The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, May 08, 1851, Image 3

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, i.e ‘i” T — 1,1 l ’ ttec! A ;/ii^^HV ; the iiiL’.e<i * i (he mifzlitv that Mih , Bbncedist —l lie poiishW r'Cei tr,, of the declining Athei--.; ../{Bay ‘- and Biographer—: ligfiffi'i'eiy attuned sool, gK|iiy unge roll on like Bltd “Be spheres; Bm U. philoMi- Kl), Hill ‘ll MkGic- ;.h- B-iv | and In ir% ■ •!.:<• li.i| v\ a > I 111 *■ i r I’ M i- I of all I moil Lome ■ l)|d ’■flll ll oil he ?Bii;:- i:ri jB- >- m<i', I ” Sin’ SB o the divine majesty of the simple G<Vpe!s. What is the sacrifice of a raving Hercules, mat lie might speedily reach tiie blessed abodes, through die sharp, self-inflicted agonies, wbii h swallowed up in dieir fie ry haste the slow torments of the gnaw ing vest; what is Agamemnon’s touching compulsory sacrifice of the self-dcvjjei Iphigenia ; what is the affecting self-sac rifice of Alcetis for her husband’s lilt*; what is the grand suffering of Prometheus for the temporal benefit of the human race; what all the voluntary sacrifices of Grecian story, compared with die over whelming tenderness, the unspeakable awe and sublimity, of the loving sacri fice of the Son of God (or the everlasting salvation of a sinful world ? The geniut aiul learning of centimes have been kin ly,‘d by and lavished upon the literature Bf Greece; limit never brought comfort || the penitent spiiit; it never softened | morse into repentance, and transformed I peiituiue unto hope of faith ; ,t never Ir to red balm into , . broken heart, nor 1 msolation into the oosons ofllie afflicted land desolate; it never took away the sting Id sin, or threw a halo of triumph around | be gloom of death ;it never extorted luV 1 ” a glorious crowd of genius and learn ■ Ci die confession dim * this is the Word ■ ‘God;’ as that same old dibit; has migli- Iwr done. And after every concession Is made whiih true science and criticism ■ % ■'v 4 ■;.n exiort ordemand, the truths of that |*iok will still shine, a golden chain, link ing the deepest and holiest hopes of man litii the heavenly throne of the eternal I? 1 -’ pB (Senders. gjßl'>w many genders are there?’ nsk ifl school master. CTf brey, sir,’ promptly replied the little Byes, PBrliatare they called.’ (Hl'isculiue, feniiiiiut>and neuter.’ Bray give me an example ‘of each,’ Muster. ■ Why, you are a masculine, because B are a man, and I am feminine, be- Be I’lii a girl!’ ■Very well—proceed*? B don’t know,’ sipd the girl ‘ but l Mr. Jenkinses neuter, as lie’s un ’ BBael’iiiir ? Mr fe- . igßrne Frienust.ip seeks no selfish cnJs. 5 MmcSm nv in:\i;\ NO. J.^B .MY FIRST k IN IOWA. Prairie — Forest— D>er — Beauties — Come- a gating — Jfflßfc Un S —Strange Bed A iirigtw, frosty morning in Decem ber, }B3o,,&und me astride of a small In dian pony^L^nntty years own’d by die renowned CbirMPiaek Rank ; he was a tough, sinew y fi-ILwv, as diis breed of an imals general.y are,MWLo bad seen un than twenty winters of Biiiv checks, anil infused new life bled body. Gently, gently, Bder, U'ho are von and fplic/r : Beg pardon, I ir is a roman- Bis nineteen, who h id, n- of a pic --uni ‘•.Bk . to M> It my !:>•■■ - ‘■. ; 'B|h{‘' ,! ' , 'hn- l,|W ” “ Efc. I -a. -i’ k ** “ % “Si • - • and li” . ‘ f Ski • 1 pro- great hi! heart, ami contemph.ied with nine ft pleasure, the proposed excursion, ,ovv jMMjtre appeared io ,m ’ U l ’?'