The Brunswick news. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1906-2016, December 24, 1922, Image 1

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• !'■ s ”7 ' jg 'I i’l'.i " in ! in' pm - v' it it nnmli.i 111 , ~n i ™ , 1 4 : J w j depth of t"o nidi prosii hands of hooded men who five Persons on the Mer ItougtvHß trop road last August. The arrest is believed to be th P forerunner of many more. An inquest was conducted over the bodies found in lake LaFouhche today behind dosed doors and the finding was not announced Those arrested will face an opening hearing ordered by the attorney gener al to begin at the parish courthouse on January sth and under guard ot th P stale troops. Machine guns were mounted this afternoon. Those investigating the death of the mean declare that they met death by hcting^Hogged and tha( some bones were broken before death. Statement as to "heather the men died before being consigned to the lake was re fused . Attorney General Coco today set January 0 as the date for the More house parish Opening hearing in con nection with the Morehouse kidnap ing case. The attorney general and a special trnin with two •mW'MMU**-t Luttli~. Ana National Guard arrived in Bas trop this morning and the military men pitched camp on the court house I - quart 1 . The wire-bound, mutilated bodies [ of two men recovered yesterday in I l.ake LaFourehe by state troops, he- | Ijeved to he those of Watt Daniels j and Thomas Richards, who di*ap i jieared after being kidnaped by mask- ; ed men last August. Were further J identified this morning when viewed! b.' Richards’ widow; J. I Daniel J aged father of Waft, and a score ot i other relatives and friends. Identification of at least Watt Dan-1 ids is complete, according to authori-! ties because of the initials, “F. W. j D ’ found a belt buckle and which! buckle Daniels is said to have worn j at the time he was spirited away. The bodies arc lying in the Masonic j Temple, where they arc guarded by | a detachment ot Monroe National Guards. The guards are armed and were instructed by Oapt. Cooper to shoot persons who may try to spirit away the bodies. The inquest, will probably be held j ]at tomorrow, according to a message received here this morning i from Dr. Fred Patterson. Morehouse parish coroner, who returned today to ■ Bastrop. | Dr. Patterson’ said no effort had j yet been made to officially identify the bodies. He said he was awaiting | instructions from the attorney eener-j nl as to how to proceed. A special train carrying two com panies of National Guard troops, or-j dered out yesterday by the adjutant , •..coral for duty in Morehouse par- j ish to augment the Monroe company now on duty here, passed through j Monroe at 7:25 o’clock this morning; and was due to arrive here before j noon. Attorney General A. V. Coco and , two pathologists of New Orleans ac companied the troops. Attempts to positively identify the mutilated bodies of the two men cast up from the bottom of l.ake l.a- Kourehe yesterday morning by a heavy charge of dynamite placed there by unidentified persons will he made today. Relatives and friends after viewing the bodies yesterday, expressed the - belief .that they were those of Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, mysteriously m’ssing since the night of August 21. when they were kidnaped by a hooded band, to gether with three other prominent citizens of this town. The partial identification of the bodies was made by means of the belts worn by the two men and a. few shreds of clothing. The heads, arm* and portions of the legs of both were missing, believed to have been tom (.ft when they were loosened from the Ifeb of the lake- The torsos A*ere ■ 7 * k ' ■ t * -t'V* ' ■* i'- 'i * < • A ' ■•■■■■ jP3Epr''J * -i i -'. ■ -i ■ tiuii- ' '■ ,1 . r£ ' ' j to under I,- ..iif.- < e.|i ; enactment uf Du a ll ond me; || "Admitting, of course, ~u are violations of the Vo! toad uot| unfortunately by sonic , h<> UolW themselves above the law remains and will not he i ly denied that been marked v n|, ‘••atd to, mi. T <U tiii- obtains •aiioc taw--, n.u dglgj ed Kin per , - 1 ii iiig til,, a liotlslilit l e ; nfiW£*V-j-, -J saloon as suiter';,t r Jt—, Tf\ for -‘good Haynes said, were a" a tip- pint of tii,. htrii oiqy-.vwpt state and "mini nil munf'-%|t I ine in "illor,, uiiiiurtial tii*- law nisi greater I'l-sp t.f Jf . M • ■.,r:t itn: J"ii by all eliisd>‘. UpMlt M "1 .Hit., anil -o' . Jf. in. ii I't'i-ii.-'i i. 'buJmP-JgM . 1 .Ii i;! t 1 i. r. .. , g, : liquor- and in liquor immggmnjMf If the fart that tip- "home lireJE’fjp" i s taking final gasps ■“ .*& “Furthermore, the fact is dent,’ aid ('otimii i.m ; Illfnc" ‘‘that real liquor i. almost infp.. 1 1 1,, to obtain at any price.'’ bound with heavy wire. Mrs. Anna Garretson of West Mon ; roe, mother of Richards, will arrivi litre in the morning apd vie* the bod- ! ies. Before leaving Monroe she said she would be able to identify her son. Company A, Louisiana National j Guard of Alexandria, and a machine gun company from New Orleans, ot;,- ! dered to proceed to Morehouse par ish, were due to arrive hero or at - Bastrop early today. It was not defi nitely known at which place they would be stationed. Attorney Genetal Coco, who is to take charge of any legal proceedings! growing out of Ihe kidnaping, accom panied the New Orleans militiamen. The attorney general is said to; have stated that, the additional troop* i would he used to protect those oil- , gaged in the investigation of the kid i naping and to prevent a possible clash , between opposing elements. Two pathologists, from New Or-! leans will arrive this morning and' hold an autopsy on the bodies to de- 1 ten-nine if they were killed before be ing thrown into the lake. Dr. Fred Patterson, coroner, viewed 'the bodies late yesterday but deferred :the holding of an inquest, it. w ! stated that it would probably be held today. A troop guard will be main tained over the bodies until the com ;pletion of the autopsy and inquest, and an exhaustive effort at positive identification has been made. It was generally believed that a' : rests of at least twenty persons in Morehouse parish and the M< r Rougt neighborhood, alleged members of i the hooded band, whose names :rre said to have been secured by depart ment of justice agents, will follow if the bodies of the two men arc iden tified as thoM- of Daniels and Rich ards. Promiih-nl citizens’of the ,> ish arc .-.aid to have boon involved in the investigation."*The arrcs#of sev ;era! othery in Arkansas and Missis sippi is anticipated, J . •no ( Nci! • i : lie 1 IC.Sqj blent ncrefgppiiarding has made ah;. ! holiday pi arc’s She may come-down Ist,airs in her wheel chair and preside at tin- table for Christinas dinner, ibui otherwise the day w ill be like any | other since she was taken ill. To add a little cheer, the Whin-' House has Yuletide wreaths in the windows, and there will he a pi - ‘ sion of flowers. Asa Christmas present to the! thousands of government employe President Harding issued an exoru-! live order closing the government de partments, at noon today, and at - liat hour most high officials as well closed up their desks and went hone-. The senate, too, joined in 1 !.<■ early ;beginning of the Christina season, holding nrily a short session but the ! house went ahead with i*s eoiisidera- j | tion of appropriation bill":. S'X MEN BEING HELD BELIEVED DENVER BANDITS ARRESTKD IN SWTK IK AND WERE RICKED DP WHILE EATING BREAKFAST Sant* Fe, X. M. Dec. 2",. -Six men, with heavy suit - e who arrived from Las Vegas in a car early this morning, are in the county jail pend ing investigation in connection with the robbery of H - 1 'r.ited States Fed eral Reserve Bank truck at D rive. , The United State-- marshal’s off ire Had received a tip from Las Vegas and Deputy Goutchy and Assistant Superintendent Dugan of the pen : - tentiary.' after observingn the sus pects during breakfast in a restau rant, took them into custody. I *on rt AgafflH fge Hand *H| lion. MM lilted Pie-'S.) Dec. i\\ A -'grafniaTi -'elimination of t(n- American Mag ' from passenger trad,, qn the high j sea-, would result if interpretation J given the Da*theiMv hone dry ruling; by Federal .lijlge Hand al New York is sustained by tb e nuin'eiiig epur’, : the International Mercantile Marine asserted in a hri'-f filed ,in the su preme court F'liday in uippoi'l of its appeal from Judge Hand’s Interpreta tion. | The brief* Contains a plea that American ships cannot justly be pre vented from s'-rving liquor on the high sea.s, Under ihe prohibition law. It ’also declared that it i* not un lawful for a vessel to bring their ship stores of liquor into American terri torial waters in this respect taking a position similar to tJiaj, set, fiulli by foreign shipping (®ncet'ns brief filed recently with the court W \ Tile brief brought put that the great foreign trans-Atlpnti*' linejs will a I way,; he able to sell liquor, on their west bound voyages and against such competition the American lines will he seriously handicapped because ! it says Europeans will not travel by American steamers when they can come by foreign ships and enjoy (..heir usual wine- Similar conditions, it adds, will prevail in the South American trade* on the northbound voyage*, .While Vessels s ollt, 'boiind ill that trade eu n stock up with liquor at Bermuda or Havana. The most serious com pc ti'tion will come, if asserts, on the I'nciffUc, where in the, far eastern trade ships sailing Troth Canadian ports would have diverted to them p-acticall.v all the -passenger business. ‘lt seems iueoneeivable that con gress would have intended to extend Prohibition to shjps," the brief a serts “when the result of doing s" would h r t n nullify the national poli cy of the -f filled Slates with respe t e 1 to shipping so far as passenger traf j fit i- concerned.’’ £* > <C .'if • ! V?HI f A Ml,® 1 { ' -Vl® ‘ than!'- The coming y< ■ Jfl of ■* % '!i. 11 . i r ‘‘itKi *£' I m .■ t!■<- IJr*jlfw 1 ' Thanking every man, woman and chiM in Brunswick for <l l ■ •ir kinilnc; .on so many oi• ■: ”>iik to the Managing-Secretary.‘and wishing for you individually and collectively a Nappy Uhi'i.