The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, November 22, 1906, Image 1

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VOLUME 6, NUMBER 49 ATKINSON TALKS OF NEW LINE TO THE CUBAN PORT He Returns from Boston and Gives Out an Interesting Interview CT mm BRUNSWICK She is Said to Bea Very Handsome j Ship and Will Accommodate One Hundred Passengers—Arti cle in an Atlanta Pape* i4 ' ,le JP/-'*AUtU\SO n , Of 111.* Alii! II- Hfmingham and Atlantic tail ■B).l tin- Brunswick Steamship Uas to Atlanta D°ii*|iii| Quincy, .Mass'.. \ attend tin- launch m.'t Ogeorhee, :ho I to w com jflruilKcd interest helm; m.-tun #an-! 'lie st.-atn jaLte rxiwctH tlm 'U-’J ' ?■■ ' % •:'*''lht • UOC.MS of yes iAfhj; t fiddliiotial In mMh Hues. J’lven Ms|jE9|||&:f.;l Ason. wli.eli <i,y ' 1 Km, .Ml \t s * 1 jjfcalFi'nnie Mon ’JLpmcking of n the h Ope.-e ! !?e?! I, i of the Satllla, one of the ships which will make §2| fleet in the transportation of between Brunswick ,;tb l terminus of the Atlanta, ■ham and Atlantic, New York and Word was received yesterday of tlie arrival of the Satllla at Bruns wick, this being her maiden trti.t Captain Smith reported that her firs' trip had proved a success In every way, and that she had made good the every promise of her builders. In Brunswick the day was looked upon as one of the greatest impor tance, and the arrival of the Satilln was welcomed as an epoch-marking eveut, as wit h tin- installation of a regular service and the completion of Ithe present miUfi im provements in terminals, this city wltl become one of the greatest in the state. The Satilla was loaded with a gen eral cargo, quite a large portion of this mercandlsc being consigned to Aldanta merchants. It Is expected that she will leave on her northern trip Thursday, and will carry a gen eral cargo. Including a large number of crossties. The arrival of the Satllia- means much to Atlanta and this entire ter ritory, as with the establishment of the full fleet In regular service, the shout haul to the coast will mean a >wat*rway~ to the earn such as Flappers hale been wanting for a long time. Vil't the completion of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlan tic into July, this will mean anew direct line to New York and and also to Ha vana, while theßur steamships will probably Inauguße a regular enj vice nest March! New SteambLt Purchased. Thiring Preside® Atkinson'# ah- at-nce. the of the Bruns wick, la steam ship, was also Bsummated. The Brunswick Is a nB boat which has made a fine shoßtg during her short service in tV coastwise After her recent Brchase, she was put in dock and overhauled and many to meet, the requirements oiMm- new tradff ', She has at accommo dations for some first-class pas sengers. Her accommo darfions are being enßged, and it is quite possible she wil\ also be fitted for the purpose of carrying i third class passengers for Ak r ©fc^f* ,l S of the present scaxpfl | the south. ( While she wjll tterembet. it- i*f: wllL^tu-kn The Brunswick News. way she will offer anew port for J Cuban passengers and for all those ' fr °m this territory the w-est and middle west will offer facilities ob viating the ’oitg, tiresome trip by | radl to . Miami and Port Tampa. The placing of the Brunswick in service Is an experiment, and if it i proves successful, as Is promised, i other boats will be added. At first i she expects to make a complete trip from New York to Brunswick, Ha ! vana and return in two weeks*-"'' i It is tbelieved that with the estab lishment of ‘his new' line the re j sources of this section will be great |ly benefited. From Birmingham : there is much iron and coal and pip tor which there "is a big market In jCuba with the present activity, en terprise and development which Is going pn in the Island. From this Immediate section, cotton