The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 20, 1906, Image 2

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1 >■ i L ... .mi: IV 11. . \v .• ... I i.l^V, Bbtringb of t.iis wore J.-|i n.anJKB u the side hucKh. i 'Train load aiu-i Irani load in j 'Uliadli- goods .no liii.., and lli'W mo ho Ip to do the nocohsuii liina. i I ii*i Jim I viialii' 11 • ■ i:'l '• I" .l.ii'iid out to i , .|.■ ni.ii J >-l 111 Ii .1 11 -a ' '■ < i' .1,1 I i" H A 1 .id . i, ■ ... and Oil elolMng of ali kmds at Slg son m Orders Auu for fruit and woddtn i iikoH at IBi<ni'ii. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. HAL ESTATE, LOANS AND INVESTMENTS See us for tho best city prop* erty. Bargains in all kinds of real estate. BOYD & CO. 110 Newcastle St. Phone 30* LADIES I HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE LtNE OF FOUN TAIN. BULB AND WHIRL SPRAY SYRINGES EVER SHOWN IN BRUNSWICK. AND YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE SAME EVERY LADY SHOULD HAVE A SYRINGE. AND I HAVE ONE TO SUIT ANY LADY. AND EVERY ONE ABSOLUTELY GUARAN TEED. ED C. BRUCE Newcastle and Gloucester St For pistols, cartridges, rifles, dirks, billies, etc., go to Slg Lerlsou all first class saloons SELL HARVARD'S RYS. - WJr .% ---:W n f 'SSSi * *"s * t 'W-mm ■■■. .j, .% ' .V ./".{' ?®i. J: ' _ e- II: r * i t HPr ft * v> V' ; v• I? ~ ' 7. af (:< •.. i, *tnf !• and • Hull' Mi Brunswick Cycle Co^Blwß .lull Radios long 'black silk (Ins Hoffman’s Ha/.aar. Children and Hoys Suits at a sa/- mg of 35 per cent, at Rig I evl-.on. Infants’ socks, 15 to ‘.5 cents valuer*, at 5 cents per pair at Slg Revison. Mandolines, guitars, banjos, violins, acordions, mouth harps and all kinds of musical Instruments at Sig Toil son. I handle the best line of new goods In the city. Do not he fooled b.i business opponents who try to tell you different. Cad and he convinc ed. Slg Levi son. For double barrel shotguns go to Slg Tevlson. Slue Ribbon Beer. •lust i('reived, n car load of Pah*. Rowing Company’a Blue Ribbon bent one is sold at all Ilrst class saloon i the city of Brunswick. Retail if. • tits per bottle and $1.50 per div. n f*. Newmat.. sole agent 21 f jlav street OLD DR. DRUMMOND. After many years of patient fitudv and experiment, has gi\en the worn) a prepruatfon which is an* absoluti and permanent cure for every form of rheumatism. The price Is $5. but it Is two large bottles, enough for montn < treatment, and will relieve the worst case from the lirst dose. Sen’ by express upon receipt of price by Drummond Medicine Cos. New York, with full particulars and testimonial of woj'terful cures. “Meet me at The MHCCA.” THE UP-TO-DATE RESORT For GENTLEMEN. POLITE AND PROMPT SERVICE All high grade goods in the beer whiskey and ci= gar line. BARGAINS =!N= REAL ESTATE Are you looking for a home, a farm, a good-paying busi ness. or a good investment for your surplus money? We can please yoj as we have on cur list a large assortment of property. Does this interest you? Seven room. two stn-y resi dence. nicely fi - ' shed, gas, hot and cold water, bath room. etc., in good residence district DMLY $2,010 New flve-room cottage on Un ion street. Model cottage. All conveniences. $2,850. Close In. CLAY & CORNEILOUS Oglethorpe Hotel BuMdlng. Rubbers for men; robbers tor w> men: robbers for cbllArso of Ps#r rfil'NSyV'ICK &AILV TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20, 1906 W f HA VI TO FIT YOUR FEET YOU HAVE THE TEE I TO FI I OUR SHOES LETS IRIDE S3 M PERSON’S 214 NEWCASTLE ST. Salted Peanuts lb ioc Mixed Candy lb ioc McClure’s 10c. store COMFORTING WORDS. Many a Brunswick Household Will Find Them So.. To have the pains and aches of a had back removed; to be entirely free from annoying, dangeroim urirprv dis orders is enough t mal. kidney sufferer grateful. To tell how this great change can tie brought about will prove comforting words to hun dreds of Brunswick readers. Janies C. Adams, carpenter, resid ing at 2J4 Oglethorpe avenue, east Sa vannah. (la.. says: "I used Doan's Kidney Mills for backache and diffi culty with the kidney secretions. My oai-k ached constantly and the pain across the loins was so severe at, times as to make me lay off work. lie secretions from the kidneys were strong, had a dark color, were full of sediment, and scalded like coals of fire. I used many remedies, but nothing had any effect. My Jieaith was run down on account of my rest being broken so much at night, and I would get up in the morning tired ana worn out. 1 saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised and got a box of them. They gave me new life, al though I had little faith left in any medicine. Since using tlie pills my back has become regular and normal. I attribute tnv cure entirely to Doan’s Kidney Pills, and you can use my name to tjiis efTe: t.” Plenty more proof like this from Brunswick people. Call at Manoe s drug store and ask what customers report. For sale by alt dealers. Price. r>o cents. Foster Milburn Cos.. BufTalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name- -Doan's—and take no other. WEIIUIi HE =ANl)=* TIMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS IN CROSSTIES AND LUMBER New York Office No. 11 Broadway S. K. BROWN, Mngr. BRUNSWICK, GA. A COMPLETE LINE OF SHOES latest styles at B. NIISSBAIM I l WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF ALL KINDS OF GERMAN DELICASSEES WHICH ARE NOW ON SALE, AND GIVE BELOW A LIST OF A FEW SPECIALTIES AIRWAYS IN STOCK, AND INVITE OUR FRIENDS TO CALL AND SEE US FOR A GOOD % Lunch, Breakfast, Dinner, Supper SAUSAGES. Frank-furters Etalogrfe Rings Knackwurst Salami Pastrami Cervelate Smoke tongues Smoke cheeks Corn beef Head cheese Liver sausage uoose liver sausage WE HAVE ALSO JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF PICK LES. INCLUDING THE FAMOUS IVkAGBE BURGER DILL PICK LES. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND IF YOU ONCE CALL AND SEE US WE FEEL SURE YOU WILL BE PLEASED. B. NUSSBWJM .30.3 Newcastle. Phone 220 Gas Heaters GAS RADIATORS. INSTANTANEOUS WATER HEATERS JOST RECEIVE!-. THEY ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED LURING WINTER. OUR GAS STOVES ARE A GREAT CONVENIENCE AND ALWAYS READY FOR USE. NO COAL; NO WOOD; NO DIRT. PHONE NO. 7. Hutual Light & Water Cos. CHEESE Swiss Newchatell Fromage du brie Limburger Phil, creams Edams Pineapple Rockford Minster Caviar Brick Handcheese numerous others. FISH Halioutt Stergeon Salmon Spratts Bloaders Mackerel Herring Sardelles Sardines Brook trout Kippert Herring Cod Rah Anchovis