-cnas and a most Prosperous Acv- Year, f bog to remain, Your. ; most -mceroly to serve, FKIOI) (i. WARDK. MuriuginK-Scrrotary . NO COLD WAVE IS ON FOR CHRISTMAS IS WEATHER FORECAST (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 2k. 'There is no cold weath'i in sight.' Thus the gosel'iii o at r ■•a vr i'-o'c •asters this morning set at r anxiety as to Vuletido weather pros -1 pects• | Although frost wa vc.oorteil this. j .?. j v V /MAY CALL mCY 1923 V i * . ,1' ■ I-’ m "hail ' • t SiOs‘T®S>R* **'<% 111 ' i:ir yaj SyWont't juliilee year, "' ! jjfigtl in (lie Papal enelical Ism. ' Such would O' the economic I I anil' * % held in Koine in , IS',". . I I’oi the e r nt i Italy and tb,. efiorts lof tlie rlmnPto ipiite them Among |the peaceful events of recent years it I calls attention t." the twenty-sixth ill | ternaiioiud etichai jstic congress and ! i lie great religious manifest Ration at* 1 ciidunt upnn the transportation ol tile image of the virgin from Home; to Loreto. The. letter, enumerating present i wilt-Id evils, which it ;ay s arc caused I l>y a greediness ,for material things. Mil vs tliiit the remed y in chiefly to lie fmnd in a return to Christ, whieh means peace, justice anil love aniom; all 'people ; t respect for order and an thorite and combating materialism j ■c well a s teaching true democracy and prothersood. The pontiff praises efforts .at ttni vel'sad pocjlication. lie condems di vorce. modern dances and immodest fashion. Tie rmyelial expresses the hope that all those who are stilt uiit ido the church of Christ mav enter it. The Pope saVs he is encouraged in the hope by the fact lhat nearly all the states of the world have en tered into relations with the apostolic fee. He regrets that Italy, his count. i rv, and the seat of the papai y. i s not i amotitlg these, and protests against j liiy situation of the holv see in this! country, which, he sites, has nothing to fear from it. The eitcylicai end: with an exhor tation to prayer arid with the bestow al of the apostolic, benediction . moi' rg in notfbe'n .and central! Honda, the forecast; for the next two days as announced today, colls for somewhat higher temperatures (Cpntinued from : f '■ - ' . I!.' :i i" -J jjjj£j|Ss| The • lefe'l e la' •■>• ull""'nWgHi- I,"- v.i'ii' juslitiaole U*m.7v ; tempted I" show that cxln^^M j cation resulted from i m pot armed guards and non-union yhinetjM | during the coal strike. W I also told of the shooting of the threW I u ,,ion miners at the mine on the afJB iternoon of June ‘2l. x The defense began introducing its evidence at the morning session, aft er motions, asking that all the evi dence introduced by the State be ex cluded and that the court, direct a ! verdict of “not guilty" had been over i ruled by Judge D. T. Hartwell. | f \ number of the witnesses testi- J Hed t hiit the territory surrounding the mine was peaceful and tfuiet until nt ki,er union workers bad been diseharg aa ami mm un on men and armed PEanis sent into the pit by the coal company. Several testified that the guards had touted up and down the public highway near the mine motor truck, each one canning and a ride, that > held | searched peaceful Utters, sited iat women and warned every to stay off the road after sundown. 0 trier witnesses told of hiding when the slmiiting began,at the mine the afternoon of June ~L end of hav i inu t heir stock killed by shots from I the mine. hr i It was during this shooting that, 1 Kd'vard Crenshaw, who testified that he was a former Union miner and had ; lived a half mile from the Lester mine all his lif<j£ sakl.rbe ' saw the ting of JordA Hettdc.isoh, the tifcst union man killed. t I ‘Did you see any one shot?” j “Yes. They said his name ";i‘; I Henderson and he fell about 100 I yards from my house. He must havn I been killed instantly.’* Wilhelm Sells Wedding Picture and Gets Tool Ten Thousand Fir It. (By Associated Tress A Doom, Holland, Dec. 2:!,— r l he former Orman etoperior ha s sold to „ l.omlon and New York company the world rights in what he deserv ed :n, the, first official photograph of his recent wedding. The l'i" c e P a id was SIO,OOO. r l‘be picture shows til" former Kai ser in the uniform of a hold marshal I Princess llermiue j s wearing the ta | moos diadem, the wedding gift °t her | husband. Kl,"bnrate and extensive prePara ! t i„ns. are being mad,, at Doom castle j for the Christmas season. FAST PROHI BOATS PAY SHORT VISIT Two of Bryfie Barn's trim little pijH liihition boats, assigned to duty tip. coast between Savannah aH Jacksonville, cable into port 1 1 * | dav morning. Officers off the itoarded one or two vessels in Ufß harbor but dirt not sncceed in locating i any intoxicant?, and ono of th e little j i s peederß teft.f immediately for Savap-.f 1 ' n ah, while the other remained in porj i ■ throughout the day. | These boats, specially built for P"-J j trol duty, are probably the fastel| I craft-s that have ever visited Brtms-J i wi(k. They are eauiPPed wtih 12* I horse power speed engines and ar| j capable of making 4. r , miles per hour i when under full steam. They attract, jjfl considerable attention yesterday ItS they speeded in and out of the • harbor.