The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 20, 1906, Image 4

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1 1 ■ t|g§" W. F. • * • Mr. and Mrs. K. I.ovhourne, of Washington state, will arrive shortly to spend ilie winter with Mr. and i \!rs. A. 10. Ley Uni rne. t* * * J. J( lioefonl, who has be.-n guest of relatives til Taylor's 1,.,.. Mil. mil 111 Ml.illU railed In III.' I Mill'!. 11l In I Inn li.iinl ■L ■■■■• I •:>■• nri- i .11 1 w.l 'l,,' ,\li . I’.ill I 1 le’ii rile 1 man been delightfully ion del ed. Jim frees I CAN FUWNISH AND PLANT ON SHORT NOTI'CE, CABBAGE, MAG NOLIA, SYCAMORE, MAPLE DOG WOOD. OAK AND UMBRELL TREES. GIVE ME A TRIAL. D. B. PYLES. (123 E Street. LOOK JUL j ust * or one and consider the necessity of JJj|i owning a Cravenette or Overcoat for these cold days *ffff v sljpy and chilly nights, ¥ .ffp I a^out y° u note the swell coats that you see on Of j jfci M ; the backs of the well dressers, ' f! \ find tor curiosity’s sake ll M |'®| I jrf PH to the wearers as they express their satisfaction re- u ' #ls L<l3|rV/l 1 yarding the fit and feeling of the swell tailored gar- |®j i:i\ * v civ ments they have purchased from us, Cr FORM FORTY-SIX - I FORM FORTY-SIX Back) . sjumuiNT, '*•* THEI 1 ' 1 ,HI 1N ” H 1 lbMl IL ° - ■ - ■— ■ - -- THEI ECHHEIMER I ISHLLCO. Quarter Size Collars WOOD-BAILEY CLOTHING CO. “The Warm Store in the Heart of the City.” M - jj|| 4\ ' . W 'rY’V" .Iff - .l.;- S' , W&SsSHSsmlisimK■ . n 9k BE |BBt t H V 9 l were baptized eXj®. : ’ gjb ■t BBRrTa ■RiCli.ib - 1 9 di' AnJHj'V.iJVvfj*** its iiial)iliTy^9||^H".:ie consider it tnrntW to rse force. Many a man of nVniims impulses who would not willingly harm a kt teu. is guilty of cruelty where his tiwi stomach is concerned. Overdriven, overworked, when what it needi 1 something that will digest the toon eaten and help the stomach to recu perate. Something like Kodol For Dya pepsia that is sold by all druggists. For hunting coats, shell belts, leg ging, giun coveijs, etc., go to Sig lievtson piiEfSSf H * 1 kin tri liai *r for Si:pi-i;4,.h|, Mbni-.i ai|l ,v fl NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Safe ' Sure j HpcMv > Sail,. I ■ hox. frill -....1 irlnl ■ •**••< '”•!* '-1. S.o.|,i.'. Kiw. ,r ~.u, :i*i aa* ■ <**•*> **-u<l yonr or. to tin- f J_umrio Kiuic.i co , no, 74. . P. Sold in Brunswick by Roberts & Chliihi Men's rubber hoots; mens, ladles' and children's rubber over shoes at Sig I.evlson. If there Is any style in a shoe you have seen in a hook, look over our stock and you will he pretty sure to find it. Peerson’s. irfiiNSWfCk DAILY NSW#. Tuesday. November 20, '.9ot> -HANDS MW WITH TERRIBLE ECZEMA Suffered for Ten Years—Spreading to Body and Limbs Despite Efforts of Three Doctors— Another Re markable and Speedy CURE BY THE CUTICURA REMEDIES "T had eczema on my hands for ten years. At first it would break out only in winter. Then it finally came to stay. 1 had three good doctors to do all they could, but runic of them did any good. I then fused one box of Cutieura Ointment arid three bottles of Culi.-ur.-i Resolvent and was completely cured. My hands were raw all over, inside and out, and the eczema was spreading till over my body and limbs, before 1 had used one bottle of Cutieura Resolvent, together with the Ointment, tny.surcs werr nw ll ’' healed over, and by the time I had used the third bottle, 1 was entirely well, I liada good appetite and was lleshier than I ever was. To any one who lyas any skin or blood disease I would honestly advise them to get, the Cutieura Remedies and get well quicker than all the doctors in the State can cure von.” Mrs. M. K. Falin, May 10, 1905. Speers Ferry, Va. CURED OF ITCHING RUMOR “ ] have hoen troubled with a humor on the back of my neck and head for four or five years. It hud an itching and burning sensat ion, and was a very im eoinlortahle feeling. I have used the Cutieura Soap,< hutment,and Resolvent Fills linen months, and can say 1 am completely cured.” Respectfully, Mrs. 11. 1). I.uillain, July 28, 1905. Ocean City, Md. ruilnira Soap, Ointment, and Pill* nr* Mold throughout tlji wMI (I. I’otler Oruga, ( tirin. Cot p., Sole t’rops., llulluU, j~ .Maiiftll if<-,“ ilow toL *refur the akin*u<l.Scalp." HICKS’ mmm all aches Anil Trial bottle 10c At drug store. Drummond Medicme Cos., New York. Gentlemen: —Send me one more bot tle of the Remedy and one of the ~.niment. Father thinks he is al most well. He is free from pain, the swelling almost gone, and the stiff ness In his joints better by far than he ever expected. He wants another month's treatment, and thinks by the time he takes tnat he will he sound and well of rheumatism. Laura Hush ong Sulphur Lbk, Ky. Readv to-wear hats 01 the iatesi style will he displayed a-' Miss Kate Slater s millinery opening Friday ana Saturday We don't buy on< e a year nor twice a year, but we are. receiving shoes all the'time Peeisor I will save you hi ; money on cloth ing. Every steamer and railroad brings new goods. Sig Levison. JOHN D. PIMENTOS Brunswick’s Candy Store. Don't buy burnt sugar and imagine you are getting pure chocolate. Sucn substitutes are injurious to health. For pure chocolate and al* other can dies call on me. A fresh supply received every wee a from Menier the famous chocolate maker. Either in 'nil: or in beautiful pound and half pound boxer.. FINEST FRUITS. CIGARS AND TO BACCOES, ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle S> eet. GO DOWN TO THE CITY HALL AND REGISTER. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. BLENDED Java Coffee 3 CANS for SI.OO A FINE COFFEE IMPERIAL CHEESE per Jai 15c. POTATO CHOPS package.. 10 AT KEANVS -STERLING STANDS FOR NAME and QUALITY. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WRITE WITH BUY A STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN WE ARE HERE EVERY DAY TO FULLY GUARANTEE THEM They are the Very Essence of ease and satisfaction in Writing —SOLE AGENTS— FLEMING & BRYANT Stop Dipping and Buy a STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN $1.25 to $6 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. Barrington Hall C The Steel Cut vOIICC T he Finest Mocha & Java Per lb can . . 35c For sale only at * C AHM’Q 227 Grant St. O PHONE 296 "52? PENNYROYAL PILLSSHSIS S3 : j?©e<sh - or apd banish “pains gVSsg&b# of menstruation.” They are ‘‘LIFE SAVJtiItS” to girls at JTb womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No jenown remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life *’ euo, "‘‘ s a pleasure. SI.OO Pint BOX BY MAIL. Solo. hy druggists. Dll. MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio