The Georgia record. (Atlanta, GA.) 1899-19??, November 18, 1899, Image 4

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IRATE HUSBAND KILLS TWO MEN Alleged That They Mad Kidnapped the Wife of His Bosom. SOUTH CAROLINA TRAGEDY ’ Slain Men Were Prominent Doc tor and His Son. Dr. Thomas E. James, a prominent physician of Greenville, S. C., who has many friends, and who enjoyed a lucrative practice, and his son, Wade Hampton James, were killed near Six Mile church, in Pickens county Wed nesday night, just before midnight. The shooting was done by Sam Lanier, a prosperous and popular iarmer of Pickens county, and the alleged cause of the double killing was that Dr. James and his son were driving away, so Lanier thought, with she latter’s wife. The physician was instantly killed, but his son lingered until about noon Thursday, when he expired, despite She attention given him by several physicians. It was at first reported that Wade Hampton James was only slightly wounded, but his friends were later informed that he, too, was dead. Dr. James and his son left Green ville a few days ago to visit their plan tation, which is in the vicinity of Six- Mile mountain. On their way they stopped at the iouse of Sam Lanier and there, it is »aid, by some means, procured Mrs. Lanier and the three started towards their destination, which is unknown. They had not gone very far, however, whan Sam Lanier intercepted them. He had learned, it is represented,that •they had driven away with his wife. The irate husband, armed with a shotgun, started in pursuit. As soon as Mrs. Lanier saw her husband ap proaching, she, it is said, leaped from the buggy and disappeared in the darkness. Just as she leaped Sam Lanier emptied the contents of his shotgun into the bodies of the men he thought were carrying his wife away. Lanier went to Pickens Thursday morning and surrendered to the sheriff. Dr. James was for many years a resident of Anderson county and has practiced at Piedmont and Newry. For the past four months he has been residing in Greenville. A wife and several children survive him. The coroner held an inquest late Thursday afternoon and found a ver dict to the effect that the two men had been killed by Sam Lanier. The shooting caused considerable sxcitement in Pickens, although the aoan who did the killing has many friends in the county, who announce that he will be exonerated. n’VEAGH FOILED. Carter’s Attorney Received No Encouragement In Plea For His Client. A Washington dispatch says: The president has heard what he has ex pected ever since he approved the findings and sentence of the Carter eourtmartial, a plea for the commuta tion of the former captain’s sentence ®f imprisonment. Wayne MacVeagh, the chief of Carter’s big staff of coun sel, called at the white house Thurs day morning and called the president’s attention to what he believes the harshness of Carter’s sentence. When he went away from the execu tive mansion, Mr. MacVeagh said he had called to pay his respects and to eongratulate the president on the re »nlt in Ohio. After doing that the iarmer cabinet officer brought up the matter of Carter’s sentence. His ef fort was apparently made chiefly for She purpose of getting some expression from the president which would af ford him an idea of what kind of re eeption his appeal for executive clem ency will receive. So far as can be learned he received no encouragement. It was not the president’s intention that he should. McVeagh says that Carter has given ap hope of a favorable hearing on his appeal to the supreme court, and is, therefore, preparing the way for an effort to get the president to commute the sentence. The ex-captain is still stt Governor’s Island. The time he is spending in prison there does not count off on the term of five years he is to serve at Fort Leavenworth. Warden Claughrey will put Carter in charge as an assistant superintend ent of construction in charge of the addition that is being built to the prison at Leavenworth. The warden proposes that the gov • arnment shall get some return, even though it be small, for the instruction it has given Carter as an euginner. Senator Hay ward Very 111. Reports from Nebraska City indi cate that Senator Hayward is worse. His right side is paralyzed and he speaks with difficulty and then only in anonosylables. “The Best & Cheapest.” We team this from experience tn reery department of lift. Good clothes are most serviceable