The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 21, 1906, Image 6

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THE BRUNSWICK NEWS PUBLISHED DAILY BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY W I I ■■■ - CLARENCE H. LEAVY, Editor an Manager. LOUIS J. LEAVY, Jr., City Editor. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY. Entered at the Brunswick, Ga., post office an second class mail mattet SUBSCRIPTION PATES. Term* of subscription In the cit snd by mail free of charge to all partt of the United States and Canada, Mex ico, Perto Rico, Guam. Phitippin Islands and Hawaiian Islands. On* Month -50 Three Months 11.25 Six Months 12-50 One Year $5.00 Notioe of eiscontlnuance of Ads and Subscriptions must be made t business offloe In writing. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF Glynn County. Glynn County Commissioners. The (' ii I tod Elates Oeiirt of Bank ruptcy for this Distric t. solicited, hut to re oeive attention letters must be ac ' Otnpanled by a responsible name, not for publication, but as a guarantee oi ■ good faith. Rejected communications will he; u-turned If accompanied by postage. Remittance should be made by pos tal note, check, money order or regia toted letter. Address News Publishing Cos., Brunswick, Ga Then- was not very much doing yesterday for the vole-sellers. New if the successful candidates will do whal they have promised H will be all right. P-rriaUjent Castro, of Vompuela, Is still kept busy denying the re ports that he is dead. llearst announces that he will nevei again be a candidate. That's good news to manv democrats. V ~~ Vice President Fairbanks will de liver an address al the opening of the Florida stale fair In Tampa to rnoiTOW. The next big event on the program foi {Trims wh k Is the arrival of her namesake, the Brunswick, en route to Culm Xo more elet-tlons In Brunswick for n year. We have certainly hnd enough of them during th- past twelve months. If that Southern train No i-t ever gels hen- at when she Is due to arrive. il -vill be vesterday's train "4 hours late. T;fton Kf-cured the agricultural col lege for the Si> ond congressional district That hustling little city outbid all of her competitors Roosevelt says he would like to ms- his son at work on the Panama canal. But young Teddy is too much interested In football lust at present. Now wo have a campaign in which the mayor of New York sods out to yurt down one t**j, tend set up an VCr BonaparUi may five to hi* dream of an 'offloiaj hose'' raaJlaad y*rmdit Rnrmrwlt <v*rsftuhued YNxpC Rhanton on M* winnm la maintaining order to the canal rone It would have Doer, much mors eraklfying if he coirtd have congrat ulatoil omehody on hV sucress In having work done * Sivuaior ISevcrldjte will tiiti-oduco h bill prohibiting Interstate trails fsxrtathti companies from hauling the products of any factory or mine that employs children uindes- four teen years of age. Senator never Idge should call Ids measure a bill for the encouragement of lying. Friends of I’nlted Slates Senator Thomas 0. Platt,' says a New York dispatch, deny the report tlmf Platt Is going to resign as senator " The old man has few friends loft, and ,-t Is not likely that anv of these spoke for him In this denial. Any trutr friend of the miserable old man broken in health, dripping with salacious scandal, stripped of polit ical power and incompetent in of ficial position, would wish to see him retire from his promlnlaee and try to hide himself a* decently as ipoeel- Me Xiom jwbiie gut THE COT OF COMMISSIONERS. Where do the parties in power for the tig campaigns get their cam paign funds? asks the Jacksonville Tlmea-Union Tb* .am- abuses run tliroidch the same Bysteni every where, and It is well for Flotilla io know how much places on hoards and commissions are worth in New York. There can he nc> doubt as to the figures because an attempt to change the fee system for salaries brought out authoritative statements before the legislature, which havin a republican majority, deliberately preferred the wrong and voted down the right even while making it crim inal to receive eonhributions from eoru,-nations Ivook at mine of these figures. Commissioners were paid $3,2&4,000 for <ondemning sin,Ooo,o'Jo worth ol i property for city parka! The tom- I mission which took the site for the city ball drew s4i:*,ot*(i for a tew sit tings of a few hours each The ap | pointments of ihe county courts foi | receivers, commissioners, etc., cost over a million a year. These appointments must be made on recommendations and do not im ply political subserviency in the judges, but when politicians re om mend there is always what S< uator Flail called "a nnorul obligation." When these appointments are uu nierous a machine can be built on them each appointee has friends and each of these look far ipickings —when great sums of public mouev are disbursed ‘there is always "in fluence.