The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, July 10, 1851, Image 3

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ngfcyorins Provideuce may place at her even ‘ (a* a last resort) to a of every lie which binds her Hit Union,’ any and every power that aMps t> put upon her such debasing Kl‘ or am particular by wlini |He may be characteriz- Hf-whethif secession, revolution or any ■Rg else—Sftjr no one can for a moment HBbt, that shoiilfttiis fearful collision ev- Igpcome, tiie issue #flf J the arbiirament of the sword. Where Mpsiiiutions end, revolutions begin. tSßut, to my mind, the future presents Hksucli gloomy foreboding. So far we HPe maintained the honor of our Slate, HHI at the same time preserved tlie HSion. A firm and unyielding adhe ■ce to the principles laid down by our HBnvention, will ensure the future peace Bpd repose of the country, and will ena ■Be us, in common with our brethren of American Union, to realise all those ■pissing* which the future has in store BN* our country, if we will prove true to Hfe high destiny to which we have b-en Iplled. Let Georgia then remain firm decision she has made, and nut in* gpHile, by a vacillating course, a renewal strife and jealousies. | Returning you gentlemen, my thanks’ Hr the flattering manner in which you Hive been pleased to communicate to me Hy nomination by the Convention. I I am, very resp-cfullv, yonroh’t ser’v. HOWELL COBB. Hfessrs. Meriwether, Hull, Milledge Wof> I ford and Thomas. Throwing Broad Away. I We hear complaints on all sides, that |*ioney is scarce, the times liard, that it is Hifiicult for the poor, in these dull times, So get a living. We suppose that by the ’Word living is meant the prime staple of life, or, as it is sometims called, the ‘staff *ot life.’ bread. Now. bread is so plenty that we throw half of it away. In order to show wherein this is done every day, let us ‘ reason togeaiber'a little. The principle material of which bread is made in New*Eogland is flour, and this-you all l knnw is made of wheat. The good old lays of corn bread and ‘rye and Indian’ lave gone hy. Times has changed, and ve may w ell say that we have changed post essentially with them. There are nany causes for the deterioration of the trenglli of the people, but the principle jauses is the present mode of living. We lirow away the best half of the wheat, and fat only the finer parts. Every body mist have superfine flour on their table. Well to make superfine flour the wheat must he ground fine—the meal must then be bolted through the finest bolts or sives, and the bran and other coaser parts are carefully separated, and consigned to the pigs trough, qr cattle manger. What did the Almighty make these parts of wheal for ? Fur the nourishment of man; but man lias become so * unco ’ wise that he throws them to one side and pi cks out only the finer particles; and he dearly pays the penally of his folly, in decreased bsaltli, strength, and geneial samina of constitution. Let us inquire into the ingredients of wheat; and that w e may not rest wholly on our own individual authority, we will call others in, who have carlully exam ined the physical nature of w heat. Prof. Johnston lias done this pretty thoroughly and so we will draw upon him for a few facts First, we will take into ensideration me of the materials of our bodies ; and so second, what is needed to keepupthe re pairs or as they in the course olldile. | , The soljarts of the human body are fat and bone.