and •axear the longest. Good food gives the best nutriment. Good medicine, Hood’s Sarsaparilla, is the best and cheapest, because it cures, absolutely CURES, •ox hen all others fad. CURE YOUR HORSE I of Spavhi, Curb, Splint, Capped Q Hock, Sore Tendons, Cuts, Kicks, Bruises, etc., by using SLOAN’S LINIMENT Also an Invaluable remedy for loan. When taken internally it cure* Cramps and Colic. It ia the base anUrrfttc inotvn. Every buttl. is warranted. SeM by deaier* ■nd druggists genially. PunUy Bra, MJTA Horse sure, 50c. sod Prepared by EASL 8. SLOAN, Boston, Ban Carnegie CalfjM ta Like Steel, JH||| Men’s 881 l Boys’ $1.75 Yonths’ $1.50 W Little Red Sea SBBgB Ca rto n s. J. L ORR SHOE ATLANTA, OA. ASK Your Dealer -JOB- TOBACCO It’s no Joke, YOU GET THE VALUE IN THE GOODS. The Best Chew on the Market to-day. tl OVELY Lamps J All hand-painted. No handsomer lamp made. Bold at manufacturer's prices Wi pay tbb PBEIOFIT. Makes a most accepta ble present Buni.tlful colored cat alogue of hand-painted PA Kt.uH o» BANQUET Lamps, r«.e. Every Zamp Guaran teed. Money back if you want it. Manufactured by Pittsburg Glass Co., Ton but direct. Pittsburg, Pa. I [ ■ B Willing to Imitate. "Why don’t you take example from the little busy bee?’' Inquired the man of unoriginal Ideas. "I do,’’ answered Meandering Mike. “An’ I want to call your attention to de fact dat about now Is when de little busy bee lays off an’ doesn’ do no more work fur de nex' six months.” We refund 100 for every package of Put ham Fadelzbs Dyb that falls to give satis faction, Monroe Drug Co., Unionville, Mo. Sold by all druggists. A Clear Understanding. Newlywed (after the ceremony)—Do you real ly tbiuk I shall make a good mate, darling? Mrs. NowlyweiP—Oh. you're all right. How do yeu like youreaptalu? Plantation ChiHGurc is GuaranWJ To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c. Ctecltylaf PMper*> The guardfans of a London work house have adopted a commendable plan for classifying paupers. About four yaars ago the Inmates were sub divided with reference to their moral character, their behavior or their pre vious habits. Now a further step in advance has been taken oy providing two comfortable and well furnished wards for those above slxty-flve. Old Case of Tetter in Toes. *‘Cbawtordviia.e, Fla. : Tetterine is worth more than its weight in gold to me. One application cured me of tetter in my toes of seven (7) years’ standing. John M. Towles.” It cures all skin diseases. At druggists 50 cents a box, or by mail postpaid from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. REPORTER WORTH A MILLION, Now Editor and Proprietor 0! the Jersey City Journal. Col. Sheffield Phelps, owner of the Jersey City Journal, was the richest newspaper man In America several years ago. From his father, the late William Walter Phelps, he Inherited a fortune of several millions, and under his active and practical management be made his newspaper the foremost Journal of the State. At the end of his first year he was bitterly attacked by his political ene mies, who brought libel suits for many hundreds of thousands of dollars against him, but he won easily In the courts. Since then he has been a pow erful political factor In Hudson Coun ty, and his course has been signally In dorsed by Gov. Voorhees. The Colonel, whose title comes from appointment on the staff of Gov. Griggs, lives in one of the showy places of the State, directly opposite New York City, on the crest of the Pali sades. The family estate comprises more than 3,000 acres. It Is probably tho costliest farm In America. The land is worth In the neighborhood of $3,000,000 for building purposes. After his graduation from Yale, in 1880, Col. Phelps began active news paper work as a reporter on the World at New York. Later he became an ed itorial writer on the Mall and Express, and afterward filled the position of act ing managing edltoroh the same paper. Once, while on thp World staff, he was sent to report the wedding of the daughter of a Wall street man recently from the West. The reporters were met at the front door by a trained ser vant, who quickly separated them from the guests and led them to the host’s private room, where the banker met them In and fiave them type written slips containing the Informa tion they were sent for. Then cham pagne was opened, and the banker took some cigars from a drawer in his desk. “Have one,” he said to Phelps. "They’re genuine conchas. I Import them myself.” "Thanks,” said Phelps pleasantly, as he took the cigar. "Have one of mine. They're real ascura maduras.”