goods and other manufactured goods will be igiven the opportunity of a direct line jto this great market, while further ; south that section will hut* the op portunity of >'omi)|tinfij*lumber and naval stores ‘ a footing than at* present. F)Bp tl,e dual may be shipped vana, and from that port *hroit^®> u! the island the deniand tor jjSfo heavy and Alt.igi-; lier. with a large this traffic as wolf as gihtins aIH general merchandise to-*'and fro® the west passing through thbts tin W City, the Atlanta, Birmiughanr' um\ Atlantic and its steamship cotuiec-1 tions means Anew era of prosperity and activity for Atlanta and At lanta shippers. IHL OF CARUSO PROVES EXCITING L. : ' LARGE CROWD WAS PRESENT WHEN OPERA SINGER WAS ARRAIGNED YESTERDAY. New York, Nor. ~z i -tijihux. -■— ruso, he Italian tenor of the Metro politan Opera Company, was ar raigned in the Yorkvillo poHoL- rmnd this morning On the charge of noying a woman in the Ceniral Parr zoo on Friday. The trial drew a great throng of interested people and there was a billiant array of counsel (present to fight the case. Mrs. Hannah Gra ham. who made the accusation against 'the grand opera singer, has not been found and therefore die not appear in court, but another wit ness, Jeremiah McCarthy, testified and corroborated the statr-mcnt ol Policeman Cain, who made the ar rest and who testified that dtp way. present when the said was made. Caruso had worked his temper up to the exploding point and lie was furious when he appeared in court. He strongly denied the report and said that it had been made to ruin him. The court room was packed during the trial and ‘the -cnees 4s- fee-* ing watched with interest. FUNERAL YESTERDAY OF MRS. HAMPTON BREWSTER The funeral of Mrs. Bailie Hamp ton Brewslter, which occurred yes terday at 3 o’clock, largely at tended by the many friends of the deceased. The burial s-erYic’p was read by Rev. .Jf. D. Thomas. the TUner-al tak ing iplace frpra the Xirs,. W. J.' Pricer The .leaves. a. large number' of* xplatlties- lb South Carolina, being a niece--of, fteuten ant-GomSVal -Wade Hampton -of Charleston, and. connected -with many prommebt famines of ■ t tlWg state. • / : at Oak a-C.-.., •: ‘ : -.M : :~ l ■ W* tt is Ufldpfete., jP ' hat • all of the Stltorwyf* ‘havc-aljreed; to meet and asib ;; tb'e civil. d()tket for the com ihff '-si-fisfOP of -the superior court. .. V i# llcnz-s-ml iiy doing'; t!' 1 ” 0 disposed df-.-raorif.i'|fd < 'iy and those In the dlf <issce';;iah be notified when V-appeal in court. The assignment of oases will probably bo made in a lew days. The court convenes - : .ia •regular eessjon on the. iiist Motuijiy [in December. Southern Improvements. Atlanta,* Nov. 21.—The Southern railway has let. a contract to the .Oliver Company, of, Knomjlle. Tenn., tracking the main line of r and Mj, BRUNSWICK. GA„ THURSDAY MORNINGS NOVEMBER ?2, 1906. SHOULD BALLOTS BE NUMBERED 6Y THE MANAGERS? | Voters Say Hot Under the How Australian Ballot ■EjV;; #.. . ftigi System THE it! COMPLAINT MADE Voters Are of the Opinion That they New System ■ Should Prevent Any J From Knowing for Whom w They Cast a Vote. mfs E ' ■ - MX-*A If w. aitv to have ballot kysttv-'” 4k BTtihsW'i^'rWton our Tiirn<>r>JßWW, i i'-.i !■: 11" .i I infers aif they are deposited diw? ballot box? . • f 1 Thai was the question being ask Id |>y a majority f the voters •of tin mty yesterday and one, that attract- little attention among tav Those who took not A TueufllßL no Joubt observed that H t j,eir handed to the mtA tigor W r ' wa £ iftaced on tjf back of l the old vothflWt ,!l ‘ ,n s ,^r. "• jtM rrtt.posed to )>(>■ -ft of the voters, wfc In pr.-vi-nt of un> one f ■ ,|.' I r ca.ii his VOtMR : f m/"* vent here' this . ' * '-J..