*’ We have been told that corpora tions In Florida who have only work to give ean lMlucmV politics—the governor has often Haul that Ihh j has iheen done and la done. Suppose \ a commission has a million to spend | in wage every year for half a dozen | years? If we lake the assumptions of the governor himself, we can | ily see how su U expenditures can "affect politics" in a little tut ate like Florida. Proportionately, it la less than Tammany has to spend, and we know what Tammany has done It was a good-natured contest, | anyway. Now let's get to work for greater Brunswick loidiegloidieg loug black silk gloves. Gub Hoffman's Bazaar. Children and Boys’ Suits at a sa/- lug of 36 per cent, at Slg Levtsou. Infants’ docks, IS to 25 cents valuer at 0 cents per pair at Slg Levisou. Mandolines, guitars, banjos, violins, acordlons, month harps and all kinds of musical instruments at Slg I.evi son. 1 handle the best line of new goods tn the city. Do not bo fooled by business opponents who try to tell you different. Oa'l and be convinc ed. Slg Levlso.n. For double barrel shotguns go to Sig l.evlson. Blue Ribbon Beer. .lest lorelved n ear load of Pa he .•-■whig Company's Blue Ribbon bear Same Is sold at all first class saloou ■a the city of Brunswick. Retail ifi "ills i>er hottie and $1,511 per dozen T. Newmitt.. sole turent 21 £ Hut street Just Received. Anew lot of Ous ami Gasoline Mantlet, and Globed a: Brunawlck Cycle Cos., John Ha*nel. Mgr Danger Pr*in the Plague. There* grave danger from the p 4 gue of Coughs and Oolda that are so prevalent unless you take Dr. King's New Diaoovery for Coaanmptkw. Coughs and Colds Mra. Geo. Walls of Foreet City. Me, writes 'lt’s a, Godeend to people living in climate where coughs and colds prevail t And it (jwtekly end# them. It pre xents Pneumonia, cures Lallrlppe. gives wonderful relief iu Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward oT Consump tion. Coughs ami Colds. aOc am SI.OO. Guaranteed by Smith Pha,’ tnacy. Trial bottle free. PBITSWtT'Sf AS,,, l ~.,„ K,.,r S*. Si m>„ M .tkih, Ktvta mow* to FAIL s.r ■ , r,|i.ei r i,., s M-a.t iii.!, „u , r,^ -. I I m , „ he thriH et 4 jrour rU r$ u> itx _mmowAoicAt co., ta, „ BoM in KrunsMit k b> Roberts & Celnei tan you win? You realize that to win in anything these days, requires strength, with mind and body in tune. A ntan or woman with disordered di gestive organs is not in shape for a day g work or a day's play. How can they expect to win? Kodoi's For Dyspepsia contains the digestive juices of a healthx stomach and wilt pot your stomach in shape to pet form its important function of sup plying the body and brain wjth strength building blood. .Digests what you eat, relieves Indigestion. Dyspep sia. Sour Stomach, Palpitation of toe Heart and Constipation. Sold by an 4na ~ „ THE BRUNSWICK DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1506 I jk ■% Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. I / Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. IvW / C/ L W Coughs that shake the whole body. You need JL 1 a regular medicine, a doctor’s medicine, for 7 S-J fa r- sucb a cough. Ask your doctor about Ayer’s U# / tO Cherry l ectors! for these severe cases. ./ W. U7iio awruc We pnbUeft r ) T ,.n t I i£. yhe fort-. u ;,e c.e a o-: -• prr ;;, Lq.^Xh...' Big Shoe Values HSTRONG VX DO YOU KNOW WHERE TO SHOES {UA SECURE THE-.!’ FOR. STRONG CHILDREN iriTljp. Come to rny place and I will \" \ show yo the smoothesi and \o \ edeanest stock of Men’s V</o- \ men’s and Children’s Shoes in ijhthe city—Composed of the vari- JjfciaLSu \A ous Standard and Reputable no cut Jr Lines New goods arriving TOE^S sleaddy, insuring ail the latest SCHOOL SHOES A SPECIALTY Geo. W. Owens, CORNER E AND L STREETS. r~J\ "A jvw ■ c .Jr '' j' ' I THIS XMAS YOU’LL BE HAPPY! surely if y<;u favior your friends with someone or mor e appropriate gift scaight out, with loving thoughtfulness from our timely display of perfumery in fancy bottles, toilet articles, manicure sets, shaving sets. fancy boxeid soa.p-8, t'tc. The show is free and our pricing fair. THE ATLANTA PHARMACY. Tel 310. Sub Postoffir.e Station No. 1. COLSON HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. OP ALL KINDS SAW MILL OUTFITS. Agent* tor ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS. WIRE FIELD