—Phila delphia Saturday Evening Post People Who Live ia Nests. who have returned from the heart of Africa and the Australian continent, tell wonderful stories of nest-building people who inhabit the wilds of those countries. In the bushmen of Australia we find perhaps the lowest order of men that are known. They are so primitive that they do not know enough to build even the simplest form of huts for shelter. The nearest they could approach to It is to gather a lot of twigs and grass, and taking them into a thicket or jun gle, they build a nest for a home, much as does a bird. The nest is usu ally built large enough for the family, and if the latter be very numerous then the nests are of a very large size. Into this place they all turn and snuggle and curl up together like so many kittens. Sometimes the foliage will grow together and form a sort of natural covering, but there is never any attempt at constructing a protec tion from the rain and storms, and it is a marvel how they endure them. Where there is a particularly good piece of jungle for home sites it will be quickly appropriated for the pur pose, and sometimes hundreds of these nests will be found together in the bush, as it is called. Wanted. Two traveling salesmen In each Southern state. 5.'0.00 and expenses. Permanent position. Experience not absolutely necessary. Address Peerless Tobacco Worts Co., Bedford City, Va. Due to Imagination. The truly great man is seldom aware of his eminence. It is the would-bo great man who Imagines that he obscures the .perspective. No Cure, No Pay, Is the way Findley’s Eye Salve is sold. Chronic and granulated Hds cured in 30 days; common sore eyes in 3 days, or money back for the asking. Sold by all druggists, or by mail, 35c. box. J. p. Haytbb, Decatur, Texas. When Japanese get mad. instead of swear ing, they goout and slam the door. Somttblag SiMlaatty Silly. Sturdy Bam ml* Simpson sought sweet Sallis Stevens' society so solici tously—several social societies several ly said sententiously, “Bailie's surely secured Sammle! Sallle', Sammle’s swetheart! Sammle's Sallle's slave! Society shall soon see something start ling!” Saturday Sallle sat sewing steadily, singing softly. Suddenly seeing Sam mle's shadow, she seized scissors, snip ped savagely, still singing softly. Sammle said slyly, “Sweetheart, sing Sammle something sadly sweet.” Sallle started—seemingly surprised— saylrg: “Sammle Sampson, stop saying such silly stuff. Spoony sentiments sound soft. Say something sensible.” Sammle Straightaway said: “Sweet est Sallle, set some time soon." Sally serenely said, "Say Sunday.” "Surely, surely,” shouted Sammle, supremely satisfied. Sequel: Sammle Sampson's safely se cured. Sallle Steven’s settled. Sam mie's suited. Society’s satisfied.—Bos ton Journal. Tea Poisoning. Victims of tea poisoning are becoming alarmingly prevalent. Women demand the life and variety of Health, and Instead of doing it naturally by building up their By sterna they resort to tea. They should take Hoßtettor’s Stomach Bitters Ss>et*cu!. By strengthening the digestive qrfatu this brings beauty and good spirits. It tones up the nerves, drives away the blneu, regulates the bowels and cures all forms of dyspepsia. All druggists sell it. As An Antidote. All men are'not fools when they get married. Only the other day a hard drinker in a Western dime museum married the snake charmer. State op Onio. City or Toledo, I LUCAB County. 1 ’ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tbs City of Toledo, County and State afqres«id. and that said firm will nay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by th© use of Hall’s Catarrh Cura. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my {-s —) pieaence, this oth day of December, sea l> A. D. 1886. A. W. Gleason. ' —r—') yotary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and actsdirectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials. free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Flu permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day’s uee of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. trial bottle and treatise tree. Dr. R. H. Klink, Ltd.. 981 Arch St., Pblla., Pa. For Whooping Cough, Piso’s Cure is a suc cessful remedy.