'o Ml TT'U* A \9ersonah A. M. Gunn, of Atlanta, was In the city yesteruay. I. E. Lovett, of Valdosta, spent yesterday in tne city. Capt. C. S. Wylly is spending a few uays in Savannah. L. D. Guthrie, of Guysie, Ga.. was a visitor to tue city yesteruay. B. Y. Wallace, of Tifton, is a vis itor to tne city for a tew days. A. G. Rungan, of Pensacola, Fla., is spending a tew days in tne city. Wm. J. Downing, of Salisbury, Md., is spending a few days in the city. T. A. Cull, of Valdosta, was among yesterday's* arrivals at the Ogle tnorpe. A. M. Renfroe. of Atlanta, was among those registered at the Ogle thorpe yesterday. J. A. Armstrong, o? Knoxville, Tenn., was among the visitors to the city yesterday. J. H.. Morgan and party have re turned from a aeveial days' Ashing trip on the Atlanta river. The many friends of T. W. Cau soy, formerly of this city, now of Baltimore, will tie glad to hear he Is improving from a severe spell ot bronchitis, having been out of col lege the past two wjteka. ami ruawOfi deer. Just teceived, a uar load of Pah-. >r*switig company’s Blue Ribbon oem lame is sold at aii first class sauiou a the city o' Brunswick. Retail u ntw ner oottie and per dosfu T. Newmat.. sole 21 It Bar •tree: ALL F'RBT CLASS SALOONS , 6c.Lt. HARVARD'S RYE. True snd tried friend* of the faro 11 jr— Dewitts Little Early Risers Heat for results and best to taka Rosy cheeks and .parkilae ayes foe •or the use of tnese deneodsoie nrtta nllia. They do ot grip* or aicfcaa. PoM br JJ Art%sU**- FALL MEANS COAL -AND WOOD WE WISH T 0 ANNOUNCE THAT WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSI- 1 NESS AND HAVE A LARGE —— STOCK OF COAL AND WOOD AL WAVS ON HAND. GIVE US A TRIAL mm coal i wood co. COR I STREET AND COCHRAN AVE PHONE 445. Let Us BixildL Y our HOME WE DO GENERAL CONTRACTING AND BUILDING OF ALL KINOE. ES TIMATES PURNIEHEO ON SHORT NOTICE BOWEN & THOMAS, 912 Monk St. Telephone 154. 4