The Lincoln home journal. (Lincolnton, GA.) 189?-19??, May 19, 1898, Image 2
The Home Journal, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. SUBSCRIPTION IlATiSS. O 3 year. - One dollar. Six months, - Fifty cents. Three months. Twenty-live cents. advertising rates. One inch, per year, $4]Six,ln‘s | i>er year.'$iO Two ...... 7 Twelve inehc.-s 83 Three •• “ 10 | One column, 00 Local notices live cents por line each Insertion. All hills are due after first, insertion of advertise¬ ment. All checks, drafts ami oilier business letters Should he addressed to J AS. II. BOYKIN Editor * Publishers. Thursday, may 19, 1898. Entered in the postoffice at Luieolnton, Ga., as lecond class matter. The Spanish fleet is still dodging Sampson. ------—---------■—* Almost every report from Ilong Kong make the loss to the enemy at the battle of Manilla greater. While the interest of the people is absorbed in the war news the pol¬ iticians are laying their dirty schemes. William J. 13ry;tn, late presidentia 1 candidate, bits accepted an appoint¬ ment tis colonel of a Nebraska reg¬ iment, of volunteers. The Griffin News charges that Col. Allen D. Candler favored a three and a, half cent rate of interest per month while in the legislature. The Populists of 111 i noies haye become disgusted with fusion. At their state convention of May 17 they refused all propositions from the Democratic leaders, and put, a strong ticket of their own in the field. We hope the Augusta Chronicle will not have the cheek to preach peace and unity any moie, after en¬ dorsing editorially the action of the Richmond county Democratic execu¬ tive committee. The race between Col. Nesbit and Senator Stevens for the Democratic nomination for commissioner of ag¬ riculture is getting pretty warm. In this county the contest will be close, with the chances favoring Nesbit. In Richmond county the Demo¬ cratic executive committee, by their arbitrary rulings, have made it im¬ possible for the Populists to return to the Democratic party should any desire to do so. The following oath will be administered to each voter at the primary of June 6: “I do swear that L am a Democrat and affiliated with the Democratic party in the last general election, and that I will vote for and support in the election all the Democratic nom¬ inees selected as a result of tills primary.” It will he seen from this that Populists are not wanted in Demo¬ cratic primaries where tiie latter party is in a majority. It is only where their party is weak—in coun¬ ties like Lincoln and Columbia— they desire recruits. “It’s tlic Itest on lhu tli.” Tilsit is what Edwards & Barker r merchants of Flains, Ga,, say ol Chaniberhiin’s Fain Balm, for rheu matism, lame back, deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by Frice & Nash. We! Children that are not very robust need a warming, building and fat-forming food—something to be used for two or three months in the fall—that they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-Liver Oil with Soda Hypophos phites of Lime and supplies exactly what they want. They will thrive, grow strong and be well all winter on this splendid become food tonic. Nearly all of them very fond of it. For adults who ^ are not very strong, a I course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple ^GrT of months them in through the fall will the -•r 1 put first-class \ winter in con ■ dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsion. See that the Stan and fishVare on the wrapper. XU druggists; 50 c. and $ 1 . 