-#'' plislted ami ,it., i ' T' with the new sySP^ dayr ———— Representative 'ltuf bill ini iidtieed id fs&h**, placed on the ballot jul contest, hut that harJ|Mgts,y. to the sat it i.i tion of ' was resting undr r t that it would be absolute?^, if J hie for any ■ rue to ever he voted. a For instance, suppose oue®® ()t managers wanted to know hfjS pe certain business man cast hisJB C (*d When he gave it to t lie ulal,at l/nie number was called out and B r , a on (of the- ballot.® an q 1 1 ' ' when tlidmtnlik. *w'as gwcUeiCT could sed. howFrl'c jßi.-tir.i question voted. * ’ There was a _ general. c|m_ hlnk about this-i art of -the u6*p|ellm and a majority of -the votefel. tlvat should ■ nPW The only real dlffetj® WJU | r ] I tween the otd system and B e j ec . one is that formerly a rM )W n e get his ballot days before l r thp tlon and prepare It, whil<M, t v ia has to wait until the fiaJL election and tix It In the/*, Everybody is In favor oT vntp system; It prevents dlr nil v, prlng the politicians, puts a s* wf)uW | buying, <itc„ but the man should be stopped , apd ,be- c iiripos.if>le th t.oi> JkM® vetted..' TO MAKE ‘IT A CUILDINQ, HAN Thomas y,es building at ' riTYi pit'n 4W ' H .JJT as t!<- and Cb'itces- HP*' 1 ne W lf ,and by B. H. Levy F C number of 'ork ii ' ,m - men of jFV-uii tin?. The front which is now ownetrWy M. -A. JB will he entirely rebuilt,: a aajß glass front to be put In 7|lß wlB take -alhoct three when finished It will be one of hand anient bulldlnga iu the city Ice Dealers on Trial. jj Philadelphia, NoV. 21. - t ~ ice dealers, wurc plareil on trial B before Judge Wils on the ch of cotisplrncy to raise the i! ' l J ice. District Attorney Bp hat that the defendants forrte<V|pn J t-xchange purpose <tfJjßj tijhlpg a-md-f^^ 0,10 COOSSTIES |l AHACBED WTESTEBOAT two Mreign Companies figpng lot a Case in /the Local Courts f TIES HELD BT SHERIFF India Steamship Cos. Claim* ■HBfhat the Capital Company is l,!r>-v JLbted to Them in the Sum ||S of $5,331.45. l ■ V udrod cypress /’ the nßg ly of the ' > y. a i ji’ratirm of New y, ,: :v .tatifcb-1 Vslerday morning^f ift' Bfi A aft the result or 'am attach mottf Issued' against the conyptany in favor of i he West ftfla Steamship Com party This on the wharves of Brown Coif in tlto southern secUon of ,tl% city ujid will be tn- tt/e custody urn * L' r )( M r ; - Capital ymal Bank ,„f • ’ - . £sld*-:ii •*Liudl to . .the lf il it,- j ‘ossties, wh|ob are? supposed to be > to pvt|perty ‘of the defendant com- IB.v. f SObortjf Borrie atUcHed the ties, 'having jpentod them on the above uamedfktharf. No answer to the at tachment has yet been filed by the Capital .Company and the matter will probably remain tlx: settled at the next session of tho city court. ANNUAL MEETING OF f ATLANTIC COAST LINE Richmond. Va., Nov. 21. —The stockholders of the Atlantic Coast Line rail road held their annua! meet tngwicre today, with John P. Branch presiding. The old officers were all re-elected, the only change being In the hoard of directors In tho choice of a successor to Director W. O. El liott, deceased. Mr. Warren De lano was chosen without opposition. President Emerson’s reitort showed ft net income of $4,816,912.1;? for the fiscal fear ending June 30, 1906; and an Increase of $147*229.77 over the net income of 1905. Dividends had been paid during the yearfamounting. IffiO', which, subtvr -'sd • fitted the net Income leaves a o 1 vlus fo%| i IV -IH \ni"' ' l ’ r - ' | lectio'' A •...■ -’ , ' ( |: l :. !!‘M f ii'J S' / I -I" '"•'lfes -''M !