The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 20, 1906, Page c, Image 6

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c DON’T mjWkJ YOUR FALL HEADWEAR Every mother** ton in tii group of future college men umpire* to ht the Stetson Stetson Hats Hats their fathers wear later on they’ll have rheir own. I hey will learn that for all MA . ir nrTTrn A T A .,w heads the Stetson * thr world's standard in Myle PRICE, je beauty and workman-hip J W r hare fhr Strtton Soft a’.d lfV>y m • Hat* it. wit the Iwtrit u>!r*. • "GET THE HABIT" TRADE AT LEV Y S Just Received A Full Line of Ladies’. Mens, Children’s HATS Zelmenovitz, TELEPHONE 219. 219 NEWCASTLE STREET. •Strength fte? FOR THE AGED > / Growth JsIgSLL tor the Young ' | npHKSI', two extremes of ' * life certainly do demand exactly those nourish ing properties which are conveyed to the system by Acme Malt Tonic, it is a splendid liquid food that docs not tax the digestion, but which conveys a maximum amount of nutrition in minimum bulk, ll is purely vegetable and is highly recommended and widely used in practice by the best physicians in the land. It is invaluable for growing or unde veloped children, and for weak, listless, run-down people in general. I . A i ALL DRUGSTORES, OR DIRECT FROM THF. BKKWF.RV I MADK BV ACME BREWING CO., MACON, GA. ACtffMALrrOMC A Guaranteed Cough Cure is MORGAN’S WHITE PINE and TAR The Bottle .... 25 C. DAILY NEWS TUtKDAv. NOVEMCSR 20- iSOt? BATCH OF ITEMS AROUND THE GIT! BATCH OF LITTLE ITEMS GATH ERED AROUND THE CITY DURING THE DAY. Only Two Hours Late. Train No ltf on the Southern railway, did a litih* Letter than us ual yesterday, arriving only two and a half hours late. This is the (rest time this important train has mad" in several days. Off to Convention. Rev. Sammons, pastor of the First Baptist • liurch, left last night for Cai lersvilh . where he goes to a tend the state convention of tlie Georgia Baptists. Rev. Sammons will return in time to conduct services Sunday. His 71st Anniversary. U. J£. Clark, one of Brunswick’s old l • citizens, celebrated his 71st anniversary Sunday with a pleasant family reunion at his home in this city. Besides a number of his friends four of his children and six grand children were (present and the ocra sion was very much enjoyed. HEARST’S LAST RACE. Hs Will Never Again De Candidate For Office. San Antonio, Tex., Nov. lit. —Wil- liam It. Flea rat, recently democratic i candidate lor governor of New York, ( was here at noon today for a few minutes on his way to Monterey, ! where he lias mining Interests'. He \is accompanied by the members of his family, in discussing what his future course will he in reference t° politics in Netn York, lie said: "I will never again be a candidate, t shall continue tyi reside in New York and adloeatit and support the principles ofjfrewlom which I have always stood! for. Imt these princi ples are now .-/itticienlly understood by the general/ public for it to be no longer njeuessary for me to be a candidate. / “You prohijlly know that it is by no means plahsant to be acamlhlate. I am slat! that in the future it is to l>e my pilvllcgc to stand for the principles on govbrnmcnt I batal ways advoctoed witiioni being a can didate for ojbce and on that account attacked with much bitterness." If there is any style in a shoe yon have seen in a hook, look over our stork and you will be pretty sure to lind it. Peerson’s. For hunting coats, shell belts, leg gins, gtun covens etc., go to Sig Levi sou. How Nice NEW SQUASHES NEW CUCUMBERS NEW GEORGIA SYRUP MAPLE SYRUP GARDI YELLOW YAMS PEARS (in cans) ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW WITH US. 214 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 307. JUDGE ISAAC’S HOME IS BURNED FIRE SUNDAY NIGHT AI.MO ST COMPLETELY DESTROYED HIS RESIDENCE. A fire Sunday afternoon shortly before B o'clock utmost cijAnpleti ly destroyed the residence ,k ,j.;du Isaac on K stie.i, tl.y los-y b.