00 . SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists, New York, Dewey and the Maine. What a strange retribution our brave American Admiral lias dealt out to the Spaniard. It would seem that the all wise and powerful ruler of the universe is following in the spirit and the letter his decree which saith, “Ven¬ geance is mine.” What a remarkable naval triumph in the harbor of Manila. An entire fleet sunk and hundreds of lives sac¬ rificed without the loss of a single man the compiorers. What a contrast; the American fleet sailing boldly into what the Spaniards said was the very jaws of death and sending to the bottom of the bay hundreds of victims to Span¬ ish pride and ignorance. Human sacrifices upon the alter of Spanish treachery. Note the distinction, yet the simli tude, between the two first events that mark the loss of life and destruction of property through the brutal in¬ humanity of Spanish tyranny. Hi the harbor of Havamia upon the placid waters of the bay floated 1 our royal ship, “The Maine,” our president never foi one moment thinking that the criminal instinct of the Spanish brain could descend so low as to murder the unsuspecting seamen who peacefully slept amid her decks. But true to the nature of living Imps of Hell, they stealthily, like the midnight assassin, sought the The second regiment of Georgia co<er of darkness to fulfill the of Snian. On that memorable night the boas¬ ted chivalry of Spain by the destruc¬ tion of the Maine sounded the death knell of its national doom, and as the perpetrators of tins, the blackest crime iti modern history, lost then no one whe figured in that foul con¬ spiracy, so we lost no man oi that avenging fleet, of justice that sweep the. harbor of Manila with the de¬ vastating flames of an avenging Nemesis. This coincident is endeed marvel ons. Has Hm world in all its history ever witnessed so foul a crime fellow ed so closely by such manifest retri¬ bution without the loss of a single life. Is there an individual whose bigotry is so dense that he would question the justice of Divine mercy us shown in this incident.—The Assayer. Toy Notice. I will meet the people to receive tax returns for the present year on the dates below. On account of illness 1 am late in beginning. I will lie at Lincoln:,on, May 23; June 1,13. Sybert, White Plains, way 24, June 2, June 14. .May 25, 3, 15. Lisbon in the morning, Grab in the evening. Goshen, May 25, June4, 16. Parks, Nay 27, June 6, 17. Shady Hill, may 28. June 7 at Dr. Lane’s, 18 Lockhart. Cole in’s Store, nay 30, June 8, 20 at Salem. Amity, May 31, June 9, 21. Tylers Mill, June 10, 22. Levevett, June 23. Martin’s v Roads, June 24. This notice, may not appear in this paper more than once, so it would be wise to cut it out for reference and meet me on my first or second round. J- T. Bom. Eii, R. 'J'. R., L. G. The Best Remedy far Rheumatism. From Fairliaven (X. Y.) Register. Mr. James Rowland of (his village states that for twenty-five years bis wife has been a sufferer from rheu¬ matism. A few nights ago she was in sucli pain she was nearly crazy. Site sent her husband for the doctor, but lie had n ad of Chamberlain’s Fain Btiim and instead of going for the physician secured he went of it. to the ilia store and did abotile wife not approve, of the purchase at first, but nevertheless applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hours time was able to go to sleep. Whe now applies it whenever she feels an ache ■ or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had used ever did her as much good. The 25 and 5tj cents sizes f r sale bv Price & Nash. liui'ritn/;, CASTINGS. Bi LI «i*. Ihict ory, Fm-jiooe suit! i£.su l road ILuiroad, Mill, Machinists’ and Factory Supplies. P.*-Ur un I'a^kinsf* kt Injectors, Pipe FiirH'Ms. Sa'v.% Files, Oilers, work SO iiaml-L £ : v>r*Gasi everyday; i Lombard iron Woiks and Supply Co * MUUISTA, < litHttliA §250.00 REWARD. TIThereas, VV the grand .jury of mended the lapt reward April of term Two of il the undredami < Hurt re Fifty com¬ thr.t a Dollar* be offered for the capture, with proof to convict, ol* the party or parties who on Sunday ni^ht the 35 of April. TTK did set fire to and bnrh up the Lincoln County Jail. Jt H therefore or dered that the said reward of $2511.00 the lie and is hereby offered by Lincoln comity for capture and conviction of said party or parties guilty < f salil offense. Witness mv hand and official signature this Apr:/ H, i\ it. HEM S£N. Ord'y L. V. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB SHEEIFF, Thereby announce myself a candidate for re* election to the office of Sheriff of Lincoln county, and if elected will endeavor to faithfully perform the duties of the office as l have done in the past, f ask the support of the ail my friends, and pledge myself to support nominees of the. Populist primary election. Bespt., OCULARS. The many friend? of Tom L. Paradise announce him as a suitable candidate for tsher of Lin coin County for flic* ensuing election, to the Peoples’ Party nomination. MANY VOTERS. 1 Being solicited by my friends, sheriff { heicby nit nbuhbe myself a candidate for of Lincoln county, subject to will the endeavor People’s party nomination, the and if elected to dischann: duties of the office to the best of my ntdlitv. NATHAN WRIGHT. FOB TAX COLLECTOR I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Lincoln county, subject to the People'? party nomination. 1 am a oaudi date office*for on my own responsibility and am seeking the the money. If elected 1 will en deavor to so deport myself as to win the honor nil that is bestowed efficient by an officers. impartial public upon ask faithful and I respectfully the support of my friends. WILLIAM WOODS. F hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Lin¬ coln county, subject people, to the People’s party nom¬ inations. If the whom 1 have tried faith fully to serve, think me deserving of another term. I respect full v solicit their support. S. T. .MOSELEY. I hereby atin ounce myself tt candidate for Hie office of Tax Collector of Lincoln county, subject to the People’s party nomination. Jf elected J shall faithfully endeavor to perform the duties of the office. I solicit tlu: support of my friends. M. j;. LEWIS. FCB THE LEGISLATURE. I>ein" solicited by my friends, I have decided to make the race for the Legislature at the ap¬ proaching primary election. I pi edge myself to stand bv the nominees of the partv. W. WARD. The many friends of (’aof. V. ,\i Wrffih.t an¬ nounce him as a suitable candidate for represen¬ tative of Lincoln county in the next General Assembly, subject to the People's partv primary election. id ANY VOTERS. I announco myself up, a candidate for tbe Le" islature from this com : to action of People's party primai If elected I promise to look well a Per Hie interest of my county and state and 1 respectfully solicit the Votes of my friends. T. G. .STROTHER. For several months I have been solic?fed time and ULpiin to announce myself ;is a candi¬ date for Lincoln's representative e hm as 1 was destitute, of such aspirations t resisted the - <i iicitations until now, when the pressure has tie-' come so "real that it puts on the appearance of stubbonm-ss or some kindred malady for con tinned refusal, mHwUhsfaiidiu" in (i< ill" 80 I fee! that 1 am at a "rent, disadvantage owing to the fact that the county lias been canvisscti by' my opponents, and an impression lieing among my friends that I would not be in the race. But be that as ii may. under the existin circum¬ stances 1 will take the chances and now announce myself as a candidate l'or ive of Lin¬ coln county in the next General Assembly, sub to the People's party primary election, and solicit the consistent, suppo-t of my friends. JOHN O. CALDWELL. FOB TAX BECEIVEE. At. the solicitation of fricinls f.-.oiu every sec tloii of the comity, 1 have decided to announce as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Lincoln County. I pledge myself to support the nominees of the People's party primary election. A. J. MURRAY. Having hc»e : solicited Gy friends from various sections of the comity I have consented to allow M,/ Barne !i> <p> before the public as a candidate f-»r 'j ax Receiver of Lincoln county, subject to the action of the Populist- primary. If elected will faithfully discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. P. A. UUDGERS. The friends of L. Zed. Bussey respectfully an nounco him as a suitable candidate for the office of Tax Receiver for Lincoln coupiy nt the coin: ?m$election. Subject to the P«ouie’s VOTERS.* partv ori in ary. MANY At the solicltiitioi) of friends I hereby- an uoniice Lincoln myself a candidate subject for People’s Tux Receiver of county; to WliKiilT. party pri mary election 1,. date .^Thereby make lection my announce incut ns a candi¬ for re.-, to the office of'-Tax Receiver of Lincoln county, subject to People's party primary; and in making ail thin announcement I svUl pay that lids is t.Iic electioneering i expect to do, as my health is very bad ; fm l can’t get around much.; but at the same time I ask my friends not to vote an old veteran out who is not able to work for a living, and I promise them that I will be as courteous ami obliyriny in the future tts ] have in the past. .) T. 13011LE R FSB GLEBE & fBEASUEEE. favors Deeply and grateful partiality, to I the hereby people for their past announce myself .•(' candidate fdt re-election to the offices of Clerk ol‘Superior Court and Treasurer of Lincoln coun¬ ty, subject, will to People’s party primary to* election. If elected I endeavor faithfully discharge the duties ol'the office to the best ofmv ability. J. M. GARTLLJJGE.* Application loix- A<h'.ii]tisti‘Htoi‘. wtat;: of (iEoiioiA—Lhicoiii criimiv: T» all whom it may eoiR'i-ri': o. M. Chemmult has in dui- Linn apijil.-tl to the laiih.rsiam'ii for permanent letters of administration cm the estate .v.o’uiay in -J unc. usis. Given under mv hand and ofiiciai sjgmttrire this 2nd day of .May, im. T. JL RE MS EX, Ord'y. READ THIS! It is a good idea to bay CHEAP FURNITURE. It is a better idea to buy GOOD, FURNITURE. It is the best idea to buy GOOD CHEAP FURNITURE. WE KEEP ONLY THE LAST NAMED. i si 9 913 BroaD StreeT, AUGUSTA, GA. E. L. Holland & Co., Successors to Holland Brag.. Washington, Ga., Say to the people of Lincoln and adjoining comities that they are fitted up to build and repair ENGINED, ECILEBS, GINS, PSESSES, GSISP AND SAW HILL BACH1NEBY. We guarantee ( work and reasonable prices. E. L. Holland is manager ’and no ce can look more closely after customers’ interests. Our success for the short time the" business has been running is proof that we give satisfaction. Give us a trial ana you will come again. For Ginning and Saw mill outfits-we can’t be beat. Jenkins Valves—a full line 011 hand—-the best in the market. Also Pipes and pipe fittings, Injectors, Rubber and Leather Belting and Packing, Manhole Gaskets, Cylinder and Machine Oil. $- cond-hand machinery for sale very cheap. Orders by mail will have prompt attention. E. L. HOLLAND & CO., Near Depot WASHINGTON GA. Remember ! MARKWALTER / The Watchmaker and Jeweler of Washington, Ga., will do your work on Fine Watcfies, Clocks & Jewelry Cheaper and Better than you can have it done elsewhere. He understands the business thor¬ oughly and will guarantee the work' and prices to be all right. Eyes tested and Glasses fitted per¬ fectly. We Keep Our Customers Posted on the Cotton Market by mailing them our market report regularly. We want your business. All shipments J& Personally attended to. Liberal advances, good Weights. DAYlSGN & FARGO Cotton Factors, Augusta, Ga, When In Augusta Go to II. m. Kearsey’s wagon yard and saloon, 1263 Broad st SOLE Agent For Cooper’s Laurel Valley Corn Whiskey. GOOD ADVICE. When buying Monumental Work it is well to first be assured of the honesty and ability of the Dealer. Patronize your home dealer if pos¬ sible. Avoid agents, as they are unneccessary, and are an additional exj ense. Be sure the contract, speci¬ fies what you want, and more certain the work tills the contract before paying. Remember there is no ex ccnleuce without great labor, and no great excellence without skillful labor. You should therefore buy of a proprietor who is a workman, The most skillful and artistic-workjnuii i ship on the be.--; t)l is none j too good to mark the graves of “the I 10 | AV tU ,.,l L V- none before” ’ ' ' ‘ ( IyUlI _ jIlI , i . I'. 1 ioi s ' J 1 AMarble. Granite and Stone Works, tier. Washington and LI JlS . btreetS. . , Schneider’s REST DEPARTMENT This stove bus always enjoyed the confidence of the trading public. Its liberality to its patrons, its superior class of merchandise is alines universally known. .Studying every day to make it better, embracing new' thoughts, new ideas, new methods, new merchandise. Our policy is a progressive one—and with our superior facilities for purchasing and elegant storeroom for the sale and display of goods, together with the most varied and up-to-date selection of Spring Novelties shown in Augusta we confi¬ dently say there is not a better shopping place South. Here is a place you can buy as cheap as your neighbor, or ye neighbor as cheap as yourself—and save money on every purchase, to pass the-place bv is tin inexcusable injustice to your pocket book. This isn’t so because we sav so, but because the goods and prices make it so. See the prices, vou’ll find no such values elsewhere, unless you dive a full third deeper into vour pocket book. Prises are Bight, Styles are Correct, Merchandise the Best. Schneiders Dress Goods Department. 10 pieces Mohair Sicilians Fine Plaids, should be $1.50 but to go this week at 85c. 19 pieces French Novelty Suitings, stylish and catchy, sells elsewhere 75c, bore 39c. Pine Silk and Mohair Bengalees 49c. 11 pieces Satin Bonrbers, all the new shades, a $1.25 quality tit and a9c 10 pieces Wool Check, g taky, new colors, 25c Fine All Wool Fluids, pi sell at 69c, but now 25c 38 inch. All Wool Serges 19c Black French Crepon, pretty, -98c 48 indies wide and line sillc finished, in colors and black, 39c 62 pieces double wide Dress Goods, good colors for spring at 14c 29 pieces single wide worsted at 7c Bilks—Brocades—Bilks. 22 new colors in Monselme de Sole, fine $1.25 quality, 25c all Silk Satine Duch grade, esse at 75c $1.25 black Brocaded G ross G mines and Satine 59c. Black Taffetas, worth $1.00 at 59c Taffetas in all the newest shades 39c $1.25 Taffetas in the check plaids at 75c 34 inch All Silk Chines, all shades, 75c grades at line 35c of Silks for waists, Beautiful tills week at 4 it 12 Silk Waists, new designs neatly made at, $3.00 bought them 18 Silk Waists, we as a job lot, some in the lot is worth $9,00, to close at $4.90 Domestic Department. 1,900 yards Fine Sea Island, full yard wide at 3 7-8c 1,000 yards Columbus Bleached Cotton, yard wide, at 4 7-8c 1,000 yards Good Mattress Tick¬ ing, at 5c yards Brown Shirting at 2<]c 1,000 case’ blue and 1 Standard Fruits, light colors at 3Jc T case of Lodi Frince, light colored Shirting at, 3c Ready Made Skirts. 16 Brocaded Taffeta Skirts, worth $10. to go at $6.50 12 Brocaded Black Silk Skirts, worth $8, at $5 48 full width latest style black Brocaded Wool Skirts, $1.89 37 Skirts left from lust week sale, at $1.38 33 Skirts black Mohair, 48 inch wide, we! 1 made, tit $1.60 37 Skirts black or fancy the $4 ones at $3.25 and colors, 185 Sk i v is, a job black worth not one in the lot is less than $1.90, long as they will last; at $1,15 New Spring Clothing. 36 Men’s Suits, light colors, the finest on earth at $5 24 Men’s Suits, Scotch patterns, the best made eoods for the money, they are worth $10, at $6.50 48 Men’s Clay Worsted Suits in nrown or black, straight or round cuts to go at $7.50 black diag¬ 18 Men’s Suits, blue or onal, made for trade only, satin lined, they are worth $18 anywhere, as a starter will sell them at $10 1 lot of 105 Suits, they are left from the manufacturers many lots, as suits they are alright and sizes, perfect, but we are short in some we will clear them at $5 Children’s Clothing. 250 Children’s Suits, Suits' to go at 65c 1 lot of Children’s to move at $1.25 $3.50 Children’s Suits I lot of go at $2 $4 . Children’s Suits 1 lot of to at $2.50 $5 Children’s Suits to 1 lot of at $3 500 pair of Fanffe, $2, $3 and kind, at $1.50 at lower "We are prices determined than that do. no other store shall give better Shoe valJj we You cannot invest your money in abetter way, or so it xnu br* better returns limn by snapping up some of these many Bona-fide Bargail pttj [pusny 1108 and 1108 Broadway. Augusta. Fine Millinery. You are cordially invited to visit (his Department this week. We w»J you to see the prettiest hat ideas tlij we latest are French introducing this season, specially TJ creations signed and We gotten up for this Aprilij! season. venture to assert that tlufre is nothing duite like these new designs shown elsewhere. Ribbons—Ribbons. 200 pieces all Silk Ribbon, 21 to -1- inches wide, pretty bright colors, Moire, Plain Taffeta, not .a piecc^jM n$m the lot worth less than 40c, worth Toe a yard., all in one lot ior this week selling at 19c a yard Wash Fabi ics. 1 case now color Dimities, 5c the 40 inch English Batiste, fast colors, best wash goods, worth 12 Jo to go The at 10c per yard choices!, dress fabrics, the Dotted Swiss Mulls only ]2Jc Our whole line of 35c French Or¬ gandies we will run at 25c White Lawn in remnants at your own price * Iloisery and Furnishings. There is a stamp of reliability on on every pair of Stockings sold by us. Your money could not be more judiciously the invested. Iloisery bought before advance in tariff and sold upon old price basis. Misses and Boys fast black ribbed Hose, double knee, heel and the, at 10c a pair Mkfti . Misses and Boys fast black brown Maceo-Cotton and Lisle threaiV, Hose, 35c quality at 15c Ladies’ Rust black Seamless Hose, double heel at 9c Ladies.’' fast black lull fashioned double heel and toe Hose, worth 25e, at Hife pair. I Gent’s Imported black an tan, full seamless Half Hose, Celebrated at 121c a pair.! (it) dozen our Lnlaun-I dried Dress'Shirts just in, tlp^mbestf on Gent’s earth for Negligee the price, Shirts, 50c collars eaxM%| and cuffs attached, 45c each Schneider’s Slice Department. Boys’ Fine Calf Laced Shoes, had the popular coin toe or needle any] toe] will regularly bring $1.75 Special in Shoe Store in the hrt'ul. price now $1.25 \ ~~ Lacecj Boys Goodyear Best Black or \Tan with Shoes welt, ana, don Coin toes, the regular price these shoes anywhere is special we make them at $1.75 Men’s Finest Cordovan Lace on account of them being toes we are going to sell them ii| almost half price, $2.50 were formally $a 1 they are now Willow CalGShoea Men’s Finest light sole, bull handsome dog toe, shade they offbrowiJ kites narrow are and mother of $5 Shoes, to close oil this week at $2.75 oi Men’s Satee Calf Shoes, lace I congress, the $2 kind at $1.50 Misses Fine Ki l Button Shoes. I Either cloth or kid tops, eithJ square, narrow, pointed opera, or coil toes, either light or welt soles, an al sorted lot which have just been Hi rfl duced from $2 to $1.25 . Youths Fine Calf Shoes, Kjd^ at 114 pairs Ladies’ Fine eari less Button, coin toes, patent#eatin sold tips, very stylish, light anvwllere wtjfljj opera heels, worth $3 pair, but now only $1.60 10 cases of Dongola Button Tj Ladies’ Shoes, as si flyer at 75c j 3 cases Ladie’s Dongoiu Shots, nicely trimmed, in J worth $1.50, as a leader at $1 bil 5oQ pairs Ladies’ Tan Shoes, ton or lace, till sizes, guaranteed sol they are worth $2, as advertised 10 6 cases Hand of Baby Sewed Shoes Bahv at 15cE Slim M oases at 35c frJ i 200 pair of Children’s Shoes, 5 to 8, they are worth $1, price ti