—M.P Dieter,67 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 14,1894. The public is wiser than the wisest critic.— Bancroft I I [ nns . Is your breathbad ? Then" your best friends turn their heads aside. A bad breath means a bad liver. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure constipation, biliousness.dyspepsia, sick headache. 25c. All druggists. Wait yonrmou«taeJio or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Then fie® BUCKINGHAM’S DYE &p_cw. Os nn_ R, p. ». H, I w PVSti! PUSH!! PUSH!!! fi* f / That’s the way some dealers do ’ Push cheap goods because the profits are large. Why let a man push a Aheap ofi on you when you can get the beat H 7 at only a Jonar or eo more? Do you ever think about ilthot * a J T See our Agent or write dlreet ROCK Why take Nauseous Medicines? he you suffering with INDIGESTION? Are yon suffering with KIDNEY or BLADDER TROUBLE? Are you oubject to COLIC, or PAINS in Che BOWELS t Do yon rafter from RETENTION or SUP PRESSION ot L’RINE f Do you feel LANGCOIt, and DEBILITA TED la the morning t WOLFE'S Aromatic Schiedam SCHNAPPS CURES THEM ALL!! Pleasant to take, Stimulating, Biuretio, Stomachic, Absolutely Pure. THE BEST KIDNEY and LIVER MEDICINE IN THE WORLD ! 1 ! For Salo by all GROCERS and DRUGGISTS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. Mrs. Pinkham’s Medicine Made a New Woman of Mrs. Kuhn. [linn to xil nauui »». 6,,w>l •• Dbab Mbs. Pinkham—l think It is my duty to write to you expressing my alneera gratitude for the wonder ful relief I have experienced by the us« of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Con. pound. I tried different doctors, elan different kinds of medicine. I would feel better at times, then would be ua bad as ever. “ For eight years I was a great ewf ferer. I had falling of the womb and was in such misery at ray Monthly periods I could not work but a little before I would have to lie down. You» medicine has made a new woman of me, I can now work all day and not get tired. I thank you for what you have done for roe. I shall always praise your medicine to all suffering woman.” —Mrs. E. E. Kuhn, Gbumaxo, Ohio. " I have taken eight bottles of Lydfs E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and used two package# of your Sana tive Wash, also some of the Liver Pills, and I can say that your remedies will do all that you claim for them. Before taking your remedies I was very bad with womb trouble, was nervous, had no ambition, could not sleep, and my food seeped to do me no good. Now I am well, and your medicine has cured me. I will gladly recommend your med icine to every one wherever I go."— Mbs. M. L. Sheabs, Gun Mabsh, Mich. Sometimes a man acquires the gif t of aocond ■sight by marrying the girl he fell ia loVe with at first sight. Fortune dees not change men; It only un masks them. Dr.BulTs COUCH SYRUP Cures Croup end Whooping-Cough Unexcelled for Consumptives. Gives quick, sure results. Refuse substitutes. Dr. Pull's Pills curs Biliousness. Trial, so for 59. Makes writing a comfort. W ANTED AGENTS H nil bound in cloth; no “tra*sh.” Exclu sive right of territory; OUTFIT FREE. J. I*. NICHtoLS* co., Atlanta, Ga. Malsby & Company, 89 S. Broad fit., Atlanta, Ga. Engines and Boilers St earn Water Heaters, Steam Fumpi and PaubertUy Injectors, Manufacturers and Dealers in MILLS, Corn Mills, Feed Mills,Cotton G/n Machin ery and Grain Separators, SOLID and INSERTED Saws, Saw Teeth ant! I.ockfc, Knight’s Patent Dogs, Birdsall Saw Mill and Engine Repairs, Governors, Grat* Bars and a full line of Mill Supplies. Price and quality of goods guaranteed. Catalojua free by mentioning thia paper. W. L. DOUGLAS S 3 & 3.50 SHOES ,1 S’ “ rth $4 to $6 jivith other makes. X/ Ind<»r«e<l by over 1,000,000 irearen. he have V7. L t 1 * X# juglaa’ name and price iitfped on bottom. .f , > substitute claimed to be i good. Your dealer -Jk houl4 keep them tot, we will send a pair^^'J&p; in receipt <rf price. Stat* awev kind of eather, size, and width, plain or cap toe. Catalogue C free. , '• W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mask an< * Habits $ l tj s cured at homo tfith- I n.M. WOOJ.LEY, ff.p. A linu'n, oh. utfiee 104 N. Pryor St HD ADC V NEW DISCOVERY; give, iNk II tfcjb I quick r'e'ief and cures worst cases.- Book of testimonial* and 10 days’ treatment Free. Dr. H. H. GP.EEN S MOKS, Eox B, Atlanta. Lw uUiitb WHEHt ALL ELSE rAO* „ £2 fcg Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, ua© Ed i"n tluje. gold by droggistt.