* I'vng inspirations of die invjg air, ami felt a buoyancy of bean and elasticity of body which was in de lightful contrast with the prostration which 1 had so lately experienced. After riding about a mile, having as cended the bluffs with him in the town. I came, suddenly, upon what had been, from my childhood, my ardent desire in behold. A prairie, a prairie ! hurst from my lips, and in my wild joy | dropped tin reins,lapped my hand--, and shouted, tili tile woods, from which I had just emerg ed, rang again and again with the t-elms •I my voice. Ijike a vast ocean of foam .1 was spread not before me, „nii| almo-t all sides, ihe far distant horizon ki-sed ■be blue sky above. \ „j„ -| e human habitation, like a lone vessel iri a silent ■ml solitary sea, appeared like a speck, many miles di taut id the right; while to die left, loomed up in gloomy grandeur, .1 small grove of leafless ir. es. The bril liant beams of the imelouded sun were re flected with intense splendor from the dia mond-.tu.hied mantle which wrapp and ;h ----virgin earth in its cold embrace. ‘ I ga 7j . ed oil die cm banting srene till my *-v— ----ached. Never had I before, as at this moment, felt the awful and sublime mwj e>ty ol Nature. From toy childhood the lofty mnnn tain-i, rushing torrems, and drear uhl for ests of Vermont, bad been my tain,liar friends; the, ere,led waves of the Atlantic find also been mv plsynutes; hot ii->i*> my lie.lit bowed ill reverential awe to the spirit us the scene, which lar outsiripped my wildest iinagiuation of hese regum-. Holiness filled ihe air, earili worshipped iu great Architect, and I raised mv eves io the unfaihoined deep above, and ui icred u prayer of gratitude and praise. Recovering from this burst of enthusi asm, I pm sued my solitary, though <•- liglnful journey. The foml was rather a blind one, for no fence cm loed it, and could only lie disiingni-hed from the sur rounding prah b by the uhsem e of coarse grus in the ttvo parallel path* worn by the’ emi::rum's wagon. This I (uUnwed several hours, until a faint dark line m the left slowly arose to my view, revealing a loivst sirelehinu to the westward as far a he -ye could .each. From iiiforinati “ii! received at B——, f l oncluiled ibis in be a grove .vbich -l,i ted the Clieiautjiie or Skunk river; knowing there was ge’Rle met.tsun ihi- stream, I though I > ouul.j .v(*it there, amt (here end my first day’-. I journey*. Not a Imiiutibeing had 1 :e • [ thus lar, lior even a living ueature, sue j h t noi'i^B Mg me to a ■ .lit hxhilv Ihr h as ,mce more in N-- Oiimi ol ttndv ‘* view, a coach innl lour uouT^B guided inroiigh tin- wood as •to the prairie. Majestic jolty heads and smih-d iu the fhee f die ciiesnut and maple, too, were thee, ! tiiiia out their looniious arms to pkai%s each other, giving the salutation of iheir gigairtici brotheihtiod. The plea -ant siiiisiiTne glistened on their thousand interlacing brandies, w Idle u idi the ad hering some, forming a ’ silver, canopy which artificial man might fn vain strive to imitate. Far, far an ay dovyn the slope between tlieir buge bodies, cw'ild l dis. ct! u the dark rolling Chetauipic. swid ien vyith tin* early rams id’ winter, luyd twr- Uul with the rich earth of its own fc-tih hanks. . I rode slowly onwards, dreaming many a bright vi-i ij of the t illin', slopping j a had o l at dia’ ga 7 ed the vvjr;'*■ w idi their short shining (lew 1 from my ravished sight. 0, Imw wildly heat my heart al tbis t t,o ine, novel spe\ 1 ladej and it was not until I met t’ic sec oud herd, that I bethought me of mv ji fle, which, fortunately for them, peiha|s, I had lefl in li——. | doubt, however, ■ if I could have at dial time, found seifish -1 ness enough in my heart to have used i stub a weapon, there was so iipu-Ii soul beaming from their lustrous eyes, that to ’ have taken life would have been almost murder. 1 did, nevertheless, give diem, once, a parting salute from a brace ol pistols, which they had not the politeness m recognise, excepting by a sudden Use ■ and their heels. Leader of the foremost herd, thou noble Buck ! Imw well I re member thee. As though it were but yesterday, l see thee now ; ha ? thou hast wheeled about; proudly, aye, regally dost thou toss lltv beautiful head in the air, adorned with a tiring crown. Graces (ullv sits it on thy brow, lowering aloft like a banner; its many brandiesdaitciue in the suow-reflrcied light. Thy broad chest heaves with strange emmion, a-pl die silent wood resounds with the stamp ol thy impatient hoofs, as thou returnesi die gaxe ofllie intruder of ilv domains. Noblest of the forest, farewell! Just before reaching the river, T came upon a trail leading to the right, which’l followed, and soon came to the setdemm*: it consisted.of three or four rorlelv built log huts, n phit'll were attar lied, by rad V ”w i’l 1 !|"i'l ;!][< !* ‘. l 1 ‘ ( ‘ .y ’ Is more terrible die , fantastic and hideous mons79||B iiiferu it spirits to revel l.ileasures, Iftiwl. vein of tie.iveii • lh‘” j i V io i pr'h* ‘vv'iilicrcri km\ ! ! pf® Mv face scratched by low, ‘svvaviit:: I uni attempt to describe my happiness when i (omul tint I bad enn-rged fr un the haled labyrinth, and again stood on die oheu - 1 .*. . . ■ CTT niieu tlie twmkie of titilit threw its faint beamjtWmmy almost weep ing eyes. ue light seemed miles dis tajil- the thick darkness, hut hojy , I'purred my pony into a smart trot, which wis suddenly cut short’ by his bringing I me up against a rail fence. I disiiiiilfnied, j - left Black Hawk to shift for himself, and • wadfrtg through the mire to the newly ploughed field, found myself at the door human habitatim:. fc . ’ *knock, knock ; ‘ Come in,* said a hut friendly voice. I es- I sayed to f&*°- hut fumbling in vain for ! the door latch or handle, it was shortly ■ opened from the inside by the speaker. * Wal, walStraoger, t opld-dt find the the string, rAnld’nt? * * • •pVnid Catammmts ! no wonder; its blacks r oni tharn Pharo’S .body guard ; ytylooks as though ye'd been in Skunk /all over ; never mind, wjmi-oii; e’s the word.’ •Can you aerjjyiimndute myself and Imrse here, fur the night,’ said I. * * Wnl, I reekmi; can’t up old woman?’ said the man turning to hi wife. ‘ Sartm, siiritii,’ said she, ‘an that liiiirit no beliefs'Viiuinidilalinns ’iwixi here’ll Burlington, fMittther ; so set clnvvn set down mi the bench mar, ’uen-t the gals, and dry. My mbs, stranger; Soke, off with his jacket und hang it im the peg.iliac, ten dt v.’ I exi with, the young onn n, anji Solve obeyed her mother, mid Ml dill i. jF ‘ ; ‘-•MV''’ mart went tor my horse, and w hile lhe landlady prepared the supper ” hie li I had ordered, I took a look hi surelyjaliniit the apartment, to see where my strange journey hud landed me. *he room in whieh Ism appeared to cmistiiute the whole house, whieh was not more than eighteen feet square, built of nuk logs, with die hark left on. A piece cut out of two of tin* logs admitted a small sasli, containing barely four panes of dir ley glass, which was the cntlv window in the house. T ‘He, there were other pla ces through w liicli light could (fitter, if I might judge from die wind which whis- lied ibnmgh ll<e rmfm. n <l ceilnin lnlghl ‘lrons whit'll (etilrmii sil>nvc t <.)iie nf wlii-li liit me <ui ilt£ nose, as I was Marina hi tlte long, iiiiult shingle* t-merimi the rim!. I’!'** “ie (line extended nearly (■/<■*> i?M'e jitJe iifiiie. n.orti, mid, wiili the Hunt* rfcy, tv** <i.jhimvl of Miens mid mini. )"■!*- t ulll mi the mil.i.ln id tin- iio’ii,e. i mi bed*, ‘liisiverilig die vminns |mr|in es nf soimlryiulnilie, fee., oeenj.iwi’ *!“• • > ;>ii<ile’ *jde. Oterone of the be|^3 eivut Innhimr rule, wiili its ?:rrr>ev' , "'.L :nii.-.i|f, 11 |,ow%; horn, deer* jriMll !■ • •l.ll|!li.H(h f„r floor Wai of ‘V*/ ■- ■Sir • || Pi ;i:i-'.o red , < - l -” ■Brl, H” ordinary - Wed a moinr-in o ucr ’ , Ppriii of either ol tlit ir ’ ‘ Fa I-sass: thou woohlst o\ thy rotundity, hadst ■BBr* l there ! Os nearly e qual size, a >isiy vgalln-i cask would have either of their waists; —- their individual height was scarcely J less than six feel. I confess, [ felt what ashamed of my piginy proportions, especially as I fancied that they looked uptm me whit a sort of complacent.pity, in making the comparison. x- When I first entered the room, Uy the side of each voting iadv sat a den\jt look ing vmmg ‘lie hot of part ner; hut.they immediately aiuse, backed Up to one Os the beds and sat down. I Stranger, corn fodder’* read v,’ said the ■turd-la if y. ||B|noked op in some perplexity, bin she table, and I sat down tc ibis day. The cup of ■ iiiiti-eaies tea w :i< well eno® ! ” coarse corn cike, heat 1-ache ; hut llwt thick slices ami reeking w idi lard^BL?'' n,ul *"S in gra junks of fat pork, w ! it; ‘corn sod- Ld’s say no more *l> e lr a ami-* dec.’ sure enough! 1 ■ . . - ‘ ,- vv , piickaciiee Tor-: inn:i.i\ ‘ I should like to go to tk-d, „I y cooit woman,* said I, ‘ VV..I, low, I reckon yer from East, haint ye ?’ • I am,’ said I. * Re< koiied so ; yer baint ’quainted with fnsliuns in our parts; we all burrer ill the same hole; but if them thur chaps what’s come gallin , ’grees tn’t, we’ll turn in now. What say, Josh ? Yuji an* ’Mieh mineier buss the gals anklet uny tnrn in neow.’ Jr The ga lants signifietMtieir assent, though somewhat reluctantly-, and each taking a smack that made the rafters ring, went “in the door, I win'requested to leave also that the Indies might have an opportunity of making their toilet for the night. We wailed some minutes. * .What’s ail that creaking inside ?'— su'd I. ‘ Gals gittin in be<l-~he, lie, he !’ an swfred one of the youths ; let’s go in.’ We entered. Two mops of yellow hair peeied above the chillies r f'one of die beds, whose /tortured frame creaked and groaned /iitnuhaiieojsly with their respiiations. jA, feather bed, without sheets or pdfows. lay on the floor for ire three men./ 1 followed die example ol die others, imp taking ufTniy hoots, lay down witli mv clothes on, and feet towards the fire. The bed was very, very damp. I knew the danger—but vvliat better could 1 do | I sS*|it little. Heat and fold, alternate ly, lujd possession ot my body. 1 impa i-eniii watched for the day. On its first apperwimcr, I roused the old man, paid my biyl, was directed to Mount Vernon, where 1 arrived in half an hour, and went to bed s'n k. In three! days, I was able to ride in a w agon Inn R pi Burlington, lending Black Hawk bel>iii(fS v It was a lung ihge before 1 took as’ other lour. 1 had * seen the JEhuls#^’ A Philosophic iCuitoav, The editor of pie AhtbjS<^ ’**> published at Dettiopolis makes merry, afiertht! i|^'’ , ‘ wr ,as ’ ! bm, over what most s-e ----liuns trimhlc; „ j ■ , . -We see a,,v e r l*s e <J the v. ,v nfiseii- e. Argos eCI VV„ I, , * uv a merry slieliff C( „, s , || | we ev, *r c)ld. Like “ C ri, '" k il * o.kc ; r‘b.n7p t 7r; r( ,adv, f ,,M, r * >7"” d,M-,i. ,- i; IS •” ‘'XT” ,J “ wdn,‘e„. . o fi ” jjr ‘ '‘plied, ‘out to the sutiV