Newspaper Page Text
ON!■; \ Mi F!\ K A. M.
One* of the mo: -t drastic a mend me? it
to the city's traffic ordinance » v<
adoptof) will k<> o. < U'< ( ' ■ , ■< \ •
It was discu. scd at some lorijfth b:
fore it. was tmI, and w! • n -y;i
made a part of tin* tiaflb' <>nlin..n<f
i' content rro i-Ivi-rt i;- cd by Cb>*•!
,1. K. Register f ' r thirl” day ho? or*
firtally v »iny into off*-ft.
The ordinaru < prohibit Uc* narkit:;/
of automobile - <o any j. < d ’ < »•* i
f he city between the ho.G of 1
a a. m.. whirl: mean--' -bat 1 be <{uz,<
of aut< mobile:- -1nc' 1;. < ?eina .< I
i front of f:oto? 1 >o'; ? 'ii ¥ b< u* e and ;
; i ■ iilenee. t hi on;: f.out tl< i :, ’ b! n, ‘
after tonight, be ..lured in a para:"
or ean led to a i nnpa ■ <<i * i • t to
pend the niirht.
(’bief Rep; ter ha: been runnin?? in
The New daily for the pa t month a ;
I'ota e frivmtf all of tho. e intere.t l
ai: into effect on June ?S>. eon: erpient -
Jv aftri * 'iijj’bf ill • I*■;.\ o ■ ■ n •
i on a parted r.fn ' be! ween the
honrs men!ior.ed will b :,object to
. ;-re: t aral poli-M <•< at tine
The pi im . I n a- ' ii advanced for
the adopl ion of ' i oiab .. 11 o • - r i l <
fact that. ■ > man . eat a-e now par!:
ed on the : triad thronebout the niyht
that the work rf the street clc*aninc;'
Have You Seen the
Don't miss this opportunity!
See our window display today
yr Brunswick Ildw. Co.
m. 53 Phone 54
le v If 503-5 Gloucester St.
t i > i. ’W/N'CHESTER, stori; r.
June Month End and
Pre-Inventory Selling
House Dresses
AH new dimitie-, Many
new combiimtunie All - v,, .
99c Each
Full Ihirty-twn inehe wide. Fi-.-t
ty new umnier eolew. Solids
and checks.
10c Yard
New l'njnmus. In broadcloth.
Tim. white, lavender. All sizes.
$1.39 Pair
Bed Spreads
kl \U0 krinkle olo] id Stripes,
Tun, rose, blue. al value for
95c Each
Men's overalls, made of 2 id den¬
im, This overall i made t giv.
service only.
$1.00 Pair
Churchwell Bros.
Phone 253 507 Gloucester St.
is seriously interfered with,
Tin department, of the city goes to
work early in the morning, in an ef¬
fort ? to have the streets eritiiel.v clean¬
ed by f> o'clock. With ears parked all
the (net, it is impossible for
I....... . lia r to get under and around
the < > e<.i, .epuently an ordinance
probitiii ng t he parking between these
hour: At a d-eided upon t.o relieve the
1 h( * -• - ? i?; 1 1 , tonn which broke
"<<ia> •» i t ' i noon just, at an hour
a ’ uo < o- have .a th. lor territory St. Simons, weto
pm fa; u¥ to
j>robao!y fir*- -‘nlod the seasons rer-
1< r attendance from beiritf broken,
bn. a il a an unusually large Sun
day ero ’-d fathered at the rcROrt.
( ai '• ero ia a¥ t° l he island be
' ' n 11 and 1 e t Jo< 1: at the rate nt
hundred per l" <n, but the heavy
. tie ;U • b-oi t:y a!ter 1 oelneh, and the
thunder and lightning and threaten
intc weather Ur: * xft'-r cut. down the
heavy afternoon travel.
Amoiu' the erowd on the island dur-
1 • v 'people
1j*» >n « very root ion of sout h (leor^ia,
who lei 1 their bone early in the
morning In pend Hie day at t he re
sort'-, and HI;mi ' I and St. Simon:
be i < d honor in drawing the erovvd.
The weel., a a whole, wont down
M" 1 d! Hie be: ie t in I tie history of
a i; land highway. abhough the sea
>n at tin- m . r; i just getting uti
Sea Island
Hull 'M\ inriu" wide, (loud heavy
(piality. t»«‘t your supply now.
10 Yds. for $1.00
Cuaranteed full fashioned semi
verviee weight. All new summer
colors. All .sires.
$1.00 Pair
Sunny Sue Dresses
Sunny Sue means a dress you can
wear all day. Many new pat¬
terns Conn- in and select your
supply now.
$1.95 Each
Wash Suits ;
Boys’ M ash Suits. Ages to s ;
years In solids and stripes. Big
a? - i tment to choose from.
95c Each )
Men’s Oxfords
Tan calf and black calf, dust the
shoe vou have been looking for.
All leather.
$2.95 Pair
Savannah and Brunswick and Jacks
Honville exchanged visits yesterday.
The- e three port, cities, now connect¬
'd by an all-paved highway, making
it. pm idle for Savannah and Jaek
.onvillc to come to Brunswick or peo¬
ple from this city to go to either of
these eitie-; in just about two hours,
and making a four-hour trip possible
oetween Savannah and Jacksonville,
took advantage of the first Sunday the
mad was open to exchange visits. Sa¬
vannah and Jacksonville ears were
prominent in Brunswick, while many
local people visited one or the other
of these now close neighbors.
Of course there is no way of esti¬
mating the number of ears that trav¬
eled the highway, but from all re¬
ports there was almost a continuous
larade from Sunday morru ig until
late Sunday night, especially over the
southern end of the highway, which
was opened to traffic last Wednesday.
By the completion of the new short¬
cut highway to Jacksonville, Bruns¬
wick i. now three miles nearer the
Florida city than it is Savannah. Offi
• i; 1 1 highway figure, show the present
Ii ,lance between Brunswick and Jack
onville to be 77 miles, while HO miles
given as the correct distance to
savannah. Of course all automobile will not exactly agree
with these figures. As to time, how¬
ever, those who have made the trip
both ways, are of the opinion that the
the trip to Savannah can be made a
few minutes quicker, due to the fact
that after reaching the city limits of
Savannah it takes only about twenty
minutes to get to the uptown business
section, while in Jacksonville, after
reaching the limits, it takes fully half
an hour to fight through the Main
street traffic and reach the center of
the city. travel the |
It is expected that over
new highway will daily increase until'
fall, when the number of ears passing
over the highway will exceed all ex
pectnt ions.
A technical article on the construe
linn o! the Coastal Highway, as writ-1
l,.„ |,v Horace .1 Friedman, division
ni-inecr 'appears stale highway hoard of
;;,.o„,ia in the June 21 issue ! i
„l Engineering News-Record. The
Milliner in which the Ti-mile stretch of
concrete paving from Midway, thirty i
miles smith of Savannah, to Darien, is :
Ultlined comprehensively in the arti
cle, The'n which ivi-'i-' is well 'f' the' illustrated.
i mag a zi lie i - illus
li -ited with -i view taken during the
•oustmeti.-n of the highway described
in the article The entire project is
tlmr.Highly described from a technical
■ t-uidpniiit in
The editor of the magazine, n
foreword, savs the following:
“Advanced-quality concrette road
-or-! islet ion practice as it tins (level
lieiV'i ,,,ed ii in the United I ti lift States 111- is exempli- :
licit 111 t till he mi paiui,. v •' Oi n< Coastal I oa i .ii High- nigo
wav in Georgia, one ot the greater i
highway projects of recent years. The :
woi k described .... is notable ■< not because i
It is exceptionable but because it is !
typical of the closely controlled
lv ni.-ivhnnized American practice of
mail construction. With two
tits, thi,tv-three miles of eighteen- i
foot concrete slab was put down in
virtually six months. This broke no j
peed records, hut showed a consist
fast, pace.”
The "GaroUua Game Cocks," the
orchestra which has been engaged
the season on Glynn Isle, made
first appearance at the dance giv
in the casino on Saturday night,
was largely attended and which,
proved one of the most enjoyable j
of the season. i
All of the dancers and others who
the dance and heard the:
were high in their praise ot
the playing of the South Carolina
hoys, and no doubt the or
will prove popular on the
island. music! ;
also furnished .
The orchestra
the hotel Amphitrite compli- yestev
and was again highly
- —--------------------
11. 11. Garvey, an old Brunswiekian.
luit for the past twenty-live years a
resident ot Atlanta, is spending a
week in the city and on St. Simons,
tft. Garvey has not been to Brunswick
in fifteen years, ami he stated today
duit although he was born and reared
here, he could hardly find his way
ahoiit the city. He is also greatly im
pressed with the wonderful develop
in progress at the island re
sorts. and said the p^\ ing of the
roads on these islands was one of the
greatest forward steps ever taken by
Glynn county.
The handsome and well equipped
swimming pool on Glynn Isle will be
ready tor n-e in a tew days 4 he pool
has been filled with water and a large
; . , is now putting the finishing
touches -•“• it. Date ot the formal _ op
wi.i lx announet’u within a tow
........: ,' "' y “.....
1 1 MR\1 A IS)! Ul> U v
The t an, to! ot the late Henry J.
Burgay was held Sunday afternoon at
i o'clock from the home of Mr. and
M-- D. U. Staley, on Wweas'le street
R«‘\ M U- Blevins, of the First
Vi-thodist church, conducting the si r
v ces. The interment was in Paimet
'- cemetery. A large nundvr ot
this well known and popu
citizen attended, paying him a last
of respect.
The first meeting of the Naval
Stores Marketing Corporation, since
t was formed in Savannah some ten
lays ago, was held in the offices of the
Downing Company this morning.
As is indicated by the title of the
■orporation, it is composed of leading
-iaval stores producers and factors
n the states of Georgia and Florida
md will give largely of its attention to
he matter of marketing the product
,f these two states, as well as that
iroduced in the whole naval stores
area. While it is understood that, the
headquarters of the company is to be
ii Jacksonville, all of the Georgia
ports are to be used in both the do¬
mestic and foreign shipments.
The meeting this morning was de¬
voted generally to the various ques
.ions involved iri perfecting an organ¬
ization to proceed to business just as
•arly as practical. It was concluded
o have offices in both Savannah and
Jacksonville and if plans made this
morning are matured at once, then the
company ought to be in active opera¬
tion in a few days.
Those attending the meeting this
morning and the firms they represent
■iro as follows: Walter Ray, Flynn
llarris-Bullaid Company, Jackson¬
ville; J. A. G. Carson, Jr., Carson Na¬
val Stores Company, Savannah; R. !,.
Ivey, Consolidated Naval Stores Com
•lany, Jacksonville; H. M. Wilson,
Baldwin-1,cwis-I’aee Co., Jacksonville;
('. i’. Dusenbury, Downing Company,
Inc., Brunswick; O. T. Me Into sip
Southern States Naval Stores Co.,
Savannah; R. M. Newton, Newton Na¬
val Stores Co., Newco, Miss.; M. E.
Olmsted, Bogalusa Turpentine Co.,
Bcgalusa, I,a.; J. B. Davis, Albany;
G. W. Varn, Valdosta; J. D. Russ,
West. Florida Naval Stores Co., Pen¬
sacola; T. J. Avcock, Jacksonville.
After the business session today, the
visitors were the guests of Vice Presi¬
dent, C. P. Dusenbury aboard the ma¬
rine hotel Amphitrite at the Sea Isl¬
and Yacht Club.
Church’s -— Barred , 1 |
Mrs. J. B. pen of
Rocks ranks second among the Ply -1
muoth Rock entries in the Second
Georgia National Egg Laying Contest !
through the R3rd week. Mrs. Church’s :
pen has an average of 140.3 eggs per
bird to date. Mrs. G. V. Cate’s pen
<0 Barred Plymouth Rocks are mi
third place with an average of 141.11
eggs each. pub-!
Mrs. Church gained national
iicity as a Barred Plymouth Rock rais- i
er when her pen of Barred Plymouth 1
Rocks entered in the First Georgia |
National Egg Laying Contest, laid so
sensationally during the winter
months. Assuming the lead among
'•>«’ »<>0 P«’»s during the fifth week,
Mrs. ( hurdh s pen of Rocks wasn’t
headed until tile 17th week. Mis.
Church’s pen after leading for thir
leen weeks, finished second in the
-‘‘ l 101 t,u Atlanta A.1.,,,1., Journal trophy-! t,. nn h r
which was awarded the owner of the
highest i i 11- 1 1. i c I winter u- mt/,1- egg oiro- producing i.i-iuliii-mir pen non in i n
the contest.
^s. < hurch s pen bids fair to
make a good showing in the second
'•ontert. No sickness has appeared in
' he pen and with the exception of two
accidents thus tar. Mrs. Church’s pen
has been ready for the grind.
••St'. John’s Day” which started on
Saturday and which will be observed
by all Portuguese for ten days, is
being celebrated in great style by
Portuguese contingent.
I .ike in their native land, the celebra
was started here Saturday and
while it may not last for ten full
days, it will be continued for three
or four days, with tonight’s program
, :iiii to be the feature of the week,
| tl celebration of the occasion the
local fishermen have gaily decorated
some of their places of business and
on front of one of the prawn factories
, m Hay street, between George and
London, a llag pole has been erected.
to which is attached a large number
0 f long green streamers, and around
which nightly dances are being held,
Tonight, it is stated, upwards of
fifty natives of Portugal, men and
women, will participate in all of the
native dances, which will be held un
dor the pole. A number of lights have
been installed to illuminate the sur
roundings, and people of the city are
invited to visit the scene and see these
dances, by native music, which con¬
? i s ts of mouth organs, shaking of the
foot, etc., while the leader in Portu
guoso, calls many fancy figures, which
arc carried out by the dancers.
Many other festivities are arrang
od ill connection with the St. John's
Day festivities, and during the eelo
bration very little fishing is indulged
in by the Portuguese.
D| . j \ V . Simmons, who last week
attended the International Rotary con-;
yention at Minneapolis, as a delegate
0 f t be local club, is now attending the
clinics at Mayo's hospital at Roches
t el Minn. Dozens of operations are
performed at this hospital daily by the
fines; surgeon.- in the world, while in
: cresting and instructive lectures are
ma a,. daift . Dr. Simmons will return
to t he city * about July ' 1.
__ ___
The Arco hand will hold its regular
practice tonight in the Riflemen’s arm-j
,,,-y beginning at S o’clock. The band! I
will also give a concert at Arco Friday las't
night, as the one scheduled for
w ,, 0 u was postponed on account of,
A telegram was received in the city
yesterday from New York announcing
the death in that city early Sunday
morning of Arnold Kaiser, for years
one of Brunswick’s leading citizens
and founder of the firm of A. Kaiser
& Bro., leading merchant here for
forty years.
Mr. Kaiser died at hi New York
home after an illness of seven weeks,
suffering from heart trouble. The
funeral, it was announced, would he
held in New York Tuesday.
Mr. Kaiser, who at the time of his
death, was 7(1 years of age, came to
Brunswick in IHfifj, and with his broth¬
er, the late Machalias Kaiser, estab¬
lished the firm of A. Kaiser & Bro.,
which was located at the corner of
Newcastle and Gloucester streets.
Year by year their business increased
and soon became the- largest mercan¬
tile establishment in Brunswick.
Coming here as struggling boys,
almost penniless, the Kaisers, by close
application to their business, by fair
and honest dealings with their thou¬
sands of customers, accumulated a
small fortune before they retired from
business here several years ago, when
they both removed to New York.
Arnold Kaisyr, who spent several
weeks here the past winter, stated I
at the time that he had never been
satisfied since leaving Brunswick, that
he had learned to love the town, its
people, and its surroundings, and
while here he purchased a site on one
of the island resorts with a view of,
building a summer home. Often he)
had expressed the desire and wish to
return to Brunswick to spend his de¬
clining days.
While a citizen of Brunswick he was
a leader in every movement that stood
for the progress and upbuilding of his
community, and his hundreds of
friends here will regret to learn of his
Mr. Kaiser is survived by his widow
and two children.
A city election will he hold tnmor
>'ow, when a member of the city eom
°» city Ju hall " e „ 1 ’ at Jhe the polls usual will hour open at R. the h.
Sherman will be elected without op
position and naturally it is not ex
ported that a verv large vote will be
Officers who have been at work on
doavoring to locate a clue as to the
guilty persons who murdered Nap
Randolph, Glynn county negro, and hid
his body in the dense swamp along the
canal banks, have so far failed. One
negro who was arrested has been re¬
leased, there being no evidence against
Representatives of the local post of
'he American Legion are now either in
Athens or en route there for the ail
nun! n „ n) convention ,.„„ worif which opened i f„,i.„. today.
Some of the delegates left yesterday
while others left this morning. As
stated Sunday an invitation will be ex¬
tended to the legion to meet here next
year. ‘
—Grained —Black
Calf —Brown
Oxfords —Biack
—Crepe Sole and
Oxfords White
—Woven —White
Leather and Red
Straps —White
—Woven A MOST timely sale of New and Green
Leather Sports Footwear featuring —Brown
Sandals the season’s latest and White
successes. —Low
—Woven Cool comfortable styles for Golf, and
Straw Beach and Street wear. Sizes Medium
Straps for women and misses. Won¬ Heels
derful variety—see Special Win¬
dow Display.
“ Brunswick's Leading Department Store :
MONDAY. JUNE 25, 1928.
Maybe You Don’t Know
that we have a complete stock of
sash, doors, roofing', paint and gen¬
eral hardware.
It will be to your interest as we?! as
ours to see us before buying, for
our prices are right.
835 Phone 836
Georgia Hardware Company
205-207 Monk Street
“Money Saved Is Money Made”
With Modern Machinery Dry Clean Press and Deliv¬
er any one suit or dress in one hour from time we re¬
ceive them. With 12 years of experience we know
how. Give us a trial. Phone 821.
w i n iiiii w ii i Mil i m mil iiiimi m ■ i n n~T W Tm» i hum— — i
31x5.25 $15.95
33x6.00 19.45
firestone Oldfield
29x4.40 7.95
Cf^QipP^ TSI\ES Airway
29x4.40 6.05
30x3y 2 4.65
Morton’s Auto Service
Cor. Reynolds and Gloucester St*. Phone 119