—The liquid or fluid ii>ais of the body contain also the the fat ifnH muscle and bone iugredients rn a. fluid state, whereby they are con * veyed to different parts of the body, to he deposited were needed. Now every one knows that these three substance are liable to constant wast, and require to be re newed constantly. To renew then, we must eat food, and if we eat food tha t contains making* fat-muscle-,nakmg, and bone-making, materials, and the food is digested in a healthy manner, this waste is repaired with ease and pleasure. As see commenced with the art.cle bread, we will confine ourselves to that. Vegetable food contains these three mgredtents or materials and especially wheat. That food must be the most nourishing that supplies all ingredients of the body j most abundantly, on the whole or tn pro * . portions most suited to the actual wants of * s ie animal that eats it. Now the gram of wheat consist* of two parts, the timer , grain and the skin that covers tt. T e , inner grain is your superfine tlm iTTe bran. The middle t-.uot SfTmpeal the outer part perfectly away from the inner, and ts al ways mixed with your fl> t} but by the processor bolting, V* amoved more completely than in any ot er way, and it may, be considered whollj separated. According to/mfessor J., of the /de moting material*, wi' ( ,ie c mjatps twenty eight pounds in one thous nd ; twenty pouds, bran sixty Hinds.- I.J yon see, that while a thousand whole grain will W* ymmwemy-eight pounds of fat, a thousand fine lour will (five you ttpHyl end thou sands pounds of bran will give you sixty lf therefore you grind the wheat all to, gether, you get nearly half as much again of fat-making mnteril. Well, how is it with muscle or flesh-making material'— Whole grain contains one hundred and fifty-six pouds in one thousand, fine flour one hundred and thirty pounds. So you see that wheat ground all together gives one fifth part more muscle material than jgfijie flour. HAkcmuscle, you will allow, are very ipygHUte and their strength of great us. Ought we In supply them wish qclit materials ? But when we boh use only the finer parts, we throw aw.iva'U&ALtwo pounds of su< li out of ten. Os the bommw/iing mate* ml, whole grain contains ooWHutired- and seventy pounds in one thousandfmran seven bundled : pounds ; fine flour You will : certainly allow that hones are a ver&impor tant part of your bodies, and you utllsgebv the above that as it regards them the meal is nearly three times more noorisfihfM than fine flour. Now let us some the whole j together and see if we have not made out a clear cause, viz : that we are daily actually j throwing a vast quantity of food away. One thousand pounds of whole meal con tains, mascular matter, 156 pounds ; bone matter. 170 pounds; fat matter, 28 pounds ; | total 354. One thousand pounds of fine flour contains muscular matter, 130 pounds; bone matter, 60 pounds ; fat matter, 20 pounds ; total 210. Now deduct 210 from 354, and you have 144 pounds of matter very essential to nour ishment thrown out. Who then will say that we ate not throwing away food every day of our lives 1 Is it any wonder that we are growing up a delicate and effeminate people! Our children, instead of being fed upon coarse btead, and turned into the open air for exer cise, whereby lungs and limbs may be exer cised, and expanded, are fed on flour cake of the finest kind, and viewed up iri air-iight houses like plants in a hot-bed, which wilt on exposuie. We do not wish to be ultra in our notice or expressions, but we honestly be lieve that the man who invented the bolt to a flour-mill cursed the nation. OT’Twii Yankees were strolling in the woods, without any arms in their possess ion, and observing a bar ascending a tree without its paws clasped round ii the trunk one of them ran forward and < aught the bar’s paws one in each hand. He instant ly ca'led out to his comrade : ‘Johnathan,! say, go home and bring nte something as fast as yon can, till I kill The verrnrnt. Mind, dom stay, for I’m in a fix.’ Johnathan ran off as fast as he could, hot was an exceedingly long time return ing During the interval the hear made several desperate attempts to bile the hand of him who held him. At length Johnathan cam back, ‘Helloo, Johnathan, what the deuce has kept you ?’ Jonnalhan replied: ‘Well, I’ll tell you : when at liomp, breakfast was about ready’ and I gussed it would be as well to wait for it.’ ‘Here, now, Johnathan,’ said his com. panion, ‘come you and hold it, I’ll kill the critter in a jiffy.’ Johnathan seized the bar’s paws, held the animal w hile the other could it. ‘Well Johnathan, have you KOLlwfe ofhim ?* */ guess 1 have,’ replied Johnathan. ‘Very well hold him fast, 1 guess I’ll go to dinner.’ ~ HYMENEAL. MARRIED—On Tuesday evening Bth. inst. near Oglethorpe by B. Harris Esq. Mr. J. L. D. Register to Miss Isabella Car son all of this city. Oglethorpe Prices Current. - - .4-* 1 CORRECTED WEEKLT. BACON, Haras, per lb. . 13 cts. Sides, “ . . 12ft Shoulders, “ . lift a 12 BUTTER, Goshen “ . 25 a 30 Country “ . 12 a 15 COFFEE, “ . 14 a 16 CANDLES, Sperm “ . 50 a 60 Adamantine, “ . 40 aSO Tallow,. “ . 25h30 FLOUR, per bbl. $8 50a900 MACKEREL, No. I.‘‘ 15 00a 16 50 a it 2. “ 14 % **? “ “ 3. “ 12 50 CORN, per bushel, l 00 a 1 25 MEAL “ 1 25 LARD, per lb. . 12 a 14 Lead, •* 10 al2 MOL ASSES, per gallon 45 SYRUP, N. O. “ 50 a 55 Clarified 90 a 1 00 ! SUGAR, “ * 10 a 12 SALT, per bushel, . 1 00 a1 25 RICE, per lb. . . 5 a 5£ : Ol L. Linseed, per gallon 1 25 a l 50 ‘ T URP ENTINJE 4L- 1 00 a 1 25 i TALLOW, per lb. A* 10a 12 BEES’ WAX, per bl. . 20a 25 M jNOUR months after dale application will Rj be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Marion County, when setting for or dinary purposes for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Pliebe Peebles, late of Mar.on Conntv dec’d, ISAAC H. PEEBLES, Adra’r. July 9tb, 1851. 13 4m LdT No. 9 on Square 3 on the Corner Os Macon and Chatham Streets. Ap ply to PHILIP COOK. f Oglethorpe, July 8,185’. Carriages! Carriages! ‘l’ BE Subscriber announces to tlie peo ■L pie of Oglethorpe and sturounding Country, that he has now on hand, and will continue to receive, Buggies, Carriages,. Rocks ways, &c., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase anything I in his line; are invited to call and examine’ his Stork, at <l. C. Carmichiel Sc Co’s. Wate House, Corner of Baker and Cuyler Streets. T. M. JACKSON, Agent. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts Notice. THE Subscriber in order to effect n change in bis business, offers his entire Stock. Consisting of Diy Goods, Hard-ware, Crockery, Druggs, Medicine, Hats, Boots, Shoes &r., at very reduced prices. Those jin want of such articles will do well to call |H examine. : H WM. H. BREWER, ■■dcthoipe, July 9th, 1851. 13 if HHjCown Lot for Sale. NUMRERihree, in Square three, is of- i sered ter Street, aitsbiond side of the Magnolia House. For lfiil,tilf:.iaiquiie of C. B. Young blood, Esq. Oglethoipe, July 9ilh 1851. 13 5t J. Kaufman;jfc Bro. FLOUR, Sugar, Cofejjjyp, Molasses, Syrup, Lemon SyropyMMfom. Soap, Candles, &c. & c . Just recervedjJwLfor stile. Cheap for Cash. i Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts West Oglethorpe ? SITUATED on the riseiof Land West of the piesent locality of the City of Oglethorpe, Immediately after crossing the Branch.— Ground high and rolling, water good. Town Lots suitable tor business or residence. The Lots are immediately on the main road lead ing to Pondtown and Americas from which direction the principle trade for this point will come. Those desirous of health or plea sat.t locations, wilt do well to call and exam ine for themselves. Lots have already been sold to the amount of severa 1 thousand dol lars. Apply to the subscribers on the prem ises J. W. HERRING, N. L. ANGIER. West Oglethorpe, July 9, 1851. 13 ts Rates of toll at S. II I LtKK’S FERUIf. On Flint lliver. MAN and Horse, 10 Ox Cart; 25 I Horse Waggon or Buggy, 25 2 .< 2 “ Close Carnage. Barauch or Rockawaf, 35 4 or 6 Mule team, Jjp Anew Bridge is how built on the road from the Ferry to Oglethorpe across Buck’s < reek, making ilitt distance onlv two and half miles from the .Ferry. The landings are as good asjjuy b& the River. July 9th, 1851. 13 6m EH(iIA-~tIACOA COUNTY, Cturt of Ordinary , July Term, 1851. Present’ the Honorable Irbabod Davis, George Williams, and Nathau Bryan Justices. lIEREAS, James S. Hollinshed, Ts Administrator of Miles K. Harman, deceased. Conrad Mur|h, Administrator f Jacob Jasper Slappev, deceased, and James G. Moulton and McKinneth Taylor, Admin istrators of Thomas Taylor, deceased, have duly petitioned the Court fitr letters of dis mission from the Estates they severally rep resent: Therefore, all peisons rotfceined, are hereby cited to appear at the regular Term of said Court, on the Second Monday in January next, to show cause, (if any they canj why said letters of dismission should not be granted in terms of the Law. Given under my hand, at Office, in La nier, this 7th day of July, A. D. 1851 W. W. CORBITT, C. C. O. July 9th, 1851. 13 6m. Marshals Sale. WJ®7ILL be sold in the City of Oglethorpe Ts on Thursday, ?4ih insi., between the usual hours for sale, one bay horse undone sorrel mare, levied on as the property of John Crene, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from the Commissioners of Oglethorpe vs. said Crene. Jas. R. NELSON, Marshal. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 2t GEORGIA, M ACON COUNTY. | WHEREAB Natlmn G. Lewis applies ‘ tome for letters of Guardianship for r. the Otphansof Wilson Doster, late ot said County dec’d. These are therefore to cite, summons and admonish all persons concerned, that they be and apt ear at rny Office within the lime pre scribed bv law, to file their objections, if any they have, otherwise said letter* will be gramed ’ W W CORBITT CC O July 9th, 1851. larim _____ 1, — GEORGIA, MACON COUNTY. 11/ HEREAS, W. J. 1,1. Carleton applies ▼ f to ijiv fur letters of Administration on the estate of Dr. I. M. H. Carleton dec’d. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased o be and appeal at my Office within the time prescribed by Law, to shoe cause if any they have nr can why said let ter should not be granted. W. W. CORBITT, C. C, O. Joly 9tb, IW. 1* \m ICE! ICE?! TUEL subscriber possesses _ a any person tn-ntake Ice, in any clim™t>; with but little expertise or trouhle. The procelnis simple, and Vtanr be accomplished by the most ‘limitcd noder standing, so as the prodtuy; from even warjii water, in the hottest climate, a pute ice*,dv qual in every essential to that formed hy na tural causes. 1 lie luxury of always having I at ones will, in the heat of summer, a pair I and delicious Ire,.will readily be conceded; and its advantages, in cusps of sickness, can not be too greatly prized. By this samo process warm water can he rendered deligh lully cold in about 5 minutes, and ice creams, with many other luxuries, can be made in front 10 to 20 minutes. I he following notice of this great discove- : ry is taken from ihe New York Sun: “A Real Litxuut.— Dr. James R. Wil mingiou |Ueduces, hv an artificial process, pure and solid ice, front watnt water, in tin; ! heat ofsiimmer, in less than half hour. And he can render a barrel of water as cold as ice ilsell in a very few minutes. Tins discov- j ery must be of immense value to all living j Sooth. Terms.—This receipt, which contains full instructions for making ice and icecreams, cooling water, and nhmimeroos other useful matters will he forwarded to order for Two Dollars, by addressing Dr. Jas. R. Wilmin t°n. 122 Nassau st , N. Y. One Agent only will he appointed in each cobntv, and those desiring the ftgenev must forward §SO, for which they will receive 37 copies of the pamphlet, containing full in structions. Look Out for the New _ < if. iff j. jw _ Hap* O MNI BUS AND HACK LIN E. THU I’utilic are respcottully informed that the under signed is now running ;i ltafk from Oglethorpe for the purpose of couvoyingmwe.ngers to any point within fifty mites. Also tic will convey passengers from Ihe Kail Koad Dept to any pert of the City, on the most ac comodating terms. J. R. WALDROP. June 26. 