The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 21, 1906, Image 5

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•. Hi< ier. HB • • • SRM-i. ”' ■•" '•' - M ■ '■• SSSBajo M • 1'!..-'' 1< ■ ( 111 !< II i 4 .! \. \v I<v , ) .I BShBH' 11) up I'll' ~lu J ><•■ ■ 111 tin* li'inii' of I): William iMl"'' 111 ' lUiin>. Tli is aiiNoiiiico m . . . i of Ini' km l" 1 1 1 < ■ main t | ,;,U' 'l/11110 lo I'l Ml < .si- frc. lhdl l SH lI|H ■mini .Mfil B 1 1 cut xpi/rces I CAN AND PLANT ON SHORT CABBAGE, MAG NOLIA, MAPLE DOG WOOD, OAK* AND UMBRELL TREES. GIVeRe A TRIAL. D. B. PYLES. V 823 E Street. Every late wrinkle in style, lint nut u wrinkle In tin- i*4"l the shoes from I’et'ison's. LOOK SsTEN - - - - - - - USt * or ° ne mom^nt an< 3 consider the necessity of 111 J&k F owning a Cravenette or Overcoat for these cold days Jgf \ and chilly nights, ® mtfjir I about you and note the swell coats that you see on ||f|J ■ Tul the backs of the well dressers, jft |[ j fllld for curiosity’s sake || I Jl| 1 IQfPp r ° t^le wearers as tlle Y express their satisfaction re 'ry ~*4 l garding the fit and feeling of the tailored gar- f*j \ form f£ty-s.x ments they have purchased from us, tir W* ' THEFECHHEi'mVk'hSHEI.CO FORM > ‘ w ‘ ■, THE FECHHEIMER FISHELCO. •trsaKUtjj) o.> •Efv' t €f.* Quarter Size Collars F * WOOD-BAILEY CLOTHING CO. “The Warm Store in the Heart of the City.” When a hors • Is so *'vfi lies down anil in oilier y s l"<:^^B its inability to go fnr'.lier, on eoasliliT it eriininal to use Many a man of Immune bnpujßP who would not willingly harm aßfi feu. is guilty of cruelty where ills own stomach is concerned. Overdriven, overworked, when what it needs i something that will digest tiio foon eaten and help the stomach to recu perate. Something like Kodoi For l)y - pcpsla that is wold by all druggists. (HiffErFi I g*f ,OW* TOFAIU-,'r' T"r,T I I I 1 l I*'’lM. “"I WI"I It. 'irlnl.l.',' I I youVorJ ■rT'ih ,, '“‘ ‘‘'“V' l '* l inn w I |uimmmic.tcc | , .o. ?, L. wc p, I Sold ill Brunswick by Roberts & Cnlnui ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS StLL HARVARD'S RYE. Men's rubber hoots; men's, ladies’ and children’s rubber over shoes at Sig bevison. ■ . ’ ■ j < nil Oil dll. lei'. 1) ’of tin in did I t j V' j) any g<*‘d. I then I used oiii inix of I *?/ ('utii'iirn Ointment \ . J and three liottli sof \ r Ctl’i Ilia liesolvent V \ ,/ and v. aseoinpletely cured. My hands -W • •js > V. were raw all over, I inside and out, and the eczema I spreading all over my body and L iiefore I had ii- 1 ' lon bottle nli'iira Re.-olvent, together with BB iitnienl, my sores were nearly and by the time 1 had 11,ini imllie, I w,T entirely .■ and was Xi. '' ' than I ev r w.i To any one h.i I.iii "i blood di 'i'l ■ 'ild lioiii My advi-e II" 1 ■ it" g.-i the Hg Mieura HoruArlica and get well (pucker |r than all III' doctors ill tile State can cure you.” Mrs. Al. JO. Kalin, May 19,1905. t Speers Ferry, Va. CURED OF ITCHING HUMOR i “ I have been troubled with a humor on the buck of my neck and ii 'ail for t iltr or five years. It laid an iteiiingaiid ’-burning sensat ion, and was a very un comfortable feeling I have used the Cut ieura Soap, ( hutment, and Resolvent Fills three months, and call say 1 am completely cured.” Rcsjiect fully, Mrs. 11. I). Ludlam, July 1905. Ocean City, Md. ("utlclira Mnn|, < liniment, n<l IMHn are gold tJirouKltout tin Huriil. I'uttrr I) rug fV < diem. <orp., Sole Props., itoaloQ, ilutf” Mi ltd irt /‘How tot re/or the 6k.iU*atii>c*lp," sMmlp C H£S 2l, 1906 W~- Ik. B& EiXf’y r . . ‘ /^IPR 'lgjfe Bi i Er - <■> \ f , ‘, ii J ■ ” ■* Bk JOHN D P •’•ftiS Brunswick’s Candy store Don't buy burnt Mig*u --at P.i -alt. you are getting pun c. .y nlate tiu'-e substitutes are injuiioo to ncait'i For pure chocolate and al' oiltsi cm dies call on me. A fresh supply received every week fiorn Menier rh . famous chocolate maker. Either in hull; or in lieaniifm pound and half pound bo\et;. FINEST FRUITS. CiGARS AND TO BACCOES. ETC. TAFFY CANDY MADE FRESH DAILY. 208 Newcastle S' est GO DOWN TO THE CITY HALL \ND REGISTER. ALL FIRST CLASS SALOONS SELL HARVARD’S RYE. BLENDED j Java Coffee | 3 CANS for SI.OO A FINE COFFEE | IMPERIAL CHEESE p'er Jar POTATO CHOPS package lOc.l AT KEANY’S -STERLING STANDS FOR NAME and QUALITY. IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WRITE WITH BUY A k VE ARE HERE EVERY DAY TO FULLY GUARANTEE THEM sre the Very Essence of ease and satisfaction in Writing —SOLE AGENTS— FLEMING & BRYANT Slop Dipping and Buy a STERLING FOUNTAIN PEN $1.25 to $6 118 NEWCASTLE ST. PHONE 53. Barrington Hall Q o fff e The F i nest Mocha & J ava Per lb can . . 35c For sale only at CAHNS 227 Grant St. ~~ r% '* * PHONE 296 • -■ * t : s DCyiiVDiiysl nil i o Thcy oTercom *. e$5T rcwHinUiftL i “ TT7 or al 3 d banish “pain? .vu-Sw* ° f Iru u f tru:it:on -. They are ‘‘LIFE SAVERS” to girls at Si l "Silg woniauiiootl, aiding development of organs and body. Nc •’V&fcEjib* ! lnown remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life becomes a pleasure. .SI.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. Soho ■42Z3EB* ‘*y druggists, lilt. MUTT’S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio