The Georgia record. (Atlanta, GA.) 1899-19??, June 02, 1900, Image 4

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Social Memory. Henry Fawcett, says Sir Ed ward Ruasell, had an extraordinary memory for persons. One night Sir" Edward was In the House of Commons, to hear a debate, under the gallery. A friend Introduced him to Mr. Faw cett, who, learning why he was there, ■aid: “Oh, then you can look after my old father, and tell him who the people are. He Is going under the gallery, too." Three or four years later, Sir Edward was presented to Mr. Fawcett, who was then chief guest at a political din ner, and said to him, In “the usual conventional mumble:’’ “I once had the pleasure of being in troduced to you, Mr. Fawcett, but It’s a long time ago.” “I remember,” said be, "you very kindly looked after my father under ithe gallery at the House.” .•And this was the memory of a man ‘'totally blind. Bits of Femininity. Yellow lingerie is quite the latest ■cry. Shaped flounces are once more in demand. Nine out of ten of the new tailor frocks Include the waistcoat. Leather belts aro now made circular either of patent leather or suede. Fashion counsels flat lines over the shoulder, if you would be smart A sign of this year’s shirt waist Is a shallow, stiff cuff fastened with a row of three buttons. The newest bolero for everyday la ■cut with a belt that fastens it snugly to the figure, the front of the garment being left free. Delicately painted bolting cloth or •mousseline Is much used for waists, A scallop finish Is at once smart, and simple for everything, from a boulord to a challlo or wash gown. Sleep Changes the Verdict. Th© Jury in a recent law suit unanimously ngreed upon tho verdict, scaled It and went borne to bed. After sleeping over It, they dis agreed the next morning. This shows ths power of sleep to strengthen the human mind. Those who are troubled with insomnia should try Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. It puts the otcmach in good condition and induces sweet, sound sleep. It is the best of remedies for kid ney, liver and blood disorders. Dissim ulati on. “Yes,” replied the beautiful Geraldine naively, I felt like thirty cents, but I guess nobody suspected, 1 talked so like sixty.— .Dei roi t J ournibL Tutnam Fadeless Dyes aro fast to sunlight, washing and nibbing. Bold by all druggists. Her Preference. ' Minister—Now. little* girl, you want to be Chr stinn. don’t u? Ethel—No. eii’4 I’d rather sing in the choir.—Puck. HOW HUGH YOU EAT Is not the question, but, how much you di gest, because food does good only when it Is digested and assimilated, taken up by the blood and made into muscle, nerve, bone and tissue. Hood’s Sarsaparilla re stores to the stomach its powers of diges tion. Then appetite is natural and healthy. Then dyspepsia is gone, and strength, elas ticity and endurance return. Stomach Trouble— f< l have had trouble with my stomach and at times would be very dizzy. I also had severe headaches and that tired feeling. When I had taken three bottles of Hood’s Sarsa parilla I was relieved.” Mrs. Angelina Jarvis, 5 Appleton Sc., Holyoke, Mass. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Best Medicine Money Can Buy CHOICE Vegetables will always find a ready market—but only that farmer can raise them who has studied the great secret how to ob tain both quality and quantity by the judicious use of well balanced fertilizers. • No fertil izer for Vegetables can produce a large yield unless it contains at least 8% Potash. Send for our books, which furnish full information. We send them free of charge. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. Why Go To Hot Springs? is your blood polsohfed? LVo enro you at borne of rheumatism, eyi>hllls, and all chronic sores and blood trouble-;. Solo makers of Dr. Howard’s Root Bitters. Has no eqtial for Blood. Liver and Kidneys. Absolute cure for Syphilis. It taKcn in time and no cure effected, we will refund money paid. Ono month's treatment by mail 55.00. Sample package SI.OO. Address OCOKE MEDICINE CO., CHAiTANOOOA, Tenn. OPiUiVI A "" IWORPHINE habits cured at home. NO j’AY- Correspondence confidential. ■ GATE LIT k SOCIETY, Lock box 715. Atlanta, La. —~riES g* V DISCOVERY; OOMSI S mock relief end cures worst Woary Women ' Rost anti help for weary women are found let Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, it makes wo men strong and healthy to bear their burdens, and overcomes those Ills to which women are subject because they are women. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound | is known from coast to coast. It has cured more sick women than any other medicine. Its friends are everywhere and they are constantly writing thankful tetters which appear in this paper. if you are puzzled write for Mrs. Pinkham's ad vice. Her address Is Lynn, Mass. She will charge you nothing and she has restored a million women to health. The Dawes Mare. The Pittsfield (Mass.) Journal re ports a remarkable instance of animal sagacity. As the instance occurred in a well known locality and is vouched for by local authorities, It must be ac cepted as true. The story concerns an old mare, formerly the property of ex- Senntor Dawes, but now belonging to a stable in Pittsfield. The “Dawes mare,” as she Is called, is used on the station baggage wagon. One icy day recently the old mare fell twice in the course of the fore noon’s work. At noon she was unhar nessed and sent to the stall for her feed. She Is never hitched. At 1 o’clock, when It was time for another trip to the station, she was not In the stable, and no trace of her was found until about 3 o’clock, when she walked in unattended, and took her place in the stall, as if nothing had happened. Then It was noticed that she had been newly shod. Inquiry disclosed the fact that the sagacious animal, af ter eating her dinner, had gone to the blacksmith’s shop and waited her turn. Supposing that some stable hand had sent her in there the blacksmith sharp shod her. The name of the Dawes mare de serves a place in the annals of equine Intelligence is that of a horse who knew what to do and did it. Great Britain loses more than $50,- 000,OvO worth of property annually by fire. Do Your Feet Ache and Burn ? Shake into your shoes Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot, Smarting and Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores, 25 ets. Sample sent FREE. Address Aden S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. Trouble Ahead. Mrs. Peck—You know very well, Henry, that I’m a woman of few words. Henry—True, my dear; but the few are shamefully overworked.—Chicago News. The Best Prescription for Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure—no par. Price 50c. Not Quite Under Way. Maud—Well, summer is really here, isn’t It? Nellie—We—ell, I’ve only been enjraged three times so fail—New York World. Plso’s Cure for Consumption is an infalli ble medicine for coughs and cold*.—N. W. Samuel, Ocean Grove. N. J.. Feb. 17, 1900. The eye ought not to be drugged except under the special care of a physician. Mitchell’s Eye Salve makes the use of pungent drugs unnec essary and saves you from all the inconvenience and danger of that painful treatment. Price 25 cents. All druggists. HALL & RUCKEL, New York. 1848. London. Planlalion Chill Cure is Guaranteed To Money Refunded bY Your MerchanLsoVfov Not TyY ft? ?t»c.e Soc Skirt, for Summer Wear. Women who have delighted In the tight-fitting skirts, with no fullness In either the back or the front, may as well make up their minds at once to be sadly disappointed In the most ultra summer modes. For the tight-fitting skirt Is no longer deemed elegant. Yokes, shirred, tucked and smocked, are the limited effect of tightness. In fact, even when a yoke t* used It ot- Jcn runs only to the back, or rather sides of the back, where gathers are Introduced. Skirts are very full and long at the hem and are not tied back. To keep them down firmly weights are sewed In the foundation. One model shows fullness at each side of a nar row front breadth. Some of the skirts are shirred down In a point, others are shirred only twice straight around. Most of the skirts are gored, but there are skirts made of straight widths, shirred and tucked Into the waist line. A skirt stitched in small tucks all around the upper portion, except di rectly in front. Is modish. A skirt with a yoke, possibly of lace, is gath ered quite full all around, while a similar model is laid in shallow pla’ts about the front and gathered In the back. Cloth skirts are made quite plain In the front, but all of the latest models have some fullness In tho back and they are not confined. In any one plait, but several In quite a broad ef fect. Many of the thin skirts are so full that they suggest hoops. Thin fabrics are shirred about the hips or tucked. A charming model is lined in inch tucks at the front and back, which run to the line of the knee, where they fly out and muffle about the feet. In the backs are gathers. Some of the Importers suggest that before the summer has gone ruffled and frilled skirts will be in vague. An Effort to Explain. A gentleman who had engaged an Intelligent French maid was at work in his library at one end of his house, when it struck him, from certain sounds, that something must be wrong in the drawing-room, at the other end of the house. So he rang his bell, and the maid came. “What are those cries that I seem to hear in the direction of the draw ing-room, Marie?” he asked. “I do not precisely know, monsieur,” she answered. “At one time I sink it is madame who sing, and at anozzer time I am sure it Is ze cat and ze dog who fight, monsieur!” Are You Itchy? If so, someth with your skin. Ask your druggist for Tetterine, and you can cure yourself without a doctor for 50 cents. Any skin disease, ringworm, eczema, salt rheum, etc. Or send 50 cents in stamps for box prepaid to J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. Try a box. EXTENSIVE HAIR CUT. Some Forty Thousand Sheep Being Shorn al New Brighton, Minn. Nineteen professional sheep shearers Have begun shearing 40,000 sheep at New Brighton. The task will keep them busy for over a month. The men use specially designed power instru ments and they will each draw from $7 to $lO per day. The trusting sheep are enticed Into pens where they are at the mercy of the shearers who are paid toy the piece and consequently work with all pos sible speed. The up-to-date shearing instrument operates on the same plan as a barber’s hair clipper, and makes a clean sweep of several inches in its trips back and forth across the body of a sheep. The most skillful shearers work the clippers aleng the body of the animal with great dexterity and as they proceed the wool falls away In a solid bunch as thought the animal had been skinned Instead of shorn. When the clipper has finished Its work the wool lies on the floor In a bundle, the naked and Indignant sheep scampers away, and a man with a hand-car goes up and down the long row of operators ansi gathers up the wool, takes it to the packing room, where it Is tramped down into large burlap bags, which, wiien filled weigh about 335 pounds each. The men are paid from 7 to 9 cents per head for the sheep sheared, and 125 is a good day’s work, although there are men who claim to have sheared as many as 250 sheep In a day. When the 40,000 now at New Brighton have all been deprived of their wool the band of shearers will move on westward, the most Industri ous of them finally ending up in Ne vada and California, where there are single ranches with as many as 300,- 'OOO sheep belonging to one man. From there they will come up through the south to Minneapolis, whence they will start out to cover the circuit again next March.—Minneapolis Journal. Byou8 you have already discovered that cts and washes will not cure ■ esc eruptions on your face. They may cover bp and sup- ||| press, but" tkey cannot re- ||| ove. Rashes, boils, salt-rheum, |||l les, hives, eczemc, tetter, etc., Ma surface indications of a deeper nd it’s I Blood I is,— how to make bad blood of all these impurities in your H| the answer.— a perfect Sarsa irilta, such as you can buy at r: it must be a perfect one. 9 .nd it differs widely in every O lias. Jii* WEB’S I nder the personal supervision oi ||| ; in pharmacy, a graduate in aduate in medicine.” All druggists. Is. I was treated by a number of phy- gra ed many kinds of patent medicines, but E2S Sarsaparilla I got hold of the right thing, kBH P. Crouse, Attica, N. Y. e MiMßa etaaaeft eTTiTi ini e mnad oTHimwi . HJ-uuaa » ataaßK? o ggtefiSd) * L" REEP AWAY FBOfrg THE SH9PI • D OCK HILL ” BUGGIES are “ A Little Higher L Kin Price, But—” they eland np, look well, and S <t”’.>7s/ « » above all, heap away from the shop Only IS uX a dollar or so higher than cheap work. Why not ueo I, n them when this is the case 7 | See our Agent or write direct" _ hill ROCrttfi luSC a mbbWm * neaaagi e tagiaaa catgawrs o ssw vttxcrafai<> WriNCHESTEff FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN i “Leaser,”and et ßep@ater ff < Insist upon having them, take no others and you will get the best shells that money can buy. < ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. A nation’s flag represents Its sorer slgnty, and is prominently displayed In all army and navy battles. To “strike .he flag” Is to lower the national colors in token of submission to the opposing forces. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c. Cause and Effect. “What a bore that man Isl” “He never bores m*.” “Why doesn’t he?” “Whenever I ?>ee him coming I’m in a great hurry to catch a streetcar.”—Chicago Record. You Will Never Know what good ink is unless you use Carter’®. It eoats no more than poor ink. All dealers. Tommy—Pop, why do singers eat tar drops? Tommy’s Pop—To give their voices a proper pitch, I suppose. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for‘children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion. allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. R. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. A. M. Priest, DruggHt, Shelbyville, Ind., says: “Hall’s Catarrh Cure give* the best of satisfaction. Can get plenty of testimonials, as it cures everyone who takes it.” Druggists sell it, 75c. Correctly Defined. Tommy—“ Pop, what is a diplomat?” Tommy’s Pop—“A diplomat, my son, is a man who can live with his mother in-law without seeking a di vorce from his wife.”—Philadelphia Record. 0 Good Luck” Baking Powder is only brand sold in solid car load lots. More “ Good Luck" sold in South than ad other brand* combined. Highest Lesven-Mg Power, Wholesome and Healthful Look for the “llokiib Shob" on every can Manufactured by Tbs southern HMutacturtaz Co., Rkhrnnod, V*. W. L. DOUCLAS S 3 &3.80 SHOES v* 4SS,Worth $4 tos6 compared IW\ with other makes. p. /! \lndorsed by over Wr 1,000,000 wearers. g j The genuine have W. L. H | Douglas’ name and price /y fVi 'Sr! stamped on bottom. Take ■ I'' b no substitute claimed to be / / m XSe|| as good. Your dealer A ®* keep them —if Dot ' we a paif gon receipt of price and 250.^^^dS?/ extra for carriage. State kind of leather, r 55, si 2 ®, and width, plain or cap toe. Cat. free. “aEYEUTi *• DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mau. Malsby & Company, 39 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. Engines and Boilers Steam Water Heaters, Steam Bumps and Penbertliy Injectors. Manufacturers and Dealers In Su3IX7V IVLXUXjiS, Corn Mill,, Fe«<l Mill,, Cotton Gin Machin ery and Grain Separators. SOLID and INSERTED Saws, Saw Teeth and l ocks, Knight’s Patent Dogs, Birdsall Saw Mill and Engine Repairs, Governors, Grate Bars and u full line of Mill Supplies. Price and quality of goods guaranteed. Catalogue free by mentioning this paper. « Best Cough Syrup. Taates Good. Uee Mention this Paper fn “'^®^ r ‘ toer ‘