185!, 11-ts, RAEDY MADE CLOTHING at Cost, fin Cash, by DONEY Sc Cos. July Ist 1851. 12-ts. Notice. AN Election will lip held on the 14th Inst. at the office of Dr. Iverson, for three commissioners, to fill the vacancies occasion ed by the resignation of corn’s. Arnold, Gum ming, and Calhoun, Resigned. By order pL the Council. , jsw _ • eV'IS P..G; ARRINGTON, Clerk. July 3,1851. 12-2i. Maeon Sheriff Sales. POSTPONED SALE. Tip IX he sold onthe Firtl Tm tdui/ in A ugut nerl before ” t+ic Cmirt House in Lanier, within the legal hours of ,saje, the following property to wit. Four Mules; levied on ns the property of McKinnith to satisfy two ft fas from Macon Superior Court, one in favor of Isaac Winship the other in favor of John Sturdi vant, one vs. said Taylor, the other vs. Me- Kronetli Taylor, Alexander Taylor and Jas. G. Moulton. THOMAS DIXON, Sh’ff. May 29. 851. A New Livery, Sale and Exchange STABLE, Located on the corner of Randolph and Chatham Streets, in full view of The Oglethorpe Hotel , WILL be completed and ready for business by the 20'b Inst, At this Stable will be kepi, Horses Buggies, Carri ages and Vehickles of all descriptions, to hire, sell or swap. Peisons will he sent to any poiht in Georgia. Horses boarded by the mouth, week or day. Persons coming to our place to take the cars, can find a large airv, comfortable and well kept Stable to leave their Horses at. Tire Lots adjacent to the Stables, are shaded hy a beautiful grove, and well supplied will, running water; Drovers are therefore, inviu and to give ?s a call, as ample provision will be made for their accomodation. A VV. COLLINS, G. W. ASHBURN, j. C. ASHBURN, M. S. McKENZIE. Oglethorpe July 1, 1851. 12-6 m. Z G.C. CAM ICIIAEL&Co. IliTff'ffi'W 1 Subscribers having as- HHMwK soiiated themselves tinder the above name, for the purpose of transacting a General Ware-Hous. and Commission Business, take this method ot in'orining the i Planters ahd Merchants generally, that they j jare now prepared to receive Cotton iu Stoie , or any other Goods on consignment. j They will-have on hand at all times Bagging,, Rope, Twine, Sugar, Coffee , Salt, Iron, Sft. SfC. Liberal Advances made on cotton when desired. REFERENCES. — Messrs. Logan Sc Atkinson; Macon, Ga.,’ “ Neely Sc Fleming; Griffin, “ GILBERT C. CARMICHAEL, JOHN P. HARVEY. Oglethorpe, Joly 3, 1851. 12-ly. I GEORGIA, Macon County. FOUR Months aftei date application will be made to the Court oi Ordmary of said County for an order to sell lot of land No- 130 in the SecoujJ District •!’ once Mus cogee, now said %tunty ot Macon, as th property of Williain*- Tomlinson deceased, for tho benefit of hi* heir* and creditor*. E. GUY, Adm’r. Msyt4l*M. * ? Am. JVEIX STORE , ON SUMTER STREET, First building iwov> the Magnolia House Smith $ Rogers M H AVC on hand a well assorted stock of JfASPRfXG 4’ SUMMER GOODS lOusLiiOg of every variety of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods BootS jjnd Shoes, Hats, Hardiegre ’ Cuifcry, and Crockery, Druggs and Modidues, Roadv-mado Clothing, SADLER T, STA Tlo.\Eli ¥, <s-r. } All of which will be sold very cheap. We ! would respectfully invite the citizens of Ogle ; tliorpe,attd the surron-idmg Country, espe.. ! cially the Ladies, to. call and examine for themselves. Oglethorpe, June 5,1851. B—ts. , GEORGIA, Macon County. SAMUEL WHITE applies for the guar dianship of Mary J. Cain and John R. Cain, orphans of Benjamin H. Cain dec’ l. •All persons concerned are requested to ap pear at the Coiut of Ordinary for said Coun ty on the first Monday in July n(?xt, and ob ject if they can, otlietwiso the motion of White will be granted. W. W. CORBITT, c. o. o. May 29. 1851, 7-30d. FOR SALE. The “Pavilion house” in the new town of Oglethorpe, situated on the corner of Crescent and Macon Sts., near and in full view of the Hail Road Depot, is now offered for sale. The building is new, the rooms are large, neat,and airy, possessing every convenience for live comfort of travel ers and boarders. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. ASHBURN, BOON &.Co. May 28tli 1851. 7-ts. FOR Sale, by DILL Sc MARSH ALL, a large quantity of Bagging, Rope and Twine. Fort Gains, Ga. June, 1 1851. 9 ts BACON! BACON! ! We have for sale 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at the low est market prices J|| DILL Sc M Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, IS&W’ 9tf j SL__ - ’ for Ga. by DILL <Jt MARSHALL. June 1, 1851. 9 if. TYJRANDY, WINE, GIN, WHISKEY, M3 SY RRUP, and VINEGAR, by DILL Sc MARSH ALL. Fort Gain*. Ga. June 1, 1851. 9tf O HOES, Hats, Clothing, Saddlery, crock- erv. Hardware, furniture, Nails, Salt, Iron, Plows, Sugar, Coffee, See See., for sale at the cheap Store ic Fort Gains Ga. by, DILL & MARSHALL. June I, 1851. 9 ts. Notice. ALL persons indebted to the firm of T. M. Jackson & Cos., in the Counties of Maeon, Sumter, Dooly aitd Marion, are no i find that their notes and accounts have been placed in the bauds of Philip Cook, Esq, of O glethorpe, for settlement. T. M. JACKSON Sc CO. Juia 19, 1851, 10-ts, HEN HE Undersigned having disposed of hi* B iaterest lit the GROCERY BUSI NESS to his late partner, Mr. G. F. P A LMS and J. W. W'EBSTER, of the late firm of Swift, Denslow & Webster, would respect fully solicit a continuance to them of the patronage of his late firm, A. WELLES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. •IQsly. COPARTNERSHIP. THE Undersigned having bought out the interest of Mr. A. WELLES, of the firm ot'Messi.s. A. Welles Sc Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will continue the WHOLE SALE GROCERY and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, under the firm of WEBSTER Sc PALMES, at the old stand of A. W. & Cos., and respectfully solicit u continuance of the patronage of that firm, and of the public generally. J, AV. WEBSTER. GEO. F. PALMES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. •10-ly. Macon Sheriff Sale. WILL be sold before the Court House dom, in Lanier, within legal hours, on tlio first Tuesday in August next; Lot of : land No. 46, in tho second District, of Macon, | County, as the Property of Levi Barfield, - | the same being the lot on which said Barfield resides, It is to be sold under sundry J ustices Court fi fas; John B. Felton and others vs said Barfield, Levies made and returned by a constable. THOMAS DIXON, Sheriff June, 25th 1851. 11. DRS. TOWNSEND'S Sc SANDS’Sars aparilla for sale at DONEY & Co’*. June 25th, 1851. NOTICE. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm of A. WELLES dtCo.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ei ther of tho undersigned, will attend to the business of the unsettled firm, nml are au thorised to use its name in liquidation. A. WELLES, G. F. PALMES. J#*u 19, 1851. *lO-l y • ttj-.fli NOTICES OF j. Ull? no i els. Em Oglethorpe Hotel, BY JAMES BELL. 4LLE.N SUTTON would respectfully inform the public that lie has opened )’ a Uiye and onrmdndioiis house for Public Entertmnmeil in me new town of Oglethorpe, under the management of tames Doll, whose experience in the busiuem will e nble Inin to give genera) satisfaction to all. The room* of the hou-e are well finished and supplied with excel lent beds,‘-Tho table will always be .upplied with the bestfurclhecountrvean aflbrd. In short it ia intea ded.if posaibl-. to make this house superior to any i* South-Western Georgia. A large Brick building i. now hehijjeret ted on the premises for the nur|Ke of affording exteiuive accomodations, which will be completed ky fall. The public are invited to call. Ogluthorpe, May, 15, 1851. 5-ly. Magnolia House, Corner of Crt scent and Sumter Street* Oglethorpe Cla. By A. M. Thomason. THE best accomodations that the times and market will afford may be found at the above named Douse, ai all time*. No effort will be *parud to render all wh* call, comfortable. June 5, 1851. 8-ly; PAVILION HOUSE, OGLETHORPE, GA„ Immediately Opposite the South Western Rail Road Depot s, s. BOONE. June 1, 1851. 7-ts. RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, Opposite Central Hail Iload Itepot, bass ra&cosr. BY S.M. LANIER. V > Afity 15.1851. *-l. ROWLAND SPRINGS. Tim subscribers beg (cave to inform their friends and tk* publiclhiil they liave leased the above welt knew*! place of resort, and that they intend keeping them during ‘ the summer neasiin in a style superior .to any, mate ring place in the up-country. The fa, use will tie open and ready for the reception of visitors bv tlie. first of Junt. Lanier & usher. , N. R —There will be a line of /Jacks otJbe Depot uft Cartersville at all times, to convey passengers to tlflj Springs, both from up and down train, of tlie Rail ItoaSH , >U_ U L J| SSa-,,. n ~, , ■.a+jar, 11 AmriT I iM)!' 1 11 \ 2 ! 4 S ■■ (r#h I / O. H. DAVIS * 3. B. DGLPH, HAVING nttrcbascll the above named Hotel would re spectfully itilbnutheir friends and the public geae rally that they have lakcn charge of it. Those vailing Fort Ganuo- will please give them a cull, a. no pains will be spared for the accommodation of thos. who fav.r tliem with their patronage. Annexed to the establishment is a large Lot and rsw. mod ions Stables, sufliciet.t fvr ths arcotsoiodatiaa tt Drovers. “A . ia- March 25,1+51. I—ls GLOBE HOTEL, { Sign of the Got Jen Globe) JPOT.U= 3 SEBDIRaiA.” - THK proprietor thankful for the patronage heretofsra received woiild most respectfully solicit hit friend* and the public generujly to continue iheir support. Ha ha- trusty sen ante, comfortable bed rooms, and liis labia shall besnpplied with the best the country can aflbrd. He will accommodate farther* who may visit Far! Gaines, during their stay, in the very best ninnner aad on the most reasonable .terms. Horses w ill be well at tended to—the proprietor superintending the aflairs *f the stable himseil'. JliShsk B. AVtliß. March 25,1851. I—if For Sale. LOT ft, 8, in square No. 9, in the town of Oglrtboryo fronting on .Vaeon Street, next lot to Afessrs. D.asy & co's Store. For particulars apply at this oflea, or ad dress Ui subscribers at KnoxviUe.Ga. WALTON k FINING. Jfay7tk 1851. 4-l GEORGIA—Macon County Court of Ordinary, May f’erm 1851. Presitnt their Honors, Ichnbod Davis, ]%* seplt Mott, George William*, O. C. Horis and Natlmn Bryan, Justice*. IT appearing to tlie Court that Abigil Duster, Adm’r on the Estate of VV’ilaoa Duster, dec’d, lias fully settled up said Estate as appeared by the vouchers filed in offic*, and prays to he dismissed from stud Admin istration. It is therefore ordered by th* Court that the Cleik of this Court cause* Notice to lie published, calling upon all per sens concerned, to be and appear at tb November Term of said Court tind show cause if any they have why letter* of Dis* mission should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes. W. W. CORBITT, Clt May ft, 1851. .ln, NOTICE. ■JT OST or mislaid, three promissory JLi notes made by Messrs Foster and Troller,-as pi incipal, and David Russ, (the name ol the other security not, recol lected) as securities, made payable to the President nt-d Board of Commissioners of the Town of Oglethoipe, the fust note will be due on or about the Ist of Septem ber, the second on or about the lit of January next, and the third on or about the Ist ol May next, each bearing date on the 23d day of April 1851, and escit amounting to Twelve Dollars and fifty rents, which said notes 1 forewarn all per son from trading for. By order of the Board >f Commisiio#- er*. P. G. ARRINGTON, Clerk. Ogletkarpa, Juat It. 1851. 9— ts * ‘[•TOYV on hand and for sale at this Office. Awl Justice’s Summons. Execution* See., Sheriffs’ Deeds, Juror Summons, Bonds&c* Any other Blanks furnished at short notice.- All orders when accompanied by ibe cashc will be promptly attended