% % u ilia £ ; | ' violence to Rosa Neigle, the gov erness. An effort was made to res cue the child, hjik %tiled. The in sane murderess was locked in the ship’s hospital and kept there until New York was reached. COL. KINGSMAN HERE ON INSPECTION TRIP Col. D. c. Kingsman, in charge of the army engineer’s offilce of this district, with headquarters in Sa vannah, was in the city for a few hours yesterday afternoon on an In spection tour. He was met by a number of citizens during the after noon and in company wlith Engineer ®- IT- Conant visited the new termi nals of the A., B. and A. Col. Kingsman is off on a regular inspection trip over his district and left during the afternoon for Savan nah, where he will spend today. SEVEN TRACKMEN KILLED. Caught In a Landslide and Swept Down Mountain Side. W. Va., Nov. 21.—Seven krnen, of a gang of nineteen, en „_aed in removing r.i slide on the Dry-Fork branch of the Norfolk and ■Western railroad were killed today I as the result of a big slip of tbe Jand. The men were swept down Jhe mountain side and into the silver. Twelve The bodies of -four of the were recov lOred and throe of the b;olios rjro ?>jged under tons of earffT'llt&f (Jie victims were ItnliaJSr&awf-g and were known only not names. f MILLION MORE / BALES 3IUI j STATEMENT ISSUE.*. ‘3f Ef - " CENSUS BUiiEo’Ur for Hi- prc;.. that ,B,s3l,ooo.biiTeS' have this sen son- against 7,501,1,80 test year, an increase of nearly one. mil lion bales. • y, BALLOTS WERE DESTROYED. City Executive Committee Held Meeting Yesterday. The city executive committee held a meeting yesterday for the purpose of confirming the result of Tuesday’s primary and officially announcing the result. After examining the ballots, or at least the figui -b of the Judges, the baboo; were bupned, this being u rule under the ut-w Australian bal lot system NATIONAL BANK'S GOOO STATEMENT • ' SHOWS THAT THE LOCAL IN STI’T i UTION 18 IN FLOU#S^ %W.K IBHING CONDITION.^ Attontion '.'jjLMvtF** ment of ick. vntamS. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. NIGHT SPENT AT SAN JUAN, TEDDY TO START HOME lie Has Entertained in the Porto Rican City by Am- ericans Testerday LOUISIANA READY TO RETURN A Speedy Trip Homeward Will B* -Made and Roosevelt is Expected to Arrive In Washington on Monday or Tuesday. Washington, Nov. 21. message received at the to day announced the arrival dent Roosevelt at San JuanMfoto Rico, where he was royally rJHve. by the Americans and other® Ha was mat by a large delegatiqßgnd escorted to the leading quarters had been engaged for him The president wilt spend the tslgb‘ m San Juan reluming to Ponca to morrow morning, resuming the roy age homeward on the Louisiana. It is expected that a speedy trip win be mado on the return trip and the president is expected home Mon day evening or Tuesday oralng. Will N|>v ;<J} it. -. J > Bps j r-u-K, -NCV, t, tion was denied ht : gt Mr, Carnegie in tirtV ctty today.- Mr Carnegie sent Word that t-hera wa ne basis for the story. ...i POPULAR PRICED SHOW TO BE HERE FOR FULL WEEK A repertoire company w -fill the boards at the Braid all of neat week, playing at popular prices, ten, twenty and ithlrty cents. Ladle* will be admitted free on Monday night, when the biJL Will be ‘‘The Ma" of Mystery,” a/four-act sensational draimL Tickets dU go on sale Fri j®?wlptng. Jm Wmy& paay ffft been playing to A lovera °f rep a treat in week. No Change la Weather. The predicted chipge in the weath er failed to a. rivcßyesterday and it proved to be one ofwie warmest day* of the present mejh, although the prophets said it wyTOld ibe much col der. The cold- w/’f, however, may Jmve been delayed' and it may reach -1 w r; twenty-four hours ■ - Carpet. IBl— It bo ming an L ■>. if '%3uao . j;’ #uew(x>d Safas fou ad Hyy old ear fm had Just When WW v -'>' the hod- HLnir. was at Hkhe lion in Imi death Its* ’>ix, eight H making a Bis a result am ML. near the \ arc -t WVatfßfc : Hk S CJ No^^^^Vlrs w®te was Pattid at horhome near Gaffney tp fday with her throat cut, and It Is belieiod she was murdered .for her money. It was known tlilt she had a large sum In the house, though ..when it wasAearched none wae Tom#Harrls. awMte mugg