-in-z es timated ut about s6,oVb. / It is not known iinw/ rhe rice originated, as the liana J had gained good headway Indore na arrival .it the department Mrs isaa;- and Children were in onrille and •Judge Isaac was u a tin lire broke out. i ■ ~ i the blaze was sm. te< i> ■ e-.>-e: wire. The residence was owned b;. \. • Kotholz and was insured i.;r Hint being about half the value m the house. N' ail of tile farni tlire of .fudge Isaac was destroved. He- estimates his. ins at $2.50h ,-inl < • rried only $1,11.7,0 ins,ii mice. Ali the household articles which were not destroyed by tire were damaged by water, therefore nearly ail of the contents of the home were a total loss. LEAVE ID NAME Officials/ OF STEAMSHIP CO LEFT CITY LAST NIGHT FOR HAVANA. C. I„ Diamond, general agent. J. R. Rowland, traffic manager, and .T. C. l.igeour local commercial agent, of the Uru n|swick Steamship Com pany, left the city last night for Jacksonville, where they will spend today, proceeding- theme to Havana. where they go to appoint agents, se cure a wharf and attend to other matters in connection with the com pany's line to Cuba, which will lie inaugurated next month. The company will establish a Flor ida office in Jacksonville and the agent will lie named by the gentle men today. They will then go to Port Tit mi, a and lake a Peninsula and Occidental steamer for Havana. The party will remain in the t’ capital for several days and while there will make ail arrangements for the opening of the new line. Messrs. Diamond ami Rowland, both ot whom have headquarters in New York, were in the city when the Ratilla landed at her pier Sun day morning and they were greatly pleased with the manner in which the new stiip was welcomed by the people of Brunt-wi* k. Returning from Havana (the two officials will proceed to New York and prepare for the opening of the line to Luba, while Mr. I.igeour will return to this city, it is expected that tlie Brums wick will sai) from New York on December Ist, arriv ing here about December 5. She will remain in Brunswick probably a day and then proceed to Havana. WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE O c SCHOOL SHOES AT LOW PRICES PEERSON. Call up Davis and Taylor's stable if you want dirt for raising your lot or sidewalks. CL F. ANDERSON, Agt. L. C. SMITH VISIBLE TYPEWRITER Typewriter* Rented and Repaired DOLI.AR RIBBONS AT 750. SEEN THE NEW OVERCOAT! tsome' newcomer in coat .production while M “SWAGGERDOM” ure to show onr gar -510.C0 to $30.00 The juice however story. v 1/ A KP|)C BALTIMORE NEW YORK. IV.Alvdl, l\/' FALL HATS FOB LADIES I HAVE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF FALL HATS EVER DISPLAYED IN BRUNSWICK. LADIES ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THEM. MISS L. G, JACKSON OPERA HOoSE BLOCK. LA MAISON PARISIENNE “The ONLY French Ladies Tailoring and Dressmaking Es tablishment in Georgia. • PATRONIZE HOME TRADE. HAVE YOUR EVENING, BALL PfS RA CLOAKS - STREET COSTUMES, MADE AT R. DENIZE. LATEST PARISH FASHIONS AND PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. ALL KINDS OF PLAI TING, BUTTONS MADE ON SHORT/ NOTICE. - } HAVE YOUR BANDS, FOLDS, PIPING, PINKING MADE AT 2c. PER YD. WHILE YOU WAIT. CALL OR PHONE 311 Get in Touch With the of Us BY HAVSN* A BELL TELEPHONE In Your Home, Your Office, Your Store CALL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT OF outhern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Cos., AND WE’LL —ELL YOU HOW JUST RECEIVED 1907 LINE of GO - CARTS ROBERTS Stove and Furniture House THE STORE WHERE PRICES ARE RIGHT.