FENCE. COLSON HARDWARE CO. A Young Mother at 70. •‘My mother haw suddenly been made vouug at 70. Twenty years oi intense suffering from dyipepsia ha entirely disabled her, until alx months ago, when she began taking Etectrl Bitters which have completely cured her and restored the strength and activity Bhe had In the prime of life writes Mrs. W. L. Gtlpatrick. of Dea forth. Me Greatest restorative raedl cine on the globe. Set* Stomach t fiver and Kidneys right, purifies the lood. and cures linUtna, BUloujkneei and Weakneoes. Wonderful Nerve' Toni*. Price Me. Guaranteed e> ONE CENT ft 188 WANTED. WANTED Peupie to know IhatUncie Sig will loan you money (.11 anything oX value. All legitimate business sol icited. Big Levisou, 150 b and Sua Day stree* WANTED—Six good agents to do pleasant, agreeable worn, can assign territory any where desired. Salary $50,00 per month. Quick promotion. Apply in person or by letter to ,1. W Walker, Park wood, (ilyun county, Ua. WANTED- Night Apply at new court house at once. WANTED 10 good band si wers. Ap ply at once at R. Uoni/et. WANTED—Collector; good chance tot promotion. Call on James and Cos.. 50C Monk St. WANTED Rev. Sam Jones' Life and | Sayings, by his wife, is the biggest j seller ever published. Price only $2.00. , Magnificent outfit and right to tend 1 tory only 50 cents. Don’t miss this; chance of your life to make money.; Write quick. Circulars free. 1 ,. j. Nichols & Cos., Atlanta, (la. W ANTED. —At once a lumber inspect or. One capable of taking stock. Good salary to the tight, man. Ad dress Inspector, News office. Hilton & Dodge Lumber Cos., E. A. Edwards j WANTED. —Traveler for established , house. per week. Expenses advanced. References. Address, with stamp. J. A. Alexander, Brunswick, Georgia. Cold weather means neavier shoes. See Poet sou's. FOR RENT. FOR HALE. —The handsome residence of Col. W. E. Kay. For particulars see Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOR SALK—Carpets, window shades furniture and other household goods. All oroeUcafily new Apply to Mrs Julius May, 510 Glouscester Bt. FOR SALK—At a bargain; truck farm Fourteen acre farm under fence, one four room cottage an. hams; 24 head of cattle; 30 heads of hogs; t horse and wagon; farming implements; four miles from city: one-fourth mile from railroad station Party leaving the city; must go. Ap ply Jt. W. Durden, 1009 G street. LOST. LOST—Between Cori iu veil,,, aud Wolf street, a go'd watch and small chain. Rewa. 1 if ie”,lined t< 1202 M street MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO RENT —Three or four rooms for light housekeeping near post office, by couple without chil dren, or would rent a larger house with another cample. Address "Rooms," News office. FOR SALE Ix 6 heart face flooring*, dressed to match’ Cheap. Benito Padrosa. To The Public HAVING LOCATED A CEMENT STONE PLCNT CORNER OF F AN. D STREETS IAM PREPARED TO DO A GENEPAL CEMENT WORK FIRST Ji_ASS WORK AT A REASONABLE FIGURE. ALL SIZES. OF WHITE AND COLORED HEXIGON TILE AND CURB OF THE REGU LATION SIZE. . RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A SHARE OF YOUR PAT RONAGE. J. D. Baldwin The Brunswick Bottling and Manufacturing Cos Manufacturers of SODA WATER AND MINERAL W ATERS, CIDERS, CORDIALS NEC TARS, VINEGARS, SIMONS SPECIAL GINGER ALE AND RYE OLA, PHONE 273 218 OGLETHORPE 8T For ACCURACY PROMPT DELIVERY and PURE DRUGS HAVE YOUR Prescriptions Pilled at MANGE’S Pharmacy bOf. GLOUCESTER ST. PHONE 37. ARE YOU THIRSTY. If you are and a good drink of the Best C-Uhiskey or Finest Beer will quench it I can fix you. See my wine and cigar list. H. Seii ff , 229 Grant Street. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS Let us be your Wash woman BRUNSWICK STEAM LAUNDRY. Cline &. Ludwig, Props. Bottlers of Coco Cola and other Soft Drinks 110 RICHMOND 3T. PHONE 1M PIMBHBDBI All r Af FOUNDRY AND MACHINE REPAIRING SPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR MAPI NE WORK Perfectly Adipted Marine Paib way Phone 16-3 Brunswick, Ga. BROWN & CO DEALERS, MANUFACTURERS AND SHIPPERS OF Railway Crossties AND DEALERS IN Yellow Pine Lumber BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. KILL the COUCH and C U RE the LUNC?S Dr. King’s New Discovery /Consumption Price * fl-fjP, I OUCHB and 50ci$l.00 | ISOLDS Free Trial. I Barest and Quickest Cure for all I THROAT and LUNG TROtJB- I LES, or MONEY BACK. Cobb and Wheeled G N E P A L TINNERS. THE OLD RELIABLES. 25 Years in the Business. GOOD WORK PROMPTLY EXECU TED. Phone 313. 313 Newcastle St Call up Du vis and rnyior’s stain* if you want iliri. .or raising yoin or slJnvnUks.