The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 17, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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5 JrSS&Lfc DONT bs§sk BUY 'W VOUR FALL HEADWEAR Q£j J UNTIL YOU EXAMINE OUR NEW LINE OF Every mother’! ten in this group of future college men kFpirei to fit the Stetson Stetson Hats Hats their father! wear. Later on they’ll have their own. hea7.7he StTt.on I?'.he NONE BETTER AT ANY world’! itandard in style, PRICE. e beauty and workmanship. H \Vr he thf **teon Soft and Derby (ft W Halt a Mli (be latest fttyUfc. * "GET THE HABIT" TRAOE AT LEWS Just Received A Full Line of Ladies’. Mens, Children’s HATS Zelmenovitz, TELEPHONE tIB 21# NEWCASTLE BTREET. Strength % 1 Growth MmL i v Imttt flflil' * For the Ycmntf Epjj| |J| TH ESE two extremes of ' life certainly do demand exactly those nourish ing properties winch are conveyed to the system by Acme Malt Tonic. It is a splendid liquid food that does not tax the digestion, but which conveys a maximum amount of nutrition in minimum bulk. It is purely vegetable and is highly recommended and widely used in practice by the best physicians in the land. It is invaluable for growing or unde veloped children, and for weak, listless, run-down people in general. AT ALL DRPOSTORES, 0* DOtICT FROM TUB SMWM". • MADS BY ACME BREWING 00. MACON, OA. JMgMALTTmC A Guaranteed Cough Cure is MORGAN’S WHITE PINE and TAR. The Bottle .... 25 C. rm ammawten gaily w*wa atloav November it w>B BATCH OF ITEMS AROUND THE CITY BATCH OF LITTLE ITEMS GATH ERED AROUND THE CITY DURING THE DAY. The Wea'hrf^ Forecast (for today: / I'alr and wanner. Oglethorpe Lodge Met. Oglethorno lodge, lOiights of Pythiak held theftr regular (weekly meeting in Castle ball last night, disposing of a number of routine matters. Christmas Goods. Many 4f the Brunswick ur rehan a are now busy o; ning up their C’nristmas goods and the display In the lopal store 1 : this season promise* to excel any line of holiday goods ever seen in Brunswick. | Rushed With Work. The factory of the Georgia Sash I and Door Company is now kept busy | filling the many orders the com pany has on hand. The plant has I been running, overtime occasionally to meet the demands for Its goods. No Changes Here. The Sou: h Georgia conference of the Methodist church will be held in Valdosta the latter part of the pres ent month, and both of tne local ministers will likely attend. They will both more than probably be re turned to Brunswick, as they have have been here only one year. Veterans Were Delighted. All of the Brunswick veterans who attend (id the sl ate (reunion in Sa vannah have returned to the city and they report a delight full time in the Forest City. The local vets were weH taken care of and they all had a pleasant time. HAS NOT YET DECIDED Not Known Whether or Not Rev. Boykin Will Come Here. Rev. Boykin, of Lexington, Miss., who spent a few days in Brunswick last week, and who conducted ser vices at St. Mark's Episcopal church, has not yet jflecided whether or not he will aorefit the call extended him by that church. Rev. Boykin came here merely to look over the situation. When he left for his home on Monday ho stated to the congregation that he ‘was very much pleased with the city and talked very favorably. It is expected that he will notify the ves try whether or not be will accept the call within the next, few days. How Nice NEW SQUASHES NEW CUCUMBERS NEW GEORGIA SYRUP MAPLE SYRUP GARDI YELLOW YAMS PEARS (In oane) ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW WITH US. 214 NEWCASTLE ST. - PHONE 307. BIG CROWD WILL SEE SATILLA LAND MANY CITIZENS WILL BE AT NEW PIER WHEN SHE AR RIVES TOMORROW. The Brunswick Strarrnhip Com pany’s steamer Satilia is expected to arrive in port some tim tomor row, and it Is expec.ed U..v two or three hundred people will be/at the new A.. B. and A. tei mitigfs when she lands at the new wdrhrf. It is not known exactly wh/Et time she will he here, but atf soon as she is sighted off the bar the report will be circulated that he is coming up the harbor and i will not take the crowd long to gather at the new pier. As this is the first trip to the Satilia it. is not known exactly how long it will taae her to make the trip, |ut it is get . rally believed that she will come in tomorrow af-l ternoon early. She sailed front New I York Thursday a I 2 o’clock. The Satilia will be in port for three or four days. As has Veen previ ously stated, as soon as she fin ishes discharging her cargo she will shift to the wharves of the South ern Tie and Timber Company, whor e she will take on a cargo for the re turn trip. SHOULD BE PROSECUTED Signs Posted on Billboards Torn Down by Administration People. The campaign committee of the People’s ticket a few days ago had signs' posted en tho different bill boards of the city'. Those signs were ipostod as advertising - matter and the bill posters as well as the i.alnters were paid for their work. Several of the signs have been torn down ,by same cue, .possibly by boys who have been paid to do It toy some of the local politicians ir Brunswick, who would not mind see ing an inno ent boy arrested or to do anything else In the present cana palgn to make a few votes. It is against the law' to tear such signs from the billboards and if the low person who is doing this work is captured he should be prosecuted to tne full exfent of the law. First Baptist Church. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. At the morning hour Rev. J. E. Simmons, the pastor, will preach from Jeremiah 5:22. Even ing subject, "Hearing and Obeying the Savior’s Voice;” Hebrews 3:8. Visitors and strangefes are invited to worship with ns. UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. Men and Worn on Vnantmons About It, Many women weep and wail and refuse to be comforted bec.n-sc their once mag nificent tre .tea v become thin and faded. M tay line t-j profanity because ti e flics- : ;tc thr uth the thin thatch on their cranium*. It will be good new? to the , r h- t sesea. to learn that New re’s TTorpi::> has been placed upon the mar’cet. This is the new scalp germicide and antiseptic 'hat acts by destroying the germ or microbe that Is the underlying cause of all hair de struction. Herbicide lit a new prepara tion, made after a now formula on an entirely new protein' . Anyone who has tried it will testify t„ worth. Try tt yourself and he t - i.i i Sold by leading druggists Sen,! ’ ?u stamns for sample to The Hcrpielde Cos. De tro't. Mich, For by Sra'cu’.. parmacy. CAli up Davis and Tuvlor s stable if you want dirt for raising your lot or sidewalk*. GL P. tNDERSON. Agt. L. C. SMITH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Typewriters Rented snd Repaired DOLLAR RIBBONS AT 75c. SEEN HIE NEW DVERCOAT? t price that tells tho story. . 1/ A [CPDC BALTIMORE NEW YORK. *V/ VI OI n lyD I FALL HATS FOR LADIES V I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER DISPLAYED IN BRUNSWICK. LAOIE9 are INVITED TO INSPECT THEM. MISS L. G. JAOCSON OPERA HOv.SE BLOCK. LA MAISON PARISIENNE . "T h , e ONLY French Ladies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. - r i > I tIS? NIZE HOME TRADE. HAVE YOUR EVENING, BALL X° IEE I 3 ’ Pf ERA CLOAKS, STREET COSTUMES, MADE AT R. cn^n. E ;„ LATEST PARISH FASHIONS AND PERFECT* FIT GUARANTEtD. ALL KINDS OF PLAI TING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORT NOTICE. HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. CALL OR PHONE 311 Get in Touch With the Rest of Us •Y HAVING A BELL TELEPHONE in Your Home, Your Office, Youi Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF outliern fell Telfftcre erl lEle(;re|:h Cos., AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW JUST RECEIVED 1907 LINE of GO - CARTS ROBERTS Stove and